Newspaper Page Text
NUMfcrilt, G»., Mr 4, IMS
G.S.C.W. to Share in Third of
Million Dollar Fund for Building
Citiieu Jam in HoMajr Today to Two Weak* Ter* Opeai Next
Celebrate ladeyeadeoce Day.
Barbecnea Dif Ereeh.
Today will be observed as a gen
eral holiday throughout the county
and our people join In general
celebration of Independence Day.
All stores are closed and businesses
are enjoying the holiday. Mayor J.
A. Home proclaimed the day a holi
day for the city and the offices
the city hall are closed. Taking ad
vantage of the suspension of busi
ness. most of the citizenry have left
town, either for an auto trip to near
by resorts, or to the country for
an outing of some type.
The members of the Elks lodge
assembling at the farm of Capt. J.
H. Ennis for a barbecue. This is an
annual custom and always an en
joyable one.
Members o( ti e Country Club we
enjoying the opportunity to get in a
day in the sun. Golf, swimming and
tennis with a dance on program for
tonight are planned by members of
the Echetah Country Club.
Members of Spring Lake Hunting
and Fishing Club are enjoying the
day at their retreat. Fishing will be
the main occupation of the club
members and their ladies. This will
be a most enjoyable feature.
Many families are having reunions
and outings of various sorts, but att
in all the day is a general holiday
and whether attending a pfennig
function or enjoying the rest from
work, our people generally are ob
serving Independence Day with Teal
Baldwin Superior Court will con-
cne Monday morning at 10 o’clock
.or a two weeks session with crowd
ed calendars facing both the civil
and crimnal dockets.
Judge James B. Park will call the
i~ court to order and immediately
»t charge the Grand Jury, who will
I- then organize for their work of in
vestigation. The civil docket which
was prepared by the local bar the
past week consumes the entire week.
A number of important cases are
on this schedule, including the pav
ing cases which have been pending
Beer Ordinance la
Enforcement of
Ordered by
Prevents Side Walk
The City Council held its regular
nonthly meeting at the City HaD
Monday night and passed two new
>rdi nances in addition to acting on
i number of routine matters.
An ordinance prohibiting the sale
if beer in a public place in the
ity not paying the usual license fee
i-as unamiously passed by the coun-
il. The ordinance will prevent places
ot having a license to sell beer from
(■curing beer from other places to
erve with meals.
A second ordinance prohibiting the
lisplay of merchandise for sale or
he side walks was ordered enforced
:ol. Marion Ennis, owner of the
Quality Service Store, appeared be
fore council and asked the enforce
ment of this ordinance. The coun
cil instructed the city attorney to
prepare an ordinance prohibiting the
display of merchandise if there was
lot aircudy an act in the laws of
:he city.
The council instructed Chief
Broome and his corps of policemen
to enforce the recently enacted beer
ordinances. The council said licenses
,could be rejected if the law
Messrs. L. N. Callaway and J. L.
-‘''ey were named city tax acces-
to fill the places made vacant
number of other routine mat-
s were passed on including a
tlement of the suit of the city
MmJij Wrtfc Crowded Cilea-
dv B*tk Week..
for several terms.
Solicitor General Step Baldwin!
will begin work on the crimnal
docket Monday morning. The*ourt
races one of the biggest and busi
est crimnal week* In many yean.
Eight murder cases are an the dock
et for disposal in addition to a num
ber of important falony and misde
meanor cases. Scheduled for trial on
murder indictments are: Bill Schae
fer, who is charged with killing
John Tollison in an automobile
wreck about two years ago. John
Henry Bonner and Calybum Rey
nolds, charged with killing Chas.
Roach, another Negro; Canon Hill,
Negro, charged with the murder of
Jim Easley; Willie Burch, under
tapdictment for the murder of John
w7 g. Lockhart will be arraiged
before the Grand Jqry charged with
the murder of Ed Collins and Mrs.
Gallic Franks Booth will be charged
with ktt»ng a Central of Georgia
railway employee named Reynolds.
The court will be kept busy
throughout the two weeks.
Governor Eugene Talmadge —
nounced this week that $333,333.33
was now available for the Board of
Regents to be used in a building fund
for the schools and colleges in the
University System. The board.will
meet July 15th and will then re
quest the money it is understood.
The fund represents one-thifd of
the million dollar appropriation
made by the r.tate legislature for
buildings in the university system
over a three year period. What part
of the money G. S. C. W. will re
ceive has not been announced and
will defend on the decision of the
Regents. Mr. Miller S. Bell, chair
man of the finance committee at the
board, will have his committee meet
to work out the allocation.
Dr. Guy Wells said this week that
i soon as the allocation is made
of Directors Held Past
Payment of IMM to Be
Made July ltth.
The directors of the Merchants &
Farmers Bank declared the usual
four percent semi-annual dividend
at the middle of their year meeting
held at the bank last week.
Checks amounting to $3,200 will
be mailed the stockholders about
July 10th. The report of the Mr. L.
C. Hall, cashier ctf the bank, was
highly commended by the directors.
The growth of the bank has been
substantial since the first of the year
and the report read by Mr. Hall was
most excellent one.
Dr. C. M. Zattau. Jr, of Atlanta,
will open offices in the Doctors
Building next week for the practice
of Dentistry. Dr. Zattau succeeds
the late Dr. M. F. Stembridge and
will occupy his offices.
Dr. Zattau has installed the latest
and most improved tvpe equipment
with X-Ray machincs^etc. He comes
tn fill the Dlaces made vacant wun
the relation of Messrs Joe to MilledseviUe highly recommend
; and .1. F. Bell. Jr. Mr. Hugh ed and is a graduate of the Atlanta
the third member of the Dental College.
Three white men t convicts who
working with a large squad "■*
s sss 2S £ s
n against the Macon concern to but \
business in the city and when miles
"followed 0 The JXt ^TsrttTcd and went out" the Eatonton highway
8 “2. river ' Thoy then
finally caught about two
mes uver the river.
The men ran from under the guns
lr. Miller S. Bell has assumed
cii.ties as a member of the Board
Regents, taking office Monday
' lst >
lr. Ben W as appointed to the
rd for a six year'term by Gov.
madge. Ho has been named chair-
i o." the finance committee of the
rd. Mr. Bell represents the sixth
net on the Regents.
‘he Echetah Country Club Golf
m defeated the team from Dublin
irsday afternoon by a Ncoce of 38
12. after the Dublin team had
n on their home course the previ-
Thursday bv 7 points,
fr- Chas. Whitfield was loe
rer f or the local team with a 72.
t third match wfll be played hW
ana ---- • ,
circled the Echetah Golf course and
finally caught near Ducky’s
after a chase of ten or twelve miles.
The track dogs were secured from
the prison and the men were trail
ed. the dogs keeping hot on their
truck all tile way. In the Party mak
ing the chase were Supt. Roland
Lawrence. Sheriff Haynie. Spectal
Officers Minor and Terry. Quart
Adams and Brookina from the prl-
l- known the college will go forward
with their planned building pro
gram. the health and physical edu
cation building will be the first <
be erected. The foundation for this
v^iMfrng was completed with the
erection of a swimming pool which
wes opened and dedicated last week.
The second project in the program
is the erection of a dormitory for
students. This building will be lo
cated on the north campus between
the Parks Memorial Hospital build
ing and the Practice* School.
The college may receive a part of
the money from this years appropria
tion, or it may be next year before
they will receive an allocation. G.
S. C. W. will receive its propotion-
ate share however and the building
program as previously planned will
be launched as soon as possible.
Mr. A. J. Carr, MiUedgeville s
Oldest Merchant, III at Mis Home
Mr. A. J. Carr, Milledgeville’s old
est merchant, has been indisposed for
the past several days and remained
at his home.
Mr. Carr has been active in the
business, church, civic and social life
of MiUedgeville for over sixty years.
He, during these years, has been
engaged in the grocery business, and
for more than thirty years has
operated the A. J. Carr Wholesale
Grocery Co. He is known as an hon
est, careful, painstaking business man,
and is held in the highest esteem an
account of his sterling integrity and
character. He is greatly missed
by all of our citizens, who will join
with the Union-Recorder in express
ing appreciation of his worth to this
community as a man and citizen.
The following acrostic, as shown
by the date, was written and publish
ed fifty-nine years ago, when Mr.
Carr, was just twenty-one years of
The acrostic
recently dis
covered by a friend among news
paper clippings, and the publisher
oL* The Uhion-Recorder requested a
copy for publication.
Today Mr. Carr is nearing his
eighty-second birthday, and the
sentiment expressed by an admiring
friend of years ago has found full
fruition for his life'has been well
spent, and he is honored and re-
■pteted by those among whom he
has lived:
c me not whom I admire.
,^ v , the most among young m
True Friendship is a sacred fire
Half knidled oft. soon quenched
Unless its object feed the fire—
Replenished not, it must expire.
Chief of them all in manly worth
As I behold thee going forth.
Rare wishes for thy great success
toe on my soul, I dare confess.
MiUedgeville, Ga.. May 22nd, 1876.
Oatstoadtag Sledsnt Mas Twe
Other MUIedgevUe Beys at United
Stales Military Adder-
• ig35 champion of the Echetah Coun-
Roger Lawson, son of Mr. and ^ Q ub Golf course after he had
Mrs. Bob Lawson, entered the United defeated Aubrey Jones 8 to 7 to
State Military Academy Monday bring the spring tournament of the
morning a* the n$>redentative of dub to a close.
„ .. u I., ‘ nntifioH Sat- ....... -
G. M. C., having been notified Sat
urday that he had passed all
urday that he had passed all men- tbe way an d Mr. Mason
tal and physical examinations for superior putting,
Mr. Lawson was second honor
graduate of G. M. C. and thus be
came the first alternate appointee
from G. M. C.. the school having
the right to send a graduate to the
military academy because of its
honor school rating. Owen Silvey,
who was first honor man and the
principal appointee, was declined
admission because of his failure to
pass the physical requirements, it
was stated.
Young Lawson was at* St. Simons
Island when notified of his selection
and was rushed to Now York in or
der to reach the academy in time.
He reported Monday momme- He
The battle in the finals was close
1 the way and Mr. Mason won by
superior putting.
Royce Smith wen from Alton Rog
ers in the finals of the second flight
and has been awarded the cup a?
the champion in this bracket La
mar Ham was the victor Tn the th«-
flight defeating Lonnie Minor in the
finals in this group.
Mrs. Dawson Allen won from
Mrs. Wilson Mason last Wednesday
and has been declared the woman’s
champion of the club. The presenta
tion of the awards to the winners
will be made later in the month.
reponca .
was the third MiUedgeville hoy to
enter West Point this year. Emmett
McComh and William Turner hav
ing received appointments from
Congressman Carl Vinson. Messrs
McComb and Turner left here Wed
nesday and renorted Monday.
Cadet Lawson made a 5 I’' cl J dl< ?
record at G. M. C.. having tost first
honors by only .41 points. He was
captain of Co. B. and an outstand
ing student. He is the grandson of
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. .
Hardwick, prominent and beloved
Newly elected officers of the Mil-
lrdgeville Council. Junior Order
United Arrr?rican Mechanics were
installed at installation ceremonies
at the lodge room 1 * Wednesday night.
Frank O. Evans was inducted into
the office of Councilor and Sgt. O.
H. Wootten, vice councilor. The
Aubrey Jones will represent mi- meeting largely attended and
cal club at the invitation tournament
keserve office** at foet
A group of MdledgevtUe young
^™Ihers of the officers re-
U^De corps M° ndw ,or .^ ort
toevenwhere they will spend two
kepresent foiftah at
Mayor J. A. Home, captain of the
Echetah Country *° lf tean \
George Fisher. Wilson Mason, and
Aubrey Jones will represent the lo
cal club at the invitation tournament
to be held at Dublin today. July
The men who have been selected
are the outstanding players of the
club. Mr. Mason is the club champ
ion and Mr. Jones runner-up.
Ailnr taw (Mote* la rtah*
First Car Laid froa Coaatv is
Skipped on Tkhii by Lea
The first watermelons of the 1935
season were shipped from Baldwin
county Tuesday by Len Wood at
Stevens Pottery.
Although Baldwin melons have
been on the market several weeks
and numbers of truck loads have
gone from local point*, the first car
load shipment was hot made until
this week. Other cars will be loaded
this week, with the biggest tonnage
expected to go out from Coopers and
Stevens Pottery during the next
The crop has been materially
damaged by the hot weather and the
crop will be short, although the
quality of the melon is said to be
good but small.
The melon acreage was reduced
this year by agreement of the plant
ers, and the crop will not be as large
and in addition to the drought dam
age. it is probable that the smallest
number of melons will be shipped
from this county in a number of
The local market has been plenti
ful thus far in the season and prices
have been very reasonable. A sea
son of rain would be of g reat bene
fit to the crop, especially late mel-
that will be gathered in August.
young Men Interested to Team are
Asked to Med at G. M. C. Then-
day Afternoon.
Sheriff W. J. Haynie is planning
the organization of a baseball team
in MiUedgeville and all young men
interested in the plan are asked to
meet at Deveflport Field, G. M. C.,
'Thursday afternoon at five o'clock
Sheriff Haynie said the team woutt
be composed of local people entirely
and games would be played with
teams irom neighboring towns. The
team will in no sense be profession-
Cnatinned far Six Wests.
The offices of the Better Housing
Program in Baldwin county win
continue open for six weeks, it wan
announced Wednesday by Mayor J.
( Jl. Horne, chairman of the
tee in this county. .
The office was opened six week*
ago and a complete canvas was made
l no sense be proJe*slon- to determine the project, (or new
at and no outside players will be homes, repairs and imprortEnertata
brought in. There are a numher both buatnam and residential P«B-
u ofrter baseball players In MiUedle- erty. Miss VTt
vine, who played at G. M. C, and Edwtada Mr
tad H|U MW college, who will make up the Georgia Fowler ^and Jttr
Wilson Mason was crowned the team.
- * - - Practice will be started at
in a few days.
more than one hundred thousand
dollars have been made for build-
ing and repairs in the county. Re-
JUDGE months ewtly a clinic was held In the inter-
SEINERS SIX MONTHS . ^s t r bous [ n g program.
Judpe E. H. Hine, rave the five °Lrt v ^.mers^ople ^irin,
Due to the fact that the first regu
lar Kiwanis mooting for July will
come on July 4th. a national holi
day, Joe T. Andrews, president of
the club has announced that the
meeting has been postponed until
July 11th, the second Thursday in
the month.
A set program has rot been ar
ranged. but matters of interest to
the club and city will be discussed.
C«L Cc«rfe Carpeatcr WitWat
OppoiitiM f« Majar. Clark,
The previously announced Candi
dates for Mayor and Aldermen te
the city Democratic primary to bu
held August 2nd, were the only aam
to qualify with John H. Holloway*
secretary of the executive commit
tee, before the Qualifying period
closed on Monday afternoon, July
1st at six oVlnek.
Col. George Carpenter, city re
corder paid the entrance fee as •
candidate for Mayor and T. H. Clark,
J. C Baston, M»d T. » Di'ma*
qualified as candidates for a’der-
mcr. The ticket will hav.^ no oppo
sition and since the primary la
equivalent to eWction, the recorder
of the city will be elevated totha
dffire of Msytr and will be rworn
in next January 1st, IMS.
The registration books will ba
closed on July 12th. All citizens de
siring to vote in the primary musk
register at the city hall on or before
this date.
Messrs. Clark and Dumas have
served the city as aldermen for the
past four years and have been in
strumental in bringing about a
number of business reforms in the
operation of the city's business. Mr.
Baston was named a member «a
council about a year ago to fill the
unexpired term of Culver Kidd, who
The primary will be held August
2nd. The registration to date has ex
ceeded one hundred names.
— .— -- - »»»
Mitchum have been in charge of tno
Practice will be fried ,t once £«
and the firit name, acheduled with- th
caught seining Spring
:i nonths suspended sent-
a special term a! County
: caught by Charles
Property owners, people desiring
to build and contractors are urged
to avail themselves of the service
offered by the office. During the
next six weeks the effort will be
The men wcTC caught by Charies to do8e and loum
Mbrgta. apedtd deputy o( the Game thousand dollara, which
and Firh Depuitmcnt and pled
O* to the charges. Archie T'sdale.
n white man. also arprehended and
charged with the group, made his
escape and has not yet been caught.
Court costs wctc also charged against
the men.
All Cotton Lead and Acres out of
Production Will Be Meaanred In
Work was started this week to
measure the acrage under cotton
cultivation and the acres taken from
production under the Bankhead cot
ton production control act.
The men in charge of the measure
ment work in this county are:
Messrs George Underwood. Frank
Chandler, J. B. Moran. N. R. Jack-
son. A. H. Paschal. W. E. Lee. W. L.
Hedges. R. M. Watson. Curtis Wea
ver and Hugh Humpjiries.
Farm Agent L. R. I-ar.glcy asks the
cooperation of all farmers in the
work. Land should be staked off and
everything done to help make the
work as easy and completed as
rapidly as possible.
most enthusiastic.
Father T. J. McNamara, paster of
the Catholic church, was called to
Savannah on Wednesday on account
Father McNamsra will return Fri-
Ttovival services will be held at
Oak Grove church beginning the day an? the usual First Triday De-
■econd in July and continu- y^an* in honor of the Sacred Heart
ing for one week. Rev. W. C. Sudd ^ ^ ^ y^May morning at
will conduct Die sendees , rjnfMwni will be heard
people of county are cordially
for several thousand dollars, which
will permit the building of a num-
ber of new homes and the repair
and improvement of a number of
The Cricket new sandwich shop
•icrving tasty toasted sandwiches will «en narrison, comnumua «***
be opened Saturday July 6th, Mr. Morris-Little Post and Joe Grant
Sixth District Leglonalres Wilt HaM
Cm vent ton tn MiUedgeville Sat
urday and Sunday.
Quimby Melton, editor of the Grif
fin News, and national vice-com
mander of the American Legion, will
be the principal speaker at a gath
ering d’ legionaires from the posts
in the Sixth District in this city on
Saturday and Sunday.
C. B. McCullar, district command
er is out of the city and complete
details could not be learned. Bill
James, district adjudant. will come
here Thursday with other officers
of the district will come here Thurs
day and work out the complete pro
gram for the meeting.
The convention will ooen Saturday
and continue through Sunday. It is
expected that every post in the dis
trict will be represented with a large
Mr. Melton is an interesting
speaker and his address is expected
to be of unusual importance at this
Ben Harrison, commander of the
i- adjudant, are co-operating — —
plans and the local post will be host
Cecil Brooks, the owner has
nounced. yituu* «*«« ««=
The Cricket is located in West End to the convention.
on the Macon Highway and is mod- ~ .
em in every detail. The barbecue BOARD OT EDUCATION MEETS
pits are visible and open for in- The Board of Education held a
spection at all time*. Barbecue will routine meeting at the office* off
be featured by The Cricket. The Supt P. N. Bivins on Tuesday.
new place is built on the Pig ’n Mr. Jesse Scott. Jr, was named
Whistle style with a drive-in and truck driver for routo No^» atthe
urkiu place for ran. All .kinds off meeting. A number eff readme m-*-
- rrin be r ' * —