Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, November 13, 1930, Image 2

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THE UNION-RECOKDEK. MILLEDGEV1LIE, CA., NOVEMBER 13, 1(30 Wi!l Direct Music at Revival tr P. SHAFFER ROWLAND P. Shaffer Rowland, who will di rect the laijte chorus-choir during the revival at the First Bapti-t church, comes from Newnan. Ga. The pa>t 16 years of his life hhs been given to evangelistic singing. Eight continuous years of this time have been spent in the service of the Home Mission Board of the Southern Bap- , tiit Convention. He has assisted in revivals in 18 different states. His experience speaks for itself, and he is considered one of the ablest di rectors in the South. FARMERS CLUB URGES TRANS FER OF MUSCLE SHOALS TO AGRICULTURE DEPT. Resolutions adopted by the Bald win County Farmers Club at a rec ent meeting place that organization on record as favoring the transfer of Muscle Shoals from the War De partment to the Department of Agri culture. The resolution is as follows: Whereat, it is our information that as a part 01 the National defense the Congress passed an Act for the de velopment of Muscle Shoals for the production of nitrates and other pro ducts needed for munitions of war and useful in the manufacture of fertilizers and other useful products, with provisions therein contained to carry out the purpose of the Act, placing the development projects un der the supervision of the Secretary of War and in the War Department; and, Whereas, the National Government is no longer at war and the necessity for the production of munitions of war has ceased, and this Nation be ing at peace, the Agricultural Depart ment is in need of the manufacture of fertilizers for the purpose of de velopment* and improving the agri cultural lands of the Nation and in order to facilitate cne phase of Farm Relief: Therefore, be it resolved by the Baldwin County Farmer-' Club that our United States Senators and Con gressmen be called upon to introduce during the next session of the Con gress a bill and have passed a law with proper provision- transferring from the War Department during poace the Muscle Shoals development project to the Agricultural Depart ment, and under the supervision of the Stcr tary of Agriculture, with full authority in him to carry rucii deveh patent and use of the water power as to manufacture chemicals fer fertilizers and other product** to be disposed of for use in the improve- mint of the agricultural land of these United States. Be it lufther resolved that a copy f f this resolution be tran-mitted immediately to each of the Senators of Georgia and Congressmen urging them to co-operate in having passed *uch a law as to meet the need- of th^agricultural lands of the Nation I. W. E. Ireland, Secretary of the Baldwin County Farmer * Club do certify that the foregoing is a copy of the resolution directed to be pre- par. «1 and adopted by said Club at its August and September meetings. This 21/th. day of September 1930. A CARD OF THANKS We wish to exprey our deep ap preciation for the kind no and sympathy shown by oat Milledgevill** friends on account of the death of our husband and father. Mr. J,* W. John <.n Many thank, for beautiful floral offerings. * MRS. JOE W. JOHNSON AND BABY. DEALER CHARACTERIZES VICTOR HOME RECORDING AS “ALBUM OF MEMORIES" A “living album of family mem ories” is created in the latest mar- elous invention of the Home Re cording device on the new 1U.11 Vtc- Radio-Elcctrola which will per- the reproduction on records of the conversation and happenings in the home. The new 1931 Victor Radio-Elec- trola, which is now on display at the MUledgeville Music Store is the first complete mu.-ical instrument for en tertainment. It combines both the radio, which has been adjudged the perfect instrument in that field by expert radio engineers, and the elec- trola. This is a vastly improved Vic tor record-playing instrument even over the masterpiece instruments of that type which has Been produced by the Victor Company for the past 30 years, and coupled with it is the won derful home recording device. The Red Cros.. drive is in progress to renew the annual memberships, which are now expiring. The Red i Cross is the g-. eatest humanitarian organization in th© world. Be sure and join. FOR RENT—Four ream hou.. Midway. See Mr*. Olive Giles. We wish to thank the Susan Ander- n Circle for sponsoring our little band in a Halloweenc party Friday evening. Leader, ANNIE L. JACKSON AND BAND. ENGINEER GAVE UP He Could Not Stood Indi gestion Any Longer.—Re lieved By Blade-Draught. Pulaski. Va.—How a railroad en gineer was relieved of Indigestion was described by Mr. C. K. Nelson, a Fourth Street resident of this city. Mr. Nelson said. wa . s suffering from stomach trouble in 1917, and had been suf fering for some time. I had a tight ness in my chest, a shortness of breath. There seemed to be a heavy weight in the pit of my stomach, and quite a bit of nausea, yet 1 couldn't vomit. I tried different remedies, yet suffered on Just tho same. When in West Virginia, on 1 war * in such a condi tion that I Just cave up and came nome. I couldn't stand to work, in my condition. 'Some one told me about Black- Draught. I started taking it in small doses after mea::;. It helped me. ar.d I went back to work. 7 £5® ni 08n i ns whUe 0:1 m y «iBlne i felt like I would .-mother. I stopped in a little town, bought a Package of Black-Draught, took a dose and later in the day took an other dose. It relieved me and I have not had a bad spell like that than two and a half years." Thedford s Black-Draught con tains no chemicals. Composed of pure botanical root.-, and hcrhi Bell Cannons, double threads, heavy turkish bath, 25 x 45__ 65c values for 39c Featuring for the Next Ten Days an Unnsnall; LOW PRICE SAIF Cold Wave and the Nipping Winds are Coming. We can care for your wants in Dresses, Coats, Sweaters and Blanketsatthe Lowest Prices you have seen in many years YOUR DOLLARS HAVE ALMOST DOUBLED VALUE Over 100 New Dresses Just Received In Crepes and Tweeds Embracing all the new shades. Go in our special sale. This special group is priced for quick selling— $8.95 Special Sale LntW Silk Stockings The new dull finished chiffon stocking. All silk from tip to toe, 45 gang* Kay ser s $1.39 Bradley SWEATERS SPECIAL SALE For men, women, children. Men’s $6.50 to $10 Ladies’ $4 to $8 Misses’ $2 to $4 BRADLEY’S THE BEST Special Sale Ladies’ Fine Coats Heavily fur-trimmed. Wa only sell real furs. Coats come in black, brown, green and Navy. Many come in crepe broad cloth. We are specializing for this week two groups— $26.75 $39.75 Come in and try on these smart ( new coats. Don’t miss the ( group selections. They are real values. Special Sale FINE BLANKETS Wool and part Wool, come in high colors, pinks, blues and greens— All Wool $8 to $15 Bright Raids, an unusual value of part Wool $3.00 Wool and part Wool in plain colors, white, pink and bright plaids $4.00 & $5.00. SPECIAL SALE Bath Robes FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN Striped flannel for Men bright colors, $10.00 Value for $8.95 Rayon Bath Robes—$10.00 to $15.00 Ladies’ Extra Heavy Robes—$3.50 to $8.00. Childrens Robes—$2.50 to $3.50 50 BOYS’ OVERCOATS $12 and $15 &Q Apf Value at «PO*S/0 If You Want the Best Shop At E. E. Bell’s 100 PAIR BOY’S PAN^ $2 and $2.50 Vane $1.50