Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, November 28, 1935, Image 10

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THE UNION-BBCORDBB, MILLEDOEV11XE, OA-. NOT t a, i»is Noahs Give Recital of Hines’ Songs The songs and readings of Mrs. "Nolle Womack Hines were fea tured in the recital given of Friday night in the auditorium by Mr. Max Noah. bass, and Dorothy Wilbur Noah, reader and Miss Beatrice Horsbrugh, violin ist. The program consisted of some of the best of Mrs. Hines’ orginal compositions and were well re ceived by the audience. The words of the songs. “Why Do I Love You” and “I Only Know’’ were written by Mrs. Hines when she was quite young, and were set to music as wedding songs for her two sons. “Dear Little Babe" was written as a lullaby for her first grandchild. The three poems read by Mrs Noah were taken from Mrs. Hines’ book. “House Keeping Hearts." The program follows: Poems. “Housekeeping Hearts.” “The Woman in the House,” and “Hollyhocks and Butterflies.” Song. “Why Do I Love You”. ' When Mary Sings, Dear Little Babe.” “Within.” “To Know.” “The Maiden and the Nighting ale.” “I Only Know.” “Oh. Mis’ AUDUBON SOC IETY HOLDS NOVEMBER MEETING. The M'llrdecville Audubon S held i* Farmers cf the Coastal Plain tion of Georgia whose cotton crop was damaged by severe rains and storms shouid consult their county agents before buy ng planting seed for next year, according to E. C. Westbrook, cotton and tobacco specialist at the college of Agri culture. “Salesmen are already attempting to sell cotton seed for planting pur poses in the southern part of the state, and while the varieties they arc offering may be satisfactory in north Georgia, it is quite probable that they will be unsuitable 9cr the Coital Plain section,” Westbrook said. “This is because nearly all south Georgia soils are infected with ivilt. and a wilt resistant variety is necessary if poor stands and dying of plants is to be avoided. Many of e varieties that are being offered c known to be non-wilt-resistant.” In order to be safe in buying planting seed Westbrook suggested the county agent be consulted, and his advice follewed as to variety BREVITIES IN THE NEWS (By G. N. 8.) Fish Trap Has Three Offenses A fish trap found in Decatur county was guilty cf three offenses -violating the fish, game and wild bird life laws. The trap, which is itself a violation of the fish law. was high and dry on the river bank, and rantained a live possum and the feathers of a mocking bird. Georgia Police Slav “In Jail” Georgia policemen. numbering Wife May Rifle Husband's Pseneti m* 200. who arc visiting Atlanta Judge during the Home-coming celebration ‘it is not a crime when a wife for the President are staying “in lieves a husband of his pocket English girl who is attending Geor gia State College for Women at Mil- ledgevillc. asked for a course in “syncopated rhythm”—-jupt plain Alex Tregoue Joins Marietta Journal Alex Tregone. of Monroe, an alum nus of the School of Journalism, University of Georgia, has been made news editor of the Marietta Journal. 15-MILL LDOTtTION COSTLY TO SCHOOLS, BURTON DECLARES (By O. N. 8.) Atlanta, Ga.—The 15-mill tax limitation amendment would cost the common schools of Georgia $8, 363,134 year,—8.32 a pupil, accord ing to Rush Burton, widely known editor of the Lavonia Times, in an address Friday, November 22, before the Atlanta meeting of the Associa tion of Superintendents. Revealing a careful analysis of the [-: situation, Mr. Burton gave detailed jail”. The fifth floor cf Atlanta’s tents.” a Brooklyn judge ruled last figures to substantiate his police prison lias been turned week, adding that “what’s sauce for a hotel for them during their ihe goose is sauce for the gander, stay. a husband has the right to relieve Exposition to Feature Georgia a wife's pocket-book of such monies tests conducted to determine the percentage of germination in cot- seed from representative farms uth Georgia. H. W. Ranki plant pathologist of the state cxtri service, found that in mar i samples less than fifty percent wei eood seed. In addition, he found th; a high percentage of seed a The Cherokee Rose, official floral emblem cf Georgia, will be featured in the $200,000 landscaping plan of the Texas Centennial Exposition, which opens in Dallas next June. School Boy Farms With Ox With the aid of an ox. and one negro helper. James C. McBride 13. of Leesburg, raised three tons of No. 1 peanuts. 61 bushels c£ ccm. a quantity of hay and some other crops After James, who did all of the work after school, and on Saturday'. ,. and holidays, paid l.is expenses and -•shared profits with his helper, he had $100. C ourse in Ja«g Sought by Student Registration authorities were as- thcre.” predic- “Jeopardizing the income is not the only e ffect the 15-Mill Limita tion Amendment would have on th< schools of Georgia,” he declared. “If tration.” you have read the Amendment iu have learned that it gives the Gen eral Assembly power to provide the method of returning, assessing, lew tag. and collecting all taxes and a j,I Portioning same to the state and the governmental subdivisions thereof. “What that wc dd mean to the schools and municipalities and c ties of Georgia nobody knows could know till the General As sembly ol’ 1987 met. It means abso lute surrender of the taxing and disbursing rights of schools, coun ties. municipalities ’till the Legis lature meets and that whatever the Legislature decides to do about it is in keeping with this 15-Mill Limi tation Amendment to out State Con stitution. It will necessarily cause re-organization of school adminir,- i di*< kno' Jsifk- jtff-" enin^.' Damping rff c "Novcm 1 < Monday evening.' Damping rff can be conrtollod by i dusting planting seed with a chomi- pp; went out early «'l which is now available and com- ;nd the locality. pl« !c details can lie obtained through that area *ke county agent's office. Farmers tdI group to of the Coastal Plain section will be urged to make use of this material quodc was pre-jon all cotton seed next year before » festivities it' eating be-'planting. a large picnic table j Damping off is not to be confuse! H-en placed close to a with wilt. Rankin said. The only fine wood fire. Over twenty mem-; effective way to avoid loses from bers finally made up this group about the table and for the interest- studying ihe birds which hai in-; effective way to avoid loses wilt is to purchase seed that are resistant to this disease, he declared. CHRYSLER - PACKARD PLYMOUTH SALES -AND SERVICE n»H' 3*1-1, W. E. RobiuM, h. Phone 23 FOR IOC Taxi Service Or* w»jr to Ales’, 15c State Hnpital ltc Country Gab 15c 24 HOURS SERVICE inr program after supper. Mr. Stewart Wootten President of | the club presided at the meeting. He reported that he had seen and lind been told by several that there were, more wild turkeys and ducks in the surrounding swamps than ever be fore. duo he believed, to the intelig-, ont pretection and conservation af forded them This information is ; very gratifying to the members of the Bird ciub. and certainly should be to every sportsman in this sec- j tion of the country. The Atlanta Bird Club holds an j annual banquet, and invites the Mil- j ledgeville Club to join them. This] year this dinner will be given by them on December 14th. and any t member of the Millcdgevillo Club ■who is interested in and who ran go, must let Mr. Stewart Wootten know at an early date In order tr rerun* reservation. Miss Mabel Rog ers of the G. S. C. \\. Faculty will be cn this program and will speak on the “Bird Study at G. S. C. W." The lecal club had a contort to accrtnin when the last chimney swift a r the season was seen. Miss Floirye Moye reports October 21st, as the last date she saw them. I Tt would be interesting to know', what l>ecomcs of the Chimney Swifts j or Sweeps during the winter. —Doj you know? Miss Clara Hnsslock of the C*. S.| C. W. Household Science Faculty pave a most interesting talk with' photographs to Illustrate of her trip J to the west coast during the past Summer. With her sister and broth er-in-law. they visited many inter esting western bird sanctuaries par ticularly in Utah. The next meeting will be held on December 10th. at the residence of Miss Mary Bums. Election of Offic ers wil take place and all members J arc un 1 to be present. Thos Ji.iring to jtin the Mil led gov;' 1 Bird Club inquire of Mr. Stewart Wootten or any other mem ber of 'he club. AN'.’ FULLER ANDRERSON AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO OWNERS OF Oetij old GORHAM STERLING patterns ★ Additional items matching practically any of the older Gorham pattern* can be ordered any time up to January 31st for delivery after April 1st without paying the usual extra die- charge. ★ It will simplify matters if you bring in a sample of the pieces you want duplicated. ★ 60-day deliveries can be had at all times by paying the die-charge which amounts to $6 per dozen or less on each item. WIUIAMS & RITCHIE JEwr -jis :illl*di.viu*. Ga TIME TO THINK OF CHRISTMAS Here Are Gift Suggestions From Purchase & Sale Co Complete Hone Outfitters Your Credit Is Good Here. Small Down Payment. Pay Balance Next Year. Dining Room Suites I. O. O. F. ENTERTAINS The Ddd Fellows entertained the members and their wives lost Tues- dnv night at an nvster supper. Those who were present from cut of town were: Mr. and Mrs. John Cooper. Frtr. and Mrs. J. O. Etheridge. Rev. and Mrs. P. M. Allen. Mr. Morris Cathey and Mr. W. Z. Jones. The meeting was very profitable as well as enjoyable since several promin ent men joined, namely Dr. Daniel • Mr. R. E. Stembridge and others. Special Notice Kids for furnishing the Milledgeville State Hospital with Country Butter and Eggs for the months of Januray, February and March, 1936, will be received until five o’clock P. M., December 11th. Kids shouid be sealed and ad dressed to the Board of Control, Eleemosy nary Institutions, care Milledgevilie State Hospital. Information as to quantity needed may be bad from the undersigned. Homer Bivins, Steward DENNIS IVEY ^Transfer Co. LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE HAUUNG PHONE 46 -J Lrtry Usd Iasvtd Golden Flash Gas ADDS POWER AND PEP TO YOUR CAR-AND SAVES YOU MONEY, CAUSE IT TAKES LESS Quaker Stale and Can O’Gold Motor Oil—a Combination that has no equal. Phone 15—Here Comes Help—for Any Auto Trouble. We Specialize in Quick Tire Service. Power Oil Co. Station, J. B.Ma!pass,Agt We have installed this week the latest type Aro Equipment for lubricating your car—high pressure air guns that put the right grease in your car, forcing the lubicant to every moving part. EVERY JOB GUARANTEED—WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER YOUR CAR 9 Pieces in Walnut Finish—Table, Bufffet China Cabinet and 6 Chairs—A Suite that will charm any home. STUDIO COUCH Sofa by Day and Double or Twin Beds by Night. Built by Simmons with the Guarantee of Quality. *35 75 Convenient Terms PURCHASE & SALE CO. Complete Home Outfitters