Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, August 15, 1935, Image 2

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ssg5g i** eg ,1 ; dOOK-UCOUB. WUIDOimiX OA., AVGUST U, IMS mm years AGO IN BALDWIN Hem CM Frew TW He. ef TV* Uuito-RecerJcr. TV* WmV 15. IMS. ONLY 3* DATS OF DOC* HUNTING THIS SEASON Norember !l fc D*« Oor*l*. Ktflitlw i Strict. Outlining the “meet rigid regula tions in the hu-tory of American wildfowling” J. X. "Ding" Darling chief of the biological survey, says the nation's dude hunters will have 30 days of shooting this fall. States Fidelity and open season will be allowed Guaranf^^Ebmpany. of Balotimore. wood ducks, ruddy ducks, buffle- Maryland. has changed its general head ducks. Ross’s geese, or s agency from Macon to Milledgeville, atld no shooting of snow geese will and appointed Mr. L. H. Andrews ^ permitted in Florida or in states general agent. Messrs. Hines & norlh of Florida bordering the At- Vinson, who have been local agents lantic ocean . for this company foe the past aev-j u-jihig said the regulations had eral years, have on account of the bffm appr0 ved by President Roose- faithful manner in which they have yeU and that he expected them to discharged their duties, been ap- 1 Mve ^ per of the increase in pointed general council for the terri- j this year . torp over which Mr. Andrews has shooting over baited water or control. ,i and ^dn prohibited. No live decoys can be used at any place. Shooting will be permitted only The new tax digest just completed bv Tax Receiver C. L. Moran con- ta.ns many interesting facts, some of which we present below: There are 738 white polls and 407 colored, making at total of 1175. There are In the county 9 lawyers. 22 doctors. 4 derlists. 1 mechanical engineer, and 3 bank presidents, a total of 39 professional men, who pay a special tax of $10 each, mak-I Ii'and' close Novem ing a total of $390. ^ her io. j n southern states it will be .. r ...... ! from November 20 to December 19. Messrs. E. E. Bell. W. S. Myrick, between 7 a. m. and 4 p. Possession of more than one day’! bag limit, which was reduced from 12 to 10, will be illegal A three-shell limit on auto-loading and repeating shotgun will become effective. The season will open in northern LAND SALE Henry Goodman and Dixion Dilliams will leave tomorrow for the northern markets to purchase their stock of ... „ fall and winter guod,. We wish them, GEORGIA. BriJwm County: a pleasant trip. and authority to increase its common capital. , -'rom time to time, and in varying amounts constituting any fractional part or parts of the aggre gate, to a capitalization not. to ceed in the aggregate the sum of ten thousand dollars, and to sell isseu stock and certificates of stock of the same par value and in sub stantially the same form for such ad ditional capital; provided, that said Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained in a deed to se- City Clerk C. L. Moore has linish-1 ™re a debt executed by Millie Me ed compiling the city tax digest for j Gregor to A. T. Pettigrew, on Ma> the year 1905. An Increase of *14,-19- 1922 - dMd is recordod in 030 is shown over last year. In 1904 ot the Clerk of the Su- the total returns were *1.306,446, and .perior Court of said County, in Deed in 1905 $1,320,476. Book 9, page 55, the undersigned _____ will sell, at public outcry, before the A meeting of the Baldwin County, courthouse door in said county, to Rranrh of the Georgia Division of j the highest bidder for cash, within tfg Cotton Association was held at the legal hours of sale, on the 3rd the court house in this city Saturday, day of September, 1935, the follow- necessary morning August 12. ; ing described land, to-wit: j The meeting was called to order by | All that tract or parcel of land j lawful business. President Whitaker, who stated that situate, lying and being in the 321st the object of the meeting was to District. G. M., of Baldwin County, elect delegate to the State Con- Georgia, bounded as follows: on the vention. called to meet in Atlanta. North by lands of Solomon Harris: Ga.. on August 22. Messrs. H. E. Me- on the East by lands of Dr. E. W. Comb and W. W. Moran were elected Alien; on the South by the right of delegates. j way of the Central of Georgia Rail- ' way Company, on the West by lands Mr. W. W. Idler and children cf Luis Ran^lph, better known as have returned from a visit to rela- the Isaac Adams place, containing lives in Tennessee. j three acres, more or less, together J with all buildings and improvements Mrs. Dixon Williams and children thereon. Said lane being the same have returned from a visit io North land deeded to Millie McGregor by Georgia. j H. D. Allen as evidenced by deed years, and with the right and privi lege of renewal thereof at or before the expiration of that time, and with the right of reviver thereof in the event such charter should be per mitted to lapse, in accordance with the laws of the said state. 2. That the principal office of said corporation shall be in the City of Milledgeville, in Baldwin County. - - Georgia; but petitioners desire the j increase shall be first sanctioned and right and authority to establish and j authorized by a vote of a majority conduct other offices and places of df at least two-thirds of the stock business in such other Counties with- , outstanding as shown by the books In said State as may be determined of the corporation at that time, upon by the corporation. j 6. 3 Your petitioners further desire That the object of said corpora- that said corporation shall have all tion is pecuniary gain to the corpo- J of the common corporate powers, ration and Its stockholder*. . right* and authorities as the same 4 I are defined by the present code of That the business to be conducted G *^*- d0 by said corporation is that ol own- •« nf the jLrts and thin*, tardn- irut andlor operating a retail andlor “>« apleiflcdlly wholesale shoe More, and in the con-1 enumerated, to * c - duct and operation of such petition-1 c *P t amendment* ’ ers desire that said corporation shall i thtet it shall have all such other have .n of the necessary, incident i rights. Powers. Pr.vtlegcs and m- and general rights, privileges and. naunlties as are ncl authorities which are usual and cu^! corporations and pemussable under tomary in such businesses, and as; the laws o rgia. are usually and reasonably incident! WHEREFORE, Your petitioners to the same, ar.d particularly the pray that they be incorporated un- rights and privileges to acquire, own. der the name and style above stated, operate, manage, and completely and ( and that a p.oper order sa ’ully conduct its business, and to .Court be passed granting such in- buy. sell, keep, carry and offer for corporation to them, their successors sale any and all articles and things •hich are usually and customarily handled, carried, held, sold and or offered for sale by shoe stores gen erally. being principally all types and kinds of shoes and boots, all characters of hosiery, notions, hats, ladies ready-to-wear, and men's furnishings. They further desire that said corporation .shall have and be granted the rights and authorities to have, own. puprehase, sell, lease, rent and control any and all charac- Mrs. Lucy ] Lizzie Briody dated December 17. 1918, and re- ’■ Walker and Miss cor dc*d in the Clerk's office of Bald- leave today for a w ; n Superior Court, in Deed Book Indian Spring. !"RR". folio 367. to which deed and I its record reference is made In aid Misses Agnes. Gertrude and Birdie of the dcscr iption herein given. Stcmbridge have returned from a , The sa{d M illie McGregor has de visit to relatives in Davisboro. faulted in the payment of principal 1 and interest due- on the note de- Mr. J. F. Bell left this city in said decd , and has failed Friday for Lookout Mountain. He to thc taxes mossed against said will return today accompanied l'.v rtv for the years 1931, 1932, Mrs. Bell and children, who !ravc| in , 3 am , !034 aggre g a ting S43.40, been visiting relatives there ttic : , |;id hag fai!(;d io pay i Wurtm cv premiums on said property aggregat ing $12.00, which taxes and insur ance has been paid by the under signed. By reason of said default thc power of sale contained in said deed has become operative. Said sale will be made lor the purpose of raising funds to pay the note which said deed was given to secure, and which on the date of sale will amount to North Caro- | $49G ()8 M well ^ $43.40 taxes and era, j $12.00 insurance premium paid by | the undersigned. Said several sums twenty-feur years ago. from North, $551.48, to which will be Pnrnlinn A* «V<n» fimn Mr h 9 „ added the cost of this proceeding. The balance of the proceeds month. Mr. Chancey Adams spent last week in Washington county, visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hines left yesterday for a lina. where they will spent weeks. Mr. Hines came to this city j Carolina. At that time Mr. Ben Gause was conductor on the omnibus i of Capt. M. R. Bell, and Mr. Hines rode with him to thc business center of the city, where Mr. Gause learned that Mr. Hines intended to go on a visit to his old home, he told him he would carry him to the depot in his surrv. So yerterday morning he hitched up his horse and rode Mr. and Mrs. Hines to the depot, and bade them good-bye. with the wish that they would have a pleasant Mr. John Hutchinson, who has held the position of proscription clerk at the ding store cf Messrs. Culver & Kidd for thc past two years, has re signed his position and will leave for his home in Forsyth this week. Dur ing his stay in this city Mr. Hutch inson has made many friends, who regret to see him leave. He is a splen did druggist, and a social, clever young man. Plans and specification for the new City Hall building have been drawn, and are now on exhibition In the window of Messrs. Culver & Kidd. from said sale, if any, will be de livered to said Millie McGregor. The undersigned will execute deed to the purchaser as authorized in said security deed. This August 6. 1935. A. T. PETTIGREW As Gamtee with power of sale of Millie McGregor. HINES & CARPENTER Attorreys for A. T. Pettigrew APPLICATION FOR CHARTER GEORGIA. Baldwin Crunty To The Superior Court of Said County: The petition of Mrs. A. J. Skin ner a resident of Raldwin County Georgia, of \\. O. Hiatt a resident (C Chatham County. Georgia, and of W. C. Gocdo. Jr., a resident of Rich mond County. Georgia, respectfully shows: 1. That your petitioners desire for themselves, their associates and suc cessors. a corporate charter and cor porate franchises and to be incorpo rated and made a body politic under the name and style of SKINNER S SHOE STORE. INCORPORATED, for the period and term of twenty ters of real estate and right there in. and to do any and all acts and things incidental to the ownership and enjoyment thereof; and gen erally. to do all acts and things incidental or connected •ith the proper furtherance of its That the common capital stock of raid corporation shall be twenty-five hundred dollars, which shall be di vided into fifty (50) shares of the par value of fifty ($50) dollars per share. That the whole of said com mon capital has actually been paid in. Petitioners desire that said cor poration shall have the right, power Guaranteed Radio Service T. A. ASHF1ELD R. C. A. Tubes Genuine Replacement Parts Regular communi cation Benevolent Lodge No. 3 F&AM First and Third Tuesday's 8:30 P. M. Visiting Breth- eren welcome. JOE L. GRANT, W. M. J. R. SMITH, Sec'ty. In ATLANTA and assigns, and granting unto said corporation all of the rights, powers, privileges and authorities herein above set out, together with such other, additional and general pow ers. privileges and authorities as are now or may hereafter be allowed corporations erf like or similar character by and under the present and any future laws of this state. FRANK W. BELL Attorney for Petitioners. Filed In office this 7 day of August 1935. j. c. coopnt Clerk Superior Court, Baldwin County, Georgia. I, J. C. Cooper. Clerk of the Su perior Court of Baldwin County, Georgia, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true, exact and correct copy df the application for charter filed by Mrs. A. J. skinner. « u the wne eppean on file in !£" office. n Hite the 7 day of Aujust, 1933 J- C. COOPeh Clerk Superior Court, County, Georgia. CHRYSLER - PACKARD PLYMOUTH SALES AND I V. E. Itlsmt Jr. Two Great Problems of Life Life inturance, if maintained at full value, will help to tolve the two great financial problem of life: Dying too soon! Living too long! C. H. ANDREWS & SON “NOTHING BUT INSURANCE” /or OLItK* fiiMEt • Hiwy Accurate Value T.C. GRANT CO. JEWELERS Ga. Lady Took Caithd When Weak, Nervous •I cant say enough for Cartful tf I talked all day,** enthusiastically writes Mrs. L. H. Cald well, of Statesville. N. C. “I have used Card ul at intervals for twenty-five years," she adds. "My trouble in the beginning was weakness and ner vousness. I read of Car- dtil In a newspaper and decided right then to try it It seemed before I had taken hall a bottle of Cardui I was stronger and was soon up anil around." Thotimrd* of von-.-a teitlfy Cardui hmp nt#d thorn. If It dots sol Imam TOC, 00csuit a physician. For ECONOMY and CONVENIENCE .FOR A TAXI CALL 3 5 1 OR IF YOU PREFER A U-DRIVE-IT FOR THE DATE OR SUNDAY AFTERNOON RIDE, YOU MAY HIRE ONE AT REASONABLE RATES FROM— Hi SOOTH GARAGE i IN THESE FOOTPRINTS vT HOTEL ANSLEY 400 Light, Airy Rooms—-400 Baths. Most convenient loca tion in Atlanta. Garage under the same roof. Radio. Rathskeller — Table d* Hole and a la Carle — and Coffee Shoppe. R ATES *- REASONABLE One of DES'KLER HOTELS / Also: Andrew Jackson Nashville* Tenn. Tutwiler Hotel Birmingham. Ala. Jefferson Davis Montgomery. Ala. St. Guiles New Orleans, Is. V . / CARLING DINKIER Frmtident amd Gen. Mgr. BEFOIE BRING TIRES— sm how MUCH MORE QUALITY the world’s largost tire-. lkeroKtrs for prices as low as OR LOWER than any. Remember, Detective Faurot’s great investigation showed thc sensational Goodyear “G-3” All-Weather is de livering more than Jg MORE NON-SKID mileage EXTsVcor MOTE the sharp non-skid registered by these “G-3 V’at the mile age* shown below— proof that they're still good for many more thousands of miles of safety. Goodyear quality In the world’s first- choice economy tire. Built of tough, new rubber—with center traction safety tread — Supertwist blow out protection in every ply. Finest tire 4.40-21 built for " siblconly by millions ™ of sales. Goodyear- built and guaranteed —with all quality features: thick non- skid tread — Super- twist body — rein forced sidewalls—all new rubber, a won derful “huv.” McKinnon motor co. Milledgeville, Ga.