Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, October 31, 1935, Image 6

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THE UNION’-RECORDER, MU-LEDGEVIL1X, GA„ OCTOBER 31, 1333 ®ljp Htumi-fircnriirr SMlktn R«c«r4«r EtUb. itlt Publi.bod Wwklr on Tb.rMUy •I IlillodtoviHo, C*. R. B. MOORE—EDITOR JERE N. MOORE—Bu.inow Mgr. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Om. Year |IJO Si* Months . .79 Adrtrliiiai Ral* aa Application OFFICIAL ORGAN OF COUNTY THURSDAY. OCT. 31, 1935 MISS SMITH WEDS MR. SCHWAB Of interest to r number of friends here was the announcement of the marriage of Miss Alice Smith to C. E. Schwad. of Lanettc. Ala. The marriage was solemnized in Sandcrsville and Mr. and Mrs. Schwad spent a few days here be fore going to their home in Lanette. Mrs. Schwad m^de her home here for several years. rest stays at home to do the work which must be done. Whiie One Dol lar is asked for membership this docs not mean that you are to stop at that if you are able to do more. Certainly there are many in this community who have been giving one dollar a year to this great cause, who if they had truly considered it on its merits would have given many times that much and the whole amount needed as estimated at S2.- 500.00 could be easily raised. Let HALLOWE’EN' CARNIVAL AT it not be said of MUledgeville that i COOPER v I' I.E SCHOOL it has any of those philanthropists j FRIDAY NOVEMBER 1ST whom Douglas Jerrold says, “in | On Friday evening. November time of famine would vote for a great throng of merrymakers will nothing but a supply of toothpicks." gather at Cooperville school for the F. H. HARDING Hallowe’en carnival. 1 The whole troop will be on hand The ideals for which the churches j —the witch, the fortune teller, of all denominations represent and ghosts, goblin*. blick catfc. and stand should demand and have the 1 pumpkins—everything to make you respect of the people of a com- j feel welcome and joyful on the oc ■ nunity. These ideals are based onj casion of Coopervifte’s Hallowe’en the commands and teachings of God's , Ball. Holy Word, upon which the very | ■ — foundation and safety of civilization j BAPTIST WOMAN’S MISSIONARY rest. To flaunt and ignore the teach- i UNION WILL VEET ON in *> lwf"8 disaster and ruin to the: MONDAY. FARM AGENT IMPORTANT TO nation and individual that dons it. The Baptist VOman's Missionary AGRICULTURAL INTERESTS Tin- commandment to “Remember Union win m eet on Monday alter- The Union-Re. order has always u "' Silbbilth Da - V *° Km P il Holy" ooon a t 4 o’clock at the Baptist hether it is observed | church. • S. It D ELLEN PASSED BIRTIIOAV ANNIVERSARY TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29TII favored the cou. farm agent, becaii the services be rendered were im-j portant and necessary for the pro-j motion of the agricultural interests! of the county- Mr. L. R. Langley j the present agent has filled this l pos^ion frr several years, and the; Tuesday. Oct. 29th. was the birth- work he has done has been help-1 jay anniversary of Mrs. H. D. Ai ful and beneficial to a large num- | ] on anc j was the occasion of a happy ber of farmers, who have sought his gathering of a number of relatives assistance and advise. During these and friends to icin with her in the times when the agricultural condi- j observance and *o extend congratu- tions are undergoing changes and latjons and wlshes for many the importance of terracing ana happy returns of the day. The day other means to prevent soil erosion | was a most pleasant one for the beinK recognized and adopted., hostess and euest- as they Joined in conversation that abounded with wit. cheerfulness and happiness. A delicious birthdav dinner was served. The birthday cake which was pyra mid shaped and held a number of lighted tapers, was Disced on the table, in front of the honoree. as those present joined in singing “Happy Birthdav to You”. Mrs. Allen, as she enters upon a new year, can look back upon the WANTED—-Pecans, best prices paid. Apply College Hill Grocery Co. and the need of making the land more productive. So as to follow the system of diversified crops, it seems of a farm agent are greatly required. We are confident that the dainty should continue to employ an agent, and that it would oe wise to retain Mr. Langley as he knows the condi tions prevailing throughout the county, and the contact and experi ence he has attained would better qualify him for the important work that would demand his attention. Safety This is a good word in Life Insurance. Tlie Old New Eng - land typifies this word. Always safe. M. S. SHIVERS. DUt. Mgr. Eatonton, Ga. THE CALL Or THOSE IN NEED This might appropriately be an other name for the Annual Call of The Red Cross. As is customary this will take place early in November and the needs of those less fortunate than ourselves are earnestly called to the attention . * the people of Baldwin County that they may be ready to respond to that call with a sense of their responsibility and op portunity. That there is such need one cannot for a moment doubt when he takes the trouble to investi gate the condition of a great many people in our midst who without the help which the Red Cross gives during the year would go hungry and be without clothing and would suffer sorely in the time of sickness without medicine or care. It has been truly said, "the poor must be wisely visited and liberally cared for. so that mendicity shall not be tempted into mendacity, want exasperated into crime.” This responsibility re::ts upon the whole citizenship on its merits and should not be shifted to any corporation ti supply the need and somebody els. made to do the thing for which wi are responsible even though we ma 1 fool ourselves into thinking that when we pay for entertainment and are entertained that we have boon generous and done our part, toward a social need. Such an attitude i the end only lessens the sense o our obligation tr meet a real issu of want and distress by giving 1 it scant concern and consideratioi Sydney Smith in Lady Holland’ Memoir says,” You find people ready enough to do the Samaritan, out the oil and twopence.” and thing it is when people feel sorry and do NOTHING to help change conditions by giving the necessary things to relievo suffering and pay the cost ^f food. And yet that lias been the case ri.’ht here in our midst when during the past year we did not have enough given to the Red Cross to supply the i ced and were compiled to ask help from other sources. Human kind ness antedates Christianity and shows itself among those who did not worship the same God in whom we trust. Homer in the Odyssey de clares “it never was our guise te slight the poor, or aught human'* despise; and again. “By Jove the stranger and the poor are sent, and what to those we give, to Jove is lent.” Shall we v ho have the knowl edge of even a higher conception of bearing each others burdens given us by the Christ, do less in our response to the call of those fa; need Only fifty cents of the amount you give to the Red Cross goes to the National Organization and all the years that have gone as having been wisely and usefully spent, for her life has been a blessing to all who have come un«jkr its influence. She was recently named by the mem bers of the Kiwanis Club as Bald win county’s most popular and use ful citizen. This honor is still hers for the manv deeds she has done to alleviate the suffering, and give ov. happiness and comfort to others rill “out live the stars’ The writer joins in extending to Mrs. Allen the sincerest felicitations. vishes for her many more year® to be filled with God’s richest bless ings which she «o richlv deserves. R. B. M. RADIANT With Cheery Healthful HEAT GARDEN CLUB TO MEET The Garden Club will meet Friday afternoon. November 1st, at 4 o’clock at the Baldwin Hotel. All members are asked to be present a; there will be an election of some officers vacancies caused by resigna tions. Two invitations to Macon have been received by the club and is necessary to make a decision as what shall be done. (Signed) MRS. E. R. HINES, President WANTED—Pecan* beat prices paid. Apply College Hill Grocery Co. STORE FOR RENT Modern Building on Wayne St., accross street from Baptist church now occupied by Ideal Food Market. Building and Market Fix tures for rent. Possession giver immediately. See L. N. JORDAN i76"ANNI¥ERSAfly sale SHORTENING JEWEL IN C\RTONS 1-LB. 4-LB. 8-LB. 15c Sic $1.03 bkie crystals SUGAR CLOTH BAGS 5-LB. it LB. 25-LB. *9c 57c $1.39 Tomatoes Iona Red-Ripe 3 L°„, 2 19c Peaches De,«ert Halve, 2 Can, 2 * 25c Baking Powder page 2 ^ 25c PeaS PHILLIPS Early June ^£|o.2or| _ _ u Cans “wt Peanut Butter Su,la "» };Jr b 15 c Apple Sauce Ann Pa u« 3 c^, 2 25c Cheese w Tb n ‘ ,n 19c su?. Y u, k 25c Pork & Beans IONA 6 cw 25c FRESH BAKED GRAHAM CRACKERS Lb. Box 10c SHORTENING CRISCO 3 Lb. Pail 59c STALEY’S CUBE STARCH 2 8-oz Pkgs 9c MARGARINE PURITY 2 Lbs. 29c BREAD AND BUTTER PICKLES 2 15-oz. Jars 33c NBC RITE CRACKERS 1-LB. Box 22c KRAFT’S PHILADELPHIA CREAM CHEESE 3 Pkgs. 25c MIRACLE WHIP SALAD DRESSING Pint 25c OAT FLAKES 3 MINUTE 2 Ctns. 17c SOAP OR POWDER OCTAGON . . . . 5 Small Size 10c IVORY SOAP 5 Medium Bars. 25c IONA TOMATO JUICE 6 No. 1 Cans 25c DEL MONTE FRESH PRUNES ... 2 No. 2Vz Cans 27c WHITE HOUSE EVAPORATED MILK 3 Tall Cans or 6 Small Cans 17c SEEDLESS RAISINS 2 Lb. Bag 15c MARSHMALLOWS Yeii'll Ne« d Them During Hallowe’en 2 1-Lb. Bags 25c FARM LAND FOR SALE—72 1-2 acre farm on lower Macon road, 69 acre* under cultivation, rest In pas ture. Three room house on place. If interested call 445-L or write H. K. Brown, 345 North Avenue, Ma 19-24-35 4t. FOR plavtime, or any other time from morning ’till night, a Gas Radiant HeatcY gives in stant, cheerful warmth. And its economy puL> this convenient modern way of heating well v.ithin the means of every home. Come in today and select the models that fit the needs in your own home. 25c Down Installs Any Radiant Heater Georgia Natural Gas Corp. PHONE 71 Cans TOILET TISSUE SIS 6 4 Roll, jac , IKtJFSI N>"T/.c»n,l SYRUP 12-oz. Botlp 9Q« NUCOA 1-Lb. Ctn. 20c fl GARDNER’S ’* 6Vl 11 POTATO CHIPS Giant Bag 10c PHASE AND SANBORN'S DATED ■ COFFEE Lb. 25c 1 GELATIN DESSERTS ! ROYA b 3 Pkgs. 19c Kimara. KLENZER 2 Cans 9c QUICK OR REGULAR QUAKER 5 OA TS 3 ctns. 20c 0 EVAPORATED PEACHES 2 Lbs. 23c JIM DANDY HOMINY GRITS 5 Lb. Bag 17e IONA STRINGLESS . BEANS 3 No. 2 Cans 25c 5 a*p PUMPKIN ... No. 2Vz Can 10c ARMOUR’S DAINTY SPREAD Can 10c ARMOUR’S CHILI CON CARNE Can 10c ARMOUR’S SLICED DRIED BEEF .... 2-oz. Jar 10c CHOCOLATE . . ViLb. Bars 17c | ^ASH ‘ “ “Yl-oz. Svlvct Your Beauty Shoppe With'Care BABB’S Has scr\ed >ou for 5 years and each year we have improved service and equipment. Our c::pert operators and modern equipment assure you of the best work, correctly done. Phone 249 for Appointment Mrs. Rubye Hudson and Miss Lyda Morehead. Operators _ MOST POPTLAI ttXNDfi COFFEE EIGHT O’CLOCK . Pound 17c RED CIRCLE BOKAR Lb, 19c Lb. 23c Cans 23c « D NEW GEORGIA SYRUP GALLON Can 59c ’/* GaL Can 33c; Qt Can . .19c WATER GROUND MEAL Peck 25c TABLE SALT 3 Boxes 10c PINTO BEANS 4 Lbs. 25c STRONGIIART DOG FOOD . 4 1-Lb. Cans 25c MACKEREL FILLETS Each 3c LAKE HERRING KIT FISH 6 Lb. Kit 85c PACIFIC TOILET TISSUE 6 Rolls 25c SHOPPING BAGS Only 2c SHREMWD COCOANUT Bulk Lb. 19c QUEFN ANNE MINCE MEAT .. 9-oz. Pkg. 10c 8 .MARVIN PITTED DATES Pkg. 15c LEMON-CITRON OR OR ANGE PEEL Lb. 33c PINEAPPLE Lb. 39c S GLACF CHERRIES Lb. 47c LARGE BRAZIL NUTS Lb. 15c CHOCOLATE COVERED CHERRIES Lb. Box 25c FLO UR S ALE Welbread 12,b C-Xjr BAG BAG 90C BAG $1*75 Iona 12-Lb ... BAG bXg 95c &h b $1.85 Sunnyfield 12-Lb WAw BAG BAG $1.0$ bag$X.05 112 W.HANCOCK Two Stores 133 S. WHINE