Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, June 05, 1930, Image 6

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NOTED EDUCATORS VISIT Cm SATURDAY AND SUNDAY Frati^nt of Inter-racial Craaiiiion of South and Teacher* at North Caroiiaa Woman** College Hare Dr. W. C. Jackjon. president of t)»e Inter-Racial commission of the South and Dr. B. B. Kendrick, both former Georgians. now of the faculty of the North Carolina Col lege for Women, spent Saturday and Sunday with Maj. and Mrs. T. H. Rents. The two noted educators motored down from Greensboro. N. C., and stopped here o.iroute to Macon where they attended the commencement exercises of Mercer University. Dr. Kendrick is an uncle of Maj. Rents and is head of the department of History at the North Carolina Woman’s College. Dr. Jackson is Vice-President of the college. BAPTIST SUNDAY SCHOOL COMMITTEE NEXT WEDNESDAY The Steering Committee for the Sunday School Enlargement Cam paign in the Washington Association wil Imect at Bethlehem church, War- then, Ga., Wcdne.-day June 4th nt 10:00 A. M. Eastern time. The executive committee of the associa tion in session at Puwclton on May 8th appointed Dr. C. C. Davison as chairman. He has appointed the fol lowing or. the committee: Messrs. T. I. Harrison and Mel! J. Tanner, of Sandersville. Dr. L. E. Roberts, of Milledgcville, Rev. L. P. Glass, of Henhzibah, Rev. W F. Chatr- bli*s, of Kite, Rev. Rufus D. Hodges, of Tennille, W. B. Harrison, of Lin ton. E. H. Lowe, of Cqrra Station. W. M. Wheeler, of Powelton, W. B. Harrison of Linton, Prof. W. C. Mo ran, of Sparta, and Rev. R. B. Harri- aon of Devereaux and T. R. Duggan of Warthen. This committee will arrange details and date and employ a man to lead in the campaign. Sun day St hool field worker Garner Bryan of Ma*on will be present. Enla.-gement campaigns in the Re- hobuth, Hcphzibah, Mount Vernon, and other association have been quite successful and have resulted in a re vival of interest and a great increase in Sunday School and church at tendance as well a* an increase in membership. It is hoped the Wash ington Association may be quite as successful. MISS REGINA WILLIAMS HONOR STUDENT AT PEABODY Miss Regina Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Williams, read the cIass prophecy at the class day exer cises of the Peabody High School. This honor came in recognition of the splendid work she had done dur ing the year and because of the fact that she was one of the honor stud ents. COMPANIES ARE ENTERTAINED BY CAPTAINS. The members of the companies of the cadet battallion at G. M. C. were entertained by their Captains this week. Capt. James Brown had the mem bers as his guests at a barbecue Tuesday evening at the home of Judge Dunnaway. Wednesday evening Capt. Louie Wall entertained the carets of Com pany B and the sponsors at .a ban quet, and on Friday evening, Com pany C was entertained by Capt. William Thompson. OPTOMETRY I have been practicing optome try in Milledgeville for 20 years. My charges are reasonable. I guarantee all work done as repre sented or refund your money. So you taka no chances in doing busi ness with me. Office hours 9 to 12, 1 to 5, Sunday 2 to 5. W. J. Brake THE UNION RECORDER, M1LLEDGEVILLE, CA. JUNE 9. IN* THIRTEEN HUNDRED QUALIFIED VOTERS IN COUNTY 4umber Over Fonr Hundred Than Previous Yoar. Registr Complete Work and File Lit The Baldwin county Board of Registrars completed their work this week and filed the list of qualified voters with the Clerk of the Court The number of white voters in the county who will participate in the Democratic primary is 1351. This figures compares with 1823 Inst year showing a lost in the number of vot ers in the county of 472 or a per cent of thirty-three and one-third. The lurgest !os.t came in the fe male voters. County. This 2nd day of June, 1930. BERTIE B. STEMBRIDGE, Ordinary. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE GEORGIA. Baldiwn County. As the duly qualified Administrc- the Court House door of said county. LOST—In from of Miss Bnsit Blsnd’s Hat Shoppe* n pair of glasses, light tottoise shell rims in black leather case. Lei e at this office or return to Miss Lucille Dunnaway, phone 2502. GEORGIA, Baldwin Cuonty. The appraisers appointed to set apart a year’s support out of the estate of Carl X. Allen, for his widow, Mrs. Bertha Allen Leslie, have made their return. All persons are i hereby notified to show cause before j me at the July Term, 1930, of the Court of Ordinary of said county, why the return of the appraisers should not be made the judgment of the court This Juno 2nd. 1930. BERTIE B. STEMBRIDGE, Ordinary. lock Continental Gin Com pany be sold under and by virtue if GEORGIA, Baldwin County. To All Whom It May Concern: James M. Lee, having applied to ne for permanent letters of adminis tration upon the estate of perman ent letters of administration upon the estate of Furman F. Lee, deceas ed; this is to notify the next of kin and creditors of the said deceased, that said application will be heard before me at the July Term, 1930, of the Court of Ordinary of said GMEUJONBUE Oftrn Sign of Biliousness Thai Indicates the Need of Elack-Draofht Austin, Texas.—"In the sixteen years of my own housekeeping. Thedford'f Black-Draught has been my best stand-by In the way of medicine,” says Mrs. J. M. Rich, of 1700 Holly Street, this city. *T have found Black-Draught to be the best medicine I have ever used for the relief of colds. I have been using It In my home for yeers. "My father used It also In his home and gave it to us children. Whenever we had the usual chil dren’s complaints, mother would make up a tea of Black-Draught and give us. We always felt better after taking it. • "I also give It to my children when they have colds or upset atom- get yellow, or their tongues coated, I make a tea (of Black- Draught) and give to them fat small doses. They don’t mind taking it ford’s Black-Draught has m corner all Its own on the rnwriirin^ shelf. In use nearly 100 years. Thedford’s Black-Draught Is a purely vegetable medicine, freofrozn harmful mineral drugs. Oorts only 1 cent a dose. NC-231 blackdraught Gij Witches —from a store of recognized integrity The importance of the purchase of a watch de mands that you select a watch with an estab lished reputation, at a store recognized far its responsibility and serv ice to its customer*. Williams & Ritchie, MILLEDGEVILLE. GA. V\ c " b, ° V C iiatiLth .'•/), cicn ///illinns of women everywhere—in America, France, England, Germany, Italy, Spain—have foanJ Elizabeth Arden's Venetian Toilet Preparations essential Kir correct home care of the skin, b’ FOR NOURISHING . FOR CLEANSING l Wur Mat.lt0,1 A penetraliaguiI l’tmlisn Cltummg CrtJK Melts into rich in the elements which restore ihe pores, rid* them ot dust and ini- sunketi tissues or flabby muscles. purities, leaves thcSkto soft and Si. J«rS4 receptive. $i. Si, $J. $*■ 1 'tntuj-. Orange Skja F»oJ. Keeps the Tnviwr skin lull aad'firro, rounds out rOR TONLNG tar. ArJtua r im Toswf. Tone*, and written* the skin. To he with Cleansing Cream. •» i hmum. a actuate cream 8$c, $9- enutivc skins. Recommended I'nutun Spucul Aitrmynt. For re- loll face, as it'smooths and la»cd cheeks and neck Lifts and is Tlic skin without fattening, strengthens tissues, tightens the skin. S«.Si.$j.S6. U^Utk ArJen'i Vim f Pnpatatiou art mtai* a ELIZABETH ARDEN, 691 Fifth Avt., New York Culver & Kidd Drug Co. for the purpose of making distribu tion among the heirs of said deceased. This second day of June. 1930. T. W. BRANTLEY, Administrator of Miss Clara L. Brantley, deceased. BERTIE B. STEMBRIDGE, Ordinary. Fried Chicken Supper J Every Thursday Night 1 THE ROSE TEA ROOM | J. T. ANDREWS, Rest Estate “Apartments, Farms, Tewn Property.” B * EAD FREE FREE MEAD I Every Saturday during this year 1930, we will give you with each 50c cash retail purchase fa our store. One lOfc Standard size loaf of Electrik Maid Bread J At | Culver & Kidd Drug Co. Of Course “The Rezall Store" . 224 Phones 240 1 ALSO ASK FOR YOUR CHINA TICKETS " — 666 Tablets Relieve* a Headache or Neuralgia la 30 Biaulee, check* a Cold the first! lay, end cheek* Malaria la three 6«« ALSO IN LIQUID. J. T. ANDREWS, District Agent “Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Co.” Exchange Bank Cashier’s Checks Issued payable in all parts of U. S., Canada, Europe and AU Foreign Countries EXCHANGE BANK “Four Per Cent and Safety” H * Sawelmdi Saw ln>r RlFKKEKATORS A GOOD Refrigerator Saves Food, Ice, Money! > Buy only a ref. ^.erator of proven merit>.! You save food, ice and money—your health is protected! Buy on Easy Terms. Top leer Refrigerators $18-50 Scientifically designed to pave ice. Perfect\y insulated. Amply large enough for the average family. Oak finish. 50 pound ice capacity. THREE DOOR REFRIGERATORS A carefully built refrigerator of cork board wall insulation with unusually large food stor- age space. 75 pound ice capacity.* White enameled interior and white 'green or grey enamel exterior. Well made and very reason ably priced. ' p 75 FOUND CAPACITY $48.75 / 50 POUND CAPACITY ' $38.75 Purchase & Sale Company xxxxxxxxxxx: