Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, August 22, 1935, Image 2

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News Culled From The Files of
The Union-Recorder. The Week
of August 22, i 905.
The announcement that Mr. P. J.
Cline will retire from business, and
is offering his stock for sale, will be
received with general regret in Mil-
ledgeville. Baldwin and the sur
rounding counties.
W. J. Wilcox, Civil Engineer of the
city of Macon, will be in this city
next week to make another survey
of the purposed sewer route. After
this survey the exact route of the
sewers will be given to the public.
Mr. Charlie Wynne and Miss Lil
lian Myrick were united in marriage
Sunday afternoon at the home of
the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs.!
G. D. Myrick near Meriwether. Rev. j
E. H. Wood officiating.
Mayor J. A. Home attended the
convention of mayors at Griffin last
week. He reports a pleasant and
profitable time. Mr. Home
have delivered »he response
address of welcome, but was unable
to reach Griffin until after the open
ing session.
The Georgia Normal and Indus-
led Colege is to have a new build
The bill appropriating S25.000 for
this purpose was passed almost
animously by the members
the legislature at the season which
adjourned Friday night.
Mr. J. L. Barnes, who resides in
the Southern portion of the county
near Tribley and operates a gin,
in the city Saturday, and reports
that he had ginned eleven bales up
to that time.
(By G. X. S.)
A new one dollar bill is being de-
iigned for the treasury, said to be
nore attractive than the one now in
isc. and all present one dollar cor- ,
tificates will be retired os rapidly
as possible.
A *rooklyn Taylor is suing a (
Brooklyn hospital for $20,000 dam- i
ages because they failed to keep I
him from attempting suicide while
In the hospital for observation. ;
Lewis Short 14-year-old Waycross |
high school student has found 181
"Black Widow" spiders in his back- j
yard in the past month. He profess- \
i iAterest in biology and did not j
know they were podsionous at first j
and picked them up—but he doesn't j
do it now.
Shooting bull snakes out of cot- !
tonwood trees is the favorite sport l
at the Watson ranch at Linglc j
Willie SheltOT. an Atlanta negro j
doesn't like the number 13. On Feb- •
ruary 13 he killed another negro in
Mr. Jessie W. Scott brought to the j front of 13 Fort Street; he fled and j
city with him Saturday two storks 1 in the course of his wanderings (
of com. each oif which had on it five , visited 13 states; was arrested on
well developed ears of cdm. He'August 13 in front 13 Hilliard
says that he has the finest field of Street at 3:13 p. m. by an officer
com in Baldwin county, i.nd these whose badge number was 413: his
stalks trill bare out his statement, name contains 13 letters, and he is
thinking of changing it to plain Bill.
The A. J. Carr Co., has moved in- The wooden structure that houses j
to their new building North of the the city clock in Rome. Georgi
Masonic Hall. This building has just being replaced. The work will
been completed, and is a handsome quire approximately a month
two story' structure. There is plenty complete, but the clock will be kept
of room for the large slock of groc- running except for possibly a day
erys carried by this firm, and they when the four clock faces are be-
invite their friends to call and see ing replaced.
them in their new home. An official decree in Italy offers
special railway fares for honey-
Mr. R. L. Wall, who has been mooning couples and those celebrat-
conducting a merchandise business jng their silver and golden wedding
In the Northern portion of this city, anniversaries.
will move to the business portion ; ——■
Sept. 1st, and will occupy the store HEALTH CHIEFS URGE
which Missers. Hall and Lamar
are now doing business.
Missers Jas. L. Sibley, Terrance
Trainer, John Sibley and George
Hollingshcad, Jr., took a trip to
<By G. X. 8.)
The Georgia Department
.... _ bulletin issued this
Sandersville last week to visit the k urged ^ parents spenri |h e
dairy farm of Dr. Rawlins. I remainder of the vacation period in
preparing their children for school,
have eyes, ears, teeth and throats
examined before school starts.
"It is beyond all question neces-
Barretts warehouse received their
first bale of cotton last Friday. Mr.
R. L. Wall bought it for 15 cents per
pound. This price was paid for the
first bale at all three of Milledge-
ville’s warehouses.
McIntyre crossed bats on the dia
mond in this city last Friday af
ternoon. At the end of the ninth
inning they stood 9 to 3 in favor of
the locals.
Judge WL H. Stembridjge spent
last Wednesday in Atlanta confer
ring with the State Prison Oam-
missioner. J. W. Lindsey, concerning
the seventeen application for pen
sions from this county.
Rev. D. W. Brannon and family,
who have been spending some weeks
at the old Thomas place at Midway,
have returned to their home *n this
Work has commenced on the resi
dence of Mr. K. P. Hawkins, on the
lot recentlv purchased from Miss
Fannie Perkins. When completed
will be one of the prettiest homes in
the city.
Miss Julia Moore is visiting her
parents. Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Moore
at Siloam.
Mrs. E. R. Hiaes and children are
visiting relatives near Mansfield, in
Newton county.
Mrs. W. A. Walker spent several
days of last week very* pleasantly in
Macon visiting Mrs. J. T. Stewart.
Judge E. P. Gibson is at home
from Atlanta where he has been
spending the past several weeks,
filling the position of doorkeeper for
the house. His friends are glad to
see him home again.
sary to see that our children are
protected by knowing that the school
to which they go is sanitary,” the
statement said. "Every precaution-
should be taken to avoid accidents
en route to school. Safe drivers
should be demanded for school
G 1933. Lkcktt it Mrau Touxo C
are residents and citizens of the Joe B. Moran, Milledgeville, Ga.
State of Georgia, engaged in the! O. M. Ennis, Milledgeville, Ga.
production of agricultural products,! R. W. Ivey, Milledgeville, Ga.
do hereby voluntarily associate our- G. W. Hollinshead, Milledgeville,
selves together for the purpose of Ga.
forming a cooperative marketing as- ARTICLE VI.
GEORGIA. Baldwin County:
To Whom It May Concern:
Mrs. Maurine Thompson, as guar
dian of Alice Pitts, now deceased,
having applied to me for discharge
from her guardianship, this is to
notify all persons concerned to show
cause before the Court of Ordinary
of said County, at the September
Term, 1935, thereof, why letters of
dismission should not be isued as
This August 5, 1935.
Ordinary, Baldwin Co. Ga.
sociation, without capital stock,
der the provisions of the 1921 Co
operative Marketing Act of the State
of Georgia, and all amendments
Wie name of the association shall
be the Baldwin County Soil Conser
vation and Improvement Association.
The association is formed for the
following purposes:
(a) To engage in any activity in
connection with the producing,
harvesting, assembling and process
ing marketing of any agricultural
products, delivered to it by produc
ers, or any of the products manu
factured therefrom; or in connection
with the purchase of use by and>or
for its members cf supplies, machin
ery. and'or equipment.
(b) To acquire andlor handle and
market the above mentioned pro
ducts in any capacity and on any co
operative basis that may be agreed
(c) It further desires to have,
use and exercise and be invested
with any and all powers, rights,
duties and privileges and obligations
provided for in said cooperative
marketing act of 1921 and the acts
amendatory thereof; including the
right, power and authority to sue
and bo sued, to plead and be Im
pleaded and to have and use a com
mon seal, and to purchase, own, lease
mortgage and sell property real and
or personal.
The principal office and place of
Me- \ business of said association shall be
to!located in the City of Milledgeville
GEORGIA. Baldwin County
To Whom It May Concern:
Mrs. Agnes O'Brien McMillan
having in due form applied to me
for a year's support for herself and
her minor son, Riggs McMillan, out
of the Estate of Robert Wil:
Millan, Sr., deceased; this
notify the next of kin and creditors 1 State of Georgia, and County of
if the said Robert Wilson McMillan, I Baldwin, but the association shall
Senior, that said application will be j be the right to establish branch
heard before me at the regular Sep- • offices in this State or elsewhere In
tember Term. 1935, of the Court of j the discretion of its Board of Pi-
Ordinary of Baldwin County. Gror- ' rectors,
Witness my hond and official | The term for which this associa-
signature. this sixth day of August, tion shall exist is fifty (50) years
1935. from and after the date of its in-
Ordinary. Baldwin Co. Ga.l ARTICLE V.
— — j The number of directors shall con-
PETmOX FOR CHARTER | ?ist of 5. The term of office of each
director shall be one year. The names
The Baldwin Counly Soil Conser- and addresses of those who are to
vation and Improvement Association, serve as Incorporating directors for
STATE OF GEORGIA the first term and until their suc-
Baldwin County. ' cessors arc elected and
To The Judge of the Superior are:
Court of Said County. Name Address
We, the undersigned, all of whom w. E. Ireland, Milledgeville Ga
This association shall not have
any capital stock, but shall admit
members into the association upon
application and other uniform condi
tions. This association shall be op
erated on a cooperative basis for
the mutual benefit of its members
as producers, and only producers of
agricultural products may be
mitted to membership.
Hie voting power of the members
dt this association shall be equal and
each member shall have one vote
The porperty rights and interests
of each member In the association
shall be in proportion to their patron
age. as conclusively determined by
the Board of Directors.
Except for debts lawfully
tracted between him and the asso
ciation no member shall be liable
for the debts of the association to
an amount exceeding the sum
maining unpaid on his membership
In testimony whereof, we have
hereunto set our hands this 30 day
of July. 1935.
County of Baldwin
Before me, a notary public, with
in and for said county and State,
on this 30 day or July, 1935 person
ally appeared W. E. Ireland known
to me to be one of the identical per
sons who executed the within and
foregoing instrument, and he ack
nowledged to me that he had exe
cuted the same as his free and volun
tary act and deed for the uses and
purposes therein set forth.
Witness my hand and official seal
the day and year above set forth.
Notary public in and for the
county of Baldwin. State of Geor-
GEORGIA, Baldwin County
I, J. C. Cooper, Clerk of Superior
Court in and for said county, do
hereby certify that the foregoing is
a true and correct copy of applica
tion for charter of Baldwin Co. Soil
Conservation and Imp. Ass’n. The
original now Being on file in this
Witness my official signature and
seal of said court, this 12th day oC
Aug. 1935.
Clerk of Superior Court, Baldwin
County, Georgia.
in 3 days
first day
That’s What You Get at The
Don't Oust—Phon. us—We Call for and Return Your Car
Golden Flash Gas. Quaker State and Golden Motor OHs.
We Specialize in Road Service. Quickest Tire Service in Town
J. B. Malpass, Agfc. Power Oil Co.
We are Prepared to Take Care of Your Dairy Products
Cream, Sweet Milk, Butter Milk and Butter
Also Your Fresh Meats
Milk Depot and Meat Market
Accurate Vhlae
I Prepare yourself by making
I year aeiectioos from Mr slack
laf Worthy Gifts.
I We will welceaK an appertain'
I ty to show you.
Williams & Ritchie