Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, October 17, 1935, Image 6

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i I I . I' f f ^ » % ! • f i ! r! K-ucoun. munocnux. ga.. octoblb it, mm MRS. CLAUDE HINDON HONORED ATTEND EDUCATION BY FRIENDS WHILE HERE. CONFERENCE. Mrs. Claude Hindon. of Bridge- Dr. Guy Wells and Miss Louise port, Cenn.. who i« remembered Smith, president of the G. S. C. W here as Miss Helen Roberts, has alumnae attended the conference has been the recipient of many do- cf 10th district teachers held in lightful parses during the past week Thompson Tuesday, while visiting Miss Elizabeth Fra-; Dr. Wells spoke on the program On next Monday evening members of the Echetah Country Club will have a dance from 9 to 13 in the ball room at the club. Messrs. J. F. Bell, Jr., Grady Moore and George Stembridge the committee in charge. Miss Fraley entertained on Fri- 1 day at a bndge-luncheon honoring! her guest. Bridge was enjoyed dur- j ing the afternoon. The guest list eluded Mrs. Hinson. Mrs. A'ilson Mason. Mrs. Tom Hall Smith. Mrs. Dick Smith. Mrs. Otis Woods. Mrs. W. L. Fraley. Mrs. Frank Pinker- tcn. Mrs Everett Flournoy, of Ma con. Mrs Mack Hungerford. of Cray. Misses Luc-.- Hatcher. Martha Bass. Anne Bor.c. .Alice and Virginia Mc- Craw. Mr.t;*' McCrmb. Florence Mo- Tan. Margaret Yarbrcugh. Lilian Stilfs. Blanche Green, and Miss Evelyn Holt. On Saturday evening Miss Anne Bono v. r.- he.-less at a buffet dinner honoring Mrs. Hir.don and Mr. and Mr--. Harold Jackson. Creek. Mich , and Dr l the morning and Miss Smith held conference of the alumnae. P. T. A. TO MEET A meeting of the P. T. A. of the G. M. C. Grammar School will be held this (Thursday) afternoon in the auditorium of the grade building, at 3:00 c'clock. A full attendance of the parents and teachers is urged by the President. Mrs. F. W. Hendrick- Mondav MR. W. II. IVEY VISITS RELATIVES. While on a trip to Southwest tergia last week. Mr. W. H. Ivey sited several cousins whom he had ver met before. They were Charlie , u *.... «...*• :i -id Earnest Ivey. Mrs. D. L. Jones rf Battle daughter cf Earnest Ivey) and her ‘•ltd Mrs. frur children. Stegal. of Rome. j They reside in the large old two »lrs. Wilson Mason enter-J glor y house which was built by •v friends informally at I Robert Drrsey Iveyf the father of s Lillian Stiles was hos- Charlie and Earnest) on his farm m breakfast complimenting. R a jc cr county, seven miles east of on Monday morning. [ Arlington, nearly one hundred years T1IF METHODIST MEET MONDAY. The Mb Method meet on Monday • at the following ho The Maude Non A. Willingham. Mr shend co hostess. The Lily Little Bell. Circle number 3 Lee. Circle number 4 Shy. The Julia West Muldrow. The Young Wor meet on Tuesday e’ i the Park Cabir CIRCLES TO the Milledgcville try Society will iftemcon at 3:30 ris with Mrs.-B. s. George Hollin- with Mrs. J. F. with Mrs. J. S. with Mrs. Homer with Mrs. Joe nen’s Circle will i cning at the Log at 7:30. ! Robert Dorsey Tvey died in 1871. ! leaving an estate of five thousand seven hundred and fifty acres of fertile land in Baker county and gold mine properties in North Geor gia. He was a brother of the late Charles Ivey. (Mr. W. H. Ivey's grandfather) who died at Ivey sta tion in Wilkinson county in 1895. Other brothers were Furma Ivey, 1799-1881 and James Ivey. 1808-1882 who lived and died in Southwest Baldwin. .MRS. IVEY CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY. Of interest to the many friends of Mrs. Richard Ivey was the celebra tion of her 78th birthday on Sunday October 13th. at her home in the Southwestern part of the county. Dinner guests on this delightful oc casion were Mrs. Nellie McDonald; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Volk: Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bloodworth; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bloodworth all of At lanta and Mr. Julian Bloodworth of Irwin ton. Other guests calling on Mrs. Ivey during the day were Misses Mattie arid lorue Stevenp. Macon, Ga.: Mrs. Rufus Dickson and Miss Sue Dickson; Misses Izetta and Wil lie Davis and Mrster Charles Davis and Mr. Claude Burke, all cf Irwin- ton. Georgia, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Waller. legion auxiliary has BENEFIT PARTY ON FRIDAY. On Friday afternoon the Legion Auxiliary benefit partv was attend ed by twenty-two tables of Buests. The party was held at the home of Mrs. Richard Binien and was one of the most successful benefits given the Auxiliary. After the games de licious refreshments were .served and prires given at each table and a large number of cut prizes award- ed. EDITORS OF STUDENT PUBLICATION TO ATTEND CONFERENCE Milledgcville will be represented by four student editors at the meet ing of the national collegiate press association which will be held in Chicago this week-end. Winbum Rogers, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Rogers, editor of Red and Black. University of Georgia weekly; Culver Kidd. Jr., son of Mr and Mrs. Culver Kidd, business manager of Technique. Georgia Tech paper; Miss Bettv Reed, editor of The Colonnade. G. S. C. W.. paper and Miss Mildred Watson, editor of the Spectrum. G. S. C. W. annual, left Tuesday for Chicago to be pres ent at the convention. This is thi first time ihe collegiate press has held a national convention. MRS. ANDREWS AND MRS. Mcknight honor mrs. LINSCOTT. On Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Mil dred Barrett Linscott. of Miami. Fla.. ..me the honor guest at a delight- irty given bv Mrs. L. H. An- and Mrs. Wright McKnight at the home of Mrs. Andrews. Cos mos and white roes were artistical ly arranged in the living room where the guests played bridge. At the con clusion (*: the games, delicious re freshments were served. The guest list included Mrs. Lin- scott. Mrs Malcolm Flemister. Mrs. J. T. King. Jr. Mrs. George Davis Mrs. R. J- McElrath. Mrs. Nat Knight. Mrs. Wallace Butts. Mr;-. Jerc Moore. Mr*. Wilson Mason. Mrs. McComb Hines. Mrs. F. H. Harding. Mrs. W. C. Sallir. Mrs. Tom Hall Smith. Mrs. Frank Mrs. Robert McMillan. Miss Lucv >l:,*rhrr and M. - Nell Day. Misses OFFICERS CLUB TO GIVE DANCE The officers Club of G. M. C. will give a dance on Friday evening in the G. M. C. Gym. the first of a series of social festivities to 1m? spon- sered by the club during the school The club was organized on Fri day and Maj. Owen Silvey was named president. Other officers are Capt. Longino Little, vice-president: Maj. Jack Thornton, treasurer: Capt. Lewis Norwood, chairman o' the social committee. Assisting Capt. Norwood are Capt. George Alex ander. George Ritchie and Wilrm Downs. Col. Joe Jenkins is faculty advisor. MIDWAY MISSIONARY SOCIETY The October meeting of the Mid- ay Methodist Missionary Society held its meeting at the home of Mrs. Fred E. Vaughn secretary and treasurer. The meeting was opened with de votional by Mrs. Odessa Wright prayer by Rev. W. C. Budd, Mrs, Arthur Farrell, our president took charge, and said we would have program, but would give our time *o Miss Tomlin, who is a return Mis sionary from Japan, now living in Milledgeville. Miss Tomlin took the time and opportunity and gave a splendid talk on our program. No business to attend to, so the hostess served punch and cake. About 12 ladies gathered to hear Miss Tom lin. JUVENILE MUSIC CLUB NAMES OFF1CFKS. The October meeting of the Juve nile Music Club met with Miss Dorothy Keel last Saturday at 4 o'clock. These taking part on the program were Eula Flake Patman. Martha Chandler. Mary Terresi. Dorothy Keel. Mrs. Porter and Gonzolos Se- gua. The following officers were elect ed for the coming year; Mary Terresi. President: Martha Chand ler. Vice-President: Dorothy Keel. Secretary; Gonzolos Segua. Treas- After the pregram refreshments were served and a social hour en joyed. (Signed) DOROTHY KEEL. Sec’ly C. A. R, MEETS The Sukcy Hart Society of the children of the American Revolution had their regular monthly meeting n Wednesday, October 2. with Ed- rin. Betty Cantey and Dick Allen Betty Bell told “The Object of The C. A. R.'\ and Betty Cantey Allen gave a short talk on "Why Our Society is named for Sukoy Hart." Each member gave the name of a favorite Revolutionary Ances tor and a sketch of his life. A brief sketch o' the life was given by Eliza- geth Chandler. U. D. C. MET ON FRIDAY AFTERNOON. ENJOYS interesting PROGRAM. The Robert E. Lee Chapter United Daughters of the Confederacy on last Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. David Ferguson with Mrs R. B. Moore, president of the chap ter, as joint hostess. After the opening ceremonies Mrs. J. L. Beeson took charge of the program and presented cne cf the most interesting and entertaining programs the chapter has ever had. The subject of the program was. “Milledgeville as Seen Through the Eyes of the Enemy in 1864”. Mrs Beeson read from the New York Tribune of December 30, 1864, an account of the entry of Sherman’s army into Milledgeville and the burning of the court house in Sand- ersville. Milledgeville from the Mem ories of General Sherman was read by Mrs. R. B. Moore. Mrs. W. T. Garrard read from a volume pub lished by Maj. James A. Conolly. I23r« Illinois Infarfcry. desa-ibing Milledgeville. Mrs. Guy Wells read a description of Milledgeville as given by the assistant Adjudant General of Volunteers. At the conclusion of the program the hostesses served delicious re freshments. There were twenty-five members of the chapter present and th meeting was a most enthusiastic Eddie Solomon. Oi Savannah, a former G. M. C. student has begun the operation of a 10c Taxi service in Milledgeville. Solomon has two cars in service and The charge of 10c is for a ride anywhere in the city. The 10c taxi has been started in the cities and Solcmon has introduced the new Ftvle ride in Milledgeville. REGENTS VISIT G. S. C. W. Mr. Miller S. Bell and Mr. S. H. Morgan, members of the Board of Regents, visited G. S. C. W. Wed nesday and spoke at the chapel pro- At noon a luncheon was served in honor of the two men at the college tea rorm. Mr. Bell represents this district on the board of regents and Mr. Morgan is from Guyton of the 1st district. Both men were highly compliment ary of the school. SERVICES AT TIIF. CHURCHES Methodist Church Rev. Horace Smith, the pastor, will tl conclusion of th, program J ** C ^"‘rch. HU morning subject will be. “How Big dance numbers pupils of Mrs. Black's dancing class Delicious refreshments were serve; on the lawn of ihe Allen home. ful party BAPTIST CIRCLES TO MEET MONDAY. The circles of 1he W. M. U. of the Baptist church will meet Mondnv afternoon at four o'clock as follows; Susin Andrerson with Mrs. J. H Shurlcy: Catherine Bryan with Mrs Lee McCoy: Pearl Duns tan with Mr*. J. L. Anderson; Doris Knight with Mrs. Tom Hall Smith; Mae Perry with Mrs. W. II. Rives: Laura iams with Mrs. E. A. Baker. MISSES MARIE FISIIER AND T..AVADA ALM.AND GIVE PROM PARTY. On Friday evening Misses Mar*-' Firhcr and Lavada Almand enter tained a large group of the young' • social rot at a prom party at th* home of Miss Fisher Hallowe’en decoration* were u*rd most effective ly throughout tho house. During evening proms and dancing i onjryed. Punch and cookies t *crvcd the guests. C. A. R. HAS CALL MEETING The Sukcy Hart Society of the children of the American Revolution had a call meeting on Saturday, September 21, at the home of Mis* Louise Alford. The meeting was called to order by the president. Miss Elizabeth Chandler, and the pledge to the Flag was given, with June Bell as color bearer. The program was as follows: Song—“Star Spangled Banner”. C. A. R.—Prayer. Reading of Preamble. “Why the C. A. R.?”—Josephine Bone. Presentation of Charter. “Co-operation Between the C. A. R.. S. A. R., R. A. R."—Betty Cantey /.’!cn. : T rr. Wright McKnight. Mr. Erwin Sibley. Poem—Anne McKinley. “Marquis De LaFavet‘e” — Jure Bell. “Constitution Day”—Louise Al ford. “Compariscn of the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution" —Elizabeth Chandler. After the completion of the pro gram. refreshments were served, and the meeting was adjourned. and Putty at be held. Presbyterian Church Col. Joe Jenkin- will preach at the mon-ins son-ices of tho church. There will be no evening services. Fplseopal Church The celebration of the Holy Com munion will be at 8 o’clock and the morning prayer service with, sermon by the Rector, Rev. F. H j Harding, will be held at 11:30. i Baptist Church Rev. James M. Teresi will preach i at both the morning and evening | services of the church. The public is j cordially invited. Catholic Church Father McNamara. Priest. Sunday, the Nineteenth Sundav j after Pentecost, morning services at the Catholic church will be at 11:15 and will consist of Mass and Sermon. Sunday School at 9:30. No evening | devotions. FISH AND OYSTER SUPPER AT UNION POINT The Union Point School will have a Fish and Oyster supper it the school house on Friday night. The public is invited to attend and en joy an evening of fun. WANTED—Pecans large variety only In large quanitv or small quanities. Apply College Hill Grocery. West Montgomery St. | e &eCanfJS Trpcks Regular Football Fashions j Exclusive At LANGLEY'S DelMonte Food Sale Da MONTE GOLDEN BANTAM 12-OZ Ot TINY KERNa NO. 2 CAN Corn 2 Cans 25c Del Monte Early Garden ea» 2 V cL 2 , 29c TINY PEAS 2 No. 2 Can, 35c Pknk 27c ASPARAGUS IPS ESfw£«2 c. ASPARAGUS TIPS “SET 2 ££•29c SHUSH mm™. 2 19c 3 N -‘ TMUTO SaOCE 8 RIPE OLIVES DelMonte Super Colossal FIUIT MCKTAX 2 l/RTLETT PURS DelMonte Can, 25c OZ CAN 5c pint 29c No. 1 Can, No. 2 Cans 27c 15c SALMON STEAK DelMonte Flat Can 19c PEACHES sltI , d “^Zd No. 2 1-2 Can 17c PINEAPPLE JIII6E M “. O No. 1 Cans 25c FSESII PRUNES O No. 2 1-2 “ Cans 27c GBAPEfHUIT JUICE Q No. 2 Cans 25c PINFAPPIF DelMonte rmCHmC sliced or Crushed 9 No. 2 « Cans 31c PINFAPPIF DelMonte riniRrriC Sliced or Crushed 9 No. 1 " Cans 19c WISCONSIN CHEESE 19c lb PINK SALMON It 10c N. Y. STATE CHEESE 25c lb IONA Tomatees 3 19c MACKERa FILLETS IONA COCOA SHREDDED COCOANIT Bulk SEMINOLE TISSUE 1000 Sheets .' SCOT TOWELS 150 Sheets .. — lb. 15c Each 5c 2 lb Ctn. 19c lb 19c — 3 rolls 19c Roll 10c PURITY OLEO 15c lb OCTAGON SOAP 5 1~" 10c STRICTLY FRESH EGGS 33c doz OCTAGON Powders 5 IS" 10c New Crop Dried Fruits EVAPORATED APRICOTS *. Pound )7c EVAPORATED APPLES 2 P.3. 2fc EVAORATED PEACHES P 3| EVAPORATED PRUNES 7080 pZj 5c PITTED DATES Marvin p^g EIGHT O’CLOCK COFFEE 17c lb FRESH BAKED SODA Crackers 10c lb B0KAR COFFEE 23c lb VANILLA WAFERS 15c lb PRODUCE SPECIALS CRANBERRIES ,7. BANANAS Golden Ripe 3 jbs. 17c LEMONS Medium Size Doz. 15c ORANGES Medium California Doz 17c TOKAY GRAPES _"2 lbs. 15c BARTLETT PEARS 3 for 10c CARROTTS Green Top Bunch 5c LETTUCE Fancy Head 8c FRESH SPINACH '.’Z’.'.’ib. 8c .APPLES Fancy Delicious .. Doz 23c TOMATOES Home Grown 3 lbs 25c RUTABAGA TURNIPS 2 lbs 5c CABBAGE Firm Green Heads ; 2 lbs 5t FLOUR Iona Sunnyfield it, 99c » $1,10 S1.79 n, SI,89 a $2,15 Wellbread it. 95c 48 Lbs 112 Hancock Street Two Stores