Newspaper Page Text
T^rTBewHv Contest Wiooer ■“ pick up. mu. u pie*.
Local oem ant new* to everyone.
, cul* avouit as, uss
jlijs Martha Bcwdoin, selected as
"Miss Milledgeville” in a beauty ccn-
tf . .[x nscrcd by the Morris-Little
Fi*t Nc. 6. American L-egion. who
■ ill £<■ to Macon Friday night to
compete in the state-wide beauty
contest lor "Miss Georgia". The win-
in compete in the National Con-
in St. Louis this fall.
liras of Local Interest Picked Upj
Here and There By New* Gath
erer of The Union-Recorder.
Col. and Mrs. Marion Allen and
Mr. and Mrs. J C. Cooper celebrated
their wedding anniversaries last!
reft Mr. and Mrs. CooDer were
married on August 6th, and Col. and
Mrs. Allen on August 7th.
These popular people havt? tiv
best wishes of all our people. They
are among Baldwin county’s most
bdeved and honored citizens.
Mr. R. D. Webster celebrated his
85th birthday on last Thursday.
Many friends and relatives called
during the day and extended best
Mr. Webster makes his home with
his daughters Mrs. Bloomer Dumas
and Mrs. Arthur Skinner. He has
many friends throughout the county
who join the Union-Recorder in ex
tending best wishes for many more
happy birthdays.
The vacation period is rapidly
nearing the end and our people are
looking toward the fall season with
great anticipation. Mother’s are be
ginning to get things ready for the
children to get back in school and
another job that stares many in
face is moving. There will be quite
a few changes in residences this fall
we are told.
(By G. N. 8.)
“We in Georgia have adopted a
spirit of isolation on national mat
ters and have failed to go out and
get the larger national viewpoint.”
Dr. Charles H. H*. .-ty. director of
the Savannah Pine Paper Labor
atory, said in an address at Savan
nah last week.
The state’s worst defect is “too
much politics”, he said. “Drop the
continual chatter about politics and
fishing and studv national ques
tions so that we may act intelligent-
Georgia Bar Candidates Did;
Negative and Affirmative.
One of six “test” questions asked
candidates for admission to the
Georgia bar in the examination last
month was; “Does the word God
appear in the United States constitu
The question was included mere
ly to test the candidates’ familiarity
with the wording of the constitution,
according to Chairman John M. Sla
ton. of the state bar examining
"The word God does not appear."
the former Georgia governor said.
“Anyway the question was optional.
The applicants had to answer only
three of the six “test' questions."
Affirmative and negative answers
w«re turned in by those who chose
the question on the constitution, the
board chairman said.
Bryan by Mrs. Lura a Rogers by a
raeordad In the aferemld
Clerk’s office in Deed Book No. 14,
at pages 435-4.
Said land win be ottered for sale
and sold subject to the lien. If any,
of any or all legally chargable un
paid state and county taxes due on
the same.
The undersigned will execute and
deliver a deed to the purchaser et
said sale as is authorized by the
aforementioned loan deed.
This third day of August 1935.
As grantee of and attomey-in-lact
for J. N. Bryan.
The Echetah County Club is one
°f the most popular places in the
dtv during the hot days. A cool
Li\ • • almost always blowing and
‘s mop find it an ideal retreat
from the hot city. The golf courre
and swimming pool are equally as
Popular and both of them are
Patronized from early mom until
kte ;*t night. There isn’t a more
beautiful club in the state and cor-
tainlv there isn’t one where a more
^—Congenial bunch of fellows gather.
Mil’edgcville is proud of this club.
*hich is one of our best assets.
j The members of the Presbyterian
t j rch had a most happy gathering
kt Thursday afternoon. A delicious
Pcmr supper was served by the
<>f the church and in the even-
Hr. Gibson preached. Dr. Gib-
ro.-ide a splendid impression on
'* r r mbership and his sermon was
Er * a, ' v enjoyed. Some members of
^ ‘ - 'neh have picked him as the
■ r i ‘or to get the call ar pastor.
of the Union-Recorder’s
e mbers have paid up their
1 'ion during the week, which
. ppreciated by the editor.
! ■' and hams have been used
• two instances to make
This and other farm pro-
■vs accepted, and if there
1 Things most country editor.-
, < "' il ir fried chicken and coun-
■' li::r Several new subscribers
a,s ° Prided during the week,
these new members of
" Recorder family and cordially
th< m to come in to
' ene 'er they are in town.
GEORGIA. Baldwin County;
By virtue of an order granted by
the Court of Ordinary cf said county',
the undersigned will sell at public
outcry on the first Tuesday in Sep
tember. 1935, between the legal
hours of sale, before the courthouse
door of said county, to the highest
bidder for cash, the following de
scribed property, to-wit:
Four shares of the Capital Stock
of Exchange Bank of Milledgeville
Georgia, of the par value of on«
hundred dollars per share, evidenced
by Certificate Number 61.
Said shares of stock will be offered
for sale one share at the time.
The undersigned will execute to
the purchasers proper conveyances
to said shares of stock.
This August 5. 1935.
As Administrator Estate B. D. Sim-
Picking time li here and
an the farm are busy picking
“J* n «*y -taple far 'the
tins have been bin? Sit,
*a™hou", •»
GEORGIA, Baldwin Count*
Because of defaults in the payment
of the indebtednesses secured by e
deed to secure debt executed by J
N. Bryan to The Milledgeville Bonk
ing Company, dated January 22.
19’12, and recorded in the Clerks
office of Baldwin County Superior
Court in Deed Book Number 15. at
page 445, the undesigned being the
holder and owner of the original
loon note and the deed which secures
it has declared the full amount of
the indebtedness of J. N. Bryan
to said bank to be due and payable,
and. acting under the power of sale
contained in said deed, for the pur
pose of raising funds with which to
pay said indebtednesses, will on the
third day of September, 193a. during
the legal hours of solo at the court
house door in Baldwin County, sell
to the highest bidder •'re 35 . 1 '- lh '
land and property described m and
conveyed by said deed. to-wlt_
That certain lot or parrot of land
lving in the City of Milledgev, 1*
, Baldwin County. Georgia, being
a part of Lot No. 3 in City Square
Number 48 according to the plan of
_jj pjt v the same lying on tne
south side of Serevin Street and is
bounded as follows: Commencing at
STeomcr of die lot formerly known
as the Mrs. Sarah J. Vaughn lot.
ZJng thence west along Scriven'
Street fifty-four feet; thence running
btreei j feet, more
south one hundred Henry
or less, to the lands of Mrs. Henry
Vinson; thence running
four feet; thence running nora>"“
hundred five f«t or “
which was to J. **
City of Milledgeville
Baldwin County, Georgia.
Will be sold on the First Tues
day in September 1935. before the
Courthouse door in Baldwin County,
Georgia, within the legal hours of
Sheriffs Sales, at public outcry, to
the highest bidder for cash, the
tracts and parcels of land Herein
after described. The said sales will
be made under and by virtue of le-
of fl.fas. issued by the Cleilc of
the city of Milledgeville for taxes due
the Mayor and Aldermen of the City
of Milledgemlle. Deeds will be exe
cuted to the purchasers at said sale
by the undersigned Marshal. The
tenants in possession of the several
tracts of land hereinafter describ
ed have been notified of the levies
and the time, terms, and place of
sale as required by law.
FIRST TRACT: That tract of land
belonging to Mrs. J. W. Toole, situate
lying and being in the city of Mil-
ledgeville, said State and County,
located on the East ride of North
Wayne St., fronting on North Wayne
Street 105 feet and running back
East an equal width for a distance
of 210 feet, adjoining and between
the lands of Mrs. Julia Folds Parker,
and the lands of Mrs. A. H. Paschal.
The above described lot is a unit
that is not capable of division with
out materially damaging each of it’:
Said sale is made tinder the levy
of a fi. fa. issued on the 20th day of
Feb. 1934. for taxes due said City
for the year 1933 Said property will
he sold as the property of Mrs. J. W.
i Toole.
SECOND TRACT; That tract of
land belonging to Mrs. C. A. Giles,
situate lying and being in the City
of Milledgeville, said State and
County, known and distinguished in
the plan of said City as a part of Lot
No. 4, Block No. 42, fronting on
Washington Street a distance of 42
feet, more or less, and running back
North of same width a distance of
105 feet, more or less, and bounded
„„ follows; On the North by lands
of Mrs. J. A. Buck, East by lands
of J. O. Bernes, South by West
Washington Street, and West by
lands of Mrs. S. L. Terry and Mrs.
Sam J. Bland. The above described
lot is a unit that is not capable of
division without materially damag
ing each of it’s subdivisions.
Said sale is made under the levy
u ; a fi.fa. issued on the 14th day
of April. 1931, for taxes due said
City for the year 1930. Said property
will be sold as the property ttf Mrs.
C. A. Giles.
THIRD TRACT: That tract of land'
belonging to Mrs. Eva B. Ennis.
tuate lying and being in the City j
Milledgeville. said State and
County, lying on the East side of
North Wavne. between and adjoin
ing. the lands of Mrs. A. H. Paschal
and East Thomas Street, (formerly
Wall Street) facing 105 feet on N.
Wayne St., and running back East
an equal width for a distance of 229
feet. The above described let is a
unit that is not capable of division
without materially injuring each of-
it’s subdivisions. i
Said sale is made under the levy,
of a fi.fa. issued on the 1st day of
April. 1931, for taxes due said City
"or the year 1928. Said property will
be sold ns the property of Mrs. Eva
B. Ennis.
FOURTH TRACT: That tract of
land belonging to John W. Rdcy.
situate lving and being In the 320th
militia District. City of Milledge-
vllle. said Stale and County, lvms
on the ’.Vest side of Jackson street,
between and adjoining the lands of
Mrs Bessie E. Lawrence and the
lands of Miss Mattie Moore, cfal.
fronting 50 feet on Jackson street
and running back West for a dis
tance of 254 feet. The above de
scribed lot is a unit that is not
capable of division without material
ly damaging each of It's subdivisions.
Said sale is made under the levy
of a fife. Issued on the 14th day of
■June, 1932, far taxes due said City
| for the year 1991. Said property will
be sold as the property of John W.
ETTTH TRACT That tract of land
- -to HD. wmett B. Borne,
situate lying and being In the City
of Milledgeville, said State
County, being on the North side of
East Hancock Straat, facing Said East
Hancock Street % distance of 90 feet
and running bade North an eqv ll
width for a distance of 186 feet,
more or less, and bound as follows:
On the North by lands of the First
National Bank, on the East by El
bert Street, on the South by East
Hancock Street, and on the West by
lands of Jesse Green. Said lot Is a
unit that is not capable of division
without materially damaging each
of it’s subdivisions.
Said sale is made under the levy
of a fi.fa. issued on the 14th day of
July, 1932, for taxes due'said City
for the year 1931. Said property will
be sold as the property of Mrs. Wil
lett B. Home.
SIXTH TRACT: That tract of land
belonging to Jom Pritchard, situate
lying and being in the City of Mil-
lcdgevlllc. said State and County, on
the South Side of West Hancock
Street, fronting on said West Han
cock street 120 feet, and running
back South and equal width for a
distance of 180 f eet, and bound as
follows: On the Sotfth by the lands
of Lula P. Rogers, on '.he West by
lands of Annie L. Montgomery, on
the North by West Hancock Street,
and on the East by South Bound
ary Street. Said Tract is a unit that
is not capable of division without
materially damaging eoch of it's sub
Said sale is made under the levy
a fi.fa. issued on the 14th day of
June, 1932, for taxes due said City
for the year 1930. Said property will
be sold as the property of John
SEVENTH TRACT: That tract at
land belonging to R. T. Dealer, Adm.
Estate Mrs. E. B. Dealer, situate
lying and being in the City of Mil
ledgeville, said State and County,
on the South side of West Hancock
Street, fronting 52.5 feet more or
on said West Hancock Street,
and running back South an equal
width for a distance of 210 feet,
more or less, and bound as follows:
On the North by West Hancock
Street, on the East by lands of the
Eastate of Mrs. Carrie Home and J.
C. Cooper, on the South by lands of
A. J. Carr, Jr, and an the Wast bp
lands of tha Estate of R. C. Ilian
her. The above detcrlbad lot is a uR
that is not capable of division with
out materially damaging each of ftfte
Said sale la made under the levy
of a fiJTa. issued on the 14th day off
June, 1932, for taxes due nkl City
for the year 1931. Said piupeity will
be sold as the piupcalg off Mollte
This 30th day of July. 1935.
Deputy Marshal of the City off
Two Great Problems of Life
Life insurance, if mninUined at full value, wiU help to aofve
the two great financial problem, of fife:
Dying too soon! Living too long!
Nervous, Weak Van
Soon AB Rifkt
1 bad regular shaking spells from
nervousness,” writes Mis. Cora San
ders, of PangoukL Ark. “I was all
run-down and cramped at my time
until I would have to go to bed. After
my first bottle of Cardul, I was bet
ter. I kept taking Cardul and s
X was all right The shaking quit
and I did not cramp. I felt worlds
better. I gave Cardul to my daugh
ter who was In about the same con
dition and she was soon all right”
i not tenant TOO,
r CALL 1
Sale Ends
Next Week
Only one week is left in which to take advantage of our
special 15 percent summer discount on gas radiant
heaters. After August 30th the discount will not be
Don’t miss tihis last opportunity to get the radiant heat
ers you’ll be needing soon. The only condition attached
to the 15 percent discount is that installations must be
made before September 1st, thus relieving the annual
fall rush in our shop.
Be sure to make your selection before the sale ends.
Georgia Natural Gas Corp
Phone 71