Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, November 07, 1935, Image 15

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Tcrraplanc Sedan—the roomiest car in the lowest price field. This car has full three-passenao* ' ’ width in both the front and rear seats. • Farm Agent’s Column o the laws of the state vcming the burning of or marshes has been DuPre Barrett, extension i Georgia in connection nual campaign to reduce a the state. tes as enacted by the if the state of Georgia t “No person but a resi- rounty where the firing owning lands therein, •• r... .i I thereon, outside of any v •ah me rporation, shall set fire to sr- v woods. lands or marshes, >hall such persons, except between •J-a :irst of January and the first of March annually. ••When such person shall desire to fire within a said time, he shall notifv all persons who occupy lands adjoining him, any residence there- l, or cultivation, or enclosure of iv portion of the tract or settle ment. of the day and hour cf the tiring, at least one day prior there- The law provides that violators are guilty of a misdemeanor, eluding those who permit fires to get into woods thrrugh neglect. Simple rules of fire prevention such as breaking lighted matches before throwing away, and extingu ishing cigarette stubs, will save large losses to timber areas if followed Barrett said. Many fires have been reported which caused serious damage. Bar rett stated, including losess of dwel ling. and barns, as well as the de struction of large areas of woodland Ain arour*cd consciousness con cerning fire losses is accompanied by numerous reports from timber owners in the state that officers wil be urged to enforce the state law! against careless burning of wood land areas vigorously this year. This is not only for the protection of property, but to aid in controlling erosion, and providing refuges for wild life, it is stated. Rehabilitation I* Serving Groups of Fanners Rural rehabilitation, which pro vides short-time aid. and resettle ment. for the benefit of those who will need long-time help, form the dual purpose program which is be ing carried out by the Rural Re settlement division of the Resettle- men Administration, according to R. L. Vansant. director of activities in Georgia. Rehabilitation was transferred from the FERA on July 1. and through this branch loans are made to provide subsistence, to help meet operating expenses, and for other needs such as the leasing of land, livestock or equipment, Mr. Vansant 3 'undcr the long-time or resettle ment program, it is the purpose of the Kural Resettlement division to q selected fa r m families in mo\- from poor land to soil that is suited to agriculture, and where an opportunity is afforded to make progress in the production o. food, feed and cash errps. The groups 1" erved Include families to be re ed from land retirement project! families selected from those been receiving rehabilitation. married couples just startup: to farming, selec-ed ex-service n elected farm tenant families, others who may qualify. The stale agricultural eiltcm rvice is cooperating closely with the Resettlement Administration ■' both the rehabilitation and the re settlement program by sunplyin- technical information to th- PRESIDENT MAPS LONG TERM FARMERS’ PUN President Roo:cvclt is seeking to point the farm program away from an “emergency” application “long term” plan, asserting that the latter "is developing naturally out otf the present adjustment efforts." In a statement issued at his first postvhcation pres.- conference, the president remarked it was not the intention of congressional framers of the act or administrators of the law to let the AAA be “cither emergency operation or a static agency.” "It was their intention—as it pass from the purely emerg ency phases necessitated by a grave national crisis to a long time more permanent plan for American Agri culture.” 'As I see it, thir program has two principal objec*ives: Two “First to carrv out the declared in thi - Empire Store "IV, Clothe The Fually" MILLEDGEVIIXE. GA. About 350.tllW United Stales are new receiving ne.i fr-n, the Rural Rraetlle-nenl divlsi and of this total eppxximhtcly 500. 000 arc being rehabilitated o short-time basis. mb J H BRANNEN DIED AT HARDWICK SUNDAY. OCT. 27 Funeral Held Sunday Afternoon at Moore's Funeral Home. Interment Waa at Nonn-Wheeler Cemetery. Mr. James H-rrison Brannon passed away at his home at Hard wick. Saturday. October 2ith. The funeral services of Mr. Bran- on were held in the chapel of tnc Joseph A. Moore Funeral Home “ 2:3(1 n'clcck Sunday afternoon, a the interment was at Nunn a Wheeler cemetery, with the b«»- n-ting a spall-bearers: Messrs. n Non Prosser. O. M. Ennis. Grover jo Mays. Mr. M. H. Marchman. D. E. II aeoTho activities of his life were Q spent in farming and as an | n of the MUledgeville Stale HU church membership was at Camp || Creek Baptist church, mid he was m Core Tow Moot At MULEDGEVILLE MILLING CO. Wayne St. Ceorfia Railroad ★ Additional itoms matching practically any of the older Gorham patterns can be ordered any time up tc January 31st for delivery after April 1st without paying the usual extra die- charge. ★ It will simplify matters if you bring in a sample of the pieces you want duplicated. ★ 60-day deliveries can be had at all times by paying the die-charge which amounts to $6 per dozen or less on each item. WILLIAMS & RITCHIE JEWELERS MlUcdcevillg, G». Merchants & Farmers Bank SERVING YOU SINCE 1898 CAPITAL $80,000 SURPLUS $80,000 Milledgeville, Georgia COUNTRY HOMES We are in a position to take care of any surburban or country building needs. Phone or see us about your building or repair needs McCaskill Construction Co. PHONE 233-L MILLEDGEVILLE. GA. NOW ON DISPLAY...TOR 1936 HUDSON and TERRAPLANE New leaders of «h* Parade ,.. bigger than any other popular cars ... with "5 things you never saw before” They are here—the new Hudsons and Terrapluncs—with most that's new that really counts—for 1936. Complete new styling—fresh, new beauty. Roominess you can’t match in cars priced hundreds of dollars higher. The safest automobiles ever built —combining the world’s first safety engineered chassis with improved bodies all of steel. With five im portant new safety and comfort fea tures—5 things you never saw before! Under all this — performance that has won and held 77 official A.A. A. records for Hudson-built cars. Proved ruggedness and econ omy that are a source of lasting satisfaction to owners. However much or little you plan to pay for your 1936 car, drive a Hudson or Tcrraplane before you buy. Sec how much you can get for your money. 1595 and up N.w 1936 HUDSON Sixes and Eights, *71* and up... New 1936 ptCW 1 AH price! J- o. b. Detroit )or clmfif models. Standard group of occrsnrUl era. T. H. ENNIS Phone 4 Milledgeville, Ga. T „ mn gnuuoHT eight, two Aim ot- bowoii «g._«nojun> ot. amp gjUMgjjWWlj^EaEMg See and Drive the New 1936 Hudson-Terraplane ON DISPLAY SATURDAY NOV. 9 . H. ENNIS Phone 4 Milledgeville, Ga. ft