Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, August 08, 1935, Image 2

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THE I’NION'-KECOKDEK. MII.LEDCEVII-I-E. CA.. AUGUST ». IMS Georgia’s Two Real Daughters No State in the union can boast d' two Real Daughters of the American RevoU’tio;i, except Georgia, and Georgia is proud to claim two sifters: Miss Sarah Pool and Mrs. Mary Pool Newsome, of Gibson. Ga. youngest child was bom. and his eldest child was 64 years old at that time. The grandmother of the Real Daughters on their mother’s side | was long-lived, also: reaching the They have been honored by the • ea ^‘ receipt of gold spoons with the D. | “Aunt Sarah A. R. insignia on them, from the) 1845": and “Aunt Mary National Society, and they with three “4-15-1850'. So “Aunt other Real Daughters in the entire. new 90 ve United States, receive a monthly r :* 85. pension of twenty-five dollar? each.; They are members of the Magnolia They were received as members naptist Church and were numbered of the Daughter’.-, of the American j amo ng its founders. Their father also. Revolution June 5. 1929. during thej was a charter member of a Baptist Regency of Mrs. Y. H. Yarbrough, j church. the Mill Creek Church, Through the efferts of Mrs. J. L. I barren county. Mrs. Beeson 9-28- Sarah” is old and “Aunt Mary” Beeson. State Historian. Ga. I R.. their father’s grave was located and a government heads' ne ov •was unveiled, on June 5. 1932. ir presence of 300 people. ThcBurkhal- ter Chapter D. A. R. of Warrenton. arranged the ir.teretsing program, •where the two daughters unveiled the marker over their father's grave a really wonderful historical oc currence. These two ladies are honored by the Nancy Hart Chapter every year at the Christians tide and they re ceive gifts from D. A. R. in other States. Every day brings to them post cards or letters. They live in their three-room cot tage. one mile from Gibson. Ga.. and arc blessed with kind neighbors who look after them with real interest and love. Their father. Henry' Pool, came from N. C.. to Georgia and drew land in Warren county, in the land lottery of 1827. He was married three times and his last wife. Mary Ann Cason, was the mother of the Real Daughters. Henry Pool's Bible is still in exist ence. He was 90 years old when his proud recipient of his old hymn book, which now reposes at Meadow Garden. Augusta. Ga.. at the home of George Walton, which is a mu seum for Revolutionary relics. These two ladies enjoy life and have a quick wit. When the State Regent Mrs. John W. Daniel was here in September. Mrs. Yarbrough invited her. and Miss Floride Allen, the Chapter Regent, and Mrs. J. L. Beeson to go with her to see the Real Daughters. “Aunt Sarah” was ill. and “Aunt Mary” having been intro duced to the new comers, seemed to hesitate when she came to Mrs. Bcc- .n. “Aunt Mary, don’t you know c - -Why you look so young and •etty your old mar must bo dead", as the answer! Dr. Yarbrough is their favorite physician, and distance does not mke them forget. The generosity of the M. S. D. A. is known by all around, and one salesman of flour says when he goes South Carolina or into any other State, he never fails to tell what the D. A. R. has done for these two dear old ladies. HOME COMING AT MONTPELIER ATTRACTS LARGE CROWD ON FRIDAY Residents cf every section of Baldwin county assembled at old Montpelier church last Friday to join in the annual celebration of Home Coming Day. The old church, probably the old est in the county, has recently been reorganized uy Rev. W. C. Budd. pastor of the Hardwick Methodist chur-h. and during the p. st week a scries of evangelistic services were held. The membership of the church has grown and many people who formerly held membership in the church arc again attending regular ly and supporting the church. Rev. Budd preached a home com ing sermon at eleven o'clock and at the conclusion of the services Judge E. R. Hines presented to the church a communion service, the gift of Mrs. W. H. Stembridge as a memorial to her distinguished husband. Judge *W. H- Stembridge and son Dr. M. F. Stembridge. Judge Hines paid tribute to the life of Judge Stem- bridge and his service to this county and the Montpelier community. The family of Judge and Mrs. Stembridge have been members of the church and working actively in its interest practically since its organization. Dr. Stembridge had moved his church membership to Montpelier only short time before his death. Plans are now being made to i large the church. A Sunday School •with Prrf. Strother as superinten dent. Tie attendance upon Sunday School scr CITATION GEORGIA. Baldwin County: To Whom It May Concern: Mrs. Maurine Thompson, as guar dian of Alice Pitts, now deceased. ig applied to me for discharge from her guardianship, this is to notify all persons concerned to show cause before the Court of Ordinary of said County, at the September Term. 1935. thereof, why letters of dismission should not be isued as This August 5. 1935. BERTIE B. STEMBRIDGE Ordinary, Baldwin Co. Ga. MARSHAL'S SALES church and has grown the church attendance than in the city be enlarged. Ac- thc school is larger iok the Mrs. H. D. Allen recently old church Bible which was given by her father in 1872. and had it rebound and the pages placed back in the bock. Every pastor of the church since 1872 has signed in the bn'-k. Th.o church property was set aside in the will of Benjamine Hall in 1826 as a meeting house and a Methodist church was organized. Decondants of Mr. Hall. Mrs. Gorce. of LaOrnnge and her sister attend ed the Home Coming Friday. A delicious barbecue dinner was served in the grove near the church. Over three hundred people were present. The oldest members of the church present were Mrs. V Stembridge who is in her R3rd and Mrs. L. B. Babh. who is also past eighty years. The meeting was in charge of Mr, Sidney Stembridge. Mr. Walter Stembridge, Mr. and M’ Mr. Preston Babb. Mrs. Uamn CM- I division wilhr lins. Mrs. Walter Stembridge. Roger I ing each rf i Stcmbrdige. • ■ 7 " w V I Said sale is City of Milledgeville Baldwin County. Georgia. Will be sold on the First Tues day in September 1935. before the Courthouse door in Baldwin County. Georgia, within the legal hours of Sheriffs Sales, at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash. th< tracts and parcels of land herein after described. The said sales will be made under and by virtue of le vies of fi.fas. issued by the Clerk at the city of Milledgeville for taxes due the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Milledgeville. Deeds will be exe cuted to the purchasers at said sale by the undersigned Marshal. The tenants in possession of the several tracts of land hereinafter describ ed have been notified of the levies and the time, terms, and place of sale as required by law. FIRST TRACT: That tract of land belonging to Mrs. J. W. Toole, situate lying and being in the city of Mil ledgeville. said State and County, located on the East side of North Wayne St., fronting on North W Street 105 feet and running back | East an equal v\ idth for a dist; of 210 feet, adjoining and betw the lands of Mrs. Julia Folds Parker, and the lands of Mrs. A. H. Paschal. described lot is a unit that is not capable of division with out materially damaging each of it’s ibdivisions. Said sale is made under the levy f a fi. fa. issued on the 20th day of Feb. 1934. for taxes due said City for the year 1933. .Said property will be sold as the property of Mrs. J. W. Toole. SECOND TRACT: That tract of land belonging to Mrs. C. A. Giles, situate lying and being in the City of Milledgeville. said State and County, known and distinguished in the plan of said City as a part of Lot No. 4. Block No. 42. fronting on Washington Street a distance of 42 feet, more or less, and running back North of same width a distance of 105 feet, more or less, and bounded as follows: On the North by lands of Mrs. J. A. Buck. East by lands of J. O. Barnes. South 1 Washington Street, and West by lands of Mr.-. S. L. Terry and Mm. Sam J. niand. The above described lot is a unit that is not capable of of a fi.fa. issued on the 14th day of April. 1931. for taxes due said City for the year 1930. Said property will be sold as the property at Mrs. C. A. Giles. THIRD TRACT: That tract of land belonging to Mrs. Eva B. Ennis, situate lying and being in the City of Milledgeville. said State and County, lying on the East side of North Wayne, between and adjoin ing. the lands of Mrs. A. H. Paschal and East Thomas Street, (formerly Wall Street) facing 105 feet Wayne St., and running back East equal width for a distance of 229 feet. The above described let is unit that is not capable of division ithout materially injuring each of ’s subdivisions. Said sale is made under the levy - a fi.fa. issued on the 1st day of April. 1931. for taxes due said City for the year 1928. Said property will be sold as the property of Mrs. Eva B. Ennis. FOURTH TRACT: That tract of land belonging to John W. Riley, situate lying and being in the 320th militia District. City of Millcdge- villc, said State and County, lying the West side of Jackson street, between and adjoining the lands of Bessie E. Lawrence and the lands of Miss Mattie Moc.e. etal. fronting 50 feet on Jackson street and running back West for a ins tance of 254 feet. The above de scribed lot is a unit that is not eapnble of division without material ly damaging each of it’s subdivisions. Said sale is made under the levy a fi.fa. issued on the 14th day of June. 1932. for taxes due said City for the year 1931. Said property will Id as the property of John W. Riley. FIFTH TRACT: That tract of land belonging to Mrs. Willett B. Horne, lituate lying and being in the City of Milledgeville. said State and County, being on the North side of East Hancock Street, facing Said East Hancock Street a distance of 90 feet and running back North an equal width for a distance of 186 feet. less, and bound as follows: On the North by lands of the First National Bank, on the East by El bert Street, on the South by East Hancock Street, and on the West by lands of Jesse Green. Said lot is a unit that is not capable of division without materially damaging each of it’s subdivisions. Said sale is made under the levy of a fi.fa. issued on the 14th day of July, 1032, for taxes due said City for the year 1931. Said property will be sold as the property of Mrs. Wil lett B. Horne. SIXTH TRACT: That tract of land belonging to Jom Pritchard, situate lying and being in the City of Mil ledgeville- said State and County, on the South Side of West Hancock Street, fronting on said West Han cock street 120 feet, and running baric South and equal width for a distance of 180 *eet, and bound as follows: On the South by the lands of Lula P. Rogers, on the West by lands of Annie I* Montgomery, on the North by West Hancock Street, and on the East by South Bound ary Street. Said Tract is a unit that is not capable of division without materially damaging each of it’s sub divisions. Said sale is made under the levy a fi.fa. issued on the 14th day of June. 1932, for taxea due said City for the year 1930. Said property will be sold as the property of John Pritchard. SEVENTH TRACT: That tract of land belonging to R. T. Dozier, Adm. Estate Mrs. E. B. Dozier, situate lying and being in the City of Mil ledgeville. said State and County, on the South side of West Hancock Street, fronting 52.5 feet more or less on said West Hancock Street, and running back South an equal width for a distance of 210 feet, more or less, and bound as follows: On the North by West Hancock Street, on the East by lands of the Eastate of Mrs. Carrie Home and J. C. Cooper, on the South by lands of A. J. Carr. Jr., and on the West by lands of the Estate of R. C. Hum ber. The above described lot is a unit that is not capable of division with out materially damaging each of it’s subdivisions. Said sale is made under the levy a fiifa. issued on the 14th day of June. 1932, for taxes due said City for the year 1931. Said property will be sold as the property of Mollie Bruce. This 30th day of July, 1935. LEROY D. NAPIER. Deputy Marshal of the City of MMledgeville. Guaranteed Radio Service T. A. ASHFIELD R. C. A. Tubes Genuine Replacement Parts Regular communi cation Benevolent Lodge No. 3 F&AM First and Third Tuesday’s 8:30 P. M. Visiting Brcth- eren welcome. JOE L. GRANT, W. M. R. SMITH, Sec’ty. MALARIA In 3 days COLDS first day Llqnlr - Tablets Salve - Note Tonic and laxative Drops /orOLlMU *IUW •**"■»■ Accurate Vshu J.C. GRANT CO. JEWELERS Milledferile, G«. Laxative combination folks know is trustworthy The confidence thousands of par ents have In good, old reliable, pow dered Thedford’s Black-Draught has prompted them to get the new Syrup of Black-Draught for their children. The grown folks stick to the pow dered Black-Draught; the youngsters probably will prefer It wheo they outgrqw their childish love of sweet* Mrs. CL W. Adams, «f Murray, Kf, writes: 1 have used Thedford’s Black-Draught (powder) about thir teen yean, taUx« it for Mllonenssa Black-Draught acta wall and I am always pleased with the resuttSL I wanted a good, reliable laxative tor my children. I have found Syrup at Black-Draught to be just that.” BLACK-DRAUGHT We are Prepared to Take Care of Your Dairy Product, Cream, Sweet Milk, Butter Milk and Butter Abo Your Fresh Meats PHONE S3 AND SAVE MONEY Montgomery** Milk Depot and Meat Market BOSTON CAFE "WHERE EVERYBODY EATS” Delicious Western Steaks and Sea Foods Two Great Problems of Life Life insurance, if maintained at full value, will btlp to solve the two great financial problems of life: Dying too soon! Living too long! C. H. ANDREWS & SON “NOTHING BUT INSURANCE” For ECONOMY and CONVENIENCE -FOR A TAXI CALL 3 5 1 OR IF YOU PREFER A U-DRIVE-IT FOR THE DATE OR SUNDAY AFTERNOON RIDE. YOU MAY HIRE ONE AT REASONABLE RATES FROM— THE SOUTHLAND GARAGE MILLEDGEVILLE’S RECREATION PARLOR “WHERE GOOD FELLOWS MEET’ BILLIARDS HEALTHFUL RECREATION Beer In Bottles and on Draft SODA—CIGARS—CANDIES BARBER SHOP GOOD WORK BY EXPERT BARBERS ;;t materially damag- madc under the levy Keeps you on top of your job There’• one grand thing about ice-cold Coca-Cola that makes it popular with millions of workers: It makes any pause the pause that refreshes ... tends you back to work fit and ready for a fresh start, it helps you get things done. Your dealer can supply you.