Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, October 24, 1935, Image 7

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THE UXION-REfOKDEK, MnXEDGEVILLE, GA., OCTOBER M, 1S35 ISOCIAL UICHLICUITS .ulyle Giles spent Wednes . .n Macon. i E. Wood continues ill at .‘ Sa ,tt Hospital. , d ^i rs . J. W. Ivey spent last V in Augusta. Miss Ann jmprovt-mcn . Miller is showing the Scott Hospital. , r ,m Darden is i!i.;:pital after i v . j u ii a n May has returned | f trl - a week’s visit to relatives in Dublin. v - Milton Robb was admitted to ' Cl1 H spital on Friday for an Mr. Paul R. Hurt, of Macon, spent •ndav v.ith his parents. Mr. and Sam Terry. Jr., has been agreed from the City Hospital ler an operation. Mn=. Dawson VMis is convalesc- ,H al her home after an operation at the City Hospital. Mr?. L. T. Clack, of Hancock county ' c convalescing at the City Hospit,i after an operation. Mr. am' Mrs. Julian Cosby are the par?nts of a daughter, bem at Scott Hospital October 22nd. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Dunlap, of Atlanta, spent part of last week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C Hurt. Mr Charles R. Hurt, Manager of the Columbus Dental Laboratory, spent Sunday with his mother, M.s. H. M. Hurt. Mr. Steve Wilson, manager of the Rogers Store at Millen. spent the week-end here visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bart Wilson. Mr Bart Wilson, who for some ime has been suffering from an in- :red font, has discarted his crutch- unci - back at his duties in the r. and Mrs. Sam Prince. Mr. Mr Farrell Chapman, and chil- > Dublin, spent Sunday af- ■ • n visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ar- Farrell. dwin Simpson, who is attending Brcv.1on-Parker College, came home and spent the week-end. He was accompanied by Walter Crawford. ' ? Greensboro. Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Farr. Miss Ruth Farr and Baker Farr of New- borr. spent Saturday in the city. visitinK Mr. and Mrs. Paul Farr and i Blanks. Coleman had a tonsil op- tlic Scott Hospital this Mss Susie Bowen, of Clearmont. Ga„ is at Scott hospital [or a ma- jor operation. Miss Hazel Mosely has been dis missed from Scott Hospital after a major operation. Miss Cynthia Tompkins, of Athens, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Staniey. Mrs. Raymond Burkett, of Glen- ville. is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Butts. The friends of Mrs. Fermon Stanley regret to know that she has been ill for several days. Mrs. Alex Mitchell, of Columbus, is spending this week with her daughter. Mrs. Frank Mansfield. Mrs. G. W. Youngblood of Tooms- boro. Ga.. has been dismissed from the City Hospital after an opera- Misscs Louise Green and Lyndel Nelson, who teaeh in Atlanta, came down and spent the week-end at home. Mrs. Robert Hatchett who has been quite ill at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Lee. is much im proved. Capt. and Mrs. Thomas E. Bin- ford. of Thomaston. spent the week end with Mrs. R. W. Binford and Miss Janie Binford. Miss Marie McComb has gone to Kite. Ga.. where she has accepted a position as teacher in the high school of that city. Dr. George H. Green has return ed from a vacation trip to Pennsyl vania and Kentucky. He visited Dan ville his old home. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Devereaux, of Macon, spent the week-end with Mrs. Devereaux’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Sten.bridge. Mrs. J. E. Ethridge has returned from Atlanta where she attended X-Ray School. Mrs. Ethridge secretary to Dr. W. M. Scott. Dr. H. D. Allen is spending a week Topeka Kansas where he is at tending a meeting of the Central Neuropsychiatric Association. Little Lei Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Johnson, operated on for appendicitis follow- g an acute attack Tuesday. Mr. Albert Humphrey has been dismissed from the Scott Hospital and his friends arc glad to see him out again after a long illness. .. Were and sons Billy i'I Oscar Lane, have returned to r homo in Augusta after visiting Ware's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Herringdin-*. * • • Mr. and Mrr Dempsey Brown ' *• moved to MiUedgeville to make " ' 1 me. coming to this city from rd'le Mr. Brown is bookkeeper Chandler stores and Mrs. connected with the Miraline - Shoppe. •■i Alton Rogers has returned ,:n Atlanta where he spent a week * n, hng a field school for repre- ' n f th c Equitable Life In- Co. Representatives from all " 'late attended. been received that Mrs. ! f • ■ way. of New Tazewell. onvalescing from a ton- . 1 n performed a week ago • ilie. Mrs. Calloway will be 1 d here as Miss Evelyn mhter of Mr. and Mrs. • mg a'-andoned or escap- h'ces will notify Mr. Sid- ‘inbridpe and he will be ,iav ‘* them destroyed. The ‘ ac,! Disease Control is ‘ n effort to destroy the in Georgia. Mr. Stem- MinnrvU or of Baldwin and counties Mrs. Albert Riley is convalescing t the City Hospital after an opera- W. C. Miss Ethel Adam* id in Griffin where she visited friends. Mrs. A. J. Johnson, of Fort Valley. ;pent Saturday with friends at the Mayfair. Mi-s lone Scott and Mr. Reuben Ashfield spent Sunday in Atlanta visiting friends. Mrs. Hugh Lamar, of Atlanta, spent several days of last week with Mrs. L. J. Lamar. Mrs. Henry Merchman. of Camilla. :pent the week-end with her sister. Mrs. Helen Scholenbach. •s. D. M. Smith, of Brown’s Crossing, is at the City Hospital suffering from a broken hip. ss Florie Ellison has returned to Tucson. Arizona, where she teach- in the “Sunshine School". Mr. Olin Smith, of Atlanta. Ga.. is improving at the City Hospital af- r a serious major operation. Mr. Milton Stevens of Gordon. Ga.. is been dismissed from the City Hospital after a major operation. daugher of the late Mr. and Mrs.' cordial interest in the announce- Emmett L. Barnes, of this city, and. ment of her approaching marriage, lived here for a number of years. She j FOR SALE—Four poster bed, a rare lias many relatives and friends | old antique. Will sell at bargain, throughout the county who will fina j See T. F. Napier. Rt. 4. Dr. and Mrs. Walter Young, of At lanta. were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Dawson Allen on Monday. The friends of Mr. Jessie Scott re gret to know that he Is confined to Scott Hospital and is seriously ill. Mrs. Dawson Allen and sons Rey nolds and- George spent the week end in Norcross with Mrs. Alien’! parents. Mrs. Sam Whatley and little daughter. Lavinia. spent the week end with Mrs. Whatley’s parents in Atlanta. Mr. Kip Herron, popular Rail road representative of Macon, wa a business visitor Tuesday to Mil- ledgeville and Carrs Station. Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Bristow and son Stacy. Jr., and Ernest Wyatt spent Sunday in Lumber City, visit ing a sister of Mr. Bristow. The friends of Miss Gilly Hutchins are delighted to see her back at L. N. Jordan’s after an absence of several weeks due to illness. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney D. Stem- bridge and family, and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gregory, of Eutonton. spent Sunday at Oconee Springs. Mrs. Howard Patillo. of Atlanta, accompanied by Miss Katherine Campbell, spent Sfmday with Mrs Patillo’s mother. Mrs. N. L. Coates U. MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY The W. C. T. U. met Tuesday P. M. at 3:30 o’clock in the Methodist pent the week- | Sunday Schcol Department- Hie newly elected president. M*rs. E. C. Atkins presided with an enthusiasm which was contagious to all. The plans for the booth at the fair was discussed, a mechanical man will be, there to do his stunts, also little banners will be given to each child attending the fair on Friday, chil drens Day. All are invited to visit the booth. Mrs. M. M. Parks. Mrs. Florence Atkins, and Mrs. Griner. past presi dent, each reported on a seperate day of the three day state conven tion recently held in Macon, After] these reports all felt as though they had been to the convention. The W. C. T. U. has recently given twenty-two subscriptions to the “Young Crusader” to each room at M. C. Elementary School and Peabody school. Many posters and leaflets have been turned over to teachers to help also in teaching the effect •'f alcohol in order that the state law be carried cut. Plans were made to secure Miss. Louise Smith to tell the results of a! recent study on alcohol made among j ‘he freshman class at G. S. C. W. | This was given at the last Peabody j P. T. A. meeting and caused so much; interest it was asked for by the as-' sociated press. All who did not hear urged to come to the next meeting on November 26th, at 2:30 'clock at the Methodist Sunday, School Department. HAPPY BIRTHDAY | The Union-Recorder extends best wishes for a Happy Birthday to the, following who this week celebrate! heir birthdays: Mrs. L. P. Longino, Mrs. E. A. Hgner. Mrs. F. H. Hard ing. Mrs. George Davis. Mrs. C. H. Richardson. Mrs. W. S. Jett. Jr., Miss Carolyn Terry, Mr. Drayton Thomas, Mr. Burwell Malpass, Mr. Malcolm Flemister. Mrs. W. L. Knight and Mr. and rs. Lester Moon and daughter, of Tallahassee. Fla., spent several days of this week with Mr. and Mrs. Nat Knight. Mrs. I. C. English and children and Miss Iris Simpson, of Montrose, spending this w*ek with Mrs. Eng lish’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. J j Smith. Messrs Frank Evans, Joe Cooper \ l Ellison, who spent the Marion Ennis. Carlisle Giles. Jack j Sljmmcr j n the city has gone to Mi- Da wson and Berrien Moseley attend- I flm . Fla w here she will spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. J. S. Gibson. Mr. Edwin Evans of Georci 1 University. Athens. Ga.. spent ♦ >e week-end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Watt Evans, and had as his guest Mr. Doyle Jones of Jackson. Ga.. who is als-> attending Georgia University. Dr. IT. D. Allen. Dr. John Oden. Mr. W. E. Trelard. Messrs Julian Tvey. Barney Brookins and Allen Knowles attended the sale of the herd of Jersey Island Farms in Co lumbus Monday. Dr. Allen, and Mr Ireland both purchased cows at the sale. Miss Willie Boggus was hostei this week to the Tuesday Night Bridge Club. Miss Ida Pound and Mrs. Drayton Thrmas. being guest* MU S Pound won high score and Miss Elizabeth Thomas, low. the prize* being lovelv cards. The hos- t e «s served light refreshments. Dr. L. P. Loneinc. Mr. R TJtll* Layfield. Mr. John Matthews. Dr. Raymond Saurez. are on a fishing and hunting trip to the Georgia const. They are at Dr. LrnginoV home near Dearing. Mrs. Arch Gluckman. of San Francisco. Calif., and Mrs. Howard Morris, of St. Louis. Mo., are visiting their mother. Mr c . Ethel Beaman entertained on Friday in their hon- Mrs. T. H. Caraker who is mak ing her home in Jacksonville, Fla- spent several days of the past week in the city. While here she met a number of her friends, who we. e glad to see her. The friends of Susan Evans re gret to know 41 at she has beer, seriously ill for several days. Her condition has shewn a slight im provement and it was thought she is some better today. MV-ses Ethel Adams. Redding Chandler. Josephine Bone. Beatrice Hosbrough. Annette Steele, Natalie Purdom. Maggie ■ Jenkins and Dr. and Mrs. Sidney McGee went to At lanta Tuesday evening to hear Fritz Kretsler In concert USED FRIGID AIRE FOR SALE A seven foot box that we traded in right, that has been thoronghlv overhauled, that we are offering at a bargain. Tei-nsa that are right. L N. JORDAN O. F. Veal in Midway. Th 12 members present. After a delicious barbecue dinner served by Mrs. Veal and her daugh ters, the club held a business meet ing. Practically everything served at the dinner were products of the farm of Mr. Veal including the bis cuits which were made of hefrne grown flour and were most delicious. The club members drew the imes of the young farmers who they will finance in the two acre program this coming year. They al- named a committee to meet with ville next year. MISS EVELYN BARNES TO WED IN NOVEMBER Of cordial interest in this city is the announcement by Misses Genie Claire and Sara Barnes of the en gagement of their sister. Miss Evelyn Virginia to Mr. Melvin Stuart Eaves, cf Atlanta. The marriage will be solemnized on November 5th at the home of the Misses Barnes on North Decatur Road in Atlanta. Miss Barnes is the youngest Step Out Willi confidence in yem nuit appearance—hive year wit CLEANED for 50c ONE DAY SERVICE Odorl PHONE 559 Serve SOMETHING DIFFERENT With Abundant Food Staffs To Choose From Try This Delicious MEAL OF 1 HE MONTH A fresh shipment of Bell's Roast Coffee pare Mewl of Mocha and Jan, will be ben this week-cad, if yea bare aerer tried it, tbes ghre yuarself a treat Saaday morning in drink a REAL cap of coffee. % lb can 75c (Ground to Suit Yon) Yon Will Always Find n Complete Line of Fruits and Vegetables in oar Store ARMOUR'S OCT. MEAL Planned by Merle Clifford Cream of Pea Soup - Treatons Star Bacon and Chopped Beef. Grill with Pineapple and Tomatoes Brown Butter Sauce Savory Beets Baked Potatoes Rolls Butler Asparagus Tip Salad wlh lettuce Mayonaise or French Dressing Mince Meat Pie Coffee Salted Almonds Fresh Crinkly Spinach Ik. ltr Yellow Neck Squash 2 lbs 25r Cucumbers. Long Slender Each 5e Cauliflower. Soowball lb. 15c Butter Beans, Shelled, Qt - — 2#r Snap Beans, lb lie Beets, Bunch 10c Carrots, 2 Dirge Buachet 15c Celery IS Lettuce. Large Ha d Iceberg 10c Musbrooas. Hi 00c Applies, Grimes, Medians Sue, Dor 10c Apples, York, Dor 20c Applet, Delicious, Dor. ..35t Grapes, Malaga or Tokay lb _...10c Oranges, Large Califoriaa Dei 35c Oranges, Florida, Doc. 20c Grapefruit, Medium Each _ 5c Pears, Cakforma Bartletts Dec. 35c Honey Dew Melons, Each 30r Long Island Selected Bakkg Potatoes. 5 lbs 13c Elgin Salad Dressing Pints 20c Elgin French Dressing 8-ei. Bottle 23c Sunbeam Mince Meat, Prepared with Brandy ... 2 lb. Jars 55c Gold Bar Asparagus Tips No. 2 Can 2Se Cols' Bar Midget Pees . No. 2 Can 23c Absco Early June Peas _ 2 Ns. 2 Cans 25c Gortons Mackerel Filets Per Pkg. 20c Flour Golden Rub S. R 24 lbs. 91c SATURDAY ONLY Coffee Bel’s Special 2 25c Meat 4 It i b. Pieces Is 29c SATURDAY ONLY SATURDAY ONLY Bell Grocery Co. THE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORE OF QUALITY, SERVICE, PRICE 243—PHONES—4»S JUST ARRIVED One Mg Group Of New Dresses We personally selected each one and their beauty, quality and low price will please yon. Come by end select yean. Al Sues. $4.95 to $14.95 The Lawrence Shoppe Mrs. L. G. Lawrence, Prop. THE RIGHT COIFFURE IS ALWAYS IMPORTANT Every operator at the Miraline is trained to give work to suit the taste of the individual. Mrs. Kate Brown is a specialist ir waving and hair cutting. She was trained in Chicago for 5 year's and has 4 years actual experience. ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIALS Miraline Beauty Shoppe 1st Fluor Soufocd Budding MRS. ROY ALFORD. JR.. Plop.