Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, May 15, 1930, Image 9

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thoughts FOR SERIOUS MOMENTS No man is in true health who can not stand in the free air of heaven with.his feet on God's free turf and thank his Creator for the simple lux ury of physical existence.—T. W. Higginson. The wise man must renfhmber that while he is a descendant of the past, he is a patent of the future; and ,hat his thoughts are as children bom to him, which he may not carelessly let die.—Herbert Spencer. Next to knowing when to seize an opportunity, the most important thing in life is to know when to fore- n advantage.—Disraeli. . , ;■ believe it—but I have ! i( f I wrote you last— LjVi«n«i * m *y not Iook —° ut , ,r the le.-s. Of course vet attained that figure ! J1 the fashion papers display *y teli you how swell you will ,.r that or the other just from Gay Paree— Ti fallen off just the same. , pn^oibly the long hours I have n keeping >-ut what’s a fellow to when there is so much to do and tan't leave any [of it off? It’s t ,. have lets of things to keep i, u? y—and nice to be abie to do but eh gosh! as the little boy -when the things lap instead of ire which end can you cut -Aye -there's the rub.” the Sing is over—and the etta is Inver—and we all “fit-r id’ o . died" over both try- [o make them grand and howi- Rnrcess. We never saw so many a in all our life os there was i . ur Red Letter Day—and wr iud a »etter time. We Kt able to vigglc a toe when came—but ve were able to it—ami that is a.l that counts. We t aut if ul day—we had a love- •red we hud a grand sing—and k bd a eV"'1 dinner—(I know be at with everybody on the Maybe that was the rtsa- a. >. tired when U was over.) m said to me a day or two ird—“1 came around to see as “nine on—and you put k—'■ well it was in n good -*« hi should worry. We’ll |d>> th. -ane thing next year should | be “happen around." Then the Operetta—we almost ad t cirri d home after that was wr—hut the girls were ap pretty ad they all did so well—that we topped up our selves drank a and went on to the next that is something else. We |t£hiot -peak of il here. 1 lave come i , ht\ near losing my oh with :i man—he didn’t «ni to think that the fact that I : uund. and a few ■•-'ht- sleep—should keep me from ximim: down t.. the office with my and the Other as [ should I** ■' and I here-with apologize vice and hope it v |kpi» n again. The boss gets terribly •*y'' every now and then and I l " threaten to “walk out '* he says much more—and who believes that—send i di.ll ir. n w lhl . a , (0ve j s . th|f .. Thig » f t hi - communication—and ”1 Hat"—I haven’t gotten that The sing and the Operetta I r •■“•en all that has been run- !J nd in circles for Green- Given a government with a big or pins and a big majority and a weak opposition and you would debuuch a committee of archangels.—Sir John A. MacDonald. Education—a debt due from pres ent to future generations.—Geo. Peabody. Wonder is involuntary praise— Young. The world is blessed most by men who do things, and not by those who merely talk about them.—James Oliver. Co-operation is not a sentiment— is a necessity.—Charles Stein- metz. i ds to the squat e inch THIS WtU IN HISTORY OA, MAY 1* HR Friendship is the highest degree of perfection in society.—Montaigne. Mmy 12—First marriage in Massa chusetts colony, 1621; Temmany Society founded, 1789; William Howe born, 1803; Robert Baldwin, 18D4; Henry Cabot Lodge. 1850. May 13—Jamestown colonists began to build, 1607; war against Mexi co declared, 1846; Mississippi flood glows more serious, 1927; Marie Theresa born, 1717. j May 14—First Conititutiona] Con vention convened, 1787; Lewis and Clark started on expedition of ex ploration, 1804; Pershing placed in | command of A. E. F., 1917; Ga-j briel Daniel Fahrenheit (inventor of thermometer) born, 1686. May 15—Department of Agriculture established, 1862; Standard |OU .Jo., dissolved, 1911; Florence Nightingale bom, 1820. May 16—Abraham Lincoln nominat ed for president, 1860; Memorial to Queen Victoria unveiled in Lon don, 1911; Henore de Salzac born 1799. May 17—Benjamin Franklin died 1790; Postal Money order act passed, 1864; Edward Jenner born 1749; King Alfonso (Spain) 1886. May 18—Napoleon Bonaparte made Emperor, 1704; Machine for mak ing nails patented, 1824; Interna tional Peace Conference held at the Hague, 1899; draft bill signed, 1917. ’ KovsmIioIkI Habit is a cable; we weave a thread of it every day, and at last we can not break it.—Horace Mann. The highest and most lofty trees have the most reason to dread thun der.—Charles Rollin. HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW? Qaulioni 1. What was the first trans-con tinental railroad in the United States? 2. Who is the heroine of Scott’s “Lady of the Lake?” 3. What is the capital of the Aus tralian Commonwealth? 4. What two states are called th< ‘garden" states? 5. Who was the author of “Sci ence and Health?” 6. Wfiat Is tfte flower of the month of April? 7. Whut is the monetary unit of Canada? 8. Of what is the dove the sym bol 9. What was ti:e first name given to Utah? 10. What is tintinnabulation? 11. What is the name given to czar's son? 12. What docs "piano" mean Union Pacific. Ellen Douglas. Canbrera. New Jersey and Kansas. Mary linker Eddy. Daisy. Dollar. Deseret. * A ringing of bells. Czareutch or tsareirtch. Soft. CADETS STAGE PARADE IN STREETS SUNDAY Rair. Sunday made drilling im possible on the athletic field at the college, so the cadet battalbon stag ed their utual review and parade the streets bordering the G. S. C. campus. The parade was witnessed by large crowd and It was the first op portunity the young ladies had tc the cadets on parade. The Band concert was given on the campus in the band stand as usual. HEALTH ALL UPSET Lady Didn’t Sleep Well; Wat Weak, Suffering Before Site Took Cardfli. Cairo, HI—A year and a half sgot when sbo was In a run-down, weak ened condition, Mrs. John A. Mcd- lln, of 2901 Commercial Avenue, this city, took CarduL Here is what she has to say about it: “At times I would have bad head aches. My legs hurt a great deal. My nerves were all to pieces, and I did not sleep welL I got so I could not sleep a night through. “I read about CarduL I began taking this medicine and found it in every way suited to my need. “I began to feel better very short ly. but I continued taking Cardul as I wanted to feel strong and welL “Before long I was feeling just fine. I slept well I had a good appetite. Soon everybody was tell ing me how well I looked. My color was good and I felt like doing niy work without any great effort. “I am glad I took Cardul. I rec ommend it to others, as ifty health greatly improved after I had taken it.” If you are run-down, nervous, or ir.*dlclne, used by women for over Jlty years. For sale by all druggists. Get a bottle today. NC-222 Frigidaire is sold with a definite guarantee, backed by General Motors. And still more important to you as a purchaser is the fact that year after year Frigidaire continues to give satisfaction — long after the guarantee has expired. If service should be re quired it is rendered instantly and without removing the machine from the premises. r yggL« • i this is ^ times R. W. Hatcher Hdw. Co. Wkleule k Retail WANTED ROOM 666 Tablet. PERMANENT Use by Man. Write Box 217 City 5-5-30 2t Reliewi a Hoadacb* or Nonrnlgin ia 30 miaul**, dwell, a Cold tka fir»t day, and chcok* Malaria ia thro* day*. 666 ALSO IN LIQUID. DR MURRAY KING Phone 129-1 Ret 105 Jefferson Street Veterinarian Milledgeville, Georgia LAMAR F. HAM SKOAL ACENT NEW YOU LIFE MSUNANCE CO. PHONE S61 old . -hors H I rush out when l| M school and pull nut tongue hangs out—- 1 ,r ning thnt same gras* again. Then I get ’< and dig it up—and -up it pop.i. But 1 things are looking t these days—drive by last message ia the "f ibis letter—and as 1 r "—just read on— | ■ D-p.rln.., Storm U tint., I ' •*« loll of Lodi., .km.. „ wi, “Y-I.r price. 5-1-30 41. DR GROVER C. JONES OSTEOPATHIC physician MACON. GA. phone 1571 HCOOLEMlLUNCCa OPTOMETRY OMEGA FLOUR MnlntaW .ft» r «e.*efcH«ay eae. Prawn by I hava boon practicing op I on* a try in MillodgcTillo for 20 yonrs. My chary** are rumahl*. I gna ran too all work dmmm a» ropro- •ont*d or rofund y*«r moniy. So you taho no chanca* in doing buai- •m with no. Offko hour* t to 12. 1 t« 8, Sunday 2 to 5. - W. J. Brake COAL is an ancient discover}’, but consumers of our various grades are continually discovering its siored-up wealth. Rich in carbon. but poor in ash—sums up the rc'asons for the general satisfaction rendered Our service is a match for their quality, too— Sy our coals, i i:p to scratch. FOWlHI-raiSTEII coil :o,' BOSTON nrr j—WHERE EVERYBODY EATS— I -Froah Egg* Sorood Doily" FRESH NORFOLK OYSTERS j AND WESTERN STEAK DAILY I Try Ow I Jfc BLUE PLATE DINNER BREAD FREE FREE BREAD Every Saturday during this year 1930. we will give you with each 50c cash retail purchase in our store. One 10c Standard she loaf of Electrik Maid Bread At Culver & Kidd Drug Co. 224 Of Course "The Rexali Store” Phones -:- ALSO ASK FOR YOUR CHINA TICKETS 240 BRICK That Clink Lika Steal An Ma*» few tk, -MwMILLAN- BURNT IN OUR CONTINUOUS KILNS There b No Waste in Our Bricks. Ww MU, QM SUyuatw !■ Aw. QwHtw. RICH CL0 FACE BRICK-FIRE BRICK-COMMON BRICK Milledgeville Brick WorksCo MILLEDGEVILLE, GA. lilnHiId IMS by J. W. M*MUUa. K C. MnMtffea, hgdiiRl Mn McMHlan, ViwhuUw*