Newspaper Page Text
UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT harvestin * a5 * mbUn < pn«*»-
W AfJinilTIIRF tog marketing of any agricultural
_____ i products, delivered to it by produc-
tom W MM EM—fc. «*»• * ro ' , ' JcU
I >|1 Mm ^ Catta* Markettw factored therefrom; or in connection
... . r .■■i-Hb with the P urcJiase use by and or
. for its members of supplies, machin-
Weekly Cotton Grade and Staple ery. and’or equipment,
for Week Biding August 15th. <b) To acquire and or handle and
The weekly reports issued today market Ihe above mentioned pro
of the grade and staple length of ducts in any capacity and on any co-
current ginnings in Georgia and operative basis that may be agreed
Alabama were released by the At- upon.
lanta office of the Division of Cot- (c) It further desires to have.
Gregor to A. T. Pettigrew, on May faulted in the payment at principal
19. 1922. which deed is recorded in
the office of the Clerk of the Su
perior Court of said County, in Deed
Book 9, page 55, the undersigned
will sell, at public outcry, before the
courthouse door in said county, to
the highest bidder for cash, within
the legal hours of sale, on the 3rd
day of September, 1935, the follow
ing described land, to-wit:
All that tract oc parcel of land
situate, lying and being in the 321st
District, G. M., of Baldwin County,
ton Marketing. use an< * exerc * se aru * be invested: Georgia, bounded as follows: on the
These reports show a rather large with any and all powers, rights. North by lands of Solomon Harris;
proportion of high grad®. Nearly duties and privilege, and obligations 1 u, e E„, ty land , of u,. E . w.
70 percent in each of these States provided for in said cooperative, Allen; or. the South by Ihe right at
this week was Strict Middling and marketing act of 1221 and the u, e Central at Georgia HaU-
•bove in grade of White and Extra amendatory thereof; Including the
White cotton. Thia week less than 7 right, power and authority to sue
perrwit of the total classed was end be sued, to pleed and be im-
Spotted and Colored cottons in Geor- pleaded end to hav end ure a com-
gia. as against IS percent in Ala- mon ml. end to punhaee. own. lease
bema. mortgage end aril property reel end
Both of t‘ear States reported this or personal
week less ihen 2 percent of their ARTXCLX lit.
ginnings as being sherter than 7^ 77,, principal office and place of
inch in staple length. In Georgia. bu51ntM o( Mid association shall be
the proportion 07 cotton 15-18 inch locIted ln city d MllledgeviUe
and longer was 41 percent, with 23 sut# u Georgia, and County of
percent in Alabama. Based on BaI()win but , ht . amoeixtion shall
samples classed to date, the figures ^ (hf righ( ^tahnjj, branch
for grades and staple lengt s are Q ff ices j n «^j s state or elsewhere in
approximately the ^ same as those thp discrelion of itg of ri .
given for this week. rectors.
Weekly reports showing the grade. ARTICLE IV.
staple length and tenderabilitv nf ^ term fQr which ^ associa .
£ this season's cotton production for ^ M exist Js fifty (50) years
North Carolina. South Carolina. frQrn and after lhe da|e cf its
Florida, and Virginia, will also be corporation
released from Atlanta as soon as ARTICLE V.
ginnings become mope active in these Tt)( . number „ r „i rertors jha n con .
States. sist 0 f 5 The term of office of each
director shall be one year. The names
and addresses of those who are to
ve as incorporating directors for
first term and until their suc-
elected and qualified.
way Company, on the West by lands
of Luis Randolph, better known as
the Isaac .Adams place, containing
three acres, mar* or less, together
with an and improvements
thereon. Said land being the same
land deeded to Millie McGregor by
H. D. Allan as evidenced by deed
dated December 17. 1919, and re
corded in the Clerk's office of Bald
win Superior Court, in Deed Book
“RR", folio 397. to which deed and
its record reference is made in ®ld
of the description herein given.
The said Millie McGregor has de-
Name Address
W. E. Ireland, MiUedgeville Ga
Joe B. Moran. MiUedgeville. Ga.
O. M. Ennis, MiUedgeville, Ga.
R. W. Ivey, MiUedgeville. Ga.
W. Hollinshead, MiUedgeville.
A day when commercial alcohol
will be drawn from the pine forests QessoTS
cf Georgia was envisioned in an ad- ar# .
dress by Dr. Charles H. Herty, dis
tinguished Georgia chemist, before
the State Agricultural Society in ses
sion at Albany. i q
Dr. Herty said that the cost of. R
manufacturing alcohol from wood q
pulp has proved prohibitive in the
past, but that this co*t had been re- j
duced by a new process recently j ARTICLE VI.
developed. This association shall not hav<
‘•We may justifiably look forward any capital stock, but shall admit
to riding a stick-horse when our pine members into the association upon
trees have become changed to power application and other uniform condi-
alcchol for automobiles". Dr. Herty tions. This association shall be op-
' erated on a cooperative basis for
Dr. Herty said that the farmer the mutual benefit of Us members
must accept the conclusion that the as producers, and only producers of
reduction of cotton production in agricultural products may *“ ~ J
the state is a permanent policy, and mitted to membership,
that his future lies in diversificatio, The voting power of the members
of crops. i o* this association shall be equal and
“The fundamental belief of the'each member shall have one vote
American Chemurgic Council is that , only,
while the farm’* primary purpose «-1 The porperty rights and interests
to provide food and clothes, the of each member in the association
conception must be broadened to in- shall be in proportion to their patron
dude the farm as a source of raw age. as conclusively determined by
materials for industry. >e Board of Directors^
Speaking of Ms own experiment! ARTICLE VII.
which has established the feasibility j Except for debts lawfully
of manufacturing paper from pine traded between him and the
trees Dr Herty asserted that there elation no member shall be liable
is sufficient pine in the south to pro-!for the debts of the association to
vide five times the amount of paper an amount exceeding the sum re-
| maining unpaid on his membership
and interest due on the note
scribed la said deed, end has failed
to pay the taxes assessed against said
property for the years 1931, 1932,
1933, and 1934, aggregating $43 40,
apd has failed to pay ittsuiRnoe
premiums on said property aggregat
ing $12.00, which taxes and insur
ance has been paid by the under
signed. By reason of said, default the
power of sale contained in said deed
has become operative. Said sale will
be made for the purpose of raising
funds to pay the note which said
deed was given to secure, and which
the date of sale will amount to
$496-0$. as well as $43.40 taxes and
$12.00 insurance premium paid by
Said several sums
aggregate $$91.4$. to which will be
added the coat of this proceeding.
The halawna at toe >WHh aris -
from said sale, if any, will be de
livered to said MUlie MeGragor.
The undersigned will execute a
deed to tt>e purchaser as authorised
in said security deed.
This August 6. 1935.
As Oarntee with power of sale of
Millie McGregor.
Attorneys for A. T. Pettigrew
GEORGIA, Baldwin County.
Because of defaults in the payment
of the indebtednesses secured by a
deed to secure debt executed by J.
N. Bryan tc The MiUedgeville Bank
ing Company, dated January 22,
1932, and recorded in the Clerk's
office of Baldwin County Superior
Court in Deed Book Number IS, at
page 445, the undersigned being the
holder and owner of the original
loan note and the deed which secures
it has declared the full amount of
the indebtedness of J. N. Bryan
to said bank to be due and payable,
and, acting- under the power cf sale
contained in said deed, for the pur
pose of raising funds with which to
pay said indcbtodn rsaos, will on the
third day of September, 1939, during
the legal hours of sale at the court
house door in Bakhrtn County, sell
to the highest bidder Cor cash, toe
land and property deacribed to and
conveyed by rtd deed to-wit:
That certain lot or parcel of land
lying to the City of MUlodgevllle,
in Baldwin County. Georgia, being
a part of Lot No. 3 in City Square
Number 4$ according to the plan of
said city, the same lying on the
Um comer of the lot formerly kiwJS
“ the Mn M J. Vau, h „ ^
running than* wot aim*
Stmt fifty-four fast; t
nouthjme hundred Ihu fc*
or lew, to th* Und. of Mr, H «^
Vinson; thence running east fifty
four fort; thonce running north m
hundred five feet, men or has to
the eluting point. Being Ml „ f Jj,,,
Und which wu conveyed to J. k
Biyan by Mix Lurx c. Roger, by ,
deed reeneded in the rforMaid
Clerk-, office in Deed Bock No. 14.
at pager 435-8
Said Und wffl be offend for sab,
and odd aubject to the llwv if an,
of any or all legally ehugabU uni
paid etata and county O"" due 00
the one
The undervigned win execute and
deliver , dead to the purchaecr at
aid aau ee to authortecd by the
, 1238.
imj.nutgtm.t.r. BANKING CO.
As grantee of and attorney-in-fact
for J. N. Bryan.
Moving Time and Long Needed
New Furniture
Purchase & Sale Company
“Complete Home Outfitters"
From Living Room - -
used here.
Governor Euectne Thlmadge to
day Dareled Charlie Youngblood
and Edward Aides, who were con
victed at the January 1934 Term of
In testimony whereof, we have
1 hereunto set our hands this 30 day
of July, 1935.
. , O. M. ENNIS
Baldwin Superior Court for running j ^ w FVEY
over a negro and a mule on the; Q w HOLLINSHEAD
Sandersville Highway and killing • GEORGIA
thorn while driving . truck. Yeung- j™ S B al“!n
blood was tried first and received | me a notary publiCt ,
a sentence of three years. Aides re- - n and for ^ county an d State,
ceived a sentence of two years. Ap- on th|s 30 day or Julyi 1935 p0]
plir-ations were approved by the j a ,, y appcarcd w . E. Ireland known
Prison Commission sometime ago I to roe to be one of the identical per-
reccmmcnding the parole of both ofj song who executed ih c within and
them. foregoing instrument, and he ack-
GR AIN FOR SALE—Blue stem nowledged to me that he had exe-
Wheat. Abrnnle Rye an4 Fuighnm I toe ^ ^ his free and volun-
Oato J. Xj. Sibley. 9-22-4L j ^ ary ac ^ and deed for the uses and
1 purposes therein set forth.
Witness my hand and official seal
The Baldwin County Soil Conser- ,
vation and Improvement Association. |
Baldwin County.
To The Judge of the Superior
Court of Said County.
We, the undersigned, all of whom
are residents and citizens of the
State cf Georgia, engaged in the
production of agricultural products,
do hereby voluntarily associate our
selves together for the purpose of
forming a cooperative marketing as
sociation, without capital stock, un
der the provisions of the 1921 Co
operative Marketing Act of the State
of Georgia, and all amendments
The name of the association shall
be the Baldwin County Soil Conser
vation and Improvement Association.
The association is formed for the
(■) To engage in any activity in
the day and year above act forth.
Notary public in and for the
county of Baldwin, State of Geor-;
gia. My commission expires Dec. 20,
GEORGIA, Baldwin County
I, J. C. Cooper. Clerk of Superior
Court In and for said county, do
hereby certify that the foregoing is
a true and correct copy of applica
tion for charter of Baldwin Co. Soil
Conservation and Imp. Ass'n. The
original now ncing or. file in this
Witness my official signature and
seal of said court, this irth day otf
Aug. 1935.
Clerk of Superior Court, Baldwin
County, Georgia.
GEORGIA, Baldwin County:
Under and by virtue of a power
of sale contained in a daed to se
cure a debt executed by mine ife-j
Where many occasional pieces,
tables, lamps, rugs, sofas, or what
nots are needed—and we have them
—just what you want
To Bed Room —
You will want one of these lovely
suites the minute you see them—
modern and period designs in a wide
range of prices
The suite you have leaf wanted ii here. Duaca, Phjrfe Suite, ef
•eiia Mahefaay or lew expeuive niter.
It would he aa ideal tine to initall a Seller’• Cabinet, er Utility
Cabinets or a new Coifoleum Rag far the Kitchen.
d IHcunttun r/
window shades
Aay file, any kind, yaa nay whh. Oar naa will take al
I hill them far yaa at Me extra coot.
Bigelow-Sanford Rugs
The finest weaves, the nut attract ire pattern, the highest quality,
hat lawest ia price. We Bare all riiea and a wide price range. Yon wifl
find here jut the color aad patten yaa need far every roan ia the
Prices Begin at $14*95 for a 9x12
“Your Credit Is Good Here”
Purchase & Sale Co.
PHONE Ml [ homISSSU, 1 PHONE 400