Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, June 12, 1930, Image 4

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THE UNION-RECORotR. MILLEDGEVILLE. C*., JUNE A. F. ALLISON TAKES CHARGE THIS WEEK IN HISTORY OF J. C. IVEY’S GARAGE , Direct Transfe A. F. Allison. who ha- ef! with Mr. J. C. Ivey th»- management i»f tl line and service depa: Mr. Ivey will i. v ransfer buonr. > f Plan Am kum.!,ii< i.untv His head< ip lance committee formed ... . Francisco. 1814; Charles iFilling Station and j» ic |t eng died. 1870; John Howard -tment. Mr. Ivey to jv, ynt . horn. 1702. 1 rantfer Dept. J j u .. ]() Navigation acta enforced i: col'»nie«, 1664; Tripoli declared war <»n the United .State*. 1801; Kinr and Queen of Serbia u-as- ins led. 1003; the monoplane Southern t’ross reached S&SSft Australiu. after 7800 mile flight. Pacific Ocean from Oakland. Cali fornia. the longest flight ever made over water. 11*28; Henry M. Star. !«•>■ horn 1H41; Robert Schumann. Of the in thi* cided on a national flair, 1777; Lafayette arrived in America. 1777; diving units and helmet futtented, 1838; Herbert Hoover nominated, 11*28; Harriet Beech er Stowe born 1812. une 15—Magna Charter sealed 1215; Franklin proved identity of electricity and lightning. 1752; Arkansas admitted to the union. 1836; patei.. issued to Goodyear j for making rubber, 1844 ; On treaty signed. 1846. I hereby announce my candidacy for the state legislature subjc-t to the Democratic Primary on Septem ber 30. Your vote will be appreciat ed. (C., .■harming af.'uir of Saturday »f khi wu« the reception and showei i at the home of Mrs. J. E. k- in honor of Miss Attie Gladin, ■ t led of the week. The grouj dies who were hostesses included J. ('. Smith, Mrs. K. E. Smith, the liv ! I • 11 -Committee appointed by Coinni.l congress and drew up the 1 *ecla ration of 1 dependence, 3 776. | first lake steamer crosses ocean. , 1881; public i-chools opened in I Philippines, 1806; Joseph Warren bom 1741. June 12—New York incorporated as city, 1665; Coolidge nominated 11*24; Charles Kingsley horn 1810. June 13—Lord Baltimore granted charter to Maryl’and, 1633; treaty with China. 1858; Winfield Scott born 1786; Thomas Arnold 1785. June 14—-United States Congress dc REV. J. F. YARBROUGH CON DUCTING SERVICES AT DEVEREAUX Rev. John F. Yarbrough is assirt- | imr Uev. Mr. Maxwell in revival ser vices at the Devcrtvuuc Methodist church. The services are being well attended by the people of that sec- fiilcd Pink oom nad hall. A ail .ith pink roses rente able and the same c< ised through out thi •indies wore also used. Fruit punch was served on the orrh to the arriving guests by Mar- ha Gardner and Rosa Brooks. Mrs. !. J. Vann greeted the guests ut our and Mrs. Ka-tus Matthews was i * barge of the bride’s books. Mrs. J. C. Smith presented the guests the ving the living room. Receiving were Mis. J. K. Brooks, Miss Attie Gladdin, Mis. Florjne Williams. Miss Estelle Perkins and Miss RuthWalcntt. Mrs. E. E. Smith received at the dining room door and Mrs. A. W. Rees in the living room. Sandwiches and iced tea were served by Carolyn South, Lee Rees, Rebecca Matthews, Elizabeth Matthews, Virginia Smith and Sara Brooks. After all the guests had arrived a group of little girl sang a wedding song composed By Mrs. J. C. Smith, as James Brooks and Byron Holton led the bride-elect on a march through the dining rorni to the bark hall, where the array of pretty shower gifts was placed. Miss Gladin was lovely in a frock of jiearh chiffon. About thirty-five guests were pres ent. The guest list included close fliends of the hride-elect and moth ers of her pupils in the Junior High School. MT. PLEASANT NEWS Mr, id Mrs Ethridge were 111- dinner meet of Prof. and Mm. T. V. Smith Inst .Sunday. Mr*, it. t_ Parker. „f Oadadcn. Ala., of he eek with par.' FOR RENT—On, lower a] —2 large rooms, breakfa bath and kitchen. Kate C All kinds of LeGccr's poultry t at L. D. SMITH. • braille Is Your Baby’s Spine J.T isn t that parents do not really care. Yet—whatever liic reason—the t.ict remain." that the comfort of many a little one is Lind .capped tixiay because mothers fail to pro/ide them with a scientifically constructed baby car riage Safety lies in choosing a shock-proofed carriage— the kind that is made by Lloyd. Its lu.sl.et-shaped body, oil-tempered springs, sturdy frame and ball;on-tired wheels keep the tiny passenger as free ftom harmful spine vibration as when sleeping in its bed. ( •ay and subdued color- feature our display cf new Lloyd haby carnages and ^rollers. Prices are extremely moderate. Purchase & Sale Co. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I hereby announce as a candidate for a member of the Board of Com missioners of Ruuds and Revenues of Baldwin county, subject to the Democratic primary on September 10th. I will appreciate the continu ed support of the voter* of Baldwin c .uniy. g. c. McKinley C. H. ANDREWS & SON “Nothing But Insurance” Rev. P. M. Allen vi-ited relatives in College Park. Earn Point and At lanta last Thursday and Friday. Prayer, meeting Saturday night at j’clot-k. School Sunday morning Pn 11.30 A. M. md 8:00 M. Everybody invited to comr d worship God with us. Mb Lois Maie Allen is spending r vacation in Gadsden. Ala., the iest of her sister. Mrs. B. L. Parker. Mr. Youngblood from Florida is th his brother, Mr. Chas Young- »od. now. and wa. a welcome addi- sunday School Sunday afte Mr Tayloi spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Taylor. Mrs. Pauline Lee and son Edwin and Misses Shirley and Sarah Eth eridge visited Mrs. Thelma Parker at the home of Rev. and Mrs P. M. Allen on last \Vedne«dny night. Local Banks To Close Thursdays at 1:00 O’clock At a meeting of the Milledgeville Cleaiing House Association all members voted unanimously to close at one o’clock on Thursday afternoon. This is in keeping with the custom of the local mer chants to close at this time during the summer months. SIGNED: THE MERCHANTS & FARMERS BANK By L C. Hall, Cashier THE MILITDGEVILLE BANKING CO. By Miller S. Bell, President FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MILLEDGEVILLE By Jon W. Hutchinson. Cashier EXCHANGE BANK. MILLEDGEVILLE. GA. By Otto M. Conn, President OPTOMETRY DR. GROVER C. JONES OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN MACON, GA. PHONE 1S7C BOSTON C4F -WHERE EVERYBODY Eatj “ F "* E„. Served D. i(j FRESH NORFOLK JYaT Eft AND WESItKN SItAK D *J '*r, Our JS. blue plate dinnh I have been practicing optome try in Milledgeville (or 20 ynars. My charges are raaaonabla. I guarantee nil work dene aa repre- aenled or refund your money. So you taka no chancer in doing bast- near with me. Office hoars • to 12, 1 to 5, Sunday 2 to S. V/. J . Brake No thrill like an Eight No Eight like a HUDSON Easy to Buy— Inexpensive to Operate Hudson sweeps aside the barrier of high price and operating costs on eight-cylinder cars. An amazing new development is giving thousands distinction and performance hitherto known only to a few. From the moment you take the wheel of this mo? i modern of Eights* you will be conscious of it*, superiority. Beautiful and powerful, it is excelled by no car in fast get-away and smoothness. Come, see it and ride in it. It will renew your first glorious zest in motoring. It will thrill you with the powef of its eight cylinders. It will delight you with operating economies never before achieved in a car of its performance. And veu will say. as thousands arc saying, “Here is n Cur”. A €'mr f&r I'm to Try WiU kr Sent to lour Do»« Only by riding in or driving Hudson'* Great 8 will you ap preciate ita delightful operation. You are invited to take a trial car and teat it for amoothnesa, spcnl, acceleration, poser, aaay handling, comfort and economy. A telephone call will bring Hudson's Great 8 to your door. for the COACH *1050 T. H. ENNIS ihdy priced. Tld« rvaaauf calom. AU price, f. •. k Detroit. Factory. Win l to cut the cost of painting your house? Never worry eboet your shoes, tor tan) footwear is not espensive. See Ike new FiiswJy Fives ia oar shoe dsparteieaL Each pair S5. M. F. DAVIS Iky GmA Nation, id Sion BREAD FREE FREE BREAD Every Saturday during this year 1930. we will give you with each 50c cash retail purchase in our store. One 10c Standard size loaf of Electrik Maid Bread At Culver & Kidd Drug Co. Of Course “The Rexill Slore” 224 •!* Phones 740 ALSO ASK FOR YOUR CHINA TICKETS Here’s how Paint your house with SWP—the world's most economical house paint. It costs less because fewer gallons arc needed. Fine old SWP has such wonderful body that earh gallon thoroughly covers many more square feet of surface. Sherwin-Williams SWP HOUSE PAINT SVl 1* gives your home the best protection. Its amior- like film seels the wood—prevents decay and saves costly repairs. It lasts for many years—over twice as long as cheaper paints. And its rich, true, sunfast colors^rctain their hcauty to the very last. Thus it saves you expensive repainting every year or so. Think of what that means! You pay for SWP quality whether you use it or not, for it costs less on your home then cheaper paints. Let ns prove this to you. We also carry . . . A complete stock of Sherwin-Williams paint products including paints, varnishes, lacquers and enamels. Come in and consult our elaborate color charts showing many new decorative schemes. This aid ia yours merely for the asking. Economy USE SWP And Hire A Good Painter Fowler-Flemister Coal Co. Paint H<