Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, May 22, 1930, Image 9

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THE UNION-RECORDER. MILLEDGEVILLE. GA., MAY 22. 19*0 .11 Will F'»&** knows "j. in th paper:—he surely , r K>nt>—for you read some in them now-a-day*. I j people that you ( * )r i now about because they I ju you) and what they are VI'* t-bl 11 * — thdre-atod every- * ° -;„w there’s Bobby Jones of . _.,f course we all feel like 1 A ’-.w Bobby—don’t we? Well— I," MVt . r the >-!g pond playing golf ce of Wales. And O. course we will read y in the Journal :.ler talking to :;ing pictures of him with Doug Fairbanks, re two Atlanta women ami I knew one of them) who have u t rrrrntiy been presented to the n ;,r.l King in London—and the knows what we will be hoar- Why, I can remember ni!. that if anybody you knew , <r even SEEN the King it would be good fc r n life- iif conversation—and tb play t - th the Prince! My—but how »have changed! ii• l.y-tbe-way—O. B. says that .per "went across” to sec Bobby ;jr : game—he is coming back to untry—then "across” again to iher game that Bobby is sche- play—and take Mary with N<nv that’- what I call being pretty much ns you please Big Pond twice in Ttu< — 'u-t to see a couple of games »f P>lf. We have a few folks from c Some Town who are going to "go icrov" and travel around a bit this yumir. r—and we had quite a few art year who did the same thing. It is settlor to l*e quite the thing i-Jjy—an! I just wonder if it will i-rr pome my time. If that day d- dl round—I am pretty sure of c hing-—I -hall have to plnn NOT to rt any flowers that year—for I afraid I would be sending a cable k to the good man of the house loll him NOT to forget to water m—and then there would ible in the family. And I ai sure that I shall have to "board to and from school and around and about—I just think to myself—"there isn’t as pretty a place aiywhcre in Georgia"—or elsewhere for that mat ter. Don’t you agree with me? HARRY STILLWELL EDWARDS VISITS DR. AND MRS J. L. BEE SON. * Mr. Harry Stillwell Edwards, of Macon, and his son and daughter of Milledgeville, were recent guests of{t( Dr. and, Mrs. J. L. Beeson at the J Mansion:' Mr. Edwards .as every one know;, is a most interesting raconteur as well as a writer. He has adopted the Wesleyan college girls as his very own, but was pleased to know that in the physical trai. ng department at G. S. C. W., the Aeneas Africanus dance had been evolved and execut ed. It was a matter of regret that the Pathi Movie-Tone man could not se cure it along with the Field Day at- tractinos. Mr. Edward's name has been add ed to the college Lyceum attractions for next year. the —hut iecd for to that this - 'f w:l‘ “stand by” for minute—I’ll tell you a piece of *bat will make you jump up and sek your heels together three times f re they hit the ground. Ready J y K.—here goe—My grandson •-d my granddaughter will he here Must about another week—so if I anything that sounds queer— Pi may just set it down to excite fct for 1 ean hardly wait for the - < tn come. Of course many of you wo seen the grandson—b have seen the granddaughter tkat gives you something to live r If it is possible for a body to f?ar TWO smiles th"t won’t come ft—then you will see that feat per- ■oK-d the next time you see me v-atcr, out and see how it works, ■hall n .,t say m ore about them— present—for you know what they lJ a a Knindmo'ther and her ' o i dren—she talks too much t t cm. But of course—I ,n eXe *Ption to that rule. Kow did Crated a • or see anything a.* Did Home Towti i< . -’»ting? Now that’; : 'i°Z 7 ”' hl “ ,io ” hc " >•““ »*nl , m " now >’° u ore glad to have * me see you—and I have I w< * ’* ' n the back of my head y U Wns tkc intention of the city • ■ i and Councilmen—and a few interested friends—to have such decorations up when I ek from the hospital—but a «pped somewhere—and I wan lo f* n< l out just where. Hfrtuay-__jf j get invited to « n . 1 P ar i*de—I shall just l*>w Lk j. ‘ * Ton1 side to side and play k, *-’• the delayed event. Imagina- V\/‘ * freat thing—is .it not? !»ng that the Weather Man ^h’ ° d hum ° r th ‘" week—and 'a! 1 ' 1 sta &« * series of beauti fy r - 1 ,**. ° Ur go ^thinking that we have the rtic h ' nnywhere in Georgia— And h ° JU8t ** mct,y the truth - --*,11 now --laying all joking aside b. think OVw rtatement Itttly . b e , 10 “y it Isn’t per- «*/ No * “ rou r«l 1 Pound Package Royal Scarlet Marshmallows 25c at MODERN GROCERY CO. APPLICATION FOR GUARDIAN SHIP GEORGIA, Baldwin County. To All Whom It May Concern: Eli Barnes having applied for guardianship of the person and prop erty of Alex Collins Brown, minor child of Elbert Brown, late of said county, deceased, notice is given that said application will be heard at my office at ten o’clock A. M., on the first Monday in June next. This May 5, 19.10. BERTIE B. STEMBRIDGE, Ordinary and exofficio Clerk Court of Ordinary. House and lot In the North Wes tern part of Milledgeville bounded as follows: Op the West by Sol Screen, on East by Clark street. South by Union Baptist church, on the North by Sol Screen said lot fronting 90 feet on Clark Street, levied on and will be sold a the property of Grif fin Smith. I have notifyed the defendants In fifa, and tenants in possesion of the time ana place' of sale. J. F. VINSON Deputy Sheriff Baldwin Coounty. A VACATION SUGGESTION Why not try our especially arrang ed Rail ana Motor Tours. A new vacation recreation combining rail and motor transportation through the Appalachian Mountain sections of Virginia, North Carolina, Eastern Tennessee and North Georgia. For booklets and complete information, call on G. R. PETTIT Division Passenger Agent Southern Railway System Macon, Ga. Wunabak oriAousane/s APPLICATION FOR YEAR’S SUPPORT GEORGIA, Baldwin County. The appraisers appointed to set aside a year’s support to Ola Ford, colored, out of the estate of Joe Ford, late of said county, deceased, have filed then return to this Court. This is, therefore, to notify all per sons interested to file objections, if uny they have, on or before the first Monday in June, 1930, or else said return will then be made the judg ment of this court. BERTIE B. STEMBRIDGE, Ordinary. y General Motors. And still more Important to you as a purchaser la the fact that year after year Frigidairc continues to give satisfaction—long after the guarantee has If service should be re quired it is rendered Stantly and without moving the machine from the premises, R.W. Hatcher Hdw. Co. Wholesale and Retail APPLICATION FCR LEAVE TO SELL STOCK GEORGIA, Baldwin County. Notice is given that T. W. Brant ley, as administrator of the Estate of Miss Clara L. Brantley, late of said county, deceased, has applied to the Ordinary of said Coun'.y for leave to sell six (6) shares of pre ferred stock of the Georgia Power Company, and five (5) shares of pre ferred itock of the Continental Gin Company, for the purpose of paying debts and making distribution. Said application will be heard at the Court of Ordinary of said Coun ty, held on the first Monday in June, 1930. All persons are notified to show cause at that time why the application should not be granted. This May 0, 1930. T. W. BRANTLEY, Administrator. BERTIE B. STEMBRIDGE, Ordinary. SHERIFF SALES GEORGIA, Baldwin County. Will be sold before the Court house door, on the first Tuesday in June between the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for ca^h the following described property, levied on by virtue*of tax fifa’s issued by the Tax Collector of Baldwin county for taxes due the State of Georgia and the county of Baldwin for 1929. House and lot in the Northwestern part of Milledgeville bounded as fol lows: on the East by Clark Street on West by lands of Sibly on the Suuth by Walter Hnrgrove on the North by W. A. Walker, said land f*onting Clark Sl, 60 feet running back 90 feet levied and will be sold as the property of John Ros 5 . WATCH YOUR MOTOR OIL' MOTORS WEAK, NERVOUS Kubappi lair S*7* She Felt Stnifar, Better Altar Tekief Cerda. Green wood. ML*;.—Mrs. W. D. Taylor, of 1313 Carrollton Avenue, this city, has written at her use of Ganlul as follows: "About five yean ago, I was tn 111 health. I suffered a great deal of pain in my sides and In the lower part of my body. I was weak and nervous, and at the least noise I felt like I must scream. "At times I would have to go to bed. My head would ache. It would take me three or four days to get over these spells. "A friend told me to take Cartful, which I did. After my first bottle, I saw some Improvement. When I had taken three bottles, I felt stronger and better than I had In time, I did not have any animus cardui, after having found It of valuable assistance to In bulldinr up their health. Oardul is a purely vegetable madU due, and contains nothing harmful Tba — dlrtnsl value of the harta PAN-AM THAT MUST NOT FAIL If you had to fly witfa your motor, you’d take the word of every aviator: "Watch your motor oil.” And motor oil is vital for your car. The oils that guard the great motors of the PAN-AM Sikorsky Amphibian plane and the motor oils at your PAN-AM station are made with the same extra care from the pick of the world’s crudes. Refined to extra tough ness, PAN-AM motor oil stands up under fire. Fights blistering heat of metal sliding over metal, provides a smooth cushion for the hammering parts of your motor. Give your motor the protection t>f tough PAN-AM motor oil. Dnvr to a PAN-AM station today. PAN AMERICAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION PAN-AM MOTOR OILS