Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, October 24, 1935, Image 8

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THE CWION-HECOUKE. MnAIDGSVUXI. GA-. OCTOBEE M. 1IH If i CITATION | authorized by said deed. This the 1st, day of October 1935. To Whom It May Concern: el c. KIDD. Notice is hereby given that Miss Transferee and assignee or? the ValUe Badger, as administratrix of | Merchants & Farmers Bank. Mrs. Mary L. Badger, deceased, hav- SIBLEY & ALLEN, Attorneys for ing applied to me by petition and , E- C Kidd, leave to sell the real estate of saii ' Mrs. Mary L. Badger, deceased: and ; SHERIFF SALE that an order was made thereon a* ; GEORGIA Baldw the October term 1935. for citation. Thei and that citation issue, all the heirs at law and creditors of the said Mary L. Badger, deceased, will take notice that I will pass upon said applica tion at the November term 1935 of the Court of Ordinary of Baldwii County: and that unless couse i shown to the contrary, at said tim< said leave will be granted. This 7th day of October. 1935. BERTIE B. STEMBRIDGE Ordinary EXECUTOR'S SALE GEORGIA. Baldwin County Under by virtue of ed by an Ordinary cf said Countv on the 7th. day of October 1935, the undersigned wiU sell before the court house door of said County during the legal hours of sale highest bidder for cash on the first County ill be sold before the court door of said county during ; *" the legal hours of sale to the high- ; * est bidder for cash on the first Tues- * day in November 1935 to-wit: The. 5th day of November 1935. the fol- . lowing described property to-wit: ^ That tract or parcel of land situ ate. lying and being in the 321st District. G. M.. of said state and county, containing one-fourth of an acre, bounded as follows: On the north bv lands of Myrtice Finney; ^ State and^^Ctmiity aforesaid! of South Clark Street, fronting South Clark Street for a distance of sixty feet and running back East an equal width for a distance of two hundred ten feet, and bound as follows: On the North by lands of Mamie Ford, on the East by lands of D. \V. Brown, et al. on the South bv lands of Joe Payne and on the West by South Clark Street, said land being in the possession of Arrustus R. Lewis. Said tract is a it that is not capable of subdivi- r. without materially damaging each cf it’s subdivisions. Said sale is made under the levy , f fi. fa. issued on the 8th day of May. 1933. for taxes due said City for the year 1932. Said property will b? sold as the property of Estate of Donie Duncan. FIFTH TRACT: That tract of land belonging to Leo Payne, situate and lying in the City of Milledgeville, on the south and longing to the Estate of Dr. H Allen. The land above described b /ri and « b Ja Home Ave.. fronting on Home Ave., distance of 249 feet and Baldwin. The fi. fas. levied, under which the sales will be made are hereinafter designated following the description of each tract of land to be sold. 1ST TRACT: That tract or parcel land in the City of Milledgeville, in said County, bounded as follows: On the north by land of Annie Lee, on east by lands of E. C. Kidd, on south by Montgomery Street and cn the west by lands of E. C. Kidd. The parcel of land contains 1-2 acre more or less and is a vacant lot. The land fronts approximately 60 the south by lands of Henry Th 0 ** This land is a unit and is incapable feet on the street and runs back and on the west by Elbert StT 3 * County Taxes, for the year 1934, amounting to $17.25 principal and interest thereon from December 20th 1934, and $1.00 co6t and cost off levy and sale. 10TH TRACT: That parcel of land in the 321st District a subdivision known as Oconee Heights of said County, bounded as follows: On the north by lands of Mamie Brooks, on the east by lands of Rosa Ford, fcr State and County Taxes , 1938, amounting to «i» “1 thereon December Mth, 1033, and I also hold in ray hands tax fi f a . " the year of 1934, amounting to «,,* principal. .90 interest, and Jl.oo 1*. of levy and sale. ' v 17TH TRACT: That parcel of la nd in the City of Milledgeville. i„ ^ — County, bounded as follows! On tk. the south by Jefferson Street, and north by lands of Frank Gendra "" the west by an unamed street, on east by lands cf M aic Butts *' ■ land front, annrrrvimntelv nil .v. ■ < . — ’ "*1 of sub-division so as to be sold in north the same width approximately The land fronts approximately parcels. Said property was found in 120 feet and is the homeplace cf feet on the Street and runs t v the pcsseslon of Martin Harris and Richard Scott. This homeplace is a! east the same width approximate!, was levied on as his property utr-, unit and incapable of sub-division j 100 feet and is a vacant lot Tv, der tax fi.fa. issued from State and so as to be sold and was levied on !a id property was levied on as tte County Taxes for the year 1934. as his property under the tax fi. fa. j property of Tom Latimer and wT amounting to 113.82 principal and Issued for State and County Tax* found in the possession of Mr,Hi. interest thereon from Dec. 20th, for the year 1932. amounting to Latimer. The land was levied on b . ,934 ' and 1100 and the o*! $22.47 principal, and Interest there- virture of tax. fi. fas. issued by th, \ land above described is ning back North an „, ual wi(Uh ,„r levy and sale. | on from December J*th .032 and i Tax Collector of Baldwin County order oast- u , rr K Hrf^hv dee/dnted ■* distance ° f 336 feet - and bound a ' 3RD TRACT: rha ‘ P arwI 04 > and i *100 cost. I also have in hand tax' Georgia for State and County Taxet order, p Harris to E. C. Ktdd. by deed dated (o „ ows . 0 „ the North by lands of in the City of Milledgeville. in saldi .fi. fa. for the year 1034. amounting for the year of 1932 ,mounter t, Said property will be sold under ‘ Bes £ . to 1,503 Prtn< d P a! - *> 00 ^ , 010.00 principal and 'interort there- ,nd by virtue of and to satisfy a ,h ' Wcsl by lands ot “ ars Br °" ' north by ,ands 01 Goodm Hitchcock., , 0 5 interest and the eeat of levy on from December 20th 1032 ant il l ^ssm d'from the superior court ™ 5,"Em£TSS °" “*» ^ ^ ^ F '' -»•- I $1410 ctwt I ZlZZ of Baldwin County. Georgia on the } a ! d L tte M^ssten of tero Body, on the south by tends of Good-; 11TH TRACT: That parcel of; tax. fi.fa. for the year 1933, amount- .♦ 3rd day o: September 1935 in favor _ gaid tract ; s a unii that is not on Hitchcock, and on the west by ] and ^ the 321st District a sub-divi- ing to $9.60 principal. $1.00 cost »-.h • oTtaMM— «*«««* - Pickens Street. The land fronts, known as New Town to the $1.20 interest for the year flfth^ay of November 1935 the fol •; of ^10*36°^nter° ,prially damaging each of it*s sub- approximately 100 feet on the Street, ^ of the highway that from | 59.60 principal $1.00 cost .55 inter- Idnf Lcrib^Troperty to-wit. i 2? to da e cf Td^ent sfa 16 ar d ^visions. u , I and *«* <**' approximately; Q . M Ennis Store by Allen's Invalid est and the cost of levy and sale. Tf shares the Capital slock ofj"Lrc S t „n ^d surTrom tec datc Said. ~te 1, n»de «»*« 1^ m 1 Hom * ^ »« *>"""= °" TRACT: That pared of tend the First National Bank of Milledgc- of same at the rate nf 7 percent per °. a W " homc ° lace north by Juranda Brent, on the ctroMin the City of Milldegeville, in said “ lie! Georgia, of the par value of annum, and .he further sum of ".tv ,'™ ,^ velr IS.iSndrrop- ' S 3 Um ‘ i by ™ ^ ^ by ! C ° u " ty - a » On tec $100.00 dollars each, the same being | $21.85 cost together vrilh the cost won be' ^o^as the property oi; teundlnZ 8 -^-— i J ° hn Hubbard a " d ° n thb WK * by ! n ° rth by °' QU ‘ 1,ey .stock certificate No. 36, °f tbte proceedtog. Said sale will be had for the pur-j A Sheriffs deed will be made pose of paying debts and distribution i among heirs of Mrs. Ida Cok. de- ; ceased. This the 7th day of October 1935.; W D. GILES j Executor of the Will of Mrs. Ida! MARSHAL'S SALES Cook, deceased. City of Milledgeville ■ | Baldwin County, Georgia. CITATION ! Will be sold on the First Tuesday c - R - Wynn, the guardian ol Sara GEORGIA. Baldwin County l in November 1935. before the Court- Fountain, has applied to the Ordt- onvpying the said described prop- Ttv to the purchaser at said sale. This 1st day of October 1935. W. J. HAYNIE. Sheriff of Baldwin, Co. Ga. Leo Payne. The first day of October, 1935. LFROY D. NAPIER Deputy Marshal of the City of Milledgeville. APPLICATION TO SELL GEORGIA, Baldwin County To All Pterscrs Concerned: Notice is hereby given that Mrs. G. J. Adams, administrator of H-1 b ^.-j d °?!a F. Adams. Sr., deceased, represents of Willie Washington and was levied j Baldwin County, nary of *-aid County for leave to i. within the legal hours of encroach upon the corpus of her .u ^4 gi.iiv Sher 'frs Sales, at public outcry, to ward's estate, and to sell a one e 00 ihe highest bidder for cash, the third undivided interest in a tract of j west by lands of Burk Adams. The s and parcels of land hereinaf- j and containing 3 1-5 acres, in Mid- tract or parcel of land contains 25 3 dP !fml«^ d '»Z! ie u. S . a ! d -f a |. CS .^*«..: b ^ wa£, of said county, bounded by i acres more or less and is a part of College Avenue, the lands of Sarah | the old Bill Wilkerson place. Said Kerl Lewis. The land fronts an J on the cast by lands of Charlie Hall. . unamed Street, approximately 76 on the south by lands of Florence on as his property under the tax ft.; fcet and back the Mmr I Jefferson, and on the west by Jeffer- fa. toted lor State and County taxm I ^ d , h approIlmaMy 200 feet and „ the homeplace of Ed Hubbard said property was found In the possessior | cf Ed Hubbard and was levied on rs his property under the tax fi. fa. Issued for State and County Itoxcs for the year 1934, amounting to $11.25 principal and interest ther on from December 20th, 1934 and $1.00 cost and the cost of levy and sale. the year 1934 amounting to $9.40 principal and interest thereon from December 20th. 1934 and $1.00 cost and the cost of levy and sale 4TH TRACT: That tract or parcel of land in the 322nd District, Bald win County Georgia, bounded as follows: On the north by lands of Ben F. Vinson, on the east by lands of Jack Adams, on the south by lands of Burk Adams, and and entered on record, that he has fully administered said estate. This is. therefore, to cite all persons con- ^ made under and by virtue of levies cemed, kindred and, creditors, to. of fi. fas. issued by the Clerk of the , _ _ . . .. . . . i , .... . show cause, it any they can. why j City of Milledgeville for taxes due and James Fountain the lancte of j property was found in the possess ion said administrator should not be dis- J the Mayor and Aldermen of the City M* -8 - E - F - Bloodworth, the lands of j D f Ben F. Vinson, and was levied charged from his administration, and, of Milledgeville. Deeds wiU be exe- O. M. Ennis. ! f his ^nder ^the Tax fi. receive letters of dismi: tbe 1 ruled to the purchasers at said sale belonging to W. T. Bloodworth. and ; f a 12TH TRACT: That parcel of land in the City of Milledgeville, in said County, bounded as follows: On the north by lands of Willie Thomas, on the east by lands of Rosie Liggins, on the south by Scriv- ens Street, and on the west by lands ed for Stale and County Tax- D f Jim Scott. The land fronts ap first Monday in November 1935. BERTIE B. STEMBRIDGE Ordinary LAND SALE GEORGIA. Baldwin County Under and by virtue of a powei of sale contained in deed to secure, and lying in the City of Milledge- debt. executed by Thomas Har- j ville. State and County aforesaid, on by the undersigned Marshal The also a one-half undivided interest; e3 f cr the year of 1932, amounting! proximately 50 feet on the Street and tenants in possession of the several in a parcel of land in the village ofi to $20.27. principal and $1.00 cost! run3 back north the same width tracts of land hereinafter described Midway, cf said state and county, j and interest thereon from Dccembe.-1 approximately 100 feet and is t v have been notified of the levies and funded by College Avenue, the 2 oth. 1932. I also hold in hand tax home place of Bumah Hartzog. Tlv ns reouired bY^lawT P 3C ° ° ^ e 4 lands of ^ Irs - E - F< Bloo ^ worth an< * j fi. fa. for the year of 1933. amount- hojneplace is a unit and incapable " FIRST TRACT: T^at trod of tend ttte lands of Sata trad Jamm Fmrn- ln , to 317.32 principal 31.00 coat belonging to Eugene Miller, situate tam and B - B1 ° od "' ort _ 1 h - „ lend 32.28 interest for the year ary the 30th. 1928. conveying the hereinafter described land to the Merchants & Farmers Bank, of Mil ledgeville, Georgia, and said Bank thereafter on the 22nd, day of March, 1930, having transferred, assigned, sold and conveyed all of its right. West McIntosh Street for sixty-nine j on the first Monday in November, feet, and running back North an _ 1935, let all persons show cause at equal width for a distance of one , that time why said application "“ nd, ;? d ..' 0r *: f r. '.f.'l “ nd .^ nd 1 » hou,d not be granted. This 8th day of October. 1935. follows: On the North by lands of E. C. Kidd, on the East by lands of Gertrude Hitchcock, on the South title, and interest in and to said by West McIntosh Street, and on the deed to secure a debt and the title West by lanus of E. C. Kidd, said to the land described therein, to- j land being In the possession of Eu-! EXECUTORS SALE gether with the note described in I renc Miller. Said tract is a unit that, GEORGIA. Baldwin County said deed to secure a debt, to E. C. j is not capable of subdivision with- ! Under and by virtue of an order Kidd, of said State and County. • out materially damaging each of its f rom tj le Court of Ordinary of Bald- hich deed i? recorded in the office ] subdivisions. Said sale is made un- win County. Georgia, passed at the May Term, 1935, thereof, will be sold, at public outcry, to .lie highest bid der for cash or terms of $25.00 cash WIU sen ax puouejo* «««» mmer. : and the balance S10.00 on the first highest bidder for! SECOND TRACT: That tract of of each month thereafter with inter cash. before the courthouse door of! land belonging to Eitate of Rosa est at 8 per cent per annum on thi said county, within the legal hours Lofton, situate and lying in the City deferred payments, cn the first Tues- of sale, on the first Tuesday in]of Milledgeville. State and County : day j n November 1935. at the court- November. 1935. the following de-j aforesaid, on North Wilkinson Street house door of Baldwin County, scribed land, towit: | fronting 228 feet cn North Wilkinson • G ia during , h0 )c8al hours of Street, and running back West an , a . , „ . equal width for a distance of 228 j “>*• thc f “'l°'™g tract of tend with feet, and bound as follows: On thc improvements thereon, to-w North by lands of Joe Reeves, on 1 That parcel of land lying the East by North Wilkinson Street, I village cf Midway. Baldwin Coun- on the South by a street known as; ty. Georgia, known as Lot One ac- West Elberton Street, and on the t cording to plat of record in the West by lands of Sam McComb. Said ■ Clerk's Office of Baldwin County tract is a unit that is nM capablc j Supcrior Court , n ij mi; Seven (7), folio 451. being the Southwestern one-four aC tract conveyed to W. T. Bloodwortii by S. 1 . Terry, Com- Said sale is made under the levy! tnissioner by deed recorded in Book of a fi. fa. issued on the 20th day 7 * 451. and further described of February, 1934. for taxes due said as fronting 100 feet on the public City for the year 1933. Said prop-j road leading from Allens’ Sanitari- erty will be sold as thc property of j U m to Ennis Stor’ and running back Estate of Rosa Lofton. i w ith an equal width one hundred THIRD TRACT: That tract^of iandj (( , e ,: more or !css nnd bounded on the West by right of way of Central of Georgia Railway Company: on the North by T»t Three: on the East by Lot Two according to said platt: of the Clerk of the Superior Court dor the levy o.‘ a Fi.Fa. of said County, in Mortgage Book'2P.th clay of April. 1933. for taxes SS. page 319. thc undersigned, the j due said City f or the year 1930. Said transferee of the raid Merchants & ; property will be srld as the property Farmers Bank, will sell at public! of Eugene Miller. All that tract situate, lying, ar.d beVg in thc 321 Dist.. G. M.. Baldwin County, and in the village of Harrisburg and bounded as follows: On* the North by lands formerly jv.-ned by H. D. Allen, Sr., but now owned by Mrs. H. D. Allen. Sr. on the East by lands formerly o vned by H. D. Al len, Sr., but new owned by Mrs. H. D. Allen. Sr., on the South by a settlement road leading into the old DuUinion plantation; and on the Wed by the lands of the Knights of Pythias, containing one-fourth fl-4) The note secured by raid deed is in default, and is dated January the 80th. 1928, due twelve (12) months after date, with interest at 8 per cent from maturity, signed by the *;aid Thomas Harris and payable to the order 6.' the Merchants & Farm ers Bank, of Milledgeville. Georgia, for the principal sum cf $2'’6.50, and which note was as hereinbefore stated transferred and assigned to E. C. Kidd, and there b now a bal- • if $148 in. to gether with interest due thereon, and State and County taxes. The said sale will be made for the purpose of paying the balrr.ee due on the promisee State and County taxes, and thc cost cf this proceeding. Since the making of the above deed, the said Thomas Harris has I of of division without materially dam- j aging each of it's subdivisions. Said land being in the possession of; Neal Lofton. belonging to Lee and *Martha; Chambers, situate and lying in the City of Milledgeville. State and County aforL-tsaid. on North Jeffer son Street, fronting sixty feet on the South by said public Street and running and ml width for a dis- road. indred twenty feet. This October 7. 1935. lows: On the North i h. B. BLOODWORTH LUTHER U. BLOODWORTH died, and after paying the above described debt, state and county taxes and the cost of this proceeding, the balance of the purchase money if any, will be paid to the heirs' or assignees of Thomas Harris, or to his personal representative. nnd bound as •>v 1; nds of Qui'ly Myrick. cn the East by lands of Chari ie Hall, on thc South by lands of Florence Jeffer son. and on thc West by North Jefferson street. Said tract is a unit that is not capable of subdivision without materially damaging each of l\s subdivisions. Said sale is made under the levy fi. fa. issued on the 20th day Exec Blood rv of Est of W. 1934, $17.94 principal. $1.00 cost and .96 interest and the ccst of levy and sale. 5TH TRACT: That tract or par cel of land in the 322nd District Baldwin County Georgia, bounded follows: On the north by lands of W. A. Moore, on the east by lands of Sallie Hill, on the south by lands of R. H. Moore, and west by lands of J. W Hester. Said tract of land contair-i 72 1-2 acres more or less and is a part of the old Dave Hill Estate and is the homeplace of Lizzie Simmons, said property was found in the possess ion cf Lizzie Simmor.s and wai levied on as her property under the Ta> fi. fa. issued for State and County Taxes for the year cf 1932 amounting to $8.31 principal and interest thereon from December 20th. 1932 and SI.00 cost I also have in hand taxes for the year 1933 amounting to $7.82 principal $1.00. .98 Interest for the year 1934. S7.S2 principal SI.00 cost and .53 interest, and the cost of levy and sale. 6TH TRACT: That parcel of land in the 321st District. Baldw County Georgia, bounded a.-> fo low's: On the north by lands of Mil ler S. Bell, on the east by lands of Mrs. Willie Wilson, on the south by lands of Eugene Scott, and west by lands of Mary Harris. Said land contains 3-4 and is the homeplace of Annie Arnold, this homeplace is a unit anc incapable of sub-division so as ti be sold in parcels, said property wn found in the possession of Anni< Arnold and was levied on as he: property under the tax fi. fa. issued for State and County Taxes ft year 1931. amounting to $11.04 principal and interest thereen fron December 20th. 1931. and SI.00 cost f also hold in hand tax fi. fa. for thi vear 1933 amounting to St0.R0 rind| ’ ’ I • RQ i |1 40 inter est for the year 1934. $11.25 princi pal $1.00 cost and .05 interest and ‘he ccst of levy and rale. of February. 1934. foi i due said City for the year 1933. Said prop erty will be sold as the property of Lee and Martha Chambers. FOURTH TRACT: Thai tract of land belonging to btate of Donie ^ Duncan, situate and lying in the A conveyance will be executed to'City of Milledgeville. State and the purchaser by the undersigned as County aforesaid, TAX SALE GEORGIA. Baldwin County On the first Tuesday in Novem ber 1935. .it the courthouse door of said County, within the legal houni of sale. I will sell to the highest bidder for cash, the parcels of land hereinafter described. Said sales will be made under and by virture of the levies of tax fi. fas. issued by thc Tax Collector of Baldwin Coun- <9 Georgia, for the taxes due the levied 9TH TRACT: That parcel of land in the 321st District, bounded follows: Chi the north by lands of John Edmond Talmadge Cemetery, on the south by lands of Dr. Allen, on the west by lands of Dr. Allen. Said lands con tain 3 nrres more or less, and is the homeplace of CiJlic Rayford, said property wns found in the pos session of Collie Rayford und wai his property, under the Id. State ol Ooorgte, «d th. County o« tax ft. ta. Imurt for £. State .nd of sub-division as to be sold in par cels. Said property was found In the possession of Bumah Hartzog, levied on as her property, under the tax fi. fa. issued for State and County taxes for the year 1932, amounting to $11.90, principal, and interest thereon from December 20th. 1932, and $1.00 cost, and the cost of levy and sale. 13TH TRACT: That parcel of land in the City of Milledgeville, in said County, bounded as follows: On the north by lands of Joe Dean, on east by North Wayne Street, or south by lands of Miller S. Bell, and on the west by lands of Hattie San ford. The lands fronts approximately 60feet on th. treet and runs back west the same width approximately 225 feet and is the home place of Frances Nelson. This homeplace i: a unit and incapable of sub-divisior so as to be sold in parcels. Said property was found in the possess ion of Frances Nelson and wa? levied on as her property under the tax fi. fa. issued for State and County taxes for the year 1934 amountln to $8.40. and interest thereon from December 20th. 1932 and $1.00 cost and the cost of levy and sale. 14TH TRACT: That parcel of land in the City of Mileldgeville. in said County, bounded as follows: On thp north by lands of Fetrolia Johnson, on east by Warren Street, on the south by lands of Clara Armor, on the west by lands of Tom Latimer. TTie lands fronts approximately 120 1 feet on the Street and runs back west the same width approximately 250 feet and is a vacant lot. Said property w’as found in the posessio of Mollie Butts and was levied on a her property under the tax fi. fa: issued for State and County Taxes for the year 1932. amounting to $5.00 principal, and interest thereon from December 20th, 1932, and $1.00 cost. I hold in my hands tax fi. fa. for thi year 1933 amounting to $4.80, princi pal. $1.00 cost and 60 interest for the vear 1934. $4.80 principal, interest, and $1.00 cost and the cost of levy and sale. 15TH TRACT: That parcel of land in the City rf Milledgeville, in said County,- bounded as follows: On the north bpr Baldwin Street, on th* east by lands of Milledgeville Brieh Co. on the south by lands of Mil ledgcville. Brick Co M and on thc west by Estate of Joe and Bell Brown. Said land contains 1 more or less and is the homeplace of J. W. Killings, said property was found in the possession of J. Killings, and was levied on a: under the tax fl. fa. isued son Street. The land fronts ap proximately 60 feet on the Street and runs back east the same width approximately 110 feet and is the homeplace of Lee Chambers. Thi? homeplace is a unit and incapable of sub-division so as to be sold in parcels. Said property was found in possession of Lee Chambers and wat levied on as his property under the tax fi. fa. issued for State and County Taxes for the year of 1934 amounting to $10.02 principal, and interest thereon from December 20th, 1934, and $1.00 cost and the cost of levy and sale. 20TH TRACT: That parcel o? land in the City of Milledgeville. of said State and County, bounded as follows: North by lands formerl” owned by Mrs. R. C. Moore, east by lot of E. E. Bass, south by lands of Mrs. B. D. Edwards, and west by Jefferson street The lot fronts we*>’ on Jefferson Street seventy feet and runs back east the same width one hundred sixty feet. The said lot is an indivisable residence unit and a division of the same would ma terially reduce the value of both par cels. Said property was levied on as the property of E. E. Bass and found in the possession of E. E. Bass, i- was levied on by virtue of a tax f fa. for state and county taxes for the year 1932, issued by L. D. Smith. Tax Collector rt? said County against E. E. Bass. The amount of taxes due on said fi. fa. is $393.10. I also have in my hand fi. fas. for taxes du? Baldwin County and the State o' Georgia for the years 1933 and 1934. Deeds to the purchasers will be made by the undersigned. This October 8. 1935. W. J. HAYNIE. Sheriff, Baldwin Co. Gn. CONDEMNATION PROCEEDIN’O GEORGIA. Baldwin County State of Georgia Vs. One 1929 Model A Ford Pane! Truck, Motor Number unknown. Condemnation Proceeding In County Court. Pursuant to the provisions of sec tion 20 of the Act of the Genera! Assembly. approved March 28 1917. (Acts 1917, Extraordinary Ses sion, pp. 7. 16) notice is hereby given that proceedings have been instituted in said court to condemn the folowing described property One 1929 Model A. Ford Pane 1 Truck, Motor Number unknown said property hav’ng been seized by J. F. Vinson and A. R. Mln« ir . County Policemen of said county, or. the 21st day of September, 1935. The said automobile was stored in the garage of A. C. Tennille located on the north side of East Grecr.e Street in the city of Milledgevill*'- of said state and county. Said aut - mobile containing therein alcoholi' malt, spirituous, vinous nnd intoxi cating liquors contrary to law, and the owner and lessee of said prop erty. if any. being each unknowT Said condemnation proceeding v-a5 filed in said court on the 26th day of September, 1935, and this notice is published by the clerk of said court by virtue of an order of Hon- orable Etiwnrd R. Hines. Judge o! said court; dated the 26th day September. 1935, and unless a de fense is filed within thirty days from the date of the filing of - sa petition judgment by default will entered by the court. . This 2nd day of September. 1W J. C. COOPER- Deputy Clerk, County Court