Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, December 10, 1931, Image 3

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THE UNION-RECORDER, MILLEDGEVILLE, GA., DECEMBER 10, 1031 The Famous Simmons Beauty Rest M ASONS HONOR JOE MOORE A f BANQUET FRIDAY EVENING r Officer* Join Bon.Vol- «, Lodge No. 3 in Tribe*, lo New Grand Master. MR. E. E. BELL PASSES birthday anniversary Wednesday, December 9th, was the annversary of the birthday of Mr. K. E. Bell, and he received many expressions of congratulations from - -rr rs -- —— Grat ,.i Master of Georgia Masons, v nll .mbers of Benevolent Lodge No. h i., home lodge, and Masons of neighboring towns which included Grand Lodge Officers. ° Following the reception the Ma sons gathered around the banquet table for a delicious dinner before the various speakers told of how much Joe Moore meant to Masonry an d with what respect and love he was held by members of the fratern- l> Mr. II. S. Jones. Past Grand Com mander of the Grand Command- ery of Georgia, presided as toast master and in a most delightful way presented the speakers of the even ing- In introducing Mr. Guy Luns ford. of Millen, Senior Grand Ward en. Mr. Jones took occasion to ex- pre~ his pleasure at the large gath ering. Mr. Frank 0. Miller, Past Grand Master, past Grand High Priest, and Grand Commander, was the next sneaker on the program, lie was followed by Dr. C. Wilk inson who read a letter from Mr. Abbit N'ix. of Athens, a Grand I^dge officer, before he praised the work of Mr. Moore and told of his value t.. Masonry. Mr. Moore was presented to the audience and he, in turn, presented the Grand Secretary, Mr. Frank Baker, and his assistants. He also introduced the head of the Mason ic Orphanage and five young ladies who are from the orphans home and are being sent to G. S. C. W. by the Masons. He told of many things Masons are doing and made a plea for the co-operation of all Masons in Georgia in the program he had planned for the year’s work. Mr. Moore has beer* a trustee of the orphan’s home for many years and ha- been active in Grand Lodge work. Turing the year he will visit many ledges in the state and atter.u oth er official ceremonies. Mrs. Moore was presented a bou- <;c*-t of flowers. During the evening a delightful musical program war: given by Mrs. Edith Miller Gibson, Miss Maggie Jenkins, and Messrs .Smith, Hogan, Wysong ami Rogers. The Masonic Club has not v/it- r r -ipd a similar occasion in almost i century. The last time a member of the lodge served as Grand Master wt almost a century ago. The club rooms were decorated in Christmas colors and flowers v M i’ presented a most beautiful gia, and came to this city when a mere lad, with bin father, and since that time, with the exception of four or five years, he hfcs made his home here. He organized his present dry goods business in 1901. and has ducted it continuously since, brought with him years of experience os he started in a dry goods store, when a mere boy. He is now ldegeville’s oldest dry goods chants, and gives his business his close personal attention and motto is -'If You Want The Best Shop At E. E. Bell’s.” Mr. Bell ig a progressive citizen, d an active churchman. He has for ars been a member of the Board of Stewards of the Methodist church is now serving as chairman. He treasurer ol that organization for a long number of years. He has made Milledgeville a use ful and progressive citizen. He is today active for one of his years, and is growing old gracefully. The Union-Recorder joins his friends in extending congratulations and best shes. “May the years that are ahtead of him be his happiest ai.d best.” The Board of Control to- have charge of all eleemosynary institu tions in the state will be named by Governor Richard B. Russell, Jr., on next Saturday it has been announc ed. This board will have the State Hospital and Boys Training School under its control. Edwrin Lacey, little son of Mrs. Marjoire Lacey, hnd grandfeon of Mr. Arthur Farell, happened to the painful accident Wednesday after noon of breaking one of the bones in his leg just above the ankle. He was playing football, with • -com panion, in the front yard and stepped in a hole, which twisted the leg and caused him to fall. The limb was put in a cast by one of tifc physi cians at the Milledgeville State Hos pital. It will be some days before The regular meeting of the Mor ris-Little Post of the American Legion will be held this, Thursday evening at 7:30 o’clock, for the transaction -of important business. The meeting will adjourn at eight o’clock and the members will go Lyman Veal's where an oyster roast will be enjoyed. A full attendance of the members is urged. he ( FOR SALE—Circulating Heater good condition. Address P. O. E SHOE REPAIR WORK If you want sbas repaired—I do first-class work, as cheap as any one, for cash. Bring your shoos to mm, as I guarantee my work to bo satis* TERMS CASH WM. DAVIS ’Phono 372 128 Wayno St. FOR RENT—Si* room bouse, wa ter, lights and all convenience*. Recently 'remodeled Hud painted. Thirty acres of land for poultry raising and truck jformisg. Two miles from city. See Dr. Edwin Allen. A number of the merchants and insurance agents are distributing 1932 calendars. Tulane vs. Georgia NOV. M Atlanta . . . ATLANTA* BILTMORE "Tli, South', SuprMw Hotel” Guorfi* game ,t the game is Atlanta - at the Ttesua n. rtha°«tehate™ •““■“•odoti** «■* auperh wrrieT ter which the Billmore ia noted? After e refrains, ni(ht’e deep end a .apart tntefail. take a morning train or drive over an ell pared rood lo Athena. While the Biltmore has 600 rooms — all outside and each with private bath and circulating ice water — r f make your reservations immediately. n ATCC’ s,NeLE ' $3/ $♦ and $s I CO. DOUBLE, $3, $6, $7, f9. LOCAL , MAiypENINGa ? * ' Monday was the regular day for the ordinary’s court, but very little business passed through the office that day. The City Council held their reg ular monthly meeting Monday night, and transacted routine business. The installation of the officers of the Methodist church Sunday mom- .as very impressive. The pastor, Frank Quillian, delivered an earnest and inspiring talk. A large regaton was present to witness Sheriff iHaynie is summoning and and traverse jurers drawn for the January,term of Superior court. Heavy trucks loaded with cotton arc leaving this city nlmost daily. The highways are being damaged by over loaded trucks. The public is invited to attend the W. C. T. U. meeting at the Method ist church Friday. There will be a numln of interesting addresses de livered. Give Sleep Beginning Christmas Let Everybody Enioy sounder Healthier Sleep Cnly $ J.95 required Tie- Lathering Friday was a great ored Milledgeville and the local Ma- riVute to Toe Moore who has hon- sonic lodge. PRICES SLASHED ON TOYS In keeping with the general conditions we have made sweeping Auctions on our ENTIRE LINE OF TOYS. We are doing this before Christmas so that our friends can benefit in time on heir purchases. X)N7 FAIL TO CALL and look over our assortment and com pare prices on items you select. We can show you a saving, n our regular hardware stock we have many articles of Utility hat make pleasing and lasting gifts. R, W. Hatcher Hdw. Co Whol-sile «»d Retail EXTRA VALUE Si* new fcautres have been built into the new 1931 Beautyrest that add $10.00 extra value without any in- create in cost. These feature* are hidden away beneath the Inatrous Roacmary damask cover, but they are the secret of the Beautyrest’s famous comfort-pivinf qualities. Make someone happier and healthier during the coming year by giving them one of these luxurious Beautyrest mattresses. Offered this week on special terms. 837 tiny coils beneath deep fluffy layers of cotton felt, give Beautyrest that buoyant quality that induces sound, healthy sleep. The new Beautyrest is covered in a lustrous Rosemary damask cover, un usual in a mattress this modeate in price. Our Christmas Club Plan $3.95 cash is all that is required as an initial payment to deliver a Beauty rest in time for Christmas. Ask our salesmen today how you can give this luxurious gift and not feel any burden on your budget. Purchased* Sale Co ^■vyv**rTXXXX3rxriIXXliri*xxxxXX*xxxiJ