Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, May 02, 1935, Image 2

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tMON-UCOtDU, MimPOKVlLLI. OA^ MAT t. IMS TfflRTYYEARS AGO IN BALDWIN Newt CnPed From Hie Files of Tie Union-Recorder. Tie Week of May 2, 1905. Last Sunday afternoon, in the hall of the Kninht> of Pythias, the “Men's Christian Union” was formal ly organized by the adoption of a constitution and the election of offic- The following officers were elect ed: President. TV S. Sanford. Vice- President. J. H Ennis: Secretary and Treasurer. C. W Richter. Board of Directors: O. M. Conn. J. E Kidd. R. H. Woottcn. Ge . H. Tunnell, M. S. Bell. Prof. Wm E. Reynolds has accept ed an invitation to address the Knights Templar at their annual grand conclave, tc be held in Ma con. Ga., on May 10. 1905. As fitting tribute as was ever paid by a patriotic people to their heroic dead was that given in this city last Wednesday to the veterans of the sixties who now sleep beneath the sod. The exercises were opened by the students of the G. N. it I. College singing a patriotic song, and music by the band. Rev. D. W. Brannen then invoked devine blessings upon the occasion. After the singing of another song. Prof. M. M. Parks, in a most happy specctt, introduced/ the orator. Prof. E. A. Pound, of Wavcross. The bam of Mr P. W. William son. who resides near Browns Cross ing. was burned last Friday night. A large quanity of com, forage, a mare and mule, which were in the building, were burned to death, while another marc and colt were also badly burned. Mr. Williamson and his family were aroused from their sleep about 10 o’clock to find the bam in a blaze, and rushed out to the burning building to save the stock, if possible. In his efforts Mr. Williamson was burned or. the hands and Eteet. There is no doubt that the fire was of incendiary origin, as foot prints were discovered near the building. Judge Thomas G. Lawson will ad dress the citizen of Baldwin county at the court house today, at 12 o’clock on the work of the Southern Cotton Growers’ Pro'ective Association. When it comes to arranging for a dinmr the ladies of M.Uedgeville cannot be surpassed. The appollo Silver Band added greatly to the Memorial Day exer cises by the music they rendered. The young men gave much of their to practicing, and did not charge one cent for their services. The people of Millcdgeville should and do ap preciate the thoughtfulness of the band in preparing music for the oc casion. George Doles Camp. No. in regular meeting this day. Geo. W. Caraker, commander, presiding: F. G. Grieve, secretary. The camp proceeded to the elec tion of officers for the ensuing year, when the (following were elected: Commander. G. W. Caraker; 1st Vice Commander. Joseph Staley: 2nd Vice Commander. C. E. Prosser; Adjutant. Walter Paine: Trcas W. H. Roberts: Secretary. F Grieve: Chaplain. G. D. Co Surecon. R. G. Smith: Histoi made into three store*, if renters should so demand. The building has already been rented. The business section of Milledgeville is develop ing rapidly. A picnic W2S extended by Benevol ent Lodge No. 3. F A. M.. last Satur day to the young lady student of G. N. it I. College, who are daugh ters or sisters of Masons. Mr K. C. Bullard had the ar rangements in charge, and they were carried out in perfect order. Mr. W. A. Walxer is having erect ed two modem dwellings on the hill. When completed they will be pretty and comfortable homes. Mr. Walker har been one of the city's foremost men in building, and has several of the prettest residences in the city to his credit. are unable financially to pay for their hospitalization wiU be given the finest of medical attention, as good as the wealthiest could buy. as long as the funds hold out. “Everyone who gives a dollar on Hospital Day," Dr Louie D. New ton. well known Baptist minister, declared, "will have the satisfaction o? knowing that he has made life more comfortable for some fellow creature, possibly has helped not only avert death, but restored some one to normal health. "This is an appeal that surely must move every individual. All of us want to help others. This is our chance. We know that we are help ing those who can not help them selves. It is just as if thousands of more fortunate were actually at the bedside of the helpless, easing their pain, giving them new hope. -NOTHING BUT INSURANCE PW 473 C. K. ANDREWS A SON CKKOX-WOiO Guaranteed Radio Service j T. A. ASHFIELD R. C. A. Tubes Genuine Replacement Parts j GEORGIA BAPTISTS TO RAISE HOSPITAL FUND IN CHURCHES, MAY 5TII Hundreds of men, women and children from many parts of Geor gia depend for hospital and medical attention upon the generosity of Georgia Baptists next Sunday. May 5. On this, the one day in the year, a public appeal is made for hospi tal fund contributions to be taken in every Baptist Sunday School and church for money with which to provide for the needs of those that can not pay their own way. Every dollar contributed will go toward helping the Baptist Hospital heln ethers. This year there Ls a gratify- | ingly large interest in Hospital Day. judging from reports from pastors and Sunday School superinten dents received by W. D. Barker, sup erintendent of the Georgia Baptist Hospital. Wide rcallzptioli of the splendid work being done at the hospital, coupled with appreciation of the need of generous contributions for the charity fund, will, it is be lieved. prompt everyone to give generously. The work cf the hospital, how hundreds of helpless are cared for each year, will be forcibly called to the attention of congregations in special programs. *Mr Barker lias called attention to the fact that part- time churches which do not have services on May 5 may give their programs and take their collections any time during the month of May. People from all parts of Georgia are beneficiaries of the funds collected on Baptist Hospital Day. During the past year there were 882 of these patients treated at a cost of nearly $30,000. These figures emphasize the need of generous con tributions, it was pointed out. The sick from any part of Georgia who you can von FOR WITHOUT voting 101WWSKI9 Georgia voters are i'.xgecl to bear in mind that beer, whiskey and wine will be listed separately on the referendum ballots, and that it will be possible to vote for beer, and against whiskey or wine, or vice-versa. The Georgia Legislature provided a separate referendum for beer, so that people who want to vote for the legalized sale of beer alone, can do so. Legalized sale of beer in Georgia should increase employment in the State by more than IS,000 jobs, stimulate industry and improve business con ditions along many Une3. Railroads, truck-lines, supply manufacturers, building material manufac turers, hotels, cafes, printers, etc., would all receive increased business. Beer is a wholesome, healthful food beverage that encourages real temperance. Statistics show that the beer-drinking nations are the most tem perate nations of the civilized world. VOTE ^ BEER Taxes from beer will go to provide FREE SCHOOL BOOKS! A CALF and A CROP Have the Same Idea on the Food Question • Why is a growing calf like a growing crop? Answer: Because the food re quirements of each are so much the same. Scientists are making this point clearer every day through their research into the impor- strontium and many others. With them your crops produce as Nature intended them to. Chilean Natural Nitrate con tains these rarer elements in Nature’s own balance and pro portion. Chilean's quick-acting nitrogen, plus its vital impuri- tance of vitamins in animal diet ties, make it the safe, sure fer- and the need of impurities in tilizer for your crops. the food of plants. These vital impurities the all-important thing in fertilizing today. They are the rarer elements— boron, iodine, mag nesium, potassium, calcium, lithium, Chilean Natural Ni trate—the emlynitregen that comet frem the gremnd—the ideal tide dretter fee year croft. See your dealer for Chilean Natural Nitrate. Two kinds— Champion (granu lated), Old Style (crystals). They arc both genuine. Both are natural. And both give your crops the vital impurities. NATURAL NITRATE