Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, November 07, 1935, Image 11

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rHE WIW-IIC0I1IB. M1LLEDGETILLE, GA- NOVEMBU 7, I ^joQDCSGOXSXSB* 1111-11 i giYrBnnaajao ^ SKOCIAL UICULICUTSI ; • Frances Ivey spent the week- ■A ;*h Miss Maude New Sheppard : Dublin. JctJ U 1''\ G T K , S! ‘ 0nl ,hc MiK ,da Pound returned from - - d in ^namville visiting: a visit to Valdosta and Fort Valley. friends. MISS TIPPEX BECOMES THE BRIDE OF MR. HODGES Of cordial interest here is the an- Mr Herbert ri.„„ ^ , Martha Bars ’ who teaches in nouncement this week of the mar- of Atlanta, spent ?,e w«k“nd Sttl'l ' ^ ' TT*"' 1 “ j'*»««’ ° f Miss =™> - - Ctax- p»-ni me \%eeK-end with 'ton to Mr. M. D. Hedges, of this . Ir. Ed Stembridge, of Waynes- j city*. The marriage was quietly sol- boro; spent Wednesday In the city : emnized on last Sunday. November the home of Rev. Short, pas- jtor of the First Baptist church of r.nd Mrs. H. M. Marchman - < daughter Marie, spent Sunday SandenviDe. M:>< Vova SnMivan spent the • kind in Savannah with Dr. and : . Cord Myer. and Mrs. Ren Thorne and ;r..'dren have moved into their r :-.e on Wilkinson street. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Howard • making their home in the rt 'tree of Miss Susie Bass. relativ Mrs. J. p. Hornsby, of Ivey. Ga. is at the City Hospital for surgical treatment. Mrs. A. B. Echols is spending this week in Rome visiting her daughter Mrs. Steagall. Misses Betty and Mary Biggs spent the week-end in Waycross visiting friends. Miss Betty Joe Hopper, of Alamo, was dismissed from the City Hospi tal on Tuesday. Mrs. J. W. Chambers, of Gordon, Ga.. is at the City Hospital for surgical treatment. Miss Susie Bcwen has been dis- visiting relatives Mr. Derward Smith, of Detroit, j Claxton. Michigan, is spending several days! Mrs. Hodges is a young lady of! with his mother. Mrs. L. D. Smith.; unusual beauty and charm. Mr. Hod- '■ Miss Antoinette Bonner left Sun-|ges came here recently to make his 1 day for Montgomery. Ala., wher* she j home from Washington county and. has acepted a legal position with | js the proprietor of the Hodges Cash ’ the Government. Mrs. Harold Jackman has returned to her home in Batle Creek, Michi gan. after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Echols at Stevens Pottery. Miss Mattie Almand, a student at ed from the Scott Hospital af- i Ethrl B - Davis. School of Beauty ter surgical treatment. i* n Macon, spent the past week-end Miss Susie Hutchins is spending at hoveic with her parents. Captain is week with her sister, Mrs. and Mrs. R. W. A’mand. Grady Crouch in Atlanta. I M,ss Mary Frances Smith was Mr. Allen Holder, of Eatonton. hostess to the members of the YWA as admitted to the City Hospital on Tuesday evening. Mrs. C. B. Mc- Tuesday for an operation. Cullar was joint hostess and the pro- Dr. and Mrs. Dawson Allen wero,* ram was in charge at Miss Mattie the week-end guests of Dr. and Mrs. i Welch. Hines Roberts in Atlanta. j Mlss Helen Lamar, of Atlanta, is ^ „ T , m , „ m Mrs. Lowry Davis, of Kashine I xisWas! Mrs. L. J. Lamar and Mrs! Bloodwcrth is the only child of Mr China, arrived todav to visit her sis-1 J - L Sibley. She will be joined ter. Miss Florence Bamelt . i shortly by her mother. Mrs. Hugh Mrs. L. T. Clark, of Sparta. Ga.. Lamar, and they will motor to Flor- Grocery Mr. and Mrs. Hodges have apart ments in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Terrace Wall on Wayne street. ALLEN -BLOOD WOR TH A marriage of cordial interest is that of Miss Edn-i Allen and Mr. Henry Bloodworth which occurred cn last Friday night at the home of the grooms uncle, Mr. Gus. Gra- nade near Ivey. Mrs. Blodworth was reared by her uncle end aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Allen Is the only daughter of the late Sanford Allen is a lovable wo* man. modest and sweet has endear ed herself to all who know her. Mr. has been dismissed from the City Hospital after an operation. Mrs. Wilson Mason and son have returned from Decatur where they visited Mrs. Mason’s mother. Mr. R. A. Parker has returned to his home in While Oak after visiting his sister. Mrs. James B. Talt. Mrs. W. H. Rives is spending this ■eek in Atlanta where she is visit ing her sister. Mrs. George Stinson. Mrs. J. J. Manus, of Alamo, Ga.. has returned to her home dfter sur gical treatment at the City Hospital. Mrs. Albert Riley, oi* Stevens Pot tery, has been dismissed from the City Hospital after an operation. Mr. Loveland Roland, of Birming ham. Ala., was admitted to the City Hospital Tuesday for an operation. Mr. and Mrs. George Haslam spent the week-end in Savannah where they visited relatives of Mr Haslam. Mr. and Mrs. ClaHance Daniels and baby, of Bamesville, spent the week-end with ’Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Benfrrd. Caot. and Mrs. Thomas E. Binford. of Thomaston. spent the week-end with Mrs. B. W. Binford and Miss Janie Binford. Mrs. Guy Wells was hostess to the Fidelis Class of the Baptist Abbie Crawford Milton. of|church at a delightful parly Tucs- Miss Anne £. Miller is improving ;t ihe Scott Hospital, and will soon '• < able to be out again. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Wall, of Huntington. Pa. arc the guests of Mr. r.nd Mrs. George Fisher. Miss Imogene Hall, who teaches in Marietta, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. J. M. Hall. The friends of Mrs. C. L. Cox re- rret to know that she has been ill f'-r several days at her home. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. R. Moreland have moved into apartments in the '•me <»f Mr. ar.d Mrs. Alexander Mai. and Mrs. Godfrey Osterman have moved into the home recently purchased by them on Wilkinson Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Montgomery sper t last Thursday and Friday in Atlanta where they visited the Mc- Afce’s. Mrs. J. O. Sallee and Mrs. C. P. TrawCord attended the meeting of Presbyterian Synodical in Macon he pa Mrs. ida to spend the winter at Fort Myers. Mrs. W H. Stembridge, Misses Agnes and Bertie Stembridge, Mrs. Hattie S. Jordan. Mr. Sidney Stem- bridge and Grace Arnold, went to Gibson Sunday and spent the after- l with Miss Sarah Poole New- Real Daughters of the Amer ican Revolution. and Mrs. John Bloodworth a pro mising young man of sterling qualities and their many friends wish for them a iong happy life to gether. "hatanooga, Tenr.. has been visiting d ay afternoon, tr mother. Mis. C. P. Crawford M rs . Chas. L. Moore left today several day.* this week. far Danville. Kv.. where she will Mr. and Mrs. Felix Chambers and | spend several weeks as the guest of tv. of McIntyre, spent the week- 'nd with Mrs. Chambers parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Ennis of East Baldwin. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gordy and children have returned to their home in Atlanta after spending the past week with Mrs. Elizabeth Brown and Mrs Mattie Bivins. Miss Ruth Ennis, of Macon and Miss Mildred Johnson, of Milledge- ville, were week-end guests of the former parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Ennis of East Baldwin. Miss Betty Cline, of Atlanta and Miss Sheila Pierce, of Savannah, students at Mount De Sales Academy is Macon, were the week-end guests of Misses Mary and Kate Cline. Mr. and Mrs. Ell.s Baker of Ma con. spent the nftemoon Monday with Mrs. Bakers mother. Mrs. J. M. Ryles. Mrs. Baker will be re membered as Miss Rubye Ryle of this city. Margie Jordan, daughter of Mrs. Margaret Jordan, who has been suf- ering with an infected nose, still con tinues ill at the home of her grand mother. Mrs. J, M. Ryle Her little friends hope she will soon be well again. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor and family are now making their home in the "esidence of Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Hardeman on the Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Hardeman will move to Columbus to make their home during this month. Mrs. Hardeman and little daughter are now visiting relatives in Woodstock, while Mr. Hardeman has gone to Columbus to begin his new work. Lt. and Mrs. William B. Moore. ' f Fort Benninp. spent Sunday in the city as the guests of Lt. Moore’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Moore. Lt. and Mrs. Mocre were enroute tc New York where they will spend the month of November with Mrs Moore’s parents. Capt. and Mrs. Sargeant at Fort Jay. Capt. and Mrs. Mrs. Rice Cowan. The Sukey Hart Chapter of the Children of the American Revolu tion met with Miss Betij Bell Wed nesday afternoon. Miss Rose Ivey returned last night after spending several days in Grove Hill. Ala., with Prdf. and Mrs. Julian C. Ivey. The many friends of Mrs. W. T. Garrard are glad to know that she is improving from a serious illness at the Scott Hospital. Miss Elizabeth Richardson, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. R chard- son. was admitted to the City Hos pital on Monday for an operation. Mr. Homer Babb cf Milledgeville was admitted tc the Citv Hospital Monday for treatment of injuries received in an automobile accident. The friends of Mrs. W. G. John son are glad to know she is improv ing and has been dismissed from the Scott Hospital after a long illness. Miss Jennie Bell Smith. Miss Lucy Simpson and Mrs. Sylla Hamilton, all of Athens, visited friends and relatives in the city on Sunday last. Maj. George W. Griner and wife and little daughter. Olive Mabry, are spending several days with Maj. GrinerV .mother, Mrs. George W Griner. Maj. Griner and family hove just returned from the Philippine Islands where he was stationed for two years. Enroute home they came by China. Japan, the Suez Canal. Furope and New York. Maj. Griner will be stationed at Fort Thomas. Kv.. in the future. Mr. and Mrs C. F. Coxwell had as their guests Inst week Mrs. Cox- well's father. Mr. Charles Batsford. of Syracuse New York, her daughter Miss Thelma Tavlor, of Syracuse New York and h^r grandmother. Mrs. Charles Willis, cf Moravia New York, also Mr. and Mrs. Albr Batsford. at Binqnamton New York. While here they visited Stone Moun- tain and Atlanta and greatly enjoy- frecant sail in December for the ed their weeks visit, especially the Phillipine Islands. balmy weather. AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY MET TUESDAY AT MRS. W. M. SCOTT’S. The American Legion Auxiliary met Tuesday afternoon at the home dt Mrs. W. M. Scott. Mrs. Russell Bone and Mrs. J. R. Smith served as joint hostesses. Mrs. W. S. Jett held a discussion on “Membership”. *nio fact was brought out that there is about four legible members for the Auxiliary for every member of the Legion. She urged that all eligible for membership for the Legion Auxi liary join. Mrs. Stanley rendered a piano se lection. Delicious refreshments con sisting of tea, sandwiches, and candy were served. FRANCES CROOM8 MAS HALLOWE'EN PARTY. On last Tuesday evening Frances Crooms entertained about twenty of her friends at a Hallowe’en party a‘ her home on Montgomery street. Hallowe’en decorations were effec tively used throughout the house and Hallowe’en games were enjoyed by the young p« ie. A witch told a number of stories. During the even ing punch and crackers were served. MRS. LANGLEY HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB MEMBERS. The members of the Wednesday afternoon Bridge Club were delight fully entertained by Mrs. L. R. Lang ley. Chrysanthemums were used in attractive arrangements in the room where the guests enjoyed the games at bridge. Late in the afternoon dainty refreshments were served. Prizes were awarded *o Mrs. J. T. King for high score. Mrs. Ed Downs for second high and to Mrs. George Davis for cut. STUDENTS RETURN AFTER WEEK-END AT HOME. The students of G. S. C. W. re turned Monday from their first week-end at home since school open ed and resumed classes Tuesday toj remain busy at work until the Christmas holidays The campus was practically de serted both students and faculty taking advantage of the holiday. Campus Theatre Tharsday 4 Friday Hit. 74 Dick PeweH id Rahy Katin- m SHIPMATES FOREVER” Witk Rou Akusto ud Lows Stsac. Silarlay May. 8th. "THE SMART GIRL” Witk Ida Lupins. Kcat Tayltr id Gail Patrick. OWL SHOW 18:38 O’CLOCK Frankenstein Karloff, Bela (Dra- cala) Lagaai, together far the fint time in Edgu A Boa Psc’i Immortal Gallic— “THE RAVEN” SUNDAY NOV. 10TH Geae Strattoa Porter’s tkriHiai romance oa tke I jmhorkit— “FRECKLES” MISS BESSIE THOMAS HOSTESS TO CLUB. Miss Bessie Thomas was hostess this week to the Tuesday Night Bridge Club. In addition to club Members Misses Virginia and Alice McCraw, Mcsdamcs Wright ™ c ~ With Tom BrewR, Vrgawi W«J-| Knight. Otis Woods. Burwell Mal- pass. Miller R. Bell. Dorman Hardy and F. D. Thomas were guests. Miss Alice McCraw received high score for the visitors. Miss Martha Thomas high for thb club. Miss Virginia McCiaw low, and Mrs. Miller Bell a guest prize. CONGRATULATIONS November 6th is wedding anniver sary for Mr. and Mrs. Linton Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Flemister, and Dr. and Mrs. Otis C. Wcods. U. D. C. TO »IEET TUESDAY The Robert E. Lee Chapter. United Daughter of the Confederacy, will meet Tuesday afternoon at three-thirty on next Tuesday after- non at the Baldwin Hotel. Mrs. J. B. Stiles will be h >stess. Mrs. M. H. Bland, who attended the Savannah convention, will give a report of the state meeting. Icr «k received wide acclaim far kcc rok af Link Skim m Laddie. Performances 2 aad 4 Night 8:45 MONDAY-TUESDAY NOV. 11-12 Victor Haga’i “LES MISERABLES” Starring Frederick Muck, i Ckarki Laughton. NO ADVANCE IN PRICE Fresh Guaranteed It’s Hue TO Make Your Thanksgiving Fruit Cake Our Fruit Cuke Material arrived tkie week. Tkis year yen cub get CryetaL iied Pineapple and Cheerio in Red, Cr , /’C White aod Greea CeUn. tullj Cotalued Chemo ft. Me Cryitaliied Pmeappk ft. Me Seeded Raiaiaa ft. 18c themed Giron ft. 3tc Orange aad Lemea Peal.... ft. 38c Shelled Almoadt ft. 75c Smyrna Figs ft. 35c Pitted Onto pkg. 15c Cry stained Ginger ft. 68c doz Baldwin Co. R. O. H. Standard Oleomargarine Pure Park Sansage, bnft, ft. 18c ft. 38c Baaqaet Sliced Pmeappk, 3 Nn. 2 Cana S4c Silver Bar Crushed Pineapple, 3 No. 2 Can 43c Heinz Assorted Soaps, 2 Com 27c (Except Clem Chowder and Consomme) Sweet Milk, Halbubead’s Dairy Qt. lie Butter Cookies, 42 to package 15c Corn, Golden Bantam Vaccmn Packed 15c Fancy Florida ORANGES 49c Peck LETTUCE, Iceberg Beets, per hunch — Carrots, 2 Inches Snap Beans - COFFEE, Fancy Ria ft. 18c SYRUP, Pmt Cane, GaL 58c MEAL Grand at Mrs. Napier’s MS Pack 38c Telephone yarn ardors, every item receives carefnl attmtian. If yea haven’t a charge accent wc wS ha glad to dehorn yarn order C 0. D. Bell Grocery Co. TK WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL STORE OF QUALITY, SERVICE, PRICE SURE If it’s bmldmg construction af any kind, nr repairs, SEE as, “THATS OUR BUStNESSS” McCASKILL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Phane 233-L MSadgavSe, Ga. MEN’S DRESS SHIRTS Vib'KS Cough Drop The Coatfo*Tsx New Find Cedar will net cm I, wrinkk, shrink, af wilt. This color will reqnire no starch, jast boa n bath odea THE PIEDMONT SHIRTS PLAIN AND FANCY PATTERNS. ALL SIZES 98c Union Dept. Store