Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, November 07, 1935, Image 10

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THE UNION-BECOKDEK. MILLEDGEVILLE. GA., NOVEMBER 7, IMS REV. R. W. OAKEY GIVEN CORDIAL WELCOME TO MILLEDGEV1LLE Union Services are Held Sunday Nlfht and Larce Congregation Ex tends Welcome of City. PEABODY P. T. A. TO HAVE j CORDELE BACKING PARENTS NIGHT NEXT WEEK; SUNDAY PICTURES On Tuesday night of next week i Cardele. Ga., Nov. 4.—The city the Peabody P. T. A. will have pa- of Cordele is operating Woods Milledgcville r H>plc assembled at the Presbyterian church Sunday night in union enurrh services and extended to Rev. R. W. Oakey and family a cordial welcome to the city. Rev. Oakey arrived here from At lanta last Thursday to take over the pastorate of th* First Presbyterian church. He preached his first ser mon Sunday mor *ing to a large con gregation. Rev. F. H. Herding, dean of the MJUedgevilJe clergy, presided and j welcomed Mr. Oakey and fnmil the part of the Episcopal member ship. A letter fmm Father McNa mara. Catholic P-iest who is out o the city, was read by Rev. Mr. Hard ing. Rev. Horace Smith and Rev James M. Ter*'-* pastors of the Methodist and Baptist churches, ex tended a welcome on behalf of their membership. Rev. Mr. Oakey expressed appre ciate f r the cordial welcome given him and the friendly spirit manifested by the ministers and i W church leaders. His sermon wasjvi; rents night and nil parents arc in vited to be present at eight o’clock in the hi-h school assembly rcom. Mrs. George Carpenter, president, urges every parent to be present. Dean Henderson, of Georgia State Teachers College will speak on “Our Movie Made Children.’’ Dean Hend-, erron is an interesting and instruc- Mirs Irene Redding, director of the Little Theatre Group, will pre sent a Rook-wee-c Play, in which the students will take part. After the meeting there will be an open house for the parent; meet the teachers. AMERICAN EDUCATION WEEK TO BE OBSERVED The week of November 11 to 16 is being observed throughout the na tion as American Education Week. This will be observed at G. S. C. W. and other schools in the county. Chapel programs will bo devoted to this occasion throughout the wet and important programs will 1 The Peabody Practice School wi * the week as Open Hou All parents are invited e school at least one day dur- * week t*» observe the t On Friday evening the member-1 that is being done, ship of the chuuh pave a reception! On Wednesday the day will be t" Rev. Oakey and family at the [ High School Assembly Day and £ home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Conn. ; program is bcit" - , planned for thi« | occasion. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MET TUESDAY {AUDUBON CLUB TO MEET NOV The Board of County Commission- . 18T1I. ers held their regular meeting Tues- The meeting of the Audubon Club day at their offices in the court, will be held on Nov. 18th. A picnic house. Mr. G. C. McKinley was the supper is planned at Jackson’s pond only member absent and Mr. O. M. j and all members are asked to bring Ennis and Dr. O. F. Moran trans- , a lunch. acted the regular routine business of i the beard. | STILL IS CAPTURED The principal matter before the A forty gallon still, 15 gallons of board was the sale of $85,000 of whiskey and two sixty gallon bar highway certificates which were , rells of beer were taken by Officers sold. i Lonnie Minor and Fred Vinson Tues- | day afternoon. The still was found in operation near the city, but no arrests were made, the operators deserting be fore the officers arrived. ARE YOU SATISFIED? With tmt prcieit bnw! If lot. drop me a cut W« wil talk k net aad try lo auk« it tatitfadroy. Play uft witk throe dean# te 1M. Yea call ike Seal Dectar Why set kart tlw aerticea ef tkat load ef laaaraaee Mai. M. S. SHIVERS. Dist. Mgr. New Eagtead Mataal Life lanraace Ce. Eatonton, Ga. MRS. TEN-NIL! F OPENS SANDWICH SHOTTS Mrs. E. H. Tcnnille has opened a sandwich shoppe on Lindsey avenue leading to the Si.de Hospital. The place is most attractive and Modem and Mrs. Tennille sells all kinds of sandwirhes and cold drinks. Her friends are invited out to visit “Cosy Nook.” Meat aikacata rank from mu- akfiaaeat of tke apiaal calmaa, keadqaartear of yam oervoai ayatem. Tkat it why Ckkeyrac- tic, treatiag of tke apiae, » often tncceedi wkere medidae foils. MAKE AN APPOINTMENT FOR A COMPLETE ANALYSIS GRATIS DR. R. V. ANDERSON Doctor’s Building Office Hours: 9:30 tn 12 2:30 to S SEND Your Family Wash —TO— Snow’s Economical, Safe, Convenient SNOW’S Laundry and Dry Cleaning Phone 440 MRS. WHEELER WEDS MR. SMITH Of cordial interest to friends here was the announcement of the mar riage of Mrs. Lou Wheeler, former wner 0 f the Miraline Beauty Shoppe, to Mr. Harry Smith, of Sparta. The marriage was solemn ized in Macon on Saturday Nov nd.: Only a few intimate friends •ere present. Mr. and Mrs. Smith •ill make their home in Macon. theater on Sunday*, turning the profits to charity. The city op erated the theater under this new arrangement fer the first time Sun day. following the conviction and sentence in Crisp superior court Fri day of Frank X. Woods, owner, for violating the Sunday laws of Geor gia through operation of the movie establishment cn the Sabbath. Mr. Woods wt‘ given a probation sentence of 12 months and was or dered to pay a fine of $200. This conviction is said to be the first one Georgia pertaining to the opera tion moving picture shows on Sundays. Following the action of Crisp perior court Friday, the Cordele commission met in called session Friday night and arranged with Mr. Woods to take ever the show Sundays. The city will have co plete charge of ’tic establishment Sundays, the arrangement to remain effective until Judge McDonald acts hearing for a new trial for Mr. Woods. The friends of Mr. G. C. McKinley regret to know that he was absent from the meeting of the Board of County Commissioners on Tuesday and has been confined to his bed for several days. Mr. McKinley is one of the coun ty’s most beloved citizens and his many friends are deeply concerned at all times about 1 .s welfare. SERVICES AT THE CHURCHES SUNDAY Presbyterian Charch Rev. R. W. Oakey. the pastor will preach at the n-nming and eveninj services of the church. At the morn ing hour Rev. Oakey will have as hi; sermon subject. “Essentials of Sal- •aiion.” In the evening he wil preach on. “What Christ Means to Me.” Method*; t Church Dr. W. H. LaFiade. the Presiding Elder, will prearh at the mcming ervice and hold quarterly confer ence in the afternoon. The evening service will be in charge of the Y. r . C. A. of G S. C. W. and wil! » an Armistice Day program. Rev. Horace Smith, the pastor, cordially invites the public to both Baptist Church Rev. James M. Teresi will preach the morning and evening services of the church. Rev. Teresi extend* welcome to everyone to attend ser vices Sunday. He will preach on sub jects of importance to everyone. Episcopal Church Rev. F. H. Harding. Rector, will celebrate the Hoiy Communion at eight o’clock and will conduct the usual morning prayer service sermon at the 11:36 hour. Cathalle Church Sunday, the twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost, morning services at the Catholic church will be at 7:30. preceded by confessions from 7 to :25. Confessions will also be heard Saturday afternoon from 5 to 6. Six new girls are row living in the Home Management House of G. -. under the direction of Miss Clara Hasslock. The new students. are Hazel Mercer. Cordele; Dorothy McCarthy, of White Oak; Sara Davis. Douglas; Janie Lunsford. Atlanta: Billie Prater. Dalton; Carroll Black. Atlanta. WANTED—Several tons of good peavine or other good hay Call see O. F. Veal. PREACHING AT MIDWAY CHAPEL Elder A. J. Bonks of Tennille will fill his regular monthly appointment at Midway Chnpci tonight at 7:30. The time of these monthly meet ings has been moved up one week earlier to Thursday night before the second Sunday tn each month. The public is cordial 1 v invited. The Women’s Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church is observing this week as a week of self denial and prayer fer missions. Services are held each afternoon at 3:30 at the church. The services will come to a conclusion on Fri day. HAPPY BIRTHDAY The Union-Recorder extends best wishes to the following for a Happy Birthday: Mrs. Nan Barksdale Mil ler. Dirk Cotton Mrs. F. H. Cole- n. Mr. Malcolm Posey. Mrs. W Ritchie. Mrs. W. M. Scott. Mis-, .'inia Scott, Mrs. George Bell. George Carpenter. Jr.. Martha Jean Butts. On Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Lige Allen entertained the Mt. Plcas- Missionary i ircle at an party, eggs being fold as part of the finance program, after the business meeting our hostess assisted by efficient Leader Mrs. Pauline Lee erved a variety of cake and cookies with tea a afresh merit. Those present were: Mrs. J Etheridge. Mrs. Thomas Cathy. Mrs. T. R. Brookins. Miss Mamie Corman- ni. Mrs. C. R. Torrance. Mrs. Lige Allen. Mrs. Pauline Lee and Mrs. P. M. Allen. THE STEADY SUBSCRIBER HINES ENNIS ATTENDS DEALERS MEETING Mr. Hines Ennis. Hudson-Terru- nlare Dealer *n Milledgcville 1; spending this week in Detroit where he is attending a dea’ers meeting at the Hudscn-Teraplane factory. Mr. Ennis will view the new cars return in time for the first showing cf ihe cars on Saturday of week. Dr. and Mrs. Harry Little tainod the members of the G. S. C. faculty in Dr. Little's department most delightfully on last Friday evening. Miss Faye Ca’hy spent the weel at the heme of her parents, neai Gordon. Miss Florrie Mcye spent the week end with relatives in South Geor gia. Dr. A. F. FOR SALE—One fine milch cow fresh In. See J. E. Estes at R. G Smith's Store. FOR SALE—Credit slip will sell at bargain. Call at this I Phone 23 FOR 10c Taxi Service One way to Allen’i 15 c State Hospital Kj c Font V-, Country Clab 15 c 24 HOURS SERVICE SALE UNDER POWER GEORGIA, Baldwin Countv On August 28. 1929. J. H. Ennis conveyed to Mrs. M. E. Bioodworth. of Bibb County. Georgia, the here inafter described parcels of land, whicn deed is recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Baldwin County, in Deed Book 15, page 23. The said deed was given to secure a note dated August 28. 192P. due twelve months after its date, for $3500.00 payable to the order of Mrs. M. E. Bioodworth.' and signed by J. H. Ennis, and also to secure art renewals of said note and ail indebtednesse*: or obligation that the said J. H. Ennis should make or incur with said Mrs. M. E. Blood- worth not to exceed the amount of S4500.00. Afterwards on March 1. 1930. the said J. H. Ennis borrowed of the said Mrs. M. E. Bioodworth the sum of SIOOO.OO and on the same date executed to her order his note for said amount due October 15, 1930: said note thereby became se cured by said security deed. Both of the above described notes bear inter est at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from their dates. The said deed granted to said Mrs. Bkfodwcrth. her lcgfel representa tives. and assigns, the power to sell the hereinafter rtt-scribed parcels of land at public outcry, before the courthouse door in Baldwin County Georgia, to the highest bidder for cash, should the raid J. H. Ennis fail to pay said indebtednesses or any part thereof, or any interest there-1 on when due. The said J. H. Ennis has failed to 1 pay the said indebtednesses and the same is now past due, and has fail ed to pay the taxes due upon the parcels of land hereinafter describ ed. After the making oC the security deed hereinbefore described. M*s. M. E. Bioodworth died testate. Her Will, in which the undersigned was nominated Executor, was proven in common form in the Court of Ordi nary of Bibb County, Georgia, and the undersigned was appointed by said Court as the Executor of said Will, and letters testamentary issued 1 to him on January 18, 1933. The undersigned, J. R. Stanley. I acting as the Executor of the Last) Will and Testament of Mrs. M. E l Bioodworth, and in conformity with the powers of sa’e contained in the security deed herein above mention ed, will sell at public outcry, before the courthouse door in Baldwin County. Georgia, to the highest bid der for cash, within the legal hours of sale, on the F : rst Tuesday in De cember, 1935. the following described parcels of land, to-wit: 0 All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the citv of Milleugevillc, Ga., being a part oif Lot No. Four in Square Sixty- eight. according to the plan of said city: bounded on the South by Mont gomery Street: on the North by lot of T. Hines Ennis* on the West bv the residence lot of J. H. Ennis; and the East by the residence lot of Carl Vinson: sain lot beginning at the corner of the residence lot of J. H. Ennis, above described, on Mont gomery street, running East along Montgomery street fifty feet, thence North to T. Hines Ennis' lot 295 feet, thence West fifty feet, thence South 295 feet, to the point of be ginning. Also: All that tract or parcel of land situate, lyin'* and being in 320th District G. M. Baldwin Coun ty. Georgia, and known and distin guished in the plan of the city of Milledgcville as part of Lot No. 4 Square Sixty-eight. Said lot fronts South on West Montgomery street 75 feet, and runs back North 210 feet, forming a perfect parallelo gram. with the North and South lines 75 foot, and East and West lines 210 feet. Said lot is the dence lot of J. H. Ennis. Also: All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the City of Milledgcville, known and distinguished in the plan of said city as a part of lot No. 3 in Square Sixty-eight. Said lot fronts on lumbia stri-et t.*n feet, and runs back 155 ft. Said lot begins at a point 2i0 feet North rtf the comer of Colum bia and Montgomery streets, and runs along Columbia street ten feet to the Speer lot. thence East 155 feet, thence South ten feet to the residence lot of J. H. Ennis, thence West 155 feet to the starting point. Each of the above described lots will be sold under a separate offer, and will be sold subject to the taxes due thereon and subject to the os- men ts made by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Milledge- ville for improving and paving the portions of Montgomery Street and Columbia Street upon which the parcels t,f land abut. The amount due on the $3500.00 >»«> above described is $3174.88 principal, and $415.04 interest to the day of sale, and the amount due on the $1000.00 note above described is $304.76 principal, and $5.48 inter- t to the day of sale. Said sole will be made to raise oney to pay the above rcscribcd indebted.). . : ,nd the cost of sale. mdersigned will execute th.- purchasers at said sale, m ember 5, 1935. •X. R. STANLEY. ( utor the Last Will and Mrs. M. E. Bioodworth with Power of Sale of A* Ex. < Testament the Grant. J. H. Enm HINES & CARPENTER. Attorneys for the Executor. 25c- SALE IONA DESERT HALVES PEACHES fr No. 2 1-2 ^ CANS ZdC\ BAKING POWDER RUMFORD’S 2 6-oz cans 25c IVORY SOAP 5 Med Bare 25c Warldorf TORET TISSUE 6 rolls 25c NEW PACKED Blackberries 3 No. 2 cans 25c CrroWy Oceia Spray DnroeAary SAUCE 2 cans 25c SEEDLESS RAISINS.... 2 2-lb. Bags25c eatwell canned MACKEREL 3 'Tall cans 25c PACKED IN TOMATO SAUCE SARDINES 3 Oval cans 25c TREASURE BRAND SARDINES 4 Tall cans 25c EATM0R MACARONI OR SPAGHETTI ... 6 pkgs. 25c ENCORE COOKED SPAGHETTI .... 4 cans 25c ARGO Asparagus 2 picnic cans 25c IONA CUT BEETS 3 No. 2 cans 25c DEL MONTE Fresh Prunes 2 No 2 1 /* can 25c HWJJP-S VEGETABLE OR TOMATO ®OUP 6 cans 25c AMI PAGE Apple Sause 4 Ski 25c 10NA Pork and Beans 6 Life 25c ANN PACE Tomato Ketchup 3 80: j Bottles &OC SULTANA Chili Sauce 3te. 25c CAMPBELL'S Tomato Juice 4‘c,” 25c ^kifktn Fond Talco Scratch Talco Scratch 5 9c ■gu.jj.U egg MASH .. 25-lb. bag 65c Gthtia Detroit « Chctkli PaMatf Sparkle 6 pkgs 25c OVALTINE.... 6-oz can 29c 14-oz Can 52c IONA COCOA WISCONSIN CHEESE Pound 19c N. Y. STATE .. lb. 25c 3 'cL„. 25c Sttf or Powder Octagon NUCOA Pound 20c 13 25c TOMATOES Iona 3 No. 2 Cans 19c SHREDDED WHEAT ■ 2 pkgs. 25c BABY LIMA BEANS Iona .. 16-oz can 5c DOG FOOD Strong Heart .. 4 Cans 25c PEANUT BUTTER Bulk Lb. 15c BULK COCONUT . . Pound 19c EIGHT O’CLOCK COFFEE Lb. 17c SODA CRACKERS Lb. Box 10c GRAHAM CRACKERS .... Lb. Box 10c RED CROSS TOWELS .... Roll 10c MEAL Water Ground .. Pk. 25c FLOUR Wellbrend Ion. SunnyfielJ it 89c * 95 C » {1,1)5 a St-75 s, $1,85 « $2,05