Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, February 12, 1931, Image 1

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— . BALDWIN COUNTY • INSTITUTION : Hundred , to Public ' MillcdgtviHt, G»., Febnuiry 12, 1931 5|ans to Develop Markets and COOKING SCHOOL Trade in Milledgeville Launched MARCH 3,4 & 5 „ lkc l (or Farm t0 Created and Fanner* of S«chOP Urged to Come to Thi* City Plan- produce in develop the markets for Milledgeville and UJ J to help build up at the same jlilledgeville mer- Uunched this week r0O Bittef from the Kiwanis i. over the mutter and be- C ' ttb J“ r»alate the neeeMarjr de- the program into effect. Parm Agent Langley and the college chant-* wt ‘ rt ‘ . uib to put fluvauh rann .-»* market expert L a ulture a survey will be made the amount of farm can be consumed in When this data is c! tfT* roduce that thi* county. I turned o committee, an ex- t advertising campaign will be bached throughout Middle Georgia •'ling of the produce that can be mrlceied in Milledgeville and the mount needed. This will be a strong inducement for farmers to come to Milledgeville, it is believed. The plan establish a market bureau to which farmers may go and get information 'as to price and also have their produce graded. The committee hopes to so develop© this undertaking that a great amount of track and dairy products can be hipped from this point In connection with this program for the development of the markets re. the committee expects to also advertise the Milledgeville busi- CADETS PUY FINAL BASKETBALL GAME FRIDAY. Second Annual Cooking School of The Union-Recorder to Be Rl..r.ld« to Be Oppoi.en. C.„„ | S t.g«l £^y Next Month Finele. Be: Be An Added Aum-uon Announcement is mndc this week The curtain w.H be rung down on „ f lh> Socond Anmm , Kk . ctric Cook . otboll season Friday night when in) , Sehooi of The Union-Recorder the G. M. C. cadets play Riverside j which „. it , bc staKod „„ March 3rd , in the final (tame of the season. ., lh and 5lh Ancient Yivala clash when the The hall of the American Lc E ion E ame Rets n start Friday night. ha8 Ll „.„ secured this year for the iwnys j school and plans nre being mndc to make it one of the biggest in the state. Under present arrangements. Riverside and G. M. C. been friendly in their athletic Intionship but the rivalry has always been keen. Regardless of the win ner in a game in which the two team* are pitted against each other, it is a game that is easy to look at. As an added attraction Friday night, boxing bouts will be staged on the court prior to the game. The boxing matches will begin at seven- thirty and the game at eight-thirty. There will be n© additional charges. MEDALS PRESENTED MEMBERS OF BALDWIN BLUES Company Enjoy* P»y Day a Barbecue Monday Night. Col. Whitaker Attend* Meeting Six members of the Baldwin Blues wore presented medals Monday night as a reward for over six years National Guard sen-ice. Carrying out the plan adopted houses iimai/hout'thii territory |“ Veral ' voeka ■*» *« •“« - “ Dut< * .hewing the advantage of making i i ' u P>’ cr coch *»Y »«>«. th « «»»• Milledgeville the trade center for! P .°P y enJ ? ycd f b “-becae at the drill the several surrom.Jing counties. The program is one of the most pro- rrvsive that has been launched and j C *PL F - R - Hargrove arranged ip Kiwanis committee hope to bring I ^° r cue * n *i after the men had stronger relationship with | “toned the pay roll and enjoyed the this territory and the *k and pay checks for the [quarter were issued. Miss Koch, of the Westinghouse Electric Co., will conduct the school. Miss Koch who ia recognized as one of the leading* experts on Home Economics was scheduled to come here last year, but a death in her family prevented it. She will have charge of the school throughout the three days and will have a most interesting program to offer. Prizes will be awarded daily for attendance. Grocery merchants both w-holesale and retail are co operating with the newspaper in the women attended during the three school. Last year more than nine hundred days end this year the attendance is expected to be even larger. Many valued recipes will be given out dur ing the school and other interesting features are being arranged. FARMERS BUSY PREPARING LAND Agent Langley Rendering Valu able Service. Program Center! on Cow, Hog and Hen the people business people here. Complete plans have not been worked out. *ut tfie >.6>nmittve wifi carry forward their undertaking •apidly as posable with the hope of launching a trade week in March just prior to Easter. PURCHASE AND SALE CO. STAGE RADIO PARTY The Purchase and Sale Company ive announced for Friday a ‘pecinl radio party when the new 1M1 Brunswick Radio will be shown or the first time. Mr. A. w. Watkins stated that e store would remain open until nine o clock to permit all the people " *** * he new Brunswick. The*latest dio and Graphone reproduction e shown, the manager stated. (METS LOOSE IN BENEFIT GAME MONDAY Monroe Def„„ C . drt , Br f„ rc L „,. Cro »d of Seaton in Legion Carre J hl ,^‘ ,nroe A - under the rr»: p of Ra ">n defeated • • C. cadets in the American ?£■*- . , “ n ' <" fill the G. M. , a ’ ^Pite the defeat the game final 46 38 and the the beei, C ° me Was * n doubt from Bat th,""" 1 : U that sort of Th, at.rested the fans. vent to -T* d ' rive «l from the game Legion Memorial fund. d^l proctors home Th, ho - ED BY FIRC TUESDAY Proctor n * ° f , * Ir ‘ an d Mrs. Hershal *•»» C0Blhl r . , Sta to Prison Farm *hout destroyed by fir© known f the fire ^rou^ ! l, < ‘ f ' a mes quickiy swept j, 0 * ”* ,re dwelling. The ^otJSRnii f., 0t e ^ cct * a °d several v r*d undo* ¥ \ ° f ,umber that was d. „ j r t " e bouse were destroy- : by i n ' ' V!ls Partially protect- Mr p u anc< • C i *.™Rloyed at Allen’s ly Oe^n adj j borne » borne has recent- and improved. barbecue, Lt. Col. F. A. Whitaker, Executive Officer of the Regiment, made an inspiring speech and pre sented r.erviccvr.i..dals to Capt. Har grove, Lt. E. B. Jackson, 1st Sgt. Harry Hargrove and Mess Sgt. Cur tis Ba&«. A medal with a bbr was awarded Supply Sgt. James P. Hogan for more than ten years ser vice. These medals ware given by the state of Georgia for honest and faithful service in the guards and are greatly appreciated by the men who received them. Rev. Frank Juiilian, pastor of the Methodist church, preached a most interesting sermon to the children Sunday morning. He told them about Samson slaying the lion, and ihe bees making honey in the carcas of the slain animal. He then referred to the many Lons the children would meet in their pathway in life—lazi- , disobedience, ill temper, etc., and said that they must learn to come them if they wished to make a success in life, God could give them strength to be victorious. He held the elosect attention of his young hearers. A special song by the children, and rejection Ly an orchestra compos ed of little girls lead by Miss Hors- brough of G. S. C. W., were among the musical program rendered. Rev. Nath Thompson, Presiding Elder of the Oxford District, will church. preach at the Methodist ehurch next Sunday morning and evening. Rev. Mr. Thompson is one of the most interesting and forceful preachers in the North Georgia Conference, and his sermons are always helpftil. He will have large congregations at both services. BALDWIN BLUES WILL BE INSPECTED MARCH 1»TH Orders have been received nam ing March 19th as the date for the nnnual inspection of the Baldwin Blues. Capt. Walter Gregory of the Regular Army has been tyimed as the Inspecting Officer. The Com pany is working hard so as they will make a good showing at inspection they have always done in the past. Chief-of-Police Broome states that ♦he month of January was a dull one in police circles and that few arrests made. R. H. McCOMBS OPENS AUTO REPAIR SHOP Mr. R. H. McCombs has taken ove rthe management of the auto over the management of th*» auto* Combs garage building in the rear of the post office. Mr. McCombs has announced that The prices to be offered will be an- the shop will do all kinds of auto re- nounced next week when full details pairing and Welding. j r.f the sale will be given out. Farmers of Baldwin and surround ing counties are busy preparing their lands and mnping out their years program in an effort t«* bring back agriculture to a >tate of normalcy. The evidence of busy plows is found throughout the county. Sun shiny days have proven profitable and none of the farmer? have al lowed time to slip hy without tak ing advantage of the soring w-eather. In all sections of th-3 county an optimistic attitude is shown. Farm Agent Langley has been untiring in his effort* and is rendering valu able service. The program this year will center around the cow, hog and hen and the live at home fomula. Mr. Langley has assisted the farmers in maping out their program and has advised with them as to the crops to be planted. A survey of the markets in the county is now being made with a view of the farmer having n year round crop yield. Several hundred baby chicks have been purchased by farmers who hope to develop a paying flock of poultry. Plans arc being made to bring in several brood sows into the county with a number of beef and dairy cattle. The mule market this year has been unusually good, ’-'armers from throughout this section have come here to purchase mules. Agent Lungley stated that the poultry sale on the 25th would give the poultry mi'-ers an opportunity dispose of their culled chickens. Ministers of City Take No Action Regarding Welfare Organization NEW YORK EDUCATOR VISITS G. S. C. W. rtertained At Banquet By Dr. Webber. Piea.ed With College Here Dr. Darrell Harmon, Professor of Research Education of New York University, spent Tuesday in the city us the* guest of Dr. J. L. Beeson and inspected the college plant and visit ed interesting points in the city. Dr. Harmon is secretary of Pi Gamma Mu, Social Science Honor Society ar.d was enroute to Rollins College for . pecinl work of the so ciety. He was accompanied to the Florida college by Dr. G. H. Web ber who is Chancellor of this divi sion. Dr. Webber entertained the visitor at a banquet which was at tended by the members of the so ciety on the campus. Dr. Harmon is also supervisor of higher education in New Jersey. Mrs. Harmon and their two children were with them. BASTON-S HATCHERY SHIPPING LARGE NUMBER OF CHICKS Baby Chick Industry Ha* Shown Rapid Growth-. Many People Raiding Chicken* Prep Teams to Organize Baseball League Next Week G. M. C. To Be One of Six Teams to Form League in G. I. A. A. Each Team Will Play Four Games With Other Teams in The League. Plans to Be Worked Out Next Week A baseball league of six teams is being planned b> coaches of the G. I. A. A. and the organization will be perfected next week when the coaches gather in Macon for the basketball tournament. The plan is to organize a league with six teams. G. M. C., Madison, Lanier, Monroe, Gordon and Barr.cs- ville A. & M., are the teams that have been proposed for the league. Each team will play four games with the other teams in the league, two at home and two away from home. The schedule will open April 1st and regular standing* will bc kept. Coach T. H. Rentz likes the idea and declared that G. M. C. would enter the agreement. SPECIAL SERVICES AT MIDWAY HUNDREDS VISIT UNION- METHODIST CHURCH NEXT SUNDAY Rendered Mi*. RECORDER'S MODERN HOME Large Crowd* Inspect Nev lorn* in Wert End on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of Last Week Hundreds of people visited the o *i „ ...Mi iw,i i union-Rccorder modern home which Special services will be held next ... Sunday morning at the Mitay »» .p-nri far ,n»i, t c<,on an Thu™- Muthodi-t church. The entire acrvicc *»; F"day and Saturday afternoon of last week. The home recently completed was opened for public inspection with the idea of creating interest in Shipments olf baby chick* from the Boston's Hatchery has greatly increased this season and thus in dustry has shown rapid growth dur ing the past few years. Mr. J. C. Bast on ha* one of the largest hatchery’s in the state at his home near the Georgia depot He specializes in Barred Rocks, R. I. Reds and White Leghorn*. All the breeding flocks have been blood tested and the chicks are guaranteed against white diarrhea. During the past few weeks, Agent Langley has supervised the struction of many hrooders for the farmers of this section in order that baby chicks could be purchased. Mr. Boston ftated that the cow. hog, hen idea was taking root and that many farmers as well as people in the citys and towns were buying baby chicks this year. Favor Organized Charity Bat Make No Snggition As to Who Shall Administer Funds MR. AND MRS. LOME MEEKS INJURED IN WRECK Favoring organized charity in Baldwin county and declaring that a fund is needed for social work, • the ministers of the city failed to en dorse the proposed Baldwin County Welfare Association which has been proposed to the county commission- The ministers issued no joint staVnicrit following their meeting last week, but stated individually that they believed organized charity necessary. They explained that each church had a charity fund that was being distributed among the needy and that each church continued to carry on their work among the poor of the county. One of Ihe ministers explained that the funds which had 6ecn raised by the Red Cross has been sufficient to carry on the work and that every need had been met through this or ganization and at the same time there war a national organization from which aid could be realized in an emergency. Mr. and Mrs. Scovill, formerly of the Salvation Army, who have had the county charity work in charges for over a year appeared before the county commissioner* for recogni tion as the official workers in tbo county. They w’ere asked for the en dorsement of the ministers It is understood that the commis sioners will consider the plea of the Scovills at an early meeting. In a recently issued report, the Scovills showed the amount of work that had been done and how certain funds had been distributed. Their report received the endorsement of many citizens who declare that the ser vices of a regular paid social and j welfare worker is necessary. Several civic and fraternal organizations have given their indorsement to the proposed plan. The ministers declared that they thought a welfure worker, such as a nurse sent out by the department of health to work with the health offic er could do most good. They were also of the opinion that $2,000 was sufficient to carry on this work. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Meeks were painfully but not seriously injured on Snturday night when their cr~ was hit on the Sanitarium Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Meeks, who work at Allen’s. Invalid Home, were enroute to Milledgeville and had come down Hollinshcad’s hill and were turning into the avenue and paved road when they were hit by. the other driver who was coming from this city. They were both taken to the City Hospital. Mr. Meeks suffered from shock. Mrs. Meeks had several bruises and cuts. PUPILS OF MISS McCLURE TO GIVE RECITAL The pupls of Miss Fannie Virginia McClure will give a most interesting recital on Friday afternoon at four o’clock, to which the pu>lic is in vited. A one act playlette with the char acters being enacted or the pianos will be given by the pupils. IMPERSONATOR ON LYCEUM AT C. S. C. NEXT WEDNESDAY Miss I.nura Forbes, celebrated reader and impersonator i* schedul ed to appear on the lyceum at G. S. G W, next Wednesday. ill be given over to the st idy of the book “Methodism and Kingdom Ex tension". This will bring to n close the special missionary cultivation period. This study is put on to show the Methodist the need of the moral, spiritual and financial support in the great missionary work of their After the services a free will off ering will be taken, and sent at once to relieve the crying needs of the Methodist missionaries. The mem bers of the congregation are urged to come prepared to make an offer- ng. They can make it a denial offer ing by denying themselves of some thing they would otherwise have. The following program will be endered: 1. Regular Worship Service— (a) Evangelizing the Masses and (b) Other chapter by the Pastor. Special Hymn. Foreign Missions—Miss Lucil le Tucker. 4. Hymn. 6. Kingdom Extension and Heal ing—Mr?. Leroy Jones. Offering, Song, Benediction. Mrs. R. R. Reid, of Forsyth is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Sam Terry, Jr., who is ill in the city hos pital. building and carrying out the idea suggested in Better Homes Week. The home was constructed of Buldwin county products and those purchased through Baldwin county business houses. Plans are now being, made by sev eral people in the city to build new homes and undertake remodeling w’ork. D. A. R. MEMBERS VISIT SITE OF NANCY HART HOME. Mrs. Y. H. Yarbrough, Regent of the Nancy Hart Chapter, Mrs. M. S. Bell and Mrs. Steve Thornton, spent. Wedne day in Elberton where they visited the site of the home of Nancy Hart. The Elberton chapter of D. A. R. served a luncheon and Colonial tea in- honor of the visitors. During the afternoon t«ie rite of the home was visited. The land on which once stood the home of Nancy Hart is owned jointly hy the Milledgeville and Elberton Chapters of the D. A. R. They have under advisement a plan to turn the land over , to the state to be made into a memorial. Howard Brantley, a >oung v man about nineteen or twenty years of age, was crushed to death hy a log rolling over him last Thursday near Meriwether. He and n negro were moving logs when the accident occurred. Comer Newton held an in quest, and the jury found that his death was accidental. Mr. T. H. Ennis has been named distributor of Pan-Am gasoline and oils in this county and has taken over the agency this week. Mr. Ennis has associated with him Mr. Lawrence Bloodworth who will be the sale-man. There are now three Pan-Am stations in the county; Mr. Swann at Scottsboro; The Triangle Soition at Biand’s Lumber Co., and the Hudson-Essex Station. The Historv C’ub at G. S. C. W. gave a very amusing comedy in 3 acts, entitled M Tt Happened In Holly wood,” on Saturday evening, Feb. 7, 1931. The r-lav was coached by Dr. Amanda Johnson with the assist ance of Mbs Helen Greene. The cooking display held at the office of the Gas Company Thurs day and v riday afternoons were largely attended. The advantagtes of gas ranges for cooking purposes were illustrated as buiscuit, pastry meat and vegetables were cooked and served. U. D. C. MET ON TUESDAY AFTERNOON. The Robert: E. Lee Chapter U. D. C., met on Tuesday afternoon, with Mrs. J. F Bell as hostess. A beautiful Georgia Day program had been arranged by Mrs. G. A. Lawrence, Mrs. Dennis Turner very interestingly told of soase leading features of Georgia History. Mrs. Edyth Gibson rendered two beauti ful vocal selections. Mrs. Bell served beautiful and de licious refreshments, carrying out the Valentine motif. NEWS BRIEFS A committee of the P. T. A. with Mr*. P. N. Walker in charge, will e a barbecue dinner Saturday at the American Legion Hall, orders for any quantity will be filled. Mrs. Sam Terry, who underwent i operation at the city hospital the past week, is regaining her health d strength.