Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, November 14, 1935, Image 7

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Mr. Joe Moore, Jr., has returned tc his home after an operation at the City Hospital. Mrs. Sanford is spending this week in Atlanta visiting hire. Ron ald Pentecost. Catherine Anderson spent ,-sk-e.rf in Macon. ^ Mildred Johnson spent the „k-end in Atlanta.^ M,, John Carr is the guest of Mr, J. G Adams this week. C M. Zattsu. Jr., spent the week-end with his parents in At- lanta. 0 m • G<^rge Moore, of Quitman. . Armistice holidays in the friends of Mr. G. C. McKinley arc glad to see him out again • # • • Miss Katherine Weaver spent Monday with Mrs. Fred Jos* in Miss Frances Ennis, who teaches n Savannah, was at home for the ''" % • * • Mis-' Lucetta Lawrence attended the Flower Show In Atlanta the past week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Davis Carr are now making their home in the Cline ipa-tjnents. Mrs. R H. McComb has returned from a visit to Mrs. Heindel Mobley in Augusta. Guy Smith. Jr., a student at the Sate University, spent the week end at home. Mrs. C. H. Lindsey, o< Columbus epent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Ben Bass. Miss Pauline McKinley spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. McKinley. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Lawrence have returned from an automobile trip through Tennessee and Kentucky. • • • Mrs. Wallace Butts, Jr., spent tW week-end in Knoxville, Tenn., where she met Coach Wallace Butts. Miss Billie Abercrombie was call ed to Forsyth the past week due to the death of her grandmother. The many friends of Mr. John Chandler regret to know that he is seriously ill at the Scott Hospital. Mr. Charles Chandler went to Hat-u. Fla.. Sunday and brought Mr. John Chandler back *n Milleogeville. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bone were ut of the city several days the past oek. Mr. Bone was on a business Mrs. Marion Donnelly and son. rf Jacksonville, Fla., arc visiting Mrs. Donnelly's mother, Mrs. W. L. Gholson. • • • Mr. H. B. Eberhart and Miss Elizabeth Manesse, of Atlanta, spen* Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fberhart. Mr. Albert Stubbr, Jr., a law student at Emory University, spent •no week-end with Mr. and Mrs Harry Bone. Rev. Budd will preach at Hard wick in the morning at 7:30. The cars work will come to a close at Mrs. O. E. Herndon and little '-laughter, Joyce, of Columbia. S. C.. -pent the week-end with Mrs. O. O. Banks and family. Mrs. Heindel Mobley and little daughter. Marianna, of Augusta, spent a few hours of Monday with Mrs. R. H. McComb. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Tunnell and Mrs. J. L. Peeson attended the unveiling of the marker at Red Clay near Dalton on Sunday. Miss Louise Humphries will leave today for Valdosta where she has accepted a position as dietician at the Little-Griffin hospital. Mr. V. W. Faulkner, who is super visor of the CCC camp at Fort Pulaski, is spending sevenal days in the city with Mrs. Faulkner. Father McNbmara returned last Friday from New York and Roches ter where he has been for the past month. He visited the college where he received his education for the Pristhood. On Monday Father Mc Namara left for Savannah to spend this week with his parents. Mr. Homer Babb has been dis missed from the City Hospital. Miss Ida Pound will spend the week-end at her home in Athens. Miss Willie Boggus spent the Ar mistice holidays at her home in Ox ford. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Moore, Sr„ have returned from a trip to Knoxville, Tenn. Mrs. A. G. Harris was the g of Mrs. Otto M. Conn on Tue and Wednesday. Mrs. Marion Allen spent Saturday in Athens with her mother, Mrs. Toombs DuBose. Mr. A. J. Swanson spent the week end with Mrs. Swanson In Goldsboro, N. C. f Mr. and Mrs. George Haslam going to occupy an apartment in the Mrs. S. O. Gregg and little daugh ter. Peggy, spent the week-end in Atlanta. Mr. Francis Tanner has been dis missed from the City Hospital after n operation. Mr. Itlo Lamar spent the week- nd with his parents. Dr. and Mrs. L V. Lamar. The friends of Mr. Terry Treanor will regret to know that he is ill at Scott Hospital. Miss Laura Shurley is spending several days of this week in Chatta nooga. Tenn., where she is visiting friends. Mr. Hubert Whited, of Eastman, Ga., was admitted to the City Hos pital on Wednesday for surgical treatment. Misses Marjorie and Lavinia Scott, who are students at Agnes Scott, spent the week-end with their pa rents, Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Scott. Mr. Otto ML Conn and Mr. W. D Morrison left Tuesday for Baltimore Md.. where Mr. Morrison will spend time at John Hopkins Hos pital. Miss Marion Hiaxlghcfn, Ruth Robinson, Vera Lynn and Sarah Brown, teachers in the Haddock public schools, spent the week-end here. 4 9 9 0 Mrs. A. W. Stubbs, of Cydartown, is spending several weeks with her sister, Mrs. Harry Bone. She has been the recipient of several inform al parties. The many friends of Dr. W. M. Scott regret to know that he ha" been ill for the past several days. His condition is reported greatly improved. The friends of Mr. Jessie Scott ■e glad to know that he has suffi- cently recovered from a critical ill- to return to his home from the Scott Hospital. Rev. W. C. Budd will preach at the regular morning services of the Montpelier church next Sunday morning at 11:00 o'clock. The pub- » is invited. Mrs. Miller S. Bell will arcom- panv Mr. Bell to Atlanta next Wed nesday and spend several days a e North Georgia Conference, which in session there. Mr' A W. McDuffie. Miss Louise Miss Rest <yn Ewilly. i of the Geor- ;ociation tr Mapsey, tended the convci l»ia State Nurs<'' Maron last Cline Apartments. Mrs. J. T. Lingold. of Stevens Pot tery, Ga., is in the City Hospital for surgical treatment. Mrs. T. A. AsMield has returned to her home after an operation at the City Hospital. Mr. Olin Smith, of Atlanta. Ga., is greatly improved after an operation at the City Hospital Mr. Allen Holder, of Eaton ton. Ga., is improving after a major operation at the City Hospital. Mrs. John Dyer, of Douglas, was the week-end guest of Misses Alice and Virginia McCraw. Mr. and Mrs. Kenmore Bums, of Macon, spent the week-end with Dr. and Mrs. John Oden. Mr. Buford Seymour, of Eatonton. fas admitted to the City Hospital n Wednesday for an operation. Mrs. C. W. Hopper of Alamo, Ga., has been dismissed from the City Hospital after surgical treatment. Mrs. J. W. Chambers of Gordon, Ga.. has been dismissed from the City Hospital after an operation. Mrs. Louise Johnson has return ed to her home near Sandersville af ter spending a few weeks here with her relatives. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Page. Jr., recently moved to this city from Savannah. Mr. Page is connected with the new taxi company. Mrs. H. D. Allen. Mrs. David Ferguson and Misses Betty Fergu son and Floride Allen spent several days of this week in Waycross. Rev. and Mrs James M. Teresi, Mr. Roy Nelson and Mr. J. H. Pros ser spent several days of thu? week in Atlanta where they attended the meeting of the Southern Baptist convention. Mrs. George Echols has gone to Pierr -‘t. Md.. where she will spend a nu .Ji doing special government work. During her absence Miss Florence Shearouse will serve dietician a\ the State Hospital. Miss Shearouse was here for several months the past summer. Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Turner, Miss Frances Turner, Mrs. R. H. McComb and Edward Rozier. of Sparta left Wednesday for New York where they will spend several days. They will witness the Army-Notie Dame football came and visit William Tur ner and Emm ’tt McComb at the United States Military Academy West Point. N. Y HAPPY BIRTHDAY The Union-Recorder extends best ishes for a happy birthday i following who this week celebrate their birthdays: Mrs. Melvin Wyatt, Mai. Frank Mansfield. Mrs. Dennis Turner. Maj. Sam Whitley, Mr. Dix-ij Williams, Mrs. A. F. Skinner, j F. Darden, William Darden, | Billy Tennille, Miss Floride Moore J Mr. W. H. Montgomery. Mrs. C. E. j Smith, Dorothy Keel and Mr. Vanj Faulkner. COOK-ADAMS Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Cook of Hardwick. Ga., announce the mar riage of their daughter Agnes, to Mr. Eugene Adams of Milledgeville. The marriage having been solemn ized August 16. INTERMEDIATE G. A.’S TO MEET MONDAY. The Intermediate G. A.’S of the Baptist church will meet Monday afternoon at 4:15 with Misses Car- roll and Harriett Terry. Every mem ber is urged to be present. METHODIST CIRCLES TO MEET MONDAY AFTERNOON. The circles of the Methodist church will meet Monday afternoon at 3:30 at the following homes: Maude Norris circle with Mrs. O. O. Banks; and Mrs. A. W. Watkins; Lily Little Circle with Mrs. E. E. Bass: Circle No. 3 with Mrs. Roland Lawrence; Circle No. 4 with Mrs- Roy Hayes; Julia West Circle will meet at the church; Young Women's circle will meet Tuesday evening at 8:00 o’clock with Miss Agnes Barnes Mrs. Osborn will be co-hostess. 4 In Brakes Window Glass f« Winter, bay at HATCHER’S. Miss Frances Ennis, Mrs. O. M. Ennis. Mrs. Jordan Ennis and Col. Morion Ennis spent Saturday In A - lanta. Miss Ennis attended the meet- of the Home Economics Associa- tion. Mr and Mrs. J. R- Lowrcr ’ C ? Heritor!. Ky.. were visitors here Monday. Leaving for 0“j»- ‘ Tuesday, they were accompanied y iTeir daughter. Mrs. Matron, Posey, of this city, who will return after ten days stay. Miss Clara Hassloek. state presi dent of the Georgia Home Econom - Socictv. spent the week-end in At lanta where she attended the state .. f *»,*, association.. Mis. Hassloek has Just finished attending the district conventions. conference committees, ^ Wvnn Is lay leader of the , g . District. 8 an^ Mr. Webb is a delegate from the District. TUESDAY NIGHT CLUB MEETS Mrs. W. D. Stembridgc was hos tess this week to the Tuesday Night Bridge Club. In addition to members Mrs. Cecil Hardy. Burwell Malpass and Mrs. F. D. Thomas were guests. High score for the club won by Miss Willie Boggus and low by Miss Martha Thomas. Mrs. Hardy won high prize for the visitors and Mrs. Malpass low. The hostess served delightful refreshments. ..chest COLDS Fruit Cake Material Cry N Chance _ b. 41c Cry Greea Chance I. 55c Cry Wlute Piaeapple b 3tc Cry. Red Piaeappl* ft. 45c Cry Greea Pme apple ft. 45c Wlute Reiaiaa ft. 14c Seeded Raiiiaa 3 fte. 25c Carrant, ft. 21c Shelled Ahaoada .... ft. 75c Draiaed Citroa ft. 3te Letaea or Oraage Peel ft 31c Pitted Datea phf. 15c Smyrna Fig*ft. 35c Elbe Faacy Dried Pcachea Lh 17Vie Feacy Pcachea _ ft. 12>/iC ft. 30c Cold Bar large at Select Preat, 2 fte.'25c Mi lima Pntaes ft. ltc 50-64 Praaei 4fte25c it with ft. 31c Heaz Flam, Fig or Date Paddiag 1-ft. 35c Henhey’e Bahiag Choco late Vjft. 15c FOR RENT—Furnished fraaft be4- Fnncii Burke, WllkloMii, 8t- DB. WELLS ON SPEAKING TOUR Dr. Guy Wells left Wednesday for speaking tour through South Geor gia. He will speak at the colleges in the University system at Tifton, Valdosta. Vldalia and Ashbum. Many new prises olfcrri by Orta* (OB Bmp. See tbe Special Advertise ment In this weeks paper. Campus Theatre Milledgeville, Ce. Thanday, Nay. 14th • BEAT THE BAND” A aew hind of Maaical Friday Not. 15th George Boras eal Gracie AHea "HERE COMES COOKIE” Htai Seep Except Chowder aad Caeiammt 2 far 27c Tea Gardeo Sweet Pichleo Peaches, jar 25c Tee Gardeo Artichohe Hearts 56c Rodier Filet os' Aachovie* 15c Saabeam Wet Ptch Horse Radish 21c Saaeage, Pare Peril Smoked ft. 31c Produce Batter Beans 1. lie Fruit Oraaget SmxB dax 15c Orxigtt, luge — del. Sic Apple, debaeat dec J#c Apple,, Tech .... 11 fte 41c Foot fu Ccchmg pmpnm Sgaaah Caiihm ... c nr > “‘ ...... 2 ft. 25c Each Sc ft. 5c 5fta.lc Liam, oaal dm ISc Lettace .... Ic Limiai. luge dee 36c Celery lie Harney Dew Mtliai each 41c Beets, . Coffee FA iuo Y Sat. Only lb 10c Meat Fat Back, Sat. Only lb 17c Flour Good S. R. 24 lbs 99c Tdephoae year order, every item receives corefol atteerieo Prompt delivery eoywhere ia MSedgemlc or Hardwick. Bell Grocery Co. THE WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL STORE Of QUALITY, SERVICE, PRICE 263—PHONES—418 Saturday Nov. 6th w. C Fields ia ‘THE MAN ON THE FLYING TRAPEZE” Owl Shew 16:36 "SHE” Mtaday aad Teesdey Nor. 28*19, Fred Aston aad Gioger Rogers ia j ' “TOP HAT’ Rexall lc Sale The Rexall One Cent Sale is the ORIGINAL One Cent Sale— The one that actually gives you “2 for the price of one, plus only ase cert. “Bargains,” m special occasaaBs *»ia| tbe year we offer many of these items at prices lower than the regu lar list price, bit at no time do we offer any of this Merchan dise at such rock bottom prices as during this ONE CENT SALE! Puretest Rubbing Alcohol, Regular 50c 2 for 51c Puretest Russian Mineral Oil, 75c full Pint 2 for 76c Lavender Body Powder. $1.00 Size 2 for $1.01 35c Size Hannony Bay Rum 2 for 36c 25c Rexall Corn Solvent, Lifts Corns off - 2 for 26c Harmony Cream of Almonds, 35c Size 2 far 35c Full Pint Mascals Almond Hand Lotion, full Pint .... 2 for 40c Hobarts Aspirin, I00’s — 2 for 31c Mi-31 Solution, full Pint - 2 for 50c Fast aid Germicidal Snap, Regular 25c Bar 2 far 25c Opeko Malted Milk, 16^>z. Jar 2 for $1.01 ltc Biker's CimpW Ice 2 far 11c Haskell’s MILK OF MAGNESIA Pints 2 for 31c Cadet Wrapped CARAMELS 2 Pounds for 36c Thursday aid Friday Nov. 21-22 WILL ROGERS IN “STEAMBOAT ROUND THE BEND'' No Advance m Price Puretest GLYCERINE AND ROSE WATER 2 for - -~26c Rexall SHAVING CREAM 25c Tube 2 for 26c REMEMBER—All Packages are the Regular full size Rexall Packages. Come Early! Take Advantage of every big Money SaveV. Culver & Kidd Drug Co. -m mm “Of CtW" The JKxttu rnosEs Me