Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, May 22, 1930, Image 3

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THE UNION-HICOZDZX. MUXEBCEVILLE, GA.. MAY M. I»X WITHIN the an ' (By MISS BIDOV) . \ov ever eecn such • r»y Zl P'*ve » Mill^eviUe! The ^rations on ell the .tore, the ».y j r- of the bunting flags that ure JL in the .*t reels certainly give ai city » carnival atmosphere up- jeirancc. Everybody seems to be ready to I ]Ci)ine the Elks to the city Thurs *7 and Friday. The election of a • i;]edgevtUe of course has cau-«-dmuch intern*. The list of ".inee. that ha* been made . the names of some of our most beautiful and attractive youn* II jedies and Friday when the parade paan-J threueh the streets, we wlil oateh the fi rat of the Milleditcvillo tedee with interest to aee who the I ten-red younp lad- will be. Graduatiip time has come aftain , P .i rex! week promises to keep us , nt rj>h. Peabody High, G. M. C. joeG. S. C. W. will all have their j^aencement exercises right to- | f 3rT and we will be in a mad rush > all the interesting events e been announced for the [ i»xt week. is the senior play at G. M. C. I in( j the senior play at Peabody. Both usually fine, we understand. | Then the grade children at G. M. C. for a performance. Over [ ..n hundred Milledgeville children take part in the pageant that the | praJe> will give. On the following ninjr. -Major Ostorman and his •: wonderful band are to be the il parties in a delightful program. Major Osterman does himself proud and each I jar we wonder how he can get 1 vtb: i and as good as the one he has | to Tar. But he always does, c Sac: the personnel is most always Kurd, and he has to begin again it a* beginning. I have heard quite a bit about the ntderful performing canary Maj. Overman has. He has trained the |£n!i bird to do many interesting He tells him or her, as the ay be. to lie dead and the bird I obeys immediately. He jumps when | told and does many other things that r knew a bird would do. I am | going by and take a look at this re writable bird some of these days. Sptaking i{ birds, the Robert Me* j Combs have i most intelligent parrot, told. He sings and cusses be- rarrying on a regular contfer- II is greatest trick is notify- I 15 * : 1* family that it i> meal time. I The U. I). C. had quite a ceremony “ their recent meeting when the paid note on the boulder, that was •cted last fall, was presented at the acting. Mrs. David Ferguson ' a “‘ lver tray with a light- “ t,3n<i, ‘* an<l Mrs. R. R. Moore set n to tJl< * notc - Mrs. Ferguson al- •*> does things in a most interest- |“C and thoughtful way. Her parties entertainments are different and always thoroughly enjoyed by her MB. BUFORD STEWART ' HOW MED SUNDAY Passed Away At Home of Her Sea Dr. Richard Binion. r u.mil and Burial Services Held hi Sparta Mrs. Buford Stewart Binion, widow of the late Mr. O. L. Binion, of Sparta, died In this city Sunday af ternoon, at the home of her Bon, Dr. Richard Binion, whom she was visit ing when stricken with a fatal heart attack. The remains were can it d to Sparta and the funeral services held Monday afternoon, at the home of Mrs. Bin- ion’s daughter, Mrs. Geo. Berry, Rev. Mr. Eakes, pastor of the Sparta Methodist church assisted by Rev. J. F. Yarbrough officiating the inter ment was in the Sparta cemetery. A large numbev af the friends of Dr. Binion from this city attended the funeral and burial services. EIWANB CUIB HAVE mats MEN AS QUESTS As Enthusiastic Gathering •* chcaa Sponsored hy The Oaly Civic Clah far Man ia The City tag their convention in the city. Rev. F. H. Harding president, announced that he would appoint an active committee. 1 Pound Package Royal Scarlet Marshmallows 25c at MODERN GROCERY CO. horn she loves and whose association and love she has enjoyed. There is no more attractive child in the city than the baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Ham. I met her the other day and she was a pic ture of beauty. Her golden locks, bright blue eyes and dimpled cheeks make you think of the little girls you see in pictures. The Kiwanis Club at its meeting Thursday evening had as their guests twenty of Milledgeville’s business men. At the conclusion of the luncheon Rev. F. H. Harding welcomed the gue.'ts in behalf of the dub. and turned the meeting over to Dr. E. H. Scott, chairman of the Program Committee, who had arranged for several members to present different phases of the work being done by the club. Talks were made by Col. Geo. S. Roach, President of G. M. C.; Dr. H. D. Allen, Mr. F. E. Bone, Mr. L. C. Hall, Dr. W. T. Wynn and Col. Erwin Sibley, District Governor of the Kiwanis Clubs. These talks stress ed the co-operation of the club with educational, agricultural, social, busi- nc* s programs; an outline of the ac complishments of the local club, and n plea and setting forth of reasons why the business men of Milledge ville should co-operate with the club in working for the interest and ad vancement of the city. Col. Marion Allen, who was one of the guests was called upon and made an enthusiastic speech. A resolution was passed pledging the co-operation of the club in as sisting in entertaining the Elks dur- New Gellette Razor are saM to yo for 91.00 on trial if it* not the bei Razor end hlsdea you ever mod re* tern for fall crodit. Phone 224 or 240—CULVER A KIDD DRUG CO. 2 Package. Pillskary’z Cake Floor 70c. 1 Cake Plate Free at MODERN GROCERY CO.. DR MURRAY KING Phone 229-L Re« 105 ' Jefferson Street Veterinarian Milledgeville, Georgia 666 Tablets Ralievts a Headache or Nearnlgia in 30 minutes, checks • Cold the first lay, and cheeks Malaria ia three deyr. 666 ALSO IN LIQUID. COAL is an ancient discovery, but consumers of our various grades are continually discovering its stored-up wealth. Rich in carbon, but poor in ash—sums up the reasons for the general satisfaction rendered Our service is a match for their quality, too— by our ccals. ' it's up to scratch. FQWLER-FLE JSiER GOAL 10. •* taurth grade over at Peabody *• Pchocl have made a puppet The dolls that have been made \ Char »ctcrs are very wonder- ! f you “ w Tony Sarg’> dolls on " l y° u cotJ ld hardly tell the dif- lce * ,Xc,, Pt in size. In addition to the dolls, the children have " lhlir :,la k L '- scenery and have n v,r ‘ ltl n the plays that are to be ented. I have not had the pleas- - f seeing them, but my boss told aU ahou t them and he was so i-n- i si as tic anil elated over , uc wun . ° f them that he insisted thnt 1 _ somethina about them. Miss f Brooks is teacher of the class Bo • nt ' 1,l 'rf..rniancea hy the Fourth |:r P “ pprt ■*"» »«! begin next . , in the county has more dignity and charm ^ ‘ckterly, ’ the beautiful subur- / ,mi * of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. TM : .s magnificicnt old •re.ithes the hospitality and * ° f tie old South. Mr. and .a’-cher have been busy for . . I’taHting .'■hrubbery and ^Ting the grounds. Lucy and * ji * y . ®*taher are expected kr-fo midd,C ° f ncxt month for j ®mer holidays. They will have during the summer •’•eral of their class rnat^s erly** will be the scene of ***** and delightful social Bivimi s “ nd *y School ”"*' d ,hl ‘r loved teacher laat kin . Kift t0 her Wa * a 1,00,1 l ** e names of all those H ‘ ten 5n h®* 1 class since it * Pto,”' Blvin * wil1 enjoy turning and calling to udad Every Saturday during this year 1930, we will give you with each 50c cash retail purchase in our store. One 10c Standard size leaf of Electrik Maid Bread At Culver & Kidd Drug Co. Of Course “The RexaB Store” AI^O ASK FOR Y0§R CHINA TICKETS I gRJChatCIjnk^Like Steel Ar. Msd« by thv “MeMlLLAN” Prmsaa BURNT IN OUR CONTINUOUS KILNS There is No Waste in Our Bricks. W* Maks Owick Shipments in Any Qaantitv. Milledgeville Brick WorksCo