Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, March 28, 1935, Image 1

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m tlnian-Rcrortier A lAUflll MWBI • WiA Ovw Om HnM ■ Soatken Recorder BALDWIN SCHOOLS TO RECEIVE St 1.500 OF DIVERSION FINDS MUedgerillc, Ga., March 28, 1935 Conoolldatcd la 1172 NUMBER 31 ...motion UnanimooJy Adooted Commends Baldwin Solos far Faithful Services lo Slate. The House of Representatives un- passed a resolution on last cr.mmending Col. Marion \ilen for his faithful services to the [e of Georgia as a member of the ard <>f Control. •y,. resolutiorf was as follows: Vhenas. one of our distingushed m w,. ri has been honored by being heretofore appointed as a member of [j ( if Control of the State nary Institutions, and \Vhere:i>. aid member, the Hon. Marion Allen, of Baldwin County, has served his term with honor and , rflinchins devotion to duty and rendered-said services willingly , H -.vi’hout one penny of cost to our < r any ourposes. therefore. • resolved by the House of p, : r, ' nfatives that the services of ,V. -fr:-; lished Georgian be and the same ; gratefully recognized and • resolution be entered upon .f. ,t u nal of the House, as a testi monial ' faithful services by a patri otic citizen to his state. Col. Allen has served on the board ire. its inception in 1932. having .ten appointed by Senator Richard ■; Russell. Jr., then Governor of h state. He gave much of his time r the interest of the institutions r.riir 1he supervision of the board. : daily the Milledeeville State Inspital.* He fought bitterly against reduction in the number of em- l. vees at the hospital and also a eduction in the salaries at the in- titutir-n. He gave much of his time nd talent ar.d was a valuable mcm- .r of the board. CAPT. FRANK MANSFIELD RETURNED HERE FOR ONE MORE YEAR liar Department Notifies Col. Jen kins That Cmt. Mansfield Will C ontinue Duty Here. Cr.i. Joe Jenkins was advised by Central McKinley, the Adjudant General of the United States Army. « a last Friday that Capt. Frank ' Id would contiuc as nrofes- . f Military Science and Tactics ;.t G. M. C. for another year. Capt Mansfield has been at G. M. C f r five years and durific that time G. M. C. has won Honor School Kiting for the past two years. He il be on duty for the school term 1935-36. Capt. Mansfield had expected to be relieved of duty here since it is the < : tom for an officer to serve only ■f .ir years at a post. The college had :cd that another officer be de led. since Cant. Manf field had < ported to be moved. The Adjud- ; General said he had given the . ,tter careful consideration and t he had decided to retain Capt. Mansfield at the local school. Supt. P. N. Bivins stated this week that Baldwin county schools would receive $11,500 from the funds to be diverted by the Gov ernor from money saved from the gasoline tax as direetd by the state legislature. Mr. Bivins si id he expected the money some time in April. This money is part of the two million dollar fund accumulated by the Governor and to be given the schools and Confederate pen sioners. MILLERS. BELL ONREGENTBOARD Governor Tahnadge Appoints Mil led?* Banker as Sixth District Member. Governor Eugene Talmadge an nounced the appointment of Mr. Miller S. Bell to the Board of Regents to take the place of Mr. Elliott Dun- woedy whose term expires July 1st of this year. The appointment was immediately confirmed by the senate on Thursday. Other members named to the Board of Regents were: John Monaghan, of Pelham to succeed W. J. Vereen: Chas. M. Milan, of Cartersville to succeed E. S Ault and Cason J. Callaway, of LaGrange. . Mr. Bell was a member of the Beard of Trustees of G. S. C. W. for many years and is well versed in the affairs of higher education in Georgia. He has been treasurer of the college since his retirement from the board. He is a member of th* Pcird of Trustees of Wesley Bishop Mikell and Dr. Sutton To Speak at 0.S.C. Commencement Dr. Guy Wells, president of the Georgia State College for Women, announced today through the de partment c! publicity directed by Dr. W. T. Wynn, plans for the 1935 commencement program. The Right Reverend H. J. Hikell. . D., L. L. D.. Bishop of the Dio- ■se of Atlanta of the Episcopal Church, will deliver the baccalaure ate sermon to the graduates on Sun day June 9th. at 11:30. Bishop Mikell is well known and is recognized of the greatest preachers in 1 South. Hon. Willis A. Sutton. Superinten dent of the- Atlanta Public Schools, will deliver the address to the sen iors during the grauating exercis es on Monday June 10. The gradu ating exercises will begin at ten o’clock. Dr. Sutton is recognized as one of the Souths leading educa tor* and is past president of the National Education Association. The commencement program be gins on June 7th and ends on June 10th. The summer session will be gin- June 12th and continue through August 28th. Sub-Marginal Progranf in County Has Been Given Approval The proposed plan of the federal government to take over several thousand acres of sub-marginal lands in the northern section of the county has been approved by district offic ers and sent to Washington for final action. It is expected that the order to carry the program forward wil be received at an early date. The govern ment will buy the land, take it out of production, locate a large CCC camp here to reforest the lands and build fire breaks. The owners of this land and the farmers will be rehabilitated on other lands U bought by the government. The pro ject will be one of the largest in the state. JOE T. ANDREWS G. M. C TRUSTEE Elected bv Board to Fill Vaciicr Canted by Death of Dr. M. F. SCembridge. The Board of Trustees of G. M. C. unanimously elected Mr. Joe T. Andrews, as a member of the board to fill the unexpired term of the late Dr. M. F. Stembridge. Mr. Andrews is one of MiUedgc- ville’s prominent young business mer. and has long been interested in the affairs of the college. He graduated at G. M. C. in 1920 and has been active as a member of the alumnae association since his graduation. Mr. Andrews is president of the Kiwanis Club and is past Worshipful Master of Benevolent Lodge No, 3 F. & A. M. and served a« president of.the Men’s Club of the Presbyterian church. He has been active in the business, religious and political life of the community for a number of Mr. Andrews is head of C. H. Andrews & Son. local insurance ED R. COLLINS HONOR SCHOOL D1ES0FW0UND TEST APR. 11-12 W. G. Lockhart Held on MirderjU. Cel. A. W. Lane and Lieut. Warrant FcDowinf Fatal Shoot- * Col. H. B. Crea Will Make In* ing. Hearing Planned. spection of G. M. C. Mr. Ed R. Collins. Baldwin coun- The Honor School inspection will farmer, died a few hours after M 3 * held a * G. M. C. on April lltji had been shot in the pit of the | and 12th,, Col.. Joe Jenkins ! abdomen Saturday afternoon lo B o and W* Memorial church Atlanta. Mr. Bell has long been; ari - , 7™ ‘ prominent in the affairs of the county fam y ’ Methodist church and has been j vised this week. Wilkinson street by Mr. W. G. Lock- | Ui Col. A. W Lane, erf the office - • • ; of the Chierof Infantry. Washington, D. C.. and Lt. Col. H. B. Crca. of *•*•••**■'• , - . i Tort Benning. Ga., will make the . The fetal shoottnnimpaction. The officers will arrive many times honored by this denomi- , urdoy afternoon on Wilkin on str t ( ^ the night of thc tcnlh from nation. He has also been prominent near the home of Mr. LocKart , j Rjirnrwillo Ga and wiH beein the in the K. P. Lodge and the bank- PRE-EASTER DEVOTIONS TO BE HELD AT M. £. CHURCH Rev. Horace Smith Will Conduct Series of Services Beginning o»« Palm Sunday. Rev. Horace Smith, pastor of the Methodist church, has announced a scries of special services to be held at the church during Holy Week. Services will be held twice daily beginning on Palm Sunday. April 18th, and ending on Easter Sunday. Rev. Mr. Smith will preach and special music will be under the di- ection of Mrs. R. E. Long. The public is cordially invited to these Pre-Easter services. MARCH 30 TO BE DOCTORS DAY Local Medical Auxiliary Plans Observance of Auuivenarv of Use of Anesthesia. Plans have been announced by thc Baldwin County Medical Auxili ary of thc Medical Society to ob serve next Saturday. March 30th. as Doctor’s Day in celebration of the anniversary of the gift by Dr. Craw ford W. Long c.’ anesthesia to the world. On March 30th. 1842. the first operation was performed using either by Dr. Crawford W. Long This day has been set aside bv the medical auxiliary to honor the men and women, living and dead, unknown and unsung, who have have C ivcn so much to relieve human suf fering. The day commemorates thc event* F-f medical heroes of all times ap is an occasion of unusual interest to the people here. On Saturday the local medical auxiliary will meet at the City Cemetery and place flowers on thc graves of Doctors that they able to locate. In next weeks issue -f this paper will appear a b' ^ ... «.*. .— biographical sketch of the been missing goods from his store ing fraternity. He will begin his duties as a regent July 1st and is appointed to serve six years. Mr. Bell goes on the board as the member from the Sixth Congres sional district. He is the first man ♦o be appointed to this board from Milledgeville. the home of one of the largest institutions under the supervision of the Board cf Reg- POUCE ARREST TWq ON CHARGE OF BURGLARY FROM ENNIS STORE Merchandise totaling several hun dred dollars in value was recovered hy Chief Frank Broome and Sheriff Havnie Thursday night following the arrest of Willie Ward and Louie West, two Negroes, who ure believed to be members of a gang that have been conducting a systematic scries of robberies throughout the city and county. The merchandise recovered had been taken from the store of Mr. O. M. Ennis in Hardwick. Mr. Ennis has plmcst directly in I inspection early Thursday morning. A murder I On Thursday evening a stag party Mr Lnekart by a brofta wi ,l be given in their honor r.i Collins alter he had surrcnoeied to , . Shertf.' Haynio following the shoot- j -pnng Lake. ■nc A committment heart!* trill be ; The officers will test the cadets in , ’ “ . beheld during the coming week, nt- ! every’ phase of military tactics, both Mi«s Frances Hoberson. ''J* 0 tomevs for Mr. Lockart stated. ! in class room and in thc field. The] injured a week ago when her auto- ill feeling has existed between the j equipment buildings, grounds, etc., two men for some time Sheriff Hay- : will also be gone over, nir stated. Mr. Lockart was stand- j * The cadets have been busy in in- on the edge of the sidewalk ( preparation for several weeks and enis. | talking to a negro. John Mass, .when I are looking forward to the test with “— j m,. Collins approached. Witnesses I much anticipation. While here the COL MARION ENNIS MEMORIAL I stated that when Mr. Collin* BP- ; officers will he at the homo of Capt. DAY ORATOR j orcnchcd. Mr. Lockart warned him a nd Mrs. Frank S. Mansfield. him and when he I Tlans Made to Celebrate Memorial Day on April 26th by IT. D. C. •entinued 1 art dm mobile hit the Georgia Railroad •rain on Wayne street, is in a seri ous condition at the City Hospital. Internal injuries have develop ed and an operation will be necessary. Physicians are deeply concerned about her welfare- Miss Roberson is the daughter of Mr. R. S.*Roberson, foreman of the Smith Venerring Plant. when veterans, sons of veterans and IT. D C. will gather in meetings at the Ccurt House. A dinner will be served at noon and in the afternoon ? nearer. Mr. Lock- ! CONTRACT TO COUNTY time M^MiinTwi tarit' COMPLETES IRWINTON ROAD msB cRN Rogers named “'" lb, , lkcn |„ I managing editor of tent" ' Hospital and an operation S7.274.12 Received from State High- i RED AND BLACK irrfi.rmed in. on effort to save his I way Department the Past Week 1 "e^ied a tow horns later. for More Work _ ! J-.D. * ! riterimtm o iti Ennis of the i -i student at the University of Gee" ers, completed the contract with the State Hiehway lartment last week to finish the Cel. Marion Ennis, prominent Mil- Icdeeville attorney, haj .accepted the invitation of the Robert E. Lee Chapter. U. D. C. to deliver the Memiral Day address on April 26th. ; Chnriman O. The observance <C the day will MRS. L. «. LANGLEY OPENS | county ^ comma the occasion for a half holiday N£W UD , ES SHOPPE APRIL 1,0^™ .'11 convention irdwick Bftptist nday afternoon at 1 ndav Schools in tl ited and expected rill be held : church on next , it two-thirty. Alii be repre- | hr.so taking part on the program be: Rev. W. C. Budd. Mr. Q. H. •key. Mr. Arthur Farrell. Mr. 1 Ragsdale. Thomas Hollis. Walter mpson and Mrs. B. B. Anderson, i district presidcnL The public is cordially invited. Col. Ennis is a nd an outstandir n this section. ican Lcgicn will meet Thursday even- ican Legion wil lmeet Thursday even ing at the cVce • C. E. Smith at the Oil Mill. Commander B. E- Harrison urges all legionaires and ex-service men to attend the meet ing as many" important matters are to be discussed. gia. had been elected managing editor of thc Red and Black, student publication. Mr. Rogers is a journalism student and the honor is one of the highest •hat mn be given a student of this department. Milledgeville road, un- \ew Equipment Has Been Installed j dcr construction for several weeks in Campos Theatre Store This . -ph,, now contract was awarded at Week. !a cost of S7.274.13 and is sufficient | to finish thc new road leading to Styles of the Hour’’. iSeottsboro from Hardwick. Work j WALLAQ padv-to-wear shoppe j was started this week on the ccn- Monday truction of a concrete culvert a undei the ownership and I Finnigans Branch south of Hard-1 Coach Wallace Bui nagement of Mrs. L. R Langley view modem equipment has w Langley’s, new ladies will be openei April Is1 i thc Campus installed in tue store t Theatre Building and of ladies ready-to-we •i* rcmrdo'e line of ladies furnishings, grading through the steep hill w CallW* Beauty Shoo will he lo- the most difficult part of the lob rated in the rear of the star-. This j and this well be finished under the Shop is being moved this week Into | new contract, the new building. left Sunday fer Louisville. Ky., Capt. R. W. Almand has the work ! tnke ever his duties as coach at the •n charge and r using a large squad j Male High School. Coach Butts will o? workmen to get the road finish ed. The domination of the sharp ust south of Hardwick and ,pring practice and return G, M. C. on May 1st. On Friday he will be presented to at ; :onfri annual spring affair e will also be an church, holds’- •on.th and Sunday uperintendent. meeting of the Board of of Montpelier Church one > Idest houses of worship in u °ty. on Wednesday afternoon 7 re made to naint the exter- '• ’nterior of the building and f '7f r renovations. Budd. pastor of the Sundry of '” c 5 h C 1 iccs V «>e fourth Srhnnl j h( . w Prof. Hoiand Strolhm BANKS BFr.i7:7r„^T“ T noon on Saturdays; On next Saturdav at-.m.v. „ I lour banks of Mill,.rtr.vin, ^ I close at 12 o’clock instead of the i customary hour of two o’clock Notice was given a , 1 nr thc proposed chan"I in VlLdf. hours on Saturdays. This „ f ' 1 Thf ™ pIoyccs a half h„liday° The clostnR hour of twelve will bn hserved only on Saturday. On other. Sj* ‘ he w «k thc banks will c «ose at two o’clock. The most complete and compre hensive history* of Baldwin coun ty and Milledgeville as thc seat of the state Government will come from thc pres swithin a !>w weeks. Hundreds of words telling of thc thrilling evenri of this period arc already in type and the mechan ical department is busy making preparations to begin printing th^ edition. The story of Millcdge- ville as the state capitol and thc march of progress since is one of the most interesting ever writ ten and this publication will be cf great value as an historical contribution. Orders for additional copies should be filed at once and reser- vatirn of advertising space should not be delayed. REV. J. L. PITTMAN TO SPPIK AT BAPTIST BIBLE CLASS | Rev. J. L. Pittman, pastor of thc | Coopervlllc Baptist church and one | of the well known ministers of this I fiction, will deliver an address at | the Men’s Bible Class Room of the ! Baptist church next Sunday morning I at 10:25. Rev. Mr. Pittman is a Bibre • drnt and a good speaker. The prbhr is cordially invited to hear Mr. P’t»- mnn. includin* men and women of every denomination. :>ad from Milledgeville la l I the Wilkinson county line will b* I TEMPERATURE RUNS HIGH all new and on completion the FOR SEVERAL DAYS , During the past week thc thermo meter has reached a new hivh or March. On Saturday and Sunday ♦he mercury hovered close to ninety degrees. Ra*'ns Tuesday njeht hi coile- weather, but the mi -lime A a uin Wednesday end mrr-like weather prevailed, dust. hail end wind s’orrr.s have prevailed throurhevt the nt»*ich while Milledgeville bis been en:oy- ire a real summer siege. Cooler weather is predicted how- Fnrm Ag-nt Langfey suf'ered minor injurie- oh Wednesday when he fell on the steps leading to his r ff’cc. Mr. Iangiey made a false step and fell head long to the pavement. A gash in his chin required sev eral stichcs and he was badly shaken from the fall. He w5». be KHVANIANS ATTEND DIVISION back at his office today. ought for several months, but had been un able to check up on the reason for its disappearance.* fhe norite were given n “tip" that led to the recovery and arrest of the two negroes. A key to thc Ennl* store was found in the possession of Ward. He said he found the key and had been enter- at regular intervals and taking the merchandies. Ward also admitted that he was thc thief that broke in police head quarters and stole a pair of hand cuffs. He said he took the cuffs to show the police he could steal their own possessions and not got caught. It is understood a third negro is implicated but the police have not been rucee«f«-Fiii «n ennti'ring him. and it is believed he has gone to parts unknown. . The recovered goods included bolts of cloth, shoes, overalls, silk underwear, base, sweaters and other merchandise. The police think the gang of theives has been broken up by the arrests this week and last week of four negroes. JOE BALES INJURED IN WRECK Mr. Joe Bales, driver of the bus r f the Southland Coaches, received minor injuries last Friday when the bus he was driving from Macon was crashed into by a large truck. Mr. Bales was coming to Milledge ville and stepped the bus to avoid hiting a cow near Browns Crossing. A truck came over the hill and crashed into the bus. Thc passeng ers on the bus were not injured, but thc bus and the truck were damag ed. Mr. Bales was taken tp the city hospital where he has greatly im proved and will be dismissed this RALLY Members of the Milledgeville T*. C OUNTY COMMISSIONER HELD RHORT MEETING TUESDAY DISTRICT RED CROSS MEETING TO BE HELD HERE Dr E. H* Scott, district direct held the Red Cross, has announced that wnnis Club attended the Division The. Cnuntv Cnmmlsslo- . , , .... Rally at Grey on Tuesday n-Bht. | a_ rhnrt meetine Tuesday afternoon, n rneettm of fhe ctimten in the dts- „ county jail conclusion de- | Dr - Fri,ncis j ferred "until next Tuesday when thev j Daniels." district Governor. Dr. E. expect to receive an answer from [ H. Scott, W. H. Araall and Mr. Sib- the " Col. Erwin Siblev. former district • plans for the Governor, was the principal speaker.. were discussed, but In the party r.nvpmor. ur. **. t cxoeci io _ of Regents confirming thi sale of the present property. ley. Ill be held here early in May Firms are being mode to open the weeks conference withe n special nro- 7ram to be presented by the lccal chapte* at the Campus Theatre on Sunday afternoon May 20th. PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION The time to secure a valuable premium with the payment of vr ur "ub'cript'on to Thc Union- Fc cor dcr growing short. This rpccial offer is for a limited time only and you are urged to take advantage of this special offer * Thc Honor Roll is increasing rapidly and during the week n than a score of paid in advance subscribers were added to this list in addition to a number of ! oubscribers. You will proiit by investigat ing now the special offer that is on for the next L’ew weeks. At the dose of this campaign, all who have not paid will be taken from the list. Come by the office today and investigate.