Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, March 19, 1931, Image 1

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['baldWIN COUNTY * * INSTITUTION K ftnitm-llcrordcr In Progmtha Baldwin ' and Surrounding Counties JUME Cl Southsrn Recorder MiMcdffTilU, G»., March IS, 1S31 ON ALLEN IN RACE EAKER’S ■ County Ropicientitire „| U»J' n B Candidltel for Speaker of Horn* L B*Xt ujid.cy of Marion Allen of the Home the Georgia Legis- i"ed bright, his backers and M helievi hcs®e i make leaders in the legiala- the five cornerd more interesting dur- session of the legisle- i« now in progress. Col. enounced his candidacy last ^. tr he had been urged nee by lead, and hi* friend* are rallying sup- w bio and believe that he will etorioa*- Col. Allen is opposed by ! other members of the house. native Culpepper and Repre- |irf Arlie Tucker are his strong- K opponents. ...Allen has made an outstand ["'record during his term in the He gained leadership rapidly ^ hu ken one of the leaders tang policies during the extra With Representative Battle iy a t bill 1 His position on important eittees has gained for him pres- C ,nd proven his ability in leader- out woe of the race is un- i, to Col Allen is a leading Ididate ard it is strongly predict- Ithat he »£I win the election. L. M. Jones Hospital Building Is Opened Thursday Morning The L. M. Jones Hospital building j in jails to the hospital Thursday. It at the Millcdgevillo State Hospital is expected that about one hundred will be opened for the reception of j new patients will be received. Extra patients Thursday mormr. K , Dr. R. attendants and nurses have boon cm- C. Swint has announced. ployed to take care of the increase. Th boilding. completed more than The cost of operating the new btiiid- year ago, has been unoccupied be- i„ E will add about fifty thousand cause of the shortage of fund, due dollars to the expenses of the hos- the hospital in which to furnish the pitaL building and pay the balance owing Governor Hardeman has MARKET PLANS GOING FORWARD Executive Committee Lay* Plans for Establishment of Farmers Market Here 110 UNVEIL MARKER MARCH 31 of Old Oglethorpe to rounrntlv Marked With Exe. ok* on 94th Anniversary. Mr. John Hutchinson is supervis ee building of the marker at the of old Oglethorpe University i the D. A. R. ar<- perfecting tneir unveiling, which will L'e the afternoon March 31, this be- ' the ninety-fourth anniversary of laying of the original corner- : original corner stone is in- rated in the new marker. A copper box will contain both • historic data connect- vith the D. A. R., with Dr. Allen' n tnd with old Oglethorpe, n»e S. A. R. and the U. D. C. tally invited and all Milledge- * friends *ho can to uttend will *eW The exercises will be at foat o'clock and promise to BW arresting. * Milledgeville papers will next eostiin the program in full. Plans were adopted by the Execu tive committee, charged with estab lishing a farmers market in Ballwin County, at a meeting held last Fri- , . x . . | stated j day afternoon to go forward with the the contractors. Last week Gcver- that he will be here for the opening, .work so that a market can ho opened Hardman borrowed money and The building will be opened without early in May. the proviaion^thut 'the^'builthng'he j ce ” nlony ’ Dr - Swint Btat ' d th,t the i A score of farmer, and busineaa opened ! dedication or the building would be men who compose the committee Officials in the counties in the mat * c at a l ater da*e when sufficient j membership are enthusiastic m their state have been notified to send the money was received to operate the white insane that are now being held j building properly. Senate Sustains Governor’s Veto of W* & A. Discount Bill The State Senate today, Wednes day, refused to over ride Governor L. 'G. Hardeman’s veto of the W. A A. rent discountal bill and thus the only relief measure that provided funds for the relief of the State Hos pital and Colleges of the state died. The House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed by a vote of 149 to 31 the W. & A. bill which introduced by Col. Marion Allen, of this county, and Representative Soldiers to Pay City A Visit Next Wednesday Afternoon IKWS SURVEY MADE SUNDAY AFTERNOON Nol Completed But Will B< .1 Earlv Date. Reporta ‘ Be Compiled 4 r * lifrioa « *urvey of Milledgeville e Sunday aftenoon by com- 1 * rf,m various churches of J*' city was divided into committee of two as- _ to each j-on<\ i n order thnt the ( l*c hastily and accurately purpose of the survey ^certain the church member- wiominational preference. battallion of field artillery from Fort Bragg enroute to Fort Benning will spend the night here next Wednesday. The soldiers will arrive here with their big guna drawn by horses in The public has been invited by First Lieut. E. B. Jackson, who is commanding the Baldwin Blues in the absence of Capt. F. R. Hargrove, to witness the inspection of the i pany which will take place at eight o’clock, Thursday. Capt. Walter Greggory, U. S. A. will be the inspecting officer. A number of high officers of the 121st Infantry will also be present. The drills will be held on the street in front of the post office. endeavor. Committees we**e named to select a site for the market, de termine the number of farmers who would attend the market, and de cide upon a market master. These committees have already begun their ork and a survey is being made of the county ns to the type of pro duce to be sold and how many farm- s will attend the market regularly. Mr. George Tunnell was elected secretary of the committee which will serve as a board of directors for the market. Jere N. Moore has prev iously been elected chairman. Co-operation of every citizen iti the county was urged by every mem ber of the committee. It was pointed out that the endeavor was launched in the hope that it would mean much ttie farmer and business mar alike. It was shown that if the mar ket becomes successful, several hun dred thousand dollars will be dis tributed in the channels of trade of Milledgevillc, and that it will be re sponsible for a material business in- j crease. The market will be of untold the late afternoon to spend the night, j va * Ue to the farmer, and it is the The camp will be pitched on the Fairl h ”P* of the committee that there grounds. Capt. Frank Mansfield and I h, ‘ a spirit of helpfulness shown Mr. P. E. Williams are the commit- b »* 0,6 farmer. The move is a pro- Battle, of Muscogee, for the second time Tuesday afternoon, over ruling the Governor’s veto of the bill. The failure of the bill to receive enactment leaves the State Hospital here in c critical financial condition. Bills several months past due cannot be paid and credit has been prac tically exhausted. The officiab at the hospital described the condition grave. Congressman Leaver Will Speak To Farmers Next Thursday A. M. SENATE PASSES NEW PRISON BILL Land to Be Purchased By Caamn- sion. Industrialization of Plant Here Possible tee appointed to arrange for the i ccption of the troops. The candidates for the G. M. C. isseball team went through long work outs every day this week under the direction of Coach Rent* in prepara tion for the opening game that will probably be played th*.- first week ii April. The cadets will have one of the best teams in years, it is understood. Several promising stars have shown » the early practices. grefaive one, Mr. Langley, the farm agent stated, and is one of the first material ste .* :o restore agriculture to a norma] basis. Further plans will be announced at a later date, the committee stated. LOCAL PLANT AWARDED LARGE FERTILIZER CONTRACT The measure that authorizes the purchase of a farm for a new prison Georgia was given the approval of the State Senate last week, after the house of representative had erwhelmfngly passed the measure. The till authorizes the purchase of from 5 to 30 thousand acres of land in another section of Georgia farm to be operated by the prisoners of the state. The bill was the report of a committee that had Leen appointed to investigate the ad visability of such action. While there was no definite action taken as to the dispoMtion of the present prison, it is being urged by leaders that the present farm be in dustrialized for the several hundred cripples and sick prisoners who not fit for farm work. It is also probable that the tubercular camp will be left here with the women prisoners. A commission has been appointed to make the purchase and work out a plan for adoption at the coming session of the general assembly { n June. A. F. Leaver, Joint Author of Smith-Leaver BUI, to Aditren Fortner, on Cotton Sabject MELLON GROWERS MET ON FRIDAY Congressman A. F. Leaver, of Co lumbia, S. C., joint author with Hoke Smith of the Smith-Leaver Bill, which made possible agricultural aid by the Federal government, will address the farmers of Baldwin county at a meeting on next Thursday morning. Farm Agent Langley has announced. The meeting has been called for n-thirty at the Court House. Mr. Leaver is a field man for the Fed eral Farm Board and is one of the outstanding speakers of the south. orator and a conclusive and interesting speaker. The farmers and business people of the county are urged to fill the court room to hear the speaker. Congressman Leaver has been close 1 to agriculture for a long number of years and has worked toward solv ing many agricultural problemns. Ht will speak on cotton at the meet ing Thursday. On Thursday evening, Mr. Leaver will be the guest of the Kiwanis club at a special meeting. Farm Agent L. R. Langley stated that Mr. Leaver has made a series of speeches throughout the state and had been heard by large audiences. Mr. Langley stressed the fact that Mr.Leaver was a well informed man and a most eloquent speaker. Farmers from throughout this sec tion are expected to hear the former congressman on next Thursday. . H. Ennis Fertiliser Worlu T Furnish 210 Tons to The Mil- ledgeville State Hospital. D. K. Young Discusses Marketing Before Large Gathering. Re- Duction in Acreage Seen Mellon growers of Baldwin cou ty held a party last v riday at Coojl- erville and in Milledgevillc to dis- plans for tue year and to hear Mr. D. K. Young talk on marketing and grading. Mr. Young who repre- ients the -Southeastern Fruit Grow- Association with headquartc APPLICATIONS FOR SEED LOANS ARE RECEIVED MONDAY 1— H. Andrews Filling Out Applica tions for Federal Aid. About $10,000. Available, TV Application blanks for seed loans for Baldwin county farmers were received Monday morning and Mr. L. H. Andrews immediately took over the job of filling out these blanks and sending them in for the money. About ten thousand dollars will be available for the farmers of this Governor L. G. Hardman this week named Col. Gordon Knox, prominent lawyer of Hazelhurst, a member of the Board of Trustees of the Mil- ledgeville State Hospital. Col. Knox fills the place left vac ant by the resignation of Mrs. Fan nie Peeples Patterson, of Valdosta, who was named to fill the unexpired term of the late Mr. C. C. Brantley. The remains of Mr. James A. Prosser were buiried in the Milledge- ville cemetery Thursday afternoon of last weex. The death of Mr. Prosser took from life one of Bald win county’s oldest citizens and re duced the ranks of the surviving Con federate Veterans. Mr. Prosser en listed in 18G2, and was present at the surrender of General Lee. Since the close of the war, until enfeebled by dfd age, a few years ago, he was a successful furmer. The trustees of the Milledgeville State Hospital today awarded tract for 210 tons of fertilizer J. H. Ennis Fertilizer Works, of this city.' This contract was awarded several bidders, and the ferti lizer will be used in cultivating the land at the Colony Farm, and other lands. The fertilizer manufr red by the J. H. Ennis Fertilizer Works meets every requirement of the Agricultural Department of the State, and is recognized as among the best Th « cr °P thls y par > 8 expected to be Moultrie explained grading the prepa-, county this year. The money is ration of the melon for market. He | P art °f fund appropriated by the told the growers to be careful in the I federal government for loans to selection of the melon and to have | formers to buy seed and fertilizer each car of a uniform size. About forty farmers met at Coop ville in the morning and ten were Agent Langley’s office at the af ternoon meeting. A ten to fifteen reduction in acreage this year was predicted following the meetings. Agent Langley called the growers together and unusual interest was shown in the plans that were made.. manufactured. The award of this ontraet to a local plant is highly gratifying. of the best the county has i produced. QUARTERLY CONFERENCE BE HELD FRIDAY NIGHT Nath Tl.ompion, Presiding ler Will Par Official Visit to Local Methodist Church Members of Plnntagenet Com mandery No. 12, will gather at thi Masonic Club next Tuesday night for the annual inspection which will be mnde by Sir Knight W. J. Penn, . of the fami- Grand Senior Deacon of the Grand 2^ *er e absent from home, Commandery of Georgia. 0r two of the zone sub- di- A dinner will be served in honor ited by a com-, °* inspecting officer prior to the 1 hoped that this work “kr w P ,! ted not * ater t * lan ne3rt ol»t. d .' h,t t * ,e card » can lx p ° Mible - Talu - -t.™, which will enable r l . Ind churches to cany '•CeT”’ * l ‘ rk city ' CLASS before p t. a. 1 ^. S0Pmomo re L,0 f'NC BE po - cl *»» of G. s. a * *Uf L . ree hundi ed members tk * Parent-Teech- - and the members of “•» j»»t UCttional Association jtPhituurention in Kacon iha *° t° Mncon on . "nUat *'!' th '! r Procmm *ill in' T 8 * Ali ce Lenore “ d Jh °. f the P**- inspection. The Order of the Tern pie will be put on for the benefit of the inspecting officer. PRESBYTERIANS TO HAVE MEMBER CANVAS SUNDAY STILT WALKER BACK IN CITY ! District GoVernor «f Kiwanii 1 Eddie Dorcey, the man on stilts j.SnuJ of Atlanta, called upon Lt. Gov who was arrested in this city Friday ' Erwin Sibley at an infformal Ki- March fith, and carried to Macon on jwauis meeting Wednesday. Gov. the charge of jumping his board bill, jSned had just made an official visit was back in the city Monday walking to the Macon club. He returned to the streets on stilts. He had attach- Atlanta this afternoon after promis ed to his person several placards ing to make an official visit to the carrying advertisement*. He attrac- great deal of attention. Carrying out the usual custom, the Presbyterian church will hold their every member canvas on next Sun day. The budget for the year has been adopted and will be read at the morning services. All members are urged to be present and sign their pledges for the year. Mr. Morgan Thompson attended the state convention of the Wood- 'of the World held in Moultrie last week. Mr. Thompson is one of the leaders of the fraternal organiza tion in the state. An announcement was made this week by Mr. Ralph Simmerson that Mr. Nat Knight would return to the Buick Agency to have charge of the repair and service department with Mr. Robert Ashefield. Mr. Knight has been identified with the Simmerson agency for several years and his return to the mechan ical department la learned with inter est by his friends. SINGING CONVENTION FIFTH SUNDAY IN MARCH The Baldwin Co. Singing Conven tion will be held with Mt. Pleasant church the 5th Sunday In March. The public is invked to attend and assist in furnishing dinner by bringing a basket of eatablea. Milledgeville club at an early date. Gov. Sned was accompanied by his wife. The fire department was called to the home of Mr. T. S. Jeana shortly after noon Tuesday to axtinguish a blaze on the kitchen rood, little dam age was done when the firemen quickly responded. DELICATESSAN OPENS WJ5EIT THIS The new delicateasan to occupy the building next to Culver A Kidd will open for baMness Friday of this week, Mir. Hogan, the proprietor has announced. The friends of Mr. M. L. Curry regret to know that ho b ill at his home. The first quarterly conference of the Milledgeville Methodist church will be held at the church Friday evening at eight o’clock, Rev. Nath Thompson Presiding Elder of the Oxford District presiding Elder pre siding. Rev. Mr. Thompson has been in Edith Miller Gibson, with »>° Wesll,> ' Ml '"’ ori “ 1 Ho.-pit«l in At- delichtful program or song., enter-, ,anta ,he ' ,a ’“ M ' vi ral »«•«. toined the Kiwanis dub at their | “" de 7' onc m,nor "i>o™Uon. Hia regular meeting Inst Thursday night.! fne ? d * <‘i*''ict «re Mrs. Gibson was greeted with much j r,,J0,ced at h “ recDTeI T. applause when introduced by Col. Thompson has, since his ap- Hoach, chairman of the ;prograni committee. Mrs. Gibson is one of Milledgeville’s most talented musici ans and the Kiwanis greatly enjoyed her songs. Mbs Maggie Jenkins coinpanied her on the piano. The March term of Baldwin coun ty court will convene next Monday morning at ten o’clock. Judge E. Hines presiding. There are several civil and misdemeanor cases to be tried. Jwors have been summoned. Cob Carlyle Giles county Court So licitor will represent the State the criminal cases. pointment as Presiding E'der held the first quarterly conferences of the Milledgeville circuit and Midway charge, and preached twice at the Milledgeville Metltodist church. At the conference Friday night reports of the various departments, showing the activities of the church since December 1st will be made. All of the officiab and members of the church are expected to be present. The Ralph Spmtnerson f Pohtdac agency received a car of new ears last week and had made a complete sell out In the weeks time. Mr. Sira- raerson stated that the reception given the new car was most gratify ing. STUDENTS RETURN TO MILLEDGEVILLE WEDNESDAY Back from their homes in all sec tions of Georgia, the members of the student body at G. S. C. W., were back ait their classes this morn ing after spending several days at home on spring holiday*. The special train arrived Wednes day and the campus was busy again / with the hustle of students. The young ladies enjoyed their visit home and have begun work again looking toward June and Commesce- ment. Field Day and Musie Week are the prominent events on the calen dar before that time.