Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, November 27, 1930, Image 4

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..h*d Weekly on Thursday • t Milled*eville, G*. -UBSCRIPTION RATES ■ Veer $1.10 Month* .7# Mem bej^Clg3° Nahcxal Editorial Association THURSDAY, NOB. 27. 1930 A BUDGET SYSTEM THE UNION-RECORDER, MILLEDGEVILLE, GA., NOVEMBER 27, 1930 made fc attractive and comprrhen- ftjvc that the people would be glad to v*j«it them, even thotish the cheap entertainment was curtailed. In other words we are "dead agin” the carnival. BLUE LODGE MASONS TO MEET TUESDAY NIGHT Benevolent Lodge No. 3, will hold their regular meeting Tuesday nicht at the Masonic Temple and a *pec- ial program has been arranged. A: seven o«.lock a Dutch sup per will be s.rved and later '••ening the Master's Degree will be put on in full dramatic form. On December 22nd, the lodge will have a turkey dinner for *the Tetitlng officers of the lodge. Mr. Joe Grant is in charge of arrangements r this feature. All members of the Blue Lodge e urged to attend both meetings. JOIN THE AMERICAN LEGION SINGING AT HARDWICK BAPTIST CHURCH NEXT SUNDAY ! There will be an til day singing at the Hardwick Baptist church next Senday when the Bnldwin-Wilkinson Singing Convention will be held. There will be a number of song leaders pre.'ent. and the singing will be among the Lest ever heard in this section. It is expected that a large crowd will be in attendance. This is not a community affair, and j those who attend are requested to I bring a well filled bbsket, so that at j dinner there will be plenty for all LCST. STRAYED OR STOLEN— Male Bird Do*. one largo English Setter, practically White all over except .mail brown tick apota on car*. About two year* old, not throughly broken. Liberal regard for information teadin gto recovery. Pleare notify Dave Hartry or R. M. Jeffrey*, phone 596 Milledgeville, LOST—A nanette bat Monday night in front of Odorlaa* Cleaner* place of business or oa Jefferson a treat- Finder return to this office and get reward. FOR SALE—Shelled Pecan* 65c per lb. Mr*. J. B. Cox. Phone 3S2-L. LOST OR STRAYED—Black ,«d vrkiU pinto kon. from our lot ot Corr, Stotion. R.ward if returned tc^Mr,. F. E. Wpapn,, C.rr, Station, AS CHEAP AS CHRISTMAS CIFrj For Sale, a koua. on Likorty, % nd one on Cnlamkia Straeta. Son. J t Sikloy. FOR SALE—Complete Pressing end Dry Cleaning Plant of Hoath Dry Cleaning Co., Milledgeville, Ga., Original cost 96500.00. Will be •old at public sale 11 A. M. Dec. 3, 1930, subject to confirmation by i Referee in Bankruptcy. For full ! information apply to R. L Nation, | Jr., Trustee, Milledgeville ,Ca. j Ga. One of the stri tho C : ty Manage ment has to the business r citizen, who is concerned in nancisl affairs of the city budget >ystem. Each year the income of the city for the coming year is estimated fund- from aU sources are summed up and then plans are made ft expenditure. So much is | over to road construction, to fire and polio protection, so much toward the operating and-mainten ance o f the city, and a fixed amount to other agencies that n thi city’s operation. Thus a large indebtedn ss as the city n_.. would be dominat'd and impossible. We could not spend more than take in, a thing that we have been too slow to realize Thtre would be funds ready to meet the demands of streL-t improvement, and should condition in the road> arise as thut last week when the road became al most impassable in west end. it would have beer, remedied immediately. Under the budgtt system. There can be no question about the fact that the system offered in the city manager plan is the nearest to peri set in the way of a municipal govrrnmenL It has all the features that other form* offer, hut Is with out a gr«-a: many o! the failure that others forms cannot get ric of. It has reached the place where revifion in municipal government has become imperative. The excessive tax burden, the failure one hundred cents value for every dollar txpended. the shifting of re- rponsiblHties, the absence of busi- ne s principles the decline in civic interest have caused this change to become necessary. The City Man ager form elemiuates all these evils. Milledgeville people realise the need of a change. Several members of th cr until have declared the present system inadequate to cope with the problems and have stated that they believe the City Manager ystem far better than the present CHRISTMAS SHOPPING The »snn of Christmas shopping is almost here. Before many day: have passed, people will begin to make up their gift lists and parents will be advised as to what is expect ed of Santa Claus Thi Union-Recorder urges people of thi section to make Milledgeville the:.- -hopping center. Here y<__ find stores of every character filled with g’.fis and necessities to every demand. The merchants should not be asleep to the possibilities. Located cent r of five counties. Milledgeville is the ideal place to shop. Every •tore should he decorated holiday colors and every should he given to the people - etion to come here to trade. of thir territory and will carry the message to more people and more potential customers than any other ug can bs employed. DOWN WITH THE CARNIVAL fTh. Walton Trlknti., Th. HilledcerUl, Union-Recorder expresses the hope that stockholders of the Middle Georein F,j r associa tien trill bar street csm’vnl, at al foture fairs. The Union-Reeorder it corn it tvhen it declares that the car. nival it demoralizing in its influence, worthk- s as an amusement feature end devoid of a single constructive claim. Thi- writer believes that the nival should be outlawed at all fairs a-d that the agricultural, live stock, poultry and club exhibits could be Window Glass Any size cut to ordei—Also putty and points—Get prices on Glass. We can save you money R- W. HITCHER HARDWIRE CD. WHOLESALE aid RETAIL National Biscuit 13c . Premium Soda Crackers 1 lb package PF A Q Del Monte Early O f OC , r Garden Pe?.s No. 2 can" * OT uut i sa— < i Snow Drift -6 lb. pail- 75c LARD [Silver Leaf5SVaT-’# l C ^ Plow NO 10 can 55c 1 I " Jr a U J# Boy No. 5 can 2? C I | Piney Woods Syrup N0.1T.2iic fg BONITA SYRUPno^" : & ApplesJs iZ23c PRUNES - 4 lbs. - 25c Peaches E Ti!u d 25c WHITE LILY FLOUR i2k; Plain or Self-rising IS Bag - $1.09 ROGERS’ “37” FLOUR 24 lbs. 75c. Market Specials CHOICE WESTERN BEEF MILK FED, VEAL AND NATIVE OUR BANQUET EACON 31c , b BANQUET PICNIC HAMS 2 lc Ik ARMOUR'S STAR HAMS. WHOLE OR HALF 2S C A SMOKED UNK SAUSACE 15t )k SLICED CURED HAM 3flc j, PORK NECK BONES 3 lbs. for 2 Sc lb PORK SHOULDER ROAST 22c , v FRESH FISH AND OYSTERS) Gift Shopping SIMPLIFIED One of the beauties of gift-shopping in this store is that we like you to come in and make your choice early—leaving them here until you want them de livered. We are always delighted to reserve any article from the least ex- pensive to the highest priced article in our store. Of course this simplifies your purchasing—no hurry in choice—no hurry in service.