Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, November 07, 1935, Image 13

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THE UNION-RECORDER, MILLEDGEVILLE. GA., NOVEMBER 7, MU divisional meeting of KIWANIS HELD LAST night cordon Singleton. Governor of Cirortld Kltvanl*. Principal Speak- fr on Program .. :;i:,ns from the Fifth Division r„ !■i:ia Kiwaris, representing . ,n a dozer Kiwanis clubs in nrpia gathered here last ( • the regular divisional mcet- , , h is presided over by Dr. -.v r - Daniels. Lieutenant Gover- t; ( Milledgeville club was host to n tjon and Joe T. Andrews. .1 -jdent. presided. The address -u> was given by Dr. E. H. \ musical feature on the pro- was a «-olo by Mrs. L. P. accompanied by Miss Mag gie Jenkins. Dr. C. Wells cave a mast inspi- na l talk on the subject “Com- 2 ...., Pulling Togehter" He • tin- great good to be ac- • -iud by communities setting a ,.. n vn objective and working v .,. rr i,. ..1v together. ti-,. merting was turned over to p y Daniels, lieutenant Gov- -.•hi* introduced Dr. Gordon Governor of Georgia Ki- - ho mad° the principal ad- , the evening. Dr Singleton rti the Kiwanis program for • ; . , ■ ming year, stressing the main -:.ic(lives (-f the Georgia clubs as app:-. vt d at the- Savannah conven- The visiting delegates were guests a dinner in the Sunday School r ems of the Baptist church proceed ing the meeting. There were large delegations representing every club in the division. MANY cases need face COMMUNITY CHARITY Here are Two Examples Where a Good Samaritan Can Be of Ser vice. People are generally ready to give when an appeal is specific, in stead of general. The immortal grip on sympathy of the story of "The Good Samaritan’ is because we can see the dire need eC the man by the roadside, robbed, stripped of his raiment and at the point of death, icse are real opportunities where may give definite help; CASE NO. 1; I is a young woman, a victim of accident who has been confined to her bed over two months. Her only relative is a sister, with family of eight, rll on relief. X has a terrible sore from lying in bed and is sadly in need of old gowns and soft rloths for pads. Any old gowns, sheets, table clothes, or old cotton blankets would be ap preciated. CASE NO. 2: Even blind people feel the need of warm garment* for the rold day? which arc just ahead. Mr. B is a single man. who is blind lives with a sister-in-law and her six children. His income is five dollars a month. He needs a sweat ee 38. and a pair of shoes size No. 7’s, won’t some one give him these. The above cases are cited by the Red Cross and Community C5icst headquarters. Miss Emmy Riley, di rector. W you have the needed ar ticles. phone Miss Riley or send them to the Red Cross office. CAMPUS THEATRE Milledgeville, Georgia Sunday, November 10 NEARLY EVERYBODY KNOWS THEM!.. f • • f lTbe 1 yeepto, io# *l*e.fteit 'J l GENE STRATTON-PORTER’S stirring tala of the Limberlost with TCM BROWN VIRGINIA WEIDLER CAROL STONE IK O • > AD I O IlCtUtt PERFORMANCES A T 2—4 AND 8:45 O’CLOCK Mon.*Tuca., November 11*12 MONUMENTAL! a picture that TAKES ITS PLACE DESIDE AW IMMORTAL CLASSIC! UiPTflP k HiiSiFS p h* u @ Chue and Sanborn, COFFEE Gold Label COFFEE 2lclb ROGERS QUALITY FOOD 5HDP5 Water Ground MEAL 25c pk Beat Americas CHEESE 19c lb Campbell'* Campbell’s Campbell’, PORK & BEANS Staadard TOMATOES Tetlom’a PEANUT BUTTER TOMATO SOUP TOMATO JUICE No. 2 Can 1 lb. Jar 19c 3 cans 19c 3 for 19c 3 for 19c 4 for 25c 2 lb jar 35c CASTLEBERRY'S HASH No. 2 Can 21c LUX FLAKES 2 Pkp. 19c LUX TOILET SOAP 2 far ISc SUNSHINE TURNIP GREENS No. 2*/ 2 Can 10c SUNSHINE TURNIP GREENS 2 No. 2 Can, 1 Sr DOLE'S PINEAPPLE JUICE 2 No. 2 Can, 2Se COMET RICE 3 lb. Bag 19c OLD VIRGINIA APPLE BUTTER SO-oi. Jar 2Sc SCULLY’S GRAPE JAM _ — 2 lb. Jar 23c ALERT DOG AND CAT FOOD 4 for 2Sc PHILLIP’S PORK & BEANS No. 2*/ z Can l#c BROOKFIELD OR CL0VERBL00M BUTTER lb. 29c NEW TREAT 0LF.0 MARGARINE 2 lb,. 29c CAVALIER BUTTER BITS - Pkg. 12'/ 2 c PALMOUVE SOAP OCTAGON SOAP CHIPS FANCY CELERY No. 1 IRISH POTATOES .... FANCY CELERY lie NO. 1 IRISH POTATOES 5 lb, 10c LETTUCE 9c bead Cake Sc Pkg. 19c 10c S k. 19c FRESH SNAP BEANS 12'/ 2 c RUTABAGAS 3c lb. WHITE MALAGA GRAPES 3 lb, 2 Sc Swift’s Jewel LARD 4-lb ctn. 55c; 8-lbs $1.07 “ 51b* - 27c 10 lbs - 53c 25 lbs $1.35 SUGAR Octagon SOAP OR POWDER 5 for 10c FLOUR SAL E ROGER’S N0e 21 1 CIRCUS Iks 90r 1 24 lk> 1 ROGER’S BEST 99c 24 lb, 81.05 48 H». $1.19 | 48 lb, 81.89 | 48 lb, 82.09 Stoldey’s Small Green LIMA BEANS IN OUR MARKET Best Native Meat Round and Loin Steaks Per lb 15c Boneless Rib Roast, Per lb. 18c T-Bone Steak, Per lb. 20c Pot Roast Per lb. 10c Ground Beef 2 lbs- for 25c Veal Cutletts, Per lb 23c Veal Pot Roast . Per lb. 13c Red Snapper Steak. Per lb. 25c Snapper Fish ... Per lb. 20c Cooked and Pealed Shrimp Per lb 45c Best Western Meat Beef Pot Roast . Per lb. 17c Round Steak ... Per lb. 33c Lamb Chops ... Per lb. 30c Leg-O-Lamb .. Per lb. 25c Cube Steak .... Per lb. 23c Wayne St. Two Stores Hancock St. that the man or woman, who < to me for lessons, is willing and ready to accept the condition that seme time and patience will be needed to make a fair start Both cC us have the understanding that the pupil knows nothing about the game and is willing to accept and to put my instruction into ac tion to the best of his or her ability. With the player who has been at the game for some time, it is usually a case ol’ setung out to correct some nne fault. This man is rarely ready or will'ng to go all the way back to the beginning and learn all over. He has a fault a"d wants it correct- 1 Very frequentl/ the pupil has his cwn explanation of what is causing the trouble and just as fiequenll' he is wrong. As likely ns not. his •.••hole difficulty lies in some such simply fundament .1 such as lifting his head too soon, but he will of; arctic you down that he is sure •s keeping his head dow of fail, j and hand ’ the 1» I ordination di of half or less the natural thing with him It is one thing to have a definite and thorough understanding of what takes place in respect to any detail GOLF LESSONS By Tommy Sullivan Handling the case of the begiimc, takcs placc in rP *pcct to any a is quite different from that of the of correct swing, and it is un- player who has been following the olher to uv . r k at swinging the club game for seme time. In the first unti i one j s a blo to produce that place, it is fair enough to assume corr ect action automatically and . . I -,.„rm-,r7 U’hn mmp , : 7.. subconsciously. TERRACING MACHINE FOR USE OF FARMERS County Commissioners the past week purchased a terracing machine to be used on any farms in tho county is desired. Arrangements can h made through County Farm A*,.nt L. R- Laneley for the CCC engineers to run terrace lines. TTiere are many farms in this county badly in need of terracing, and the machine purchased by the county can be used at actual cost, which is $1.50 un hour. It is esti mated that ten or twelve acres can be terraced in an hour. IF IT EVER RAINS—If It ever rains remember I want to sell you vour seed oats. J. 1. Sibley. TAX SALES he GEORGIA. Baldwin County On the First Tuesday in Decern- the' fundamental her 19.75. at the court hous- door n, said County, within the legal hours sale. I will sell to the highest bid der fer cash, the parcels of land . Where this -,r, j hereinafter described. Said sale nu/.t-ti J .. . -.-J j ^ made under and bv virture of £ r=.nr,nr.:^, 1 |,he levies ot tax ri.ta, ‘ ‘ “ December 20th 1932, I also hold in my hand tax fi-fas. for the year of 1933 and 1934 including the cost of levy and sale. SECOND TRACT: That parcel of land in the City of Milledgeville. in the north by Tift Street; and the East by lands of Guy Miller; on the South by lands of Mrs. C. H. Bonner; and on the West by lands of as follows: On the North by lands of Robert Austin* on the east by lands of Joe Wiggins; on the South by lands of Luccndia Franklin; and on the west by lands of Robert Aus tin. The land contains 1-2 acres more or less and is the homeplace of Annie Rice. This homeplace is a unit and incapable cC sub-division so as to be sold in parcels. Said Guy Miller. The land fronts ap- j Property was found in the possession pmximatcly 36 feet on the street. °< Annie Bice and was levied on and runs back South the same width ■* he property under Tax fi.fn approximately 90 feet and is thel iss ued for State and County Taxes property of Guy Miller. Said prop-; f ° r 'he year of 1933. amounting to erty was found ip the possession of t 38.47 principal and interest thereon ... swi-.eina that Will I the levies ot tax ium. .-sued by tho . , , f v rt To!Tax Collector of Baldwin County. r?hi, .he inshuctor may need , I Georgia, for taxes due the state of ( ‘u I.f,n\ • > ’ 'o cf tli- pupil 1 Georgia, and the County of Baldwin. iTf, terntrame^t. and this" Ob- The fiaas. levied under which the and his temper. .■ m .„ 10ds L ales b e made are hereinafter '. , . . „„ ' | designated following the description me other class of . f each tract of land to be sold There is sun „. crv ] FIRST TRACT: That parcel ot rn'micun has come in contact. | land in the city of Milledgeville. in thaTrneTays about fdvaUng. timin, land^ hitting throug . I me w jdth approximately 210 feet dcsen ether common points of dis , ^ ^ ^ horo ep,ace of Fraley G. cushion in 8° ,f - . w ^ t h Grimes. This homeplace is a unit and One of the main troubles of so „ s ."JC “ luon TfaVc'hance to do'be rold In parcels. Sold property Is willing to give enough time to practicing what has been told him to the point, where It becomes more •led fer State and County >he year 1932 amounting to $4440 principal and interest thereon fro from December 20th 1932 and the cost of levy and rale. I also hold in my hand tax fi.fas. for the year 1933 and 1934. SIXTH TRACT: That tract or par cel of land in the 115th District, in said County, bounded as follows: On the North by lands formally owned by L. N. Calloway and Grov*»r Adams; on the east by land of Grover Adams and State Highway No. 22 from Milledgeville to Sparta: the South by State Highway No 22 and 24 from Milledgeville to Sparta; and on tne West by lands of Mrs. Cleo Collins and R. N. Ash- field. The land contains 158 acres more or less and is the homeplac.' Y Mrs. (H. G.) Lillie Dale. Posey. Said land was found in the possess- on of Mrs. (H. G.) Lillie Dale Posev ind was levied on as her propertv ;mder tax fi.fas. issued for Sta‘r and Guy Miller and was levied on as his property under the tax fi.fas. issued for State and County Taxes for the year of 1932 amounting to $71.90 principal and Interest thereon from December 20th 1932 and the cost of levy and sale. I also hold in my hand tax fi. fa. against the de- fendent for the year of 1934. THIRD TRACT: That parcel of land in the 321 si District In said County, bounded as follows: On the North by lands of Hershcl Hardy; in the East by Milledgeville and lordnn Highway: on the South by lands of Her*hel Hardy and on the West by lands ol Hershcl Hardy land contains 1 acre mer and is the homeplace of C. P Kemp, this homeplace is a unit and ipable of sub-division so as to sold in parcels. Said propertj found in the posession of C. B np and was levied on ns his jerty under tne Tax fi.fa. .ssuer' State and County Taxes for •’ p 1932 amounting to $23.77 prinei psl and Interest thereon from De cember 29th 1932 and the cost of levy* and sale. I also hold in me hand tax fi.fas. for the year 1933 and 1934. FOURTH TRACT: That iract o: •parcel of land in the 321st Distrir; aid County*, bounded os fellow;. On the North by lands of Matt Fk • »; on the en«t bv lands of Lcli« on: on the Sleuth by Harrisber Road; and on the west by Sall> Davis. The land contains 1 1-2 acres more or less, and is the home place of Mable and Ben Mosley, fi-fa. issued for State and Saw properly wu found in tho p - - j f"r "m ' onr 1934 amount' -.,io„ of Mahln and Ron M. ot-. 318.78 nrinclpal and intoroxt „mt was levied on as their proper!- on from December 20. 1334— • nder the Tax fi.fas. for State . nr * Ccuntv Taxes for the year of IP* 5 -mounting to $11.25 principal - interest thereon from Decemh- •»oth 1P34 and the cost cf levy ar.-: County Taxe.v amounting to ir terest ther^ 1931 and the f also hold i for the year of 1931 $41.43 principal and i from December 20th •ost of lew and sale, in mv hand tax fiJa« ter the year of 1«32. 1933 and 1934 T have this day levied the within fl/fa. upon the following described property, to-wit: Thirty volumnes of law books some being books called. Ruling Ca«e Lav* consisting of iPwenth'-eiaht volumnes of text and two index. Sain books having be<*n purchased bv R. L. Carr from Edward Thompson C~. Sa ? d property wu found in the possession of R L. Carr and wa* levied as his property under f'e tax County si i sales. FIFTH TRACT* That parcel of land in the 321* DMrict bounded and the cost of levy and sale T also hold in my hand tax ‘‘- fa. t~r the year of 1932 and 1933. Deeds to the purchasers will b- made by the undersigned. This November 5. 1935. W. J. HAYNTIE. SherLf Baldwin Co. Ga. mm