Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, June 20, 1935, Image 2

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; UNION-KICOUO, pnrJmfiEVUiX. GA., JUNE 2f, 1M5 TUKTY YEARS AGO IN BALDWIN Km Calad Fran The Filet af TW Uaiaa-Reeorder, The Week Jme Zt, 1905. Mr. William M. Myrick has pur chased an interest in the dry goods store of Mr. M. A. McCraw, and af ter the 1st of August the name of the firm will be McCraw & Myrick. Hon Joe Sid Turner. Chairman of the Board of Prison Commissioners was at the State Farm last Thurs day and sold last year’s cotton crop. There were 352 bales, averaging something over 425 pounds. The cot ton was sold to Mr. Geo. C.^mith for 8.81 1-4 cents per pound. The total amount paid the commissioners was about *13,750. Mr. E. R. Counatt. assistant engin eer for the United States was in the city Tuesday for the purpose of as- certlining facts relating to the ad visability of deepening the channel of the Oconne River'from this city to the Central Railroad. Mr. Louis Flomister has been ap pointed to jucceed Mr. Jack Dennis as secretary and treasurer of the Cook Lumber Co. Mr. A. H. Kneen Assistant Gen eral Superintendent of the operation department of the American Pipe Manufacturing Co., spent several days of last week in the city for the purpose of studying the advisa-. bility of supplying the city of Mil- I ledgeville with water from Moran's Spring. At the city election held in Mil- lodgeville Dec. 2nd, 1865 Capt. T. F. Newell was elected Mayor; Peter | Fair. Clerk: Peter Ferrell, Marshal: 1 F. Skinner. F. Grieve. A. W. Calla way. W. Caraker. Walter Paine and C. Vaughan. Alderman. ALL COUNTY EMPLOYES TO SWEAR ALLEGIANCE Teachers In Public School are Abo Required to Subscribe to Oath. County commissioners, janitors everybody else on the Baldwin coun ty payroll, including school teachers, within the next few days must take an oath of allegiance to the United States government if they want to stay on the payroll. Copies of the oath were prepared by Judge E. R. Hines clerk a! the county commissioners, who has re ceived notice from M. J. Yeomans, attorney general, that it is necessary under a law passed by the recent general assembly. The oath hinds the swearer to up hold. support and defend the con stitution and laws of this state and of the United States, and is as fol lows: “I w ill uphold, support and de fend the constitution and laws of this state and of t ; United Slates, and will refrain from directly or indirectly subscribing to or touching any theory of government or eco nomic or social relations which is inconsistent with the fundamental principles of patriotism and high ideals of Americanism.” of paying said indebtedness, will, the 2nd day of July, 1935, dur ing the legal hours of sale at the court house in said County, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the lands described in said deed, to-wit: All that tract of land situate, ly ing and being in the 115th Dist. G. M. Baldwin County. Ga., containing 397.7 acres, more or less, bounded the north by lands of Mrs. Ella Smith, on the south by lands of J. W. Ennis, on the east by lands of the estate of J. A. Buck, and the west by lands of Harper P. Tuck- said lands shown by plat made Oct. 13, 1921. by J. H. Gladin, voyor, a copy of which plat is at tached to the abstract on rue with The Federal Land Bank of Colum bia. S. C. The undersigned will execute a deed to the purchaser as authorized by the aforementioned loan deed. This 3rd day of June. 1935. THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF COLUMBIA FRANK W. BELL. Attorney. CAN RECEIVE PLEAS WITHOUT USE OF JURY Attorney General M. J. Yeomans Friday said he believed considerable money could be saved for the coun ties and for the state b y a recently enacted law authorizing judges of superior courts to receive guilty pleas without a jurv in all cases except those punishable by death or imprisonment. Yeomans has furnish ed copies of the law to solicitors gen eral over the state. Under the law the prosecuting officers are authorized to prefer ac cusations and trail must be ordered immediately if the accused waives indictment by a grand jury. Judges may open their courts without the presence of either a grand jury or a traverse jury to hear guilty pleas. CITATION Messrs. A. J. Wall and T. J. How- GEORGIA, Baldwin County ard attended the re-eunion of Con-' To whom It May Concern: federate Veterans at Louisville last; Mrs Willie Simmons Walker, the week. i widow of W. A. Walker, deceased, having filed her application for Mrs. E. A. Tigner will leave this year’s support out of the estate of week to visit White Sulphur Springs, j said w A. Walker, and the aprrais- Merewether county. | C rs appointed to set apart said i year's support having made their Mr. and Mrs. W .A. Walker and. return, all c reditorg^and heir Mr. Julian Stanley left this mom- said deceased are notified to show ing to spend a few days in Atlanta, j cause before me at the J,»ly Term. Lithia Springs and Lookout Moun-, 1935 of thc Courl of Ordinary of ’ain. said County why the application should not be granted and return Misses Mary Newell ar.d Scott mad e the judgment of the Court and Whitaker left Monday for a visit to ordered of record. Toronto. Mr. T. L. McComb has returned from a visit of several weeks to New York and Saratoga. His trip was a very pleasant one. Dr. and Mrs. T. M. Hal!. Mr. W. H. Hunter and Mrs. L. C. Hall, of DardaneH. Ark„ M3L Monday for a trip to New York. {Saratoga, Neagara Falls and Thousand Is lands. Capt. R. E. Spence and family have arrived in the city and are re siding at the home rented from Mr. B. I. Fraley on Jefferson street. We extend them a cordial welcome to the city. DISTRICT SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION HELD AT SALEM The District Sunday School Con- ven’ion was held at Salem last Sun day afternoon. It was the most widely attended of any rf thc recent Conventions. A number of churche and Sunday Schools were epresent ed. The following took part on the program: Little Miss Emily Harrinjj- ton, of Hopewell, who gave a beauti ful reading on “Missions". Miss Frances Holman, of Bethel, gavi interesting discussion on “Why So Many Fail as Sunday School Teach er." Mrs. Fred Hall and Mis. Walter Hall, of Union Hill, sang a bcauti ful duet "Where the Gates Swing Open Forever." Salem presented “The Vision of Mary and Elizabeth Two Thousand Years Ago." Thc principal characters were: Elizabeth Martin; Braxton Wilkinson and Ruth Martin. Col Sibley made an interesting address on “How’ to Teach a Sunday School Class." In this spirited and thought provoking dis cussion Col. Sibley held the atten tion <*T everyone. Mr. Milner Shivers of Eotonton. also made : inspiring address. His subject w “The Biggest Business in the World that of Teachinu a Sunday School Class.” Mr. Shivers held the closes attention erf the audience. Incident ally Salem is Mr. Shivers’ home church. He w’as bom and reared in this community. Mrs. B. B. Ander- i president of the convention made ,pmber of important announce- June 3. 1935. BERTIE B. STEMBRIDGE, Ordinary ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE GEORGIA. Fulton County By virtue of an order of the Fulton Court of Ordinary, granted at the June Term. 1935, will be sold before thc Court House door in Ful ton County, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in July, next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property of the estate of (Mrs.) Nettie C. Sibley, deceased, late of Fulton County. Georgia to wit An undivided one-fourth (1-4) interest in all that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being is the City of Milledgeville. Baldwin County. Georgia, and located on East side of North Wayne Street, being that property bounded on the North by property of Mrs. W'llie Wilson Stubbs, formerly Mrs. Wilson, known as Wayne Hotel: East by W R ibinson. Jr., automobile busi South by East McIntosh Street, and on West by North Wayne Street, said property being the lot on which the residence of the late O. M. Cone is situate and thc lot on which the house just North «.* said residence is situate, and being the same land acquired by O. M. Cone from A. J. Carr, by deed recorded in Book Q. page 271, and from Mary H. Scott by deed recorded in Book RR, page 888, in the Clerk’s office of Baldwin Superior Court. Terms Cash. HUGHES SPALDING. As Administrator of the EMate of (Mrs.) Nettie C. Sibley. Deceased. SPALDING. MACDOUGALD SIBLEY & BROCK. Attorneys, Atlanta, Georgia. LAND SALE GEORGIA, Baldwin County Because of default in the payment of a loan secured by a deed to se cure debt executed by Burton F. Fuller to the Federal Land Bonk of Columbia, dated the 16 day of January. 1922. and recorded in the clerk s office of the Baldwin Countv Superior Court, in Book 6. Page 553. the undersigned has declared thc full amount of the indebtedness re ferred to due and payable, and. act ing under the power of sale con tained in said deed, for the purpose ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE GEORGIA, Baldwin County: By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of said county, I will sell, at public outcry, on first Tuesday in July, 1935, betw the legal hours of sale, before the courthouse door of said county, at the place of public sales therein, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property, to- ,’it: Two shares of the capital stock of Vic Chemical. Inc., a Delaw corporation, evidenced by Certificate No. 05553, of the par value of five dollars each; Two shares of the capital stock of Bristol-Myers Company a Delaware corporation, evidenced 1 by Certifi cate No. 05433, of the par value of five dollars each: Five shares ot the capital stock of Sterling Products, Incorporated, Delaware corporation, evidenced by Certificate No. 05627, of the par value of ten dollars each; One share of the capital stock of Life Savers Corporation, a Dela- corporation, evidenced by Cer tificate No. 05098, of the par value of five dollar*; Four shares of the capital stock of United Drug. Inc., a Delaware Corporation, evidenced by Certifi- No. 05634, of the par value of five dollars each; Five shares of the capital stock of the Coca-Cola Company, a Dela- corporation. evidenced by Cer tificate No. AAP1314, (Class A stock without nominal or par value) Ten shares of the capital stock of the Co-Cola Company, a Delaware corporation, evidenced by Certificate No. AA02165, (Class A stock with out nominal or par value); Said capital stock will be offered for aale one share at the time. I will also sell under the same authority, at thc same time and place, ame terms and in the same manner all of the right, title, inter- ar.d equity of redemption of Sarah H. Nelson, deceased, in the following described parcel of land, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in Block Ninety-three in the City of Mil ledgeville. said state and county, and known and distinguished as part of Lots Number 7 and 8 in the Bloodworth sub-division of the C. P. Schell property, a plat of said sub division showing the location or said lots being recorded in the office of the clerk of the superior court of said county, in Deed Book “PP”, pages 524. Said lot or parcel of land fronts east on Tatnall street a dis tance of 140 feet, and runs back west df even width a distance of 140 feet to the lands now or form erly owned by Dr. G. A. Lawrence, bounded as follows: on the north by lands of The Milledgeville Banking Company; on thc east by Tatnall street: on the south by lands of A. J. Carr. Jr., and on the west by lands now or formerly owned by Dr. G. A. Lawrence. The legal title to thc above de scribed parcel of land is held by The Milledgeville Banking Com pany. to secure debt under tw« deeds, recorded in Deed Book 12. page 196 and 389 respectively, in the office of thc clerk of the superior court of said county. The purchaser at said sale will acquire said parcel of land subject to the claim of the Milledgeville Banking Company der the -foregoing security deeds. The undersigned will execute to the purchasers at said sale proper conveyances to the property pur chased by him. This June 3. 1935. ROY L. NELSON. JR., As Administrator of the Estate of Sarah H. Nelson, Deceased. property, towit: FIRST: All that certain tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and be ing in the 321st District G. M., Bald win County, Georgia, and bounded as follows: On the North by the waters of Fishing Creek; on the East by lands of the State Farm; the South by lands of Mary Whigby; and on the west by lan !s of W. L. Proctor, a small branch being the dividing line, said tract parcel of land containing twenty- six (26) acres, more or less, and which includes a six (6) acre tract of land that was deeded by Kitty Hill to Hugh T. Cline and also by William Hill to Hugh T. Cline, the twenty (20) acres of this tract were deeded to Hugh T. Cline by William Hill individually. SECOND: All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the 321st District G. M.. of said State and county, containing four (4) acres, more or less, and bound ed as follows: On the North by lands of Mrs. C. A. Youngblood (sold to W. L.. Proctor on the 2nd., day of December, 1925) ;_on the East by thc lands known as the Mary. Whigby place; on the South and Southwest by the estate of Mrs. Jane Youngblood and on the West by lands of Mrs. C. A. Youngblood (sold to W. L. Proctor December 2nd.. 1925.) THIRD: All that tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in 321st. District G. M., said State and county, containing forty-two (42) acres, more or less, and bounded as follows: On the North by lands of Mary Whigby and the waters of Fishing Creek; on the East by lands of Hugh T. Cline and lands of the State Farm; on the South by lands of Charlie Youngblood; and on the West by lands of Charlie Young blood. FOURTH: All that tract or parcel of land, situate lying and being in thc 321st., District G. M., said state and county, containing thirty-two and one-half (32 1-2) acres, more or less, and bounded as follows: On the North by the waters of Fishing Creek: on the East by lands of W. L. Proctor; on the South by other lands of W. L. Proctgr; and on the west by the estate of Mrs. Jane Youngblood. The note secured by spid deed is in default, and is dated April the 1st., 1933. and renewal note given October the 1st., 1934, and due April the 1st., 1935, with interest at 8 per cent from October the 1st., 1934, signed by the said W. L. Proctor and payable to the order of the Merchants & Fanners Bank of Mil ledgeville, Georgia, for *500.00. The said sale will be had and made for the purpose of paying the promis sory note above described, the inter est due thereon, and the cost of this proceeding. A conveyance will be executed to the purchaser or purchasers by the undersigned as authorized by said This tl • 5th, day of Jun e m MERCHANTS & FARMERS BAXV OF MILLEDGEVILLE, GEORrV? GRANTEE WITH POWER OF SAT* OF W. L. PRICTER. ^ SIBLEY & ALLEN, ATTORNEY MERCHANTS & FARMERS BANK Wc are Prepared to Take Care of Your Dairy Products Cream, Sweet Milk, Butter Milk and Butter Also Your Fresh Meats PHONE 83 AND SAVE MONEY Montgomery's Milk Depot and Meat Market ForECONOMY and CONVENIENCE .FOR A TAXI LAND SALE GEORGIA, Baldwin County Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained in a deed to secure a debt, executed by W. L. Proctor, dated April 1st., 1933, conveying the hereinafter described land to the Merchants & Farmers Bank, of Mil ledgeville. Georgia, which deed is recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county , in Deed Book No. 17. pages 366-367. the u ndersigned will sell at public i outcry, to the highest bidder for ! cash, before the courthouse door of !said county within the legal hours 'of sale, on the first Tuesday in July, 1935. the following described Try CARDUI For " Functional Monthly Point Women from the ’teen ago to the change of life hart found Cardui genuinely help ful for the relief of functional monthly palna due to lack of Just the right strength from the food they eat. Mrs. Crlt Haynes, of Essex. Mo., writes: “I used Cardui when a girl for cramps and found It very beneficial. 1 have recently taken Cardui during the change of life. I was very nervous, had head and back pains and was in a gen erally run-down condition. Cardui has helped me greatly.” Thousands of women Cardui I consult a physician. Bell’ 1 TOO, CALL 3 5 1 OR IF YOU PREFER A U-DRIVE-IT FOR THE DATE OR SUNDAY AFTERNOON RIDE YOU MAY HIRE ONE AT REASONABLE RATES FROM— THE SOUTHLAND GARAGE COMING EVENTS i GRADUATION WEDDINGS ANNIVERSARIES Prepare jtamK by nakk( year (election fraa ear dock of Worthy Gifts. We wifl wdcorae as apyartaai' ty to show roa. Williams & Ritchie Visit Our Beauty Shoppe on the Second Floor AND CHARM hnlc KOTEX ECONOMY PACKAGE The famous napkins that can’t chafe, can’t "show" • o . give hours longer 4* Pate He QUEST SfOHSOSED BY THE MAKERS Of KOTO Your choice of 2-oz. container or handy purse-size dispenser THE POSITIVE DEODORANT POWDER Economy Kleenex Nice and toft, easy to <&»> pose of: There’s every ar gument is favor of using Your nosey keck if you're not setfsAM If You Want the Best, Shop at E. E. Bell Co.