Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, May 29, 1930, Image 1

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«r N NTY Union-Hero ri>er • READ BY THOUSANDS • nd S^rroandiag 2JL Federal Ujiloa E.t.hlUhjjd in 1820 Southern Rttor8«r 1819 Milledgcville, Ga., May 2S<, 1930 Consolidated in 1872 Number 41 ^titive Drills to Close CLASS OF 45 TO MR. C. F, GREENE G. S. C. W. to Close Thirty- G. M. C. Commencement RECEIVE DIPS HAS PASSED AW AY Ninth Term Next Monday I R ST Children of reetJ s.mon City in Pageant Ration on Tuesday T h urs day Night Vj . ar w i!l have been wru- ! record of G. M. i . ,ond the half ,-entury j ;( . youthful soldier- ... : ». drilis aor prizes next , n and taps are ?j„ r the Inst time in the r ,, 11»29-30. r;ir> . exercises to the grndu- . program on next Tuesday . jytve U*en in progress out this ' ek. But the fin- thrili" "f the school year - when t: cadet companies h „ n ; ; field to go through in _ i;; v pne: ion the militrny ma- iii which they have been ed for the year. : rning Dr. R. C. Long, i Christian education in S-istheot Presbyterian church, h the haccaulnureatc ser- ’.e college auditorium. An - musical program rendered r- sbyterinn choir will con- gsirzely to the commencement l^ij afternoon the usual bard i>rnde wjll be witnessed Cj, hundreds of commencement •* at both "schools, lloc’-y’s program will be given irircipally to the alumnae of |e school who will be here for the ^ Eoine Coming day with a let, in the evening. The Duke t.ical ?onte-t and the prelimi- cotr.:* '.itive drills which will in- : individual competition com- lloo day's program. | Seventy pruduates will be awarded r diplomas and military ce^tifi- s at th graduating exercises sd.iy. I)r. W. W. Watkins, Impressive Excrcies to Mark Clos ing of Peabody High School Thursday Evening Peabody High School will close I one of its most successful years ; Thursday evening when forty-five _ - , p. c . . T * young ladies of Baldwin county will One Hundred and riily to lake j recc j ve their diplomas from Mis* L. Part in Brilliant Pageant hy G. r. c;. Barfeitt, principal of the high M. C. Grammar School j school, in the assembly room at the Georgia State College, for women. •♦.The Frolic of the Holidays,” a pageant in which more than one hun dred t.nd fifty Baldwin county chil dren will take part, will be the offer ing of the G. M. C. Grammar grades to the commencement program Thursday evening in the college auditorium at eight-thirty. Under the direction of the grade teachers the children have been train ed and directed in what has been pro nounced the most colorful and enter taining program the children have ever given. In opening with a special musical number by the first grade orchestra, the pageant will unfold an interest ing story of each month in the year and the various holidays and celebra tions in each. Drills and dances to Impressive exercises will mark tin- closing of the year and the passing of another class from the prepara tory ‘ school of the great woman’.- college. Miss Mary Mildred Wynn, honoi graduate of the cla l s, will deliver, the validsctory address for her class. Tin class poem will lie road by Mi;- Alverene Batson and Miss Alicia Barnes will deliver the salutatory for her clas*. Several songs by the class wll" complete a most delightful and en joyable program. Dr. J. L. Beeson will deliver j short address to the class members just prior to the presentation of thi diplomas by Miss L. R. G. Burfeitt. The following will receive diplo- «—*• « «—ICanditates ^t!^£SX: ““ Must Qualify «> Funeral Services Held Tuesday Mr. Chos. E. Greene, one » f M l- ledgeville’s well known and highly pected citizens, passed away at I hjs home in this city Jlonilny offer- 1 Entries for Democratic Primary Before June 3 Must Pay Pees Before Tuesday at Sin O’clock depict the fpedal season or occasion mas: for merriment will be given by chil- Misses Louis Baker, Alicia Burner dren of all grades. The children will Alverene Batson, Rebecca Benford he costumed in the many different | Louise Blizzard. Anne Bone, Frances- Bone, Christine Darden, ftonellc Dooley, Willetts Ebcrhart. Louise Etheridge, Louise Foster, Elizabeth Hooten, Stella Hubert. Caroline Humphries, Madelyn Humphries, Loui e Ivey, Ruth Jackson. Louise Jeanes, Lois Kemp. Elizabeth Loo, Buh* Lugand, Leirine Lundy, Katherine McMillan, Alta Martin, Bula Massey, Dorothy Montgomery, Marguerite Murphey, Anna Laura O'Quinn, Jane Patterson. Dorothy Montgomery, Marguerite Murphey, >r \\ n „ uuulWl ( | Anna Laura O’Quinn, Jane Patter- u , e , utstanding educators Senior Class Presents, “The M®- Lor, Dorothy Smith; Lyndcl Smith, hmVv University wftl deliver-<he * * ioMire”, Three Act Cpmedj . | Rachael Smith. Mary Clide Spivey, nuy oddreu. , Wcduciday Night Mack Park Stewart. Lecne Stewirt. Mr. II. F.. Moore, President of the ’ _ | Bulah Thaxton. Ethel Torrance. •ard . f Trustee.,, will deliver the Th c fjftv-first annual commence* j Ethel Tye, Virginia Beach, Ann. |slal, and Col. Georec P.i ach will, mrnt the Genrria Military Collect j Wade, Rncenia * the diplomas. Lieut. V. L. ! was impressively begun Wednesday I Wright, Mary M will give the young cadets their , n .; fr j 1t w hcn the Senior, class present- jbeth Yarbrough. three act kinds of dress typical of the holidayi from New Year’s day until the clos ing tableau of Christmas with the wise men and Shepherds. The atten tion will be held through the entire performance. COHCEMGNT BEGINS AT G.M.C Elizn- imissions in the United States Re • C f several fedals v. iU also be announced. r the direction of the three », James Brown of company if Wall of Company B., and Thompson of Company C., o companies will compete for prizes which are offered for excellency. The floats itir.g the companies arc ex- to he outstanding this year, "f pretty sponsors wil Itake the i bat parade and will lor to the closing exercises. ed “The Mil*: omedy, The CABET band TO ' M. S. BELT. DECLINES TO dory 1:0:1 S met interostinc MAKE RACE FOR SENATE and the attention of the lurge audience was captured from the first curtain. Suspense, clever twists of circumstances coupled with the act ing of the young players all went to make the show one of the best Senior class has given. The cast included: Evelyn Eskew, Frank Richards. Lois Smith. Lilia Brnxley, Carlyle Ingram. Ben Stem- bridge, Arnold Walsh, Evelyn - e and Grace Ivester. ■spite Pressure of Friend* Throuj out County, Bank President Declines to Make Race ALTON CHAMBERS WINS GOLD MEDAL lontnbnies lo Coinmencemcn! 1 With Concert Friday Nil'll. Program Arranged In a statement issued by Mr. Miller Bell, president of the Mllledgeville Banking Co., the urgent appenl of many friends for him to make the race for senator from the twentieth senatorial district was declined. The statement of Mr. Bell Is a', follows: To the people of Baldwin County: Termit me to give public expresF- ,_n of appreciation to the hundred.- I voters representing every militia j district in Baldwin county for the warm expressions of friendship and - : voluntary assurance of support Alton Chambers, of the Midway should I yield to the heavy pressure | High School, has been awarded the ’ that ha been made for me t > offer j medal offered by the State U. D. C. for the position of senator of the | lor the be t essay on Jefferson Davis. o(Kh district erty y-Que Mill- j lie is a nan of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. i would not bn hoi a special pro- Chambers. isay that 1 the G. M C. . May 26th, at 12:30 o’clock, from a stroke of paralysis with which he was stricken n week before. j Following an illness several months • Candidates for the Democrat*) irr Mr. Greene had been in feebie | primary in September health, and while unable to perform his duties «s a traveling salesman, he had remained .at home and fre quently visited the bu iness section of ♦he city, and attended services at the Baptist church Sunday, the 18th. inst, the day before he was stricken. From the first it was realized hy his physician that h : s iiinoss was serious, and hi- children were called to the city, .and all of them were at his side when he quietly breathed his last. The news of his death caused sorrow throughout tht city. The funeral services were conduct ed at the residence Tuesday after noon at 4:30 o’clock by Rev. I- E. Roberts nnd J. F. Yarbrough in the •rcsence of a large gathering of our -itizens. The remains were interred on the family square in the city cemetery, ♦he following acting as pall hearers. Dr. W. M. Scott. Dr. W. T. Wynn, Dr. J. L. Beseon, Dr. E. W. 411en, Messrs G. C. McKinley, Otto M. Conn, E. C. Kidd. M. S. n *ll, Jon W. Hutchinson. The members of the Board of Dea cons and the officers of the Millcdge- villc T odge of Knights cf Pythons acted as an honorary escort. The floral offerings sent by friends were beautiful in darign. Char Edwin Greene was horn in Troup County. Ga., December 27th, 18£J, hjJ parents, being Hamilton *>*nter $i!i»eenc and Ellen Gibson Greene, members of one of Georgia’s ildcst families. He spent his youth : n that county and after reaching manhood engaged in business there ‘or some year-. About thirty-five vcnTj ago he can;c to Milledgcville, 'nd conducted a retail grocery store. He rapidly established himself in ‘he confidence and esteem of the peo ple by h ! s honest dealings and pleas ant and affable manner, .and was recognised ns one of Milledgevillc’s best citizens. Mr. Greene was u member of the Baptist church, and was active in its work, serving on the Board of Dea cons for a number of years. H"i3 life was an exemplary one. of the leading pay their entrance fees before six o’clock, June 3, according to a ruling by the executive committee made at a meet ing last month. J. C. Ingram Secretary o? the coni- mittee stated that only two candi dates had qualified up until Wed nesday afternoon. Judge dames B. Park and Congressman Card Vinson have both paid all fees and have .ar. arced their candidacy. Representative Marion A Her has definitely «tated\thnt he will make the race for the State Legislature and Capfc. J. H. Ennis has placed his hat in the senatorial ring. Mr. G. C. McKinley has declared that he will be a candidate for county commis sioner. All candidates for the offices named will probably go unopposed and it is certain they will qualify before the end *of the week. All candidates are incumbents with the exception of Cnpt. Enni% who definitely announced today that he would entex the senatorial race. He is n veteran in the legislature hav ing served in the house and at one time was president of the Senate. During his term he sponsored many bills that have been beneficial to the suite. VINSON SECURES HIGHWAYFDNDS Passe, Bill Securing Half Million Dollars for Counties of Tenth, Who Were Damaged by Floods A bill by Congressman Carl Vin son to reimburse the counties of the Tenth District for money expended in repair to Federal-aid roads and bridges which were damaged b; floods last year, has passed both th* house and senate .and has received the President's approval. The floods last fall and spring EX1UBTS MONDAY AFTERNOON Tribute will be paid the first Presi dent of the Georgia State Collcga for Women Monday morning when more than four hundred Georgia girls will receive their degrees, bring ing to a close the thirty-ninth nn- nunl session. The tribute to the late, Dr. J. Har ris Chappell, pioncet educator and first president of the college, will l come during the graduating exercises Monday morning, when the largest class in the history of the college will be awarded their degrees and di plomas. The portrait will hang in the auditorium opposite that of the late Dr. M. M. Tarks. Members of the alumnae who were students at the college during his administration have the program in charge. Bishop Warren A. Candler, Dean of Methodist Bishops, will preach the baccalaureate sermon Sunday morn ing. Bishop Candler is a well known in MUIedfrcville and he has al ways been linked closely to tlic col lege. His message to the graduates ill be inspirational. I)r. J. L. Bee*on, president of the college .will award the degrees and diplomas to the graduates. The graduating ceremonies will he unusu al in thnt the first woman whe has ever delivered the literary address at the college will speak to the gradu ates. Miss Lucy Gage of Peabody College will deliver the literary ad dress. On Monday afternoon the college will be open to the visitors and the year’s work will be on exhibit. This is one of the most important fea tures of the commencement sea; >n. Old Graduates To Return To Campuses Here G. M. C. Expecting Large Crowd of Former Student, Here Next Monday Evening of Bald* in County Boy Writ) on Jc'fer.on Davis in V ide Contest Hundreds of former student the Georgia State College for Wour-n and G. M. C. will come back to Mil- ledgcviUe during the next week to be present for the commcncemnet damaged roads in this county as well I exercises an dto participate :n the j as other counties in the district and ceremonies that have been plannd for | Congrcssmnn Vinson appenred before ! Ihir entertainment, the Bureau of Public » ds and had KnJhe^'jii hers of the Millcdgevflle Lodge of n survey made. Congressman Vin- Knights of Pythias, ind carried the j sun t j, on prepared and introduced s high ideals of that order in his re- jjjjj to j, a ve the federal government "ationship to his fellow men. reimburse the counties for fifty per He was an Alderman for several (cent o fthce expenditures. Senator .ears rendered the city efficient act- j Harris saw the bill through the ser.- . at *" . . , , . - Officers for the year will be cho*»n Mr. Greene was a man of most It is not known how much or ttm ! ..ill ! »> the meeting. letter mailed out by R. H. •iriCOL MARION ALLEN CHANGES Scott, president of the G. S. C. Alumnae haa announc ed thnt the annual banquet will be held Saturday evening at the collcga tea room. Several hundred former students have given their acceptance to he present .and the meeting is ex pected to be a most enthusiastic one. nleasing address and manner, and by 1 fund Baldwin county his cordial and sympathetic natu he made friends who held him i . the outttand- commencement •>f 1930. nd has «ttij developed into one :in J it* fame as a concert spread over the state. - V -- J for the occasion in the the band, green and white, -*7e auditorium will resound stirring marches of Sou&o enchanting music of the hn- - Muj. Osterman has an- a m st interesting and varl- m which will embrace btfth -1 .:nd popular music. Several - r comedy skits will be put on r the performance. ader tho direction of Maj. Oster- tr ‘ e *‘ nn d has developed from a °f inexperienced musicians in- organization of well trained «t if I did happier than iic ... .-- »*- of the following j w hen I am conscious thnt I a 'letter from Mr . W. II. McKenzie, j er ing worthwhile service, especially Chairman of the Essay Contest: to the people among whom I hav. Montezuma, Ga. ; jived all my life. a». De2r Alton. | Yet, 1 am cquaUy frank to *a 3 a Chairr a the Essay Contest {that some years ago I derided that I wish to m. • to you that you I there was no political office I want- p3 e bnn d concert will be the third to be given during com- %?L ement and wiU brin l the first <0 a clM.. nre the winner . the medal as offer ed by the U. D. C. and I will take pleasure in delivering to you at their next convention. 1 aUo wish to congratulate you ns this is quite an honor to win orcr the i many thousands of essays written a the state and I am fully.repaid for the t thought given to your essay. Wishing you much success in your further, efforts. Sincerely. MRS. W. H.—ICNE L. McKENZIE. SUPT. BIVINS IMPROVING The news from Mr. P. N. Bivins, Baldwin County’s efficient (School Superintendent, is that he hopes be is improving vrtih the treatment he is receiving at the Veteran’s Hospital ni Memphis, but thet it will be sev eral weeks before be will be able to Up to this hour I have not changed my mind. Some of my friends know that 1 have been tendered higher state p«« sitionf. but, that 1 preferred to re nviin a private citizen. My business is constantly iuercasing and consc- fcel | quently there ir a greater demand on itudy and my time than heretofore and it would hardly be just for ire to leave for bo long a time as the fifty day sess ion of the legislature. Again assuring my friends of my deep .appreciation, I am. Sincerely, MILLER S. HELL. May 28th, 1930. tighest esteem and confidence. He J ■.van*a loving and devoted huslvxad :nd father, and has left the herit age of a good name to his children. He is survived by Mrs. Greene and ♦he following children: Mrs. L. E. Hudson, of Etowah, Tcnn ; Misses Clair and Louise Greene of this city. Mr. R. H. Greene, of Fairborn, and Mrs. Robert Arnold, of Winder, and everal grandchildren among whom is R. H. Geren. Jr., who made his omt with him the past several years, 'r.d two great grandchildren. He is >l?o survived by one brother, who re- ides in Birmingham, Ain. LAW OFFICES Joe Poltle Will Probably Pn in Adjoining Office. Olde Hci college have been invited hack to at tend the commencement exorcises and a banquet Monday evening. Replies have already been received from a great number and more thnn two hundred are expected to be present at the festivities. Local alumni are urged to make reservations before Friday night with Mr. Wocttn or Mr. Chas. Conn. All reservation*? must be made before Saturday morning. Meetings of both organizations will Changes were being made this week in the arrangement of the law offices of Alien & Pottle the two large rooms being divided to accomo date two offices. \ Since the death of Col. Joe Pottle, the firm of \llcn 4 Pottle ha, been I bo held durintt commencement and dissolved end Col. Marion Allen has the year’s programs outlined. opened offices where the firm ha — been located for more than a quarter GEO. W. BARR TAILOR SHOP EDITOR NEVIN TO PRESENT ; of a century. Col. Joe i*ottlo is c ; sidering occupying the adjoining CUP DURING COMMENCEMENT office and begin the pratice of law heTe. The announcement was made this week by Col. Marion Allen that the firm name Allen & Pottle would not be continued. He stated that he would continue the pratice of his rro- inde pender tly. Cot Joe Engagement Week |7pi Makes CsnceUatio F Engagement Last (tent Herst Trophy NO SERVICES AT THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH SUNDAY Rev. F. H. Handing is out of the city and he has announced that there wiU be no services At the Epbeopnl church Sunday. Editor James B. Ncvin found it necessary to cancel his appointment i f r8S f on to present the Hearst Trophy to the p 0 ttle has not definitely stated that G. M- C. rifle team last Friday and h e would open offices has announced that he will come here during commencement. » eepected that Editor Nevin wiU come here Tuesday and give the winners of the Southern ehapiouahlp Rffared hy Wmmm Randolph Bud* Announcement has been made thnt the meeting of the Woman’s Mission ary Union of the BaptM church hue been proetponed tmUl Meaduy,« 0th instead of Msulsy, June tad os BURGLARIZED Burglar?, sor e time during Mon- da> night, entered the tailor shop of Mr. Geo. W. Barr through a rear window, and stole a suit of clothes^ The robbery was discovered Tuesday morning, and reported to Chief-of- Police Broome, who has had finger prints made of the impress left on the window. The indentity of the guilty parties is unknown nnd no arrest have been made. Cot Erwin Sibley is attending the Bur Association in Pi—Ilk, On., wsefc. Hu is n mend