Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, May 15, 1930, Image 8

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THE UNIOfMtECOHDER, MILLEDCEV1LLE, CA., MAY 18, IMP THIEF STEALS AUTO OF DR. McCEE MONDAY NIGHT bun Cmn and Drim Away Aft«r Stealing Money Fren House. No Clue Foaad A thief entered the home of Dr. S. L. McGee Monday evening in the absence of the G. S. C. W. teacher and stole the key* to hi* automobile tliat had been left in his desk made his get-away unmolested. Dr. and Mrs. McGee had gone ATTENTION - CARDEN CLUB ROBBER ENTERS THE HOME MEMBERS OF MR. RICHARD SMITH Data of Naat Moating—W May 28th—4 O'clock—Ha Flowars Raady The May meeting of the Millcge- •ille Garden Club will be held at the I! beautiful home of Mrs. Wililnm Hives—and it will be in the nature of t n stnull flower show—according Captured in Macon Tnaaday After He Had Mado Got-away. Mr. Smith Shoots bnt Misses A negro boy, named Wilbur Jack- on. was arrested in Macon Tuesday ifu*rt;oon and brought back here by ity police charged with entering the ionic of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith for the evening when the robber tn-1 Mrs. George Carper..or. chairman of, late Monday evening, tred the house, and took the key and ithe program committee for the spring j Mr. and Mrs. Smith one dollar and fifty cents in money I months, be watching your garden— automobile to take and went to the garage and drove j seeing what you will have—and get Dr. McGee's Essex sedan away. j ready to .‘end something to Mrs. The theft was not discovered unii’, Hive-' home or hie morning of the Tuesday morning. Police were noti-1 day of the meeting. Your ontribu- fied but no clue has been establish-jtion to this occasion should be ar id, ranged in n vase—and have your —. | name tied on it some way—and it car •thing that comes from your One flower (kind) i (mixed) ormanyflo Milledgcvillc Lodge of Elks will*of al Ikinds. Just send something entertain the Georgia State Conven-jthat you have grown yourself—I tion of Elks on May 22nd and 23rd. Ismail or large—and be sure to do TO THE MERCHANTS OF MIL- br an] LEDGE VILLE | yard. Our Lodge has contracted with th Richards Decorating Co., for deco rating the streels of the city at a high cost, but the most elaborate de-r nit ions ever placed in* any city. You will be proud of the appearance of your streets for this great ocas- sion Now we wish to ask every mer chant. banker and professional man on the main blocks of the city to co operate with us and have the Rich ards Company to decorate the front) of store.-*, offices, etc. Help this in the morning. Mrs. Rives will see that the vases or bowls or ,f what- i*-it”—are arranged to the best ad vantage and wheif .'ill members gath er that afternoon—there will surely he something worth looking at we are Mrs. Ennis father who had been stopped on Medlin hill by a blow' out. When they returned Mr. Smith went into the house and found the negro in his bath room. He grappled with him several minutes and when ho releas ed him to get his pistol the negro ran out the hack door and disappeared in oral | the durkness. Mr. Smith fired his pistol twice at the fleeing negro. Policeman Cox saw the negro leave Milledgcvillc early Tuesday morning and with Mr. Will Harrison pursued him. He was captured afternoon while waiting on the court house Macon for a friend. GEORGIA, Baldwin County. The appraiaers appointed to set aside a year’s support to Ola Ford, colored, out of the estate, of Joe Ford, late of said county, deceased, have filed then return to this Court. This is, therefore, to notify all per son- interested to file objections, if - . «■ uciorc me first Monday in June, 1930, or else said return will then be made the judg ment of this court. 3ERTIE B. STEMBRIDGE. Ordinary. all i This will probably be the start of -so do your cat— fix up your prettiest—and nd it around in the morning. Then to j look your prettiest—and smile your show* the visitors, who will be hi by the thousands, that Milledgcvi is an up-to-dntc city. We have mailed thousands of let ter* in every section of the State ad vertising our city as the most beauti ful a id best city in Georgia. Mil- ledge* ille ha* never had the adver tising Sefore that we have given her, so help us make our boasts good. Let every merchant receive Mr. Richards pleasantly and .arrange for decora ing in the way it is needed. This Company is the official Doc< raotrs for the Elks of the United State* and there are just one million of them. Feel assured that we will appreciate your co-operation in inuking Mil- ledgevilli* a BIGGER and Better City. Fraternally yours, Milledgcvillc Lodge of Elks J. H. Ennis, Ex. Ruler. around in the af- j ternoon—date May 28th—time four o’clock. More next week—this is to tell you to start to commence to get ready. KEIXE W. HINES. President JUST A CARD TO THE LADIES OF MlLLEDCEVILLE Few people reulizc the magnitude of the Elks Convention to be held in Milledgcvillc Thursday and Friday, May the 22nd and 23rd, Millcdge- ville will We taxed to her capacity and we will of course be forced to send hundreds to Macon for night accomodations. This will be done by Buss and Taxi cabs at no cost to the visitors. There will he numbers of Pullman* to accomodate those who come in them, but this will not care for one-tenth of th evast numbers who will attend. We need help from those who have a spare room. Especially for young ladies who will attend as sponsers and will be on the floats in the Pa rades. The young ladies of the city should take hold of this and try to make every thing pleasant for them. Now we wish to urge every one, who can possibly do so, to cull Frank E. Shealy, or CapL J. H. Ennis, or better still, write a letter stating just how many you can care for, whether you prefer young ladie^ or gentlemen and permit us to place your name on the list of accomoda tions. Permit us to say. that the people of Millodgcvillv are responding liberally and we appreciate the spirit, but it will take wonderful help to put this Convention over to do credit to Milledgcvillc. Kindly give this your serious con sideration and write, or phone as Fraternally yours, Milledgcville Lodge of Elks J. H. Ennis, Ex. Ruler. The members of the newly formed Chiropractic Educational Bureau, augurated by the senii-annual c vention of the Georgia Chiropractic A&sociation in Atlanta lost mouth, held their second meeting in Macon last week-end, with an all day aion, with the following chiropractors in attendance: Dr. J. M. Burgess, chairman, of Statesboro; Dr. England, Macon; Dr. A. Wilson White, Thomuston and Dr. II. E. Stanford, Milldegeville. Plans were perfected for presen tation to the Board of Directors for approval, for promoting a statewide educational campaign as to the true principles of chiropractic. The com mittee will meet again in Macon with the Board of Directors in two weeks, tops Why not try our especially arrang ed Rail and Motor Tours. A -new vacation recreation combining rail and motor transportation through the Appalachian Mountain sections of Virginin, North Carolina, Eastern Tcnne.-Bee and North Georgia. For booklets and complete information, call on G. R. PETTIT Division Passenger Agci.t Southern Railway System Macon, Ga. Of course Sixes Beat Fours Bmt imtkm ESSEX CkmUem*er you get a Super-Six The Super-Six principle gives the New Essex Challenge; ea»y domin ance over conventional Sixes. IamA at the record*. They show what any new Essex Challenger can do. No "Six^everproved such all-around Per formance, Reliability and Economy. Ea*rx Rctpt it* .Vcracti far Tract The Super-Six principle frees Essex from vibration. It suvet* driver and car from nerve-pounding dis comforts. It make* Essex a long-lived car. Modem, balanc«M design accounts for this. A com pletely ^ balance*! power line plus the Super-Six principle and the Lanchrster balancer are a part of this careful engineering. Ef tmd Jfaawy, Taa The new Essex Challenger la' big and roomy with ample interiors and greater comfort. Beautiful inte rior appointments carry out the fineness and dis tinction of this car. Everyone knows Sixes beat Fours. Every owner knows that a Super-Six as decisively beats the conventional Six. 735 f.o.h. Detroit, factory for the Coupe Seven other model* just ua attrac tively priced. Wide choice of colors T. H. ENNIS DON’T Throw that Old Pair of Shoes Away We* Fix ’em Like New Only the Best Leather Used and only the Highest Quality Workmanship Phone 373 BLAIN’S Shoe Shop & Pressing Club “If We Caa’t Fix ’em Throw Them Away" What a Difference ^ S^ s \\j 90 Days Make./ 'p' w loDAY a Toddling chick ... in 90 days a proud pullet about to lay. There’s some thing to think about I Tiny bones and little muscles have grown several times in size ... a delicate fuzz has sprouted into hundreds of feathers ... a chick weighing grams has grown into a pullet weighing pounds... all in 90 short days I A wonderful chkuge ... and only one thing can do it... good feed I Thi« year consider Purina Startcna Chow <maah) and Purina Chick Chow (scratch) or All-Mash Startcna Chow for the first six weeks . . . and then Purina Growena and Purina Intermediate Hen Chow until your pullets are lay ing at 16 weeks. Put these Chows before your chicks. You will see pullets that arc built right. . . pullets thst will lsy eggs aplenty in fall and winter when eggs am always worth good money. L. D. SMITH Tike a watch for example. that tells you what we mean by QUIET OPERATION GENERAL # ELECTRIC AliL-STEBL KEraiGERATOR S TAND three feet away from a General Electric Refrigerator . . . . and you can barely hear it run. Sealed in a permanent sup ply of oil, it is the acme of quiet operation. All the mechanism is enclosed in an her- metical steel casing, free from dirt, dust and moisture. The unit is on top of the cabinet where it belongs. The General Electric Refrigerator is of in destructible all-steel construction. The cabinet is up-on-legs, with ample broom-room under neath. The‘inside is of white porcelain.... easy to clean and to keep clean. Come to our store right away. Let us tell you why no General Electric owner has ever had to spend one cent for service. Liberal terms of only #10 down, balance in 30 months easily enable you to have the model of your choice NOW! Geo kg i a MONTHS TO WS’/ COMPANY A CITIZEN WHEREVER WE SERVE