Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, November 21, 1935, Image 8

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THE t'NION-KECOEDEB, MII.LEDGEVUAE. GA.. NOVEMBU II. UU MILLEDGEV1L1F. CIRCUIT CHURCHES CLOSE SUCCESSFUL YEAR K<v. «. C. Shea Hill Make Splendid Report at Conference This Week. Officers are Elected. THEATRE MANAGER TAKEN INTO COURT AGAIN ON SUNDAY VIOLATION Case Will Be Heard Friday In Re corder's Court for Violating City Ordinance. Manager Frank D. Adams of the The churches ol the Milledgevilk 1 Campus Theatre will be in court circuit of the Methodist church have again Friday to defend charges that closed a most successful year and j he. as manager of the theatre, has; Rev. R. C. Shea, the pastor will g.), violated the city rrdinancc prevent- f to the annual North Georgia Confer- ing the showing of moving pictures ence teday with a splendid report on Sunday. all pledges having been fulfilled, all Mr. Adams was summoned to court obligations met and a material in-; w hen he opened the Theatre- las; crease in membership has been . Sunday and three performances were shewn. | given. The theatre was operated The final reports t».' the church j under the auspices of the American were made last week and officers Legion Auxiliary for charity, fer the new year were elected as The case this week is the third fellows: against Mr. Adams charged with Pleasant Grove—Trustees. M. E. violating the city ordinance passed Webb. W. F. Williamson and J. K Stripling: Stewards. C. R. Digby. Mrs. F. E. Watson and M. E. Webb. Hcpcwell—Trustees. Mrs. W. A Cook. Hershal Proctor. G. F. Har rington. Sr.. B. F. Anderson and .T, several weeks ago to stop Sunday moving pictures. The first time Mr. Adams was convicted, but on the second occasion he was found not guilty when the Judge ruled that showing the pietures for charity. R. Goddard. Stewards. Hershal Pror- »■>"»> “>0 entire funds were turned ter. Mrs. B. F. Anderson and G. F. ovcr '» the sponsoring organization. Harrington. Sr. was not a violation of the ordinance Bethel-Trustees. Dr. T. E. Hub- Judee George Carpenter will hear ert. T. C. Sneed, Mrs. J. B. Stiles., lhr casc Friday. T. C. Humphries: Stewards. W Green. Edmund Humphries. Mrs. D. P. Myrick. Union Hill—Trustees. C. B. Min- ter. W. W. Hall. E. L. Flanders. Stewards, Emmett Huff and W. W. Hall. Matilda Chapel—Trustees. A. B. Echols. Dr. Fred Hall. Stewart Barnes: Stewards. Dr. Fred Hall. L. H. Fecse. Mrs. J. M. Hall and A. B. Echols. Trustees for the circuit parson age are Mrs. W. A. Cock. Mrs. J. B Stiles. A. B. Echols. C. R. Minter and M. E. Webb. Chairmen of the Board of Christian Educatirjn—Pleasant Grove, M. H Webb: Hopewell. Hugh Harrington: Bethel. W. C. Green; Union Hill. Mrs. Fred Hall; Matilda Chapel. Mrs. Louise Lewis. Chairmen Missionary Committees: Pleasant Grove. Mrs. W. F. William son: Hopewell. Miss Rc&ie Cook: Bethel. Mrs. T. E. Hubert; Union Hill. Mrs. W. W. Hall: Matilda Chapel. Mrs. A. B. Echols. Rev. R. C. Shea will be returned 1o the work here, it is understood. He has had a fruitful ministery and the members of the churches he serves are anxious that he be sent back for another year. TEAM OF WALLACE BUTTS WINS 8TH VICTORY 1 •Hie Male High football team of Louisville. Ky., was the victor over, the Owensboro Senior High team, last Friday by a score of 13 to 9. This was the 8th victory for the team of Coach Butts. If yea eat Fkti. call aa early Fri day warning and get then right from the track. These all! he the fresh est fish of the season. Wl'l be cmaght Thursday and sold here Friday. Large Fancy Mullet 7 rents pound. Trout drawn 15 reats. Mixed, or bottom fish R to 10 rents per pound. ENNIS PALACE MARKET Chief Frank Broome arrested Bert Griffin. Negro m.in. on a charge of stealing clothes frem the wash lines in various sectior r d* the city. Various “wash women” had com plained of having their clothes tak en from the line and the police got on the trial and arrested Griffin. Th< v found in his t>ossession cloth ing that had been from six different houses. He has been bound ovc county court. FISH! FISH! Our Truck will re turn early Friday morning with Fish of all kinds. These fish are from the West Coast of Florida and will be caught Thursday and deliv ered here for Fridays business Fancy large mullet 7 rents per pound Small mullet 6 cents per pound. Suit Water, speckled trout, drawn. 15 cents per pound. Remember we dress your fish. If you desire. ENNIS PALACE MARKET FOR SAMS—1934 Master Chevrolet Coach, perfect condition, will sell cheap for cash or terms to re- sponsible parties. See Prof. H. N.' Massey, at G. 8. C. W. Phone 354-J. BOY INJURED IN AUTO MUHAF.! Clarence Miller, who is employed J t bicycle delivery boy at Culver 8t Kidd's, was injured TTiursday when' •as struck by a car on McIntosh ! ( street. Young Miller is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Luke Miller. He was carried to a local hospital and it was found his right leg was broken SERVICES AT THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Rev. L. A. Cunningham, the pas tor, will preach at both the morn ing and evening services o1 the Hardwick Christian church on next Sunday. The Sunday School and Mid-week prayer service will be held ns usual, rhe public is in -d to all services of the church. Frl'hjr and Saturday, at ENNIS PALACE MARKET, special prices on all meat and fkh and remember our truck brings the fish early Fri day morning, leaving Florida lat? Thursday afternoon. These fteh are from the West Coast where the best are caught. Cl Whale ol cv VALLE... Look h over. Miner. This Sefl & Cmi style it a product of the “Star Braod~ Shoemaker* . . . Made of fioe. toft, pliable, oily leather. It it emty or. the (ret. keept in perfect thspc, and it a bear for wear. All-leather, of courtc, for paper and pasteboard arc sever found la the beets, counter*, soles, and insoles of a Star Brand Shoe. It's a might) good buy at $2.00 STAR BRAND SHOES ARE BETTER Skinner’s Shoe Store SANFORD BUILDING MILLFDGEVILLE, GA. Phone 58 Quality Service Store We Deliver The Finest in Foods I he Best in Service The Utmost in Economy SPECIALS NOVEMBER *3-33 In order to be able to sopply oar coil omen with the fiscal prodace available at ol tinea, we vied the Macoa nark at three thaea a week. Tbia enablea aa to five oor coal omen the fioeat ia vcfetaUea at the lowaat feasible pticoa. LET US FURNISH YOUR VEGETABLES Fresh Oleo 2 lbs - 29c FINK SALMON Peanut Butter BREAK-ORORN COFFEE No. 7 3* COFFEE BAILEY’S COFFEE 2 Cm 21a Lb Jar 15c ». 17r — _ l. 17c fc. 2k HINES BRUNSWICK STFW No. 2 Cat 2Se Tomato Juice A , m0 ur, 3 c“ s 25c 17c PET OR CARNATION MILK 3 Caaa 21* BULK CRUS 5 ha. 15. 7MB PRUNES __ 2 Ra. »c EVAPORATED APPLES , 2 Ea. 2S< Armour’s Milk l smSu EVAPORATED APROCOTS i. SLICED PINEAPPLE ANO CHERRIES 1. 3$t ClTt OH, LEMON AND ORANGE PEEL b. 3k SUNMAD RAISINS PRODUCE OrangeS Sw ** 1 J««y Florida doz 25c FANCY GRAPEFRUIT TENDER STRING BEANS ». l(c WMESAP APPLES LARGE Daa. 2$C CALIFORNIA LEMONS Dos. 17c Sweet Potatoes s'!T 9 5 lbs 7c FRESH SPDOCH 2 ha. 15c YELLOW SQUASH lie FOB THA1K5CIVMG Turkeys £? 1 & THIS TEAR’S BIRDS 8 TO 2t POUNDS Hens Young and Fat Fryers l to 2 1-2 Lbs Wo Have IaataBed Modena, SaoiUrjr Fattaaiof Paaa aad an Now w Paaitiog to Fnrmih Toa With Freak Draaaed Peaky of WE MESS THEM FREE ■B KJada. MEAT DEPARTMENT Round Steak Sat Only 13c lb M diet Large or Medium 4 Iba 29c Oysters Again Saturday 39c Qt Sausage Ground Beet Beef Boast 25c lb DS 19c lb 25c lb 10db BACK BONE, SPARE RIBS AND COUNTRY SAUSAGE -Tat alwaym jura o< Mopping . . . wiUb Mesa beakaal", NOW ON T DISPLAY FOR 1936 Hudson and Terraplane ALL THES NEW FEATURES—Radial Safety Control—The Rhythmic Ride—True-line Ster-ng—Duo-Automatr Hvdnulir Rrtkra —Automatic Dtaft Eliminator—Plua Everythin!, that ’’Built by Hudson" Means, ® Automatic Hydraulic Brakes DELIVERED AT YOUR DOOP Terraplane De-l ux Brougham $785; Sedan $845. T. H. ENNIS, Hudson Sis Braugham, $915; Sedan $995 Hudron Eight Brougham $995: Sedan $1195 Miliedgeville, Ga.