Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, October 03, 1935, Image 5

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m moMiootoa, mmamnLU oa_ fXTRA SESSION TALK a PERSISTS M ATLANTA c * n *■ r ,„ r ts are current in Atlanta . (VAornor Talmadge Is consid- ; i%< n ;or an extra session of i.'Uirc in December to enact n -.pination bill. 5n >' s the At- ar v ‘, the governor has stated more than one occas- would never order an n heavy pressure is bc- t to change his attitude, “p and associates, it is said, 7 . d him that state affairs . , ,)\vn into chaos if the fail- 7 • last legislature to adopt ' p . , ,,nation bill is not remedied. ;Vi*i •> ’he last week leaders in . c j Pi;: .i ,tuic have been in Atlanta ind it "has been reported that they vm . rii- curing a possible extra ses sion S me of these leaders were L n fident Talmadge would call such a ii if he had the pledge of leaders that they would attend to , ri job and go home. ;u t under Georgia law the legis- ri , hhy called, can stay in ses- i indefinitely, although they are confined to the subject matter in the governor’s call. For this reason Talmadce has opposed such a step. drunken drivers sad as gunman, judge eve says R. F.vc. in Tift superior t week, declared war on drivers, and warned mo- 1 ,it he w ould regard drunk- brought before him in • light as he would a person m (i himself with a rifle and •-hoot human beings in nately. i vr. who pleaded guilty T-'lge Eve to driving while u d was given a straight rit.-nce of six months, and the warning from FAftMZM KSFAY LOANS SOONEE THAN EXPECTED (By G. N. S.) Georgia farmers repay their loans much faster than anticipated ac cruing to Philip S. Weltncr. region al director for the Rural Resettle ment Administration. Out of a total of $3,000,009 loaned to farmers to purchase farm stock and to finance the 1935 crop in Georgia, $500,000 already has been repaid. Additional repayments are coming in at the rate of abcut $20,000 a day with the income from the cotton crop in the north Georgia counties expected to swell the total shortly. “Surprisingly few farmers are falling down on their obligations” R. L. Vansant, Georgia director said. “Collections began in south Georgia in many cases before the notes were c. e, as farmers began to receive cash for their tobacco. GEORGIA S GAME LAWS COMPARED WITH OTHER STATES BY CRAVEY (By G. N. 8.) Thi* ,: c1p, as you will recall, is a cert inn.- lion of last week’s release. I v-,.; ious to compare the Gcor- gialav.- that is season, bag limit, licence r. <-F. etc., to that of other Slat. tM the Union. Pi : vlvr.nia. T believe, has made mor. pn.press th-n any other State in the union in conservation work. a.‘ ?'•• •<’it large sums of money fer prrnarration purposes, that is. repo'-uhted the State with game— prinrip; U-- deer, turkey, grouse and quail. I: i interesting to know that more nv ivy is spent on propagation r( ot:;> l in Pennsylvania than is Fjxr.t :n Georgia fer all game and fish purposes. Tiie i p< n season on quail in P. • ■ i ;1 j s thirty days; the bag toni* . a son is twenty-four and the H.i bag limit is only six. Ti n deer season in Penn- • only feurteen days and the 1 ’imit per season is one— «il. v this year. It should be ' I interest to know that in IMi • were over 91,000 buck riet* f j n Pennsylvania. It is ,r 1 that this was more deer killed in the balance of the • combined that season. T t r: ‘ • ited that there was over nent in Pennsylvania an- ihc deer hunter alone in :h neks’ period. ^ i deer season is three and 7'- mes that of Pennsylvania. l ' 1- information I have, I con- ' when Georgians become minded of their possibili- " ' it will be possible to pro game and fish in any i «>f the state than Pennsyl- have in the entire state. T sav this? Because we ■ ' •ich better climatic condi- 1 r natural cover is much bet- ’’ ve the mountains on one •he coastal sections rn the die plans in the center: ' • forests imaginable, which 'retion as well as an of food for the wildlife, 'horitics in Pennsylvania ’ can prove that the game ■ o actually worth upwards MO annually. This being nn readily rce what great we Georgians have. But 1 •'»•- rimilar to Pennsvl- , -Hally on? that will stop hunter from shooting deer They are actually getting per cent of our deer an- SHERIFF SALE GEORGIA, Baldwin County There will be sold before the court house door of said county during the legal hours of sale to the high est bidder for cash on the first Tues day in November 1935 to-wit: The 5th day of November 1935, the fol lowing described property to-wit: That tract or parcel of land situ ate, lying and being in the 321st District, G. M., of said state and county, containing one-fourth of an acre, bounded as follows: On the north by lands of Myrtice Finney; on the cast by the settlement road; on the south and west by lands be longing to the Estate of Dr. H. D. Allen. The land above described is the same land conveyed by Fannie Harris to E. C. Kidd, by deed dated July. 1929. Said property will be srld under and by virtue of and to satisfy a fi fa issued from the superior court of Baldwin County. Georgia on the 3rd day of September 1935 in favor cf B. L. Lavfieid and against Fannie Harris upon which there is now due the nrinciple sum of $210.3(5. inter est to date cf judgment $18.16 and interest on said sum from the date of same at the rate of 7 percent per annum, and the further sum of ($21.85 cost together with the cost jof this proceeding. A Sheriffs deed will be made nnveying the said described prop- •rtv to the purchaser at said sale. This lrt day of October 1935. W. .1. HAYNIE. Sheriff of Baldwin, Co. Ga. anally. J* land, o[ Quilly lfyrick, on the Ea* by lands of Charlie Hall, on the South by lands of Florence Jeff or- son, and on the West by North Jefferson street. Said tract is a unit that is not capable of subdivision without materially damaging each cf it’s subdivisions. Said sale is made under the levy cf a fi. fa. issued on the 20th day of February. 1934. for taxes due said City for the year 1933. Said prop erty will be sold as the property of Lee and Martha Chambers. FOURTH TRACT: That tract of land belonging to Estate of Donie Duncan, situate and lying in the City of MUledgevillc, State and County aforesaid, cn the East side cf South Clark Street, fronting South Clark Street for a distance of sixty feet and running back East an equal width for a distance of two hundred ten ‘cot, and bound as follows: On the North by lands of Mamie Ford, on the East by lands of D. W. Brown, et al. on the South by lands of Joe Payne and on the West by South Clark Street, said land being in the possession of Agustus R. Lewis. Said tract is a unit that is not capable of subdivi sion without materially damaging each of it’s subdivisions. Said sale is made under the levy of fi. fa. issued on the 8th day of May. 1933, for taxes due said City for the year 1932. Said property will be sold as the property of Estate of Donie Duncan. FIFTH TRACT: That tract of land belonging to Leo Payne, situate and lying in the City cC MUledgevillc, State and County aforesaid, on Herne Ave., fronting on Horne Ave., distance oi 249 feet and run ning back North an equal width for distance of 338 feet, and bound as follows: On the North by lands of Bessie Loutber and Ben Jones, on the West by lands of Mary Brooks, the South by Home Ave., and on the East by the River Road. Said HEADACHES are Danaer Signals Get WeM - Try Chiropractic Adjustments DR. R. V. ANDERSON Doctor's Building Office Hrs. 9:30-12—2:30-5 land being in the possession of Leo Payne. Said tract is a unit that is not capable of subdivision without ma terially damaging each of it’s sub divisions. Said sale is made under the levy of a fi. fa. issued on the 20th day 01 February. 1934, for taxes due said City for the year 1933. Said prop erty will be sold as the property of Leo Payne. The first day of October, 1935. LEROY D. NAPIER REX CAFE Ice Cream Parlor New and Modern From A Nickle 'Hot bog' To a Banquet A TRIAL MEAN A PATRON xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxa Golden Flash Gas ADDS POWER AND PEP TO YOUR CAR—AND SAVES YOU MONEY, CAUSE IT TAKES LESS Quaker State and Can O'Gold Motor Oil—a Combination that has no equal. Phone 15—Here Comes Help—for Any Auto Trouble. We Specialize in Quick Tire Service. Power Oil Co. Station, J. B.Malpass,Agt We have installed this week the latest type Aro Equipment (or lubricating your car—high pressure air guns that put the right grease in vour car, forcing the lubicant to every moving part. EVERY JOB GUARANTEED—WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER YOUR CAR ^m***mm^XXXXXTXTTYTTXXXXZXXXTTTXX?XTXTIIXIXXXX2£ MALARIA in 3 days COLDS fink day Tablets "sc Tonic and Umnttve f " : mteed Radio Service T. A. ASHFIELD R- C. A. Tubes P' Rt Pl»cemwl Pee MARSHAL’S SA1.ES City of Milledgeville Baldwin County. Georgia. Will l>e sold on the First Tuesday in November 1935. before the Court house door in Baldwin County. Georgia, within the legal hours of Sheriff's Sales, at public outcry, to the highest bidder .'or cash, the tracts and parcels of land hereinaf ter described. The said sales will bet made under and by virtue of levies I of fi. fas. issued by the Clerk of the j City of Milledgeville for taxes due, 'he Mayor and Al-lermen of the City j of Milledgeville. Deeds will be cxe- •uted to the purchasers at said sale ay the undersigned Marshal. The j tenants in possession cf the several j tracts of land hereinafter described have been notified of the levies and ♦he time, terms, and place of sale « required by law. FIRST TRACT: That tract o? land belonging to Eugene Miller, situate and lying in the City cf Millcdge- vllle. State and County aforesaid, on West McIntosh Street, fronting rn West Mclntcsh Street for sixtv-nine feet, and running back North an equal width for a distance cf one hundred forty-four feet, and bound follows: On the North by lands of E. C. Kidd, on the East bv lands f Crrtrude Hitchcock, on the South iv West Mclntcsh Street, and on the Vest by lands of E. C. Kidd, said land being in the possession of Eu- no Miller. Said tract is a unit that is not capable of subdivision with out materially damaging each of its subdivisions. Said sale is made un der the levy o* a Fi.Fa. issued on the 7Rth dnv of April. 1933. for taxes 'Hie said City fer the year 1930. Said ^ropertv will be srld as the property *f Eugene Miller. SECOND TRACT: That tract of land belonging to Estate of Ro«» Lofton, situate and lying in the City of Milledgeville. State and County aforesaid, on North Wilkinson Street fronting 22R feet on North Wilkinson Street, and running bade W^t a equal width for a distance of 2 R fort, and bound a"- follows: On the North bv lands, of Joe Hceves, on the East by North Wilkinson Street on the South bv n street known as West Elbert on Street, and cn the West bv lands of Sam MeComb. Said tract is a unit that is not capable qf division without matcrlallv dam aging each of it’s subdivisions^ Said land being in the possession of ^Said^alc is made under the levy of a fi. fa. issued on the 20th dav of Februarv. 1934. for taxes due said C .v frr lhe veer 1933. Said prop erty will be sold as the property of Estate cf Rosa Lofton. third TRACT: That tract cf land helnneinfi to Dee ” ar !i° Chambers, situate and lyinc in the " Minedsevitte. SWe ? nd Countv atoresaid. on Nert son Street, fronting sixty feet o North Jefferson Steel an d runnme tack East an equal width far a to- tance of one hundred tarwtyfert; and bound as follow* On the Nmth BELL’S YOU ARE INVITED TO OUR SPECIAL SHOWING OF LADIES’ xxxxxxxxxxxxx Fine Coats Dresses Hats Our selection is very unusual this season. We have many new models in cloth coats, both plain and fur- trimmed. Real fur coats are lower this year than they have been in many years. We would love for you to see our line before »t is broken. Lapins, Sealines and Beavers, in blacks and browns—Mostly swagger lengths. Many New Dresses Rceeived this week, including all the new shades in browns, greens, blacks, rust and blues. Fine Silk Crepe Dresses $10 to $25 WASH DRESSES $9.95 to $19.95 DON’T FORGET TO VISIT OUR BEAUTY PARLOR On the Second Floor Strictly Sanitary, Expert Operators, Prices Moderate IF YOU WANT THE BEST SHOP AT E. E. BELL CO