Newspaper Page Text
jkdgeville's young business men. and Street, and running back West an
! will look closely after the interest equal width for a distance of 255
of the city. This *s his first entry i f c et. and bound ns follows: On the
politics, and the vote | South by lands cf R. H. McComb.
n mated him came from j on the West by lands of Sophia
I those who believe that he would per- Duvall, on the North by lands of
New* Culled From The File* of form the duties ol the office to the Nathan Davis, and
The Union-Recorder. The Week best of his ability,
of November 28, 1905. Mr. R. L. Wall is another
prize drill which
take pin,
the ball j
inn of Mrs. (H. G.) Lillie Dale Posey
and was levied on as her property
under tax fi.fas. Lsued for State and
County Taxes for the year of 1931
amounting to $41.43 principal and
interest thereon from December 20th
North Liberty Street. 11931 and the cost of levy and sale.
Said sale is made under the levy I also hold in my hand tax fiia«.
has served be-| cf a fi.fa. issued on the 1st day of for the year of 1932, 1933 and 1934
plendid alder- j April. 1931. for taxes due said City | I have this day levied the within
the East by
Said land was found in the possess- | Book 12, page 342.
The said deed granted a power to
said Bank to sell the hereinafter de
scribed land at public outcry, before
the courthouse door in said County,
to the highest bidder for cash, in
the event the said Austin defaulted
in the payment of said debt or the
interest thereon. The said Austin has
defaulted in the payment of said
debt, the same having been due
since October 5. 1935, and the said
Exchange Bank, will under the
last Frida.'
cr forced
drill wil liorur next Friday at the
same time and place. The program in
eludes the following interesting
feature;: company and individual
prize drills, battalion drill,
parade—the whole to conclude
the delivery cf the medal by
Joseph E. TUile. An admissioi
of 10 cents will be charged. The pro-
cci ds tc go to Inc athletic fund. The
drills’ will begin at 3:30 p. m. sharp
Date. Ft May. Dec. 15. Place, thi
college ball park. The cadets are ex
i. and has strong i
held. ’Hie weath- pu blic policies,
mcmcnt, but the —
!W£. Said property will.fhfa. upon the following described ’J’JSbR™"StS? btfthf^ourt”
the property of Shed [propel, to-wit: house door in said County, to the
W. R. Enn
At ;
of the Cit
held Monday evening, the 4th. just
a resolution was adopted, authorizing
the mayor to appoint’ng a commit
tee to be known as the Sewer Com-,
mission whose duty it would be to re- ‘
■ of Baldwin
». lias been
ill the past week at the home
. E. Pugh, in Blast Baldwin. The
news from his bedside is that
slightly improved.
aids fc r the
The members of the Southern Cot-
•m Association r*. the 322nd Dist. cf
Baldwin county held a meeting Sat
urday. December 2nd.
The meeting was called to order
by the chairman, and *he following
officers were elected.
President—A. R. Bloodworth.
Secretary—Grover Bloodwt i th.
Treasurer—J. R. Torrance.
Dr. J. E. Kidd has purchased a
splendid horse from Messrs. Jean A
Robinson. It is a handsome animal
for the y
be sold
FOURTH TRACT: That tract of
land belonging to Robert Davis, situ
ate and lying in the City of Mil-
said, on
feet on Tatnall Street and running
back East an equal width for a dis
tance of 150 feet, and bound as fol
lows: On th*? North by lands of the
estate of Frank Kyle, on the East
by the Central of Ga. Ry, on .the
South by lands of F. E. Bone, and
cn the West by Tatnall Street.
Said sale is made under the levy
of a fi.fa. isued on the 28th day of year of 1932 and 1933.
the principal ol said debts, the im „
ert due thereon, and the cost of .?
proceeding, and the remain XL.
any, will be paid to the am '
legally elected to the some
The undesigned will execute
deed to the purchaser at sold sale
This November t, 1935. k ‘
As Grantee with Power of g.,,,
of W. D. McMillan.
Attorneys for Exchange Bank.
Thirty volumne? of law book.- Wghest bidder for cash, within the!
nne brine hooks called Rulinc Ca«e 1 lppal houra of * a,e * on the First
^ lining o, ^weVeitf., W&SSTZS. ^ ^1
eolumncs of text and two index. Said | All that tract
:xt and two Index. Soldi All that tract or parcel of land! cowey^d'to Mm' M^E BbSa-lSli'
illc. State and County afere- bnoks having hern purchased by R. t situate, lying and being in the City of Bibb Countv GeonHa
Tatnall Strict, fronting 141 jL. Carr from Edward Thompson Co.! ^IJ^cyille. Baldwin County,j inafter described parcels of Inna
- - - ~ said property was found in the £ST to l£&^a£^k^«hi — **
Dcssession of R. L. Can- and was. plan of said city, bounded as fol-
levicd as his property under the tax j lows: on the north by Montgomery
fi.fa. issued for State and County< on the east by lands of Elder
for the year 1M4. amounting to I £2”,7; “ au *L Williams;;
-Ti . . , . *? i on the south by lands of D. G. Gul-
$18.,B principal and interest there-ji ins , and others: and on the -vest
on from December 20, 1934 and $1.00 j by the lands of Minnie Maude Wil-
and the cost of levy and sale. I also' Rams. The boundary line around
hold in my hand tax Ufa. for the' .£> d . ™“
ic has appointed the j
of tiie com-j C
ficn: Messrs. R. L. Wall and M.| cn,€
McCraw. members c.f the next | rir
council, and Dr. T. M. Hall iCor
April, 1933. for taxes due said City
for tl»e year 1930. Said property will
be sold as the property of Robert
This 28th day of October. 1935.
Deputy Marsha] of the City of
Deeds to the purchaser
made by the undersigned.
This November 5. 1935.
Sheriff Baldwin Co. Gh.
J to said street a distance of 105 feet 54500.00. Afterwards on March
4„ 4L. 1 I- n A, ... 10*10 a.IJ Ton..- .
nith club will be or
n early date. Alrcad'
ry step are bein:
sc of Mr. Smith’s sup
it is proposed to go
of Millodgeville am
tty who favors th
Mr. Smith in the or
and Mrs. R. E. L. Spence
ned the commissioned offic-{
the cadet battalion of the
, Military College at a six
dinner last Friday evening
incr was a mast elegant i
detail. Those present ’
GEORGIA. Baldwin County
- ' On the First Tuesday in Decem-
c ber 1935, at the court house door of
I two nrecent were said County, within the legal hours
w. O D. .limes and Otis B sale ' 1 will sell to the highest bid-
„ _. . , . rior fer cash, the parcels of land
Rradlev: First Lieutenants Seifert, . . .. ,
„ , • ,, Cnennri hereinafter described. Said sales vr
Fvlev Tanner. Coleman: Second
‘ , it? i , w i be made under and by virture of
I.cutcnant Wood and Lamar. 1, . . . ... . , . ..
j the levies of tax fi.fas. issued by the
• Tax Collector of Baldwin County,
The members of the Pleasant J Georg ! n, for taxes due the state of
Baldwin county who favors the Q rnvc church will give an oyster Georgia, and the County of Baldwin,
nomination Mr. Smith in the or- sup p er n cxi Friday evening at the, The fi.fas. levied under which the
ganization. home of Mr. P. W. Wilkinson, near, sales will be made arc hereinafter
Brown Crossing. The proceeds will, designated following the description
Mr. J. H. Brooks, has purchased co trwar( j paying for improvements of each tract of land to be sold,
the Fox homo on North Wayne St. <n , hc church . i FIRST TRACT: That parcel of
Mr. R. II Woollen has rented the I 13 "? ^ « iU ^ viU '.
store now occupied by the Ohlman At the meeting of the Board of, ^ County, bounded » follow.: On
stock, and will move there the first Stewards r.f the Methodist church 1 North by land, of MiUedgcvllle
Tuesday evening. Capt. W. T. Conn Ba " k ‘"<! Company: On the east h,
was unanimously chosen chairman
rf the board. He has held this posi
tion fer about thiity years and has
made a faithful officer.
GEORGIA, Baldwin County
On April 10. 1933, D. J. Bateman
conveyed to Excnange Bank of MIT-
ledgeylllc. Georgia, the hereinafter
described land to secure a note pay
able to the order of said Bank, dated
April 10. 1933. due October 1, 1933, [ and the cost of th*s proceeding. There
for $466.52, signed by said Bate-. is now due on said note the
to the lands of D. G. Gullins; thence
at right angles in a westerly direc
tion a distance of 35 feet: thence at
right angles in a northerly direction
a distance of 105 feet to Montgom
ery street; thence at right angles in
an easterly direction along said
Montgomery street a distance of 35
feet to the starting point.
Said sale will be made to raise
funds for the payment of the above
described note, the interest thereon,
of January.
»cn turnip raiser. He brought Miss A1U . C Wrij , hl ho , resigned as
store the .,thir dry onf thal f v,n, n j s t ,.f the Jfbthrdist church, and
Mr. Jr hr. Malpass tells us that
Mr. R. W. Little, whe resides in thp
northern portion of the county Is the
champion turnip raiser. He brought
tc his
weighed 7 1-2 pounds. ; , t thc mcclin g of the Beard of Stew
nrds Tuesday night. Miss Laura
There was nothing exciting about Pninc was chosen to fill ihe position,
the city election last Wednesday. In "
fact, there was very little in teres' Mrs. E. L. Barnes is visiting he:
shewn, as there was no opposition Mrs - Honr - v Chance, in Au-
to the ticket nominated in the pri- R us 'a.
marv several weeks ago.
The Methodist Sunday School will
The following are the men that
have been placed at the head of the in , hc fulure be held at 9:30 o’clock
city government for the next two !n morning, instead of in ihc
Horne: Clerk—
years: Mayor—J
C L. Moore; Aid.
S. B. Fowler. M.
Paine. R. L. Wall. R. H. Woottcn
Mr. E. L. Barnes at the recent pri
mary led the ticket in the oldermanic
This change
•n E. L. Barnes, gundav afternoon by a
McCraw. Walter , chool .
4>f the
popular grccery merchants, and w
make a live and urogiessive aide
man. He is a native of Baldw
county, and is deeply interested
the upbuilding c.f MUledgeviUe.
Mr. S. B. Fowler has b«*en i
alderman for thc past two years ai
was nominated at the primary* l
a wry complimentary vote. He will
continue to watch after the city-
very carefully.
Mr. M. A. McCraw has also served
as an alderman the past two years,
and has marie a go-d city father. He
is interested in many of the larrest
Care Yoar Meat At
Wayne St. Georgia Railroad
I Baldwin County. Georgia.
Will be sold op the First Tues-
iv in December 1935, before the
alley-way; on the South by lands
of Mrs. W. J. Vaughn; and on th-
West by North Jefferson Street. The
land fronts approximately 75 feet on
the Street and runs back east thi*
same width approximately 210 feet
and is the homeplacc of Fraley G.
Grimes. This horr.cplace is a unit and
incapable of sub-divisions so as to
be sold in parcels. Said property
was found in the possession of Fr;:-
lcy G. Grimes and was levied on as
his property under the tax t : f
sued fer State and County taxes for
the year 1932 amounting to $44 40
principal and interest thereon fr-
December 20th 1932, I also hold in
my hand tax fi.fas. for the year of
1933 and 1934 intruding thc cost of
levy and sale.
SECOND TRACT: That parcel
land in the City of Milledgevillc. in
the north by Tift Street; and the
East by lands of Guy Miller; on
the Sruth by lands of Mrs. C. H.
onner; and on tV.e West by lands of
Guy Miller. The land fronts ap
proximately 36 feet on the street
and runs back South the same width
approximately 90 feet and is the
property of Guy Miller. Said prop
erty was found ir the possession of
Guy Miller and was levied on as
perty under the tax
held in thc hip
Capt. Walter Pair
old( *
and is “the oldc
member of the row Board. Ho ha
held thc o'fice r.f Clerk of Court
for a leng term of years, and hi
election as an alderman v.-a*- due t
his popularity with the people.
Mr. R. H. Woottcn is one of Mil
Your Family Wash
Economical, Safe, Convenient
Laundry and Iky Cleaniaf
Phone 440
issued for State and County Taxis
for the year of 1932 amounting to
C urthousc door i:: Baldwin County, j 571.90 principal and interest thereon
Georgia, within thc legal hours of from December 2Cth 1932 and th*
Sheriff's Sales, at public outer)*, to j cost of levy and sale. I also hold ii
the highest bid ler for cash, the my tax fi. fa. against the de
tracts and parcels of land herein- ; indent for the year of 1934.
after described. The said sales will THIRD TRACT': That parcel cf
made under and by virtue of, land in the 321st District in said
levies of fi.fas. issued bv the Clerk County, bounded as follows: On the
of the City of Millodgeville for (North by lands of. Hershcl Hard;
taxer, due thc Mayor and Aldermen; on thc East by Millodgeville ar
of the City of Millcdgcville. Deeds {Gordon Highway: on the South by
, | will bo executed to the purchasers, lands of Hershcl Hardy and on th*
at said sale by the undersigned {West by lands ot Ilershel Hardy
Marshal. The tenants in possession Said land contains 1 acre mo:
of the several tracts of land herein- | loss and Is the homeplacc of C. r*
after described have been notified i Kemp, this homeplacc is a uni* ant
of the levies and the time, terms, and incapable of sub-division so as t»
place of sole as required by law. I he sold in parcels. Said property
FIRST TRACT: That tract of land was found in the posession of C. B.
belonging to Lula Pritchard Rogers, j Kemp and was levied on as hi.;
: ituate and lying in the City of Mil-1 property under the Tax fiia. issue
ledgeville, State and County afore- | for State and County Taxes f« r *
said, fronting 9b fee* on Boundary ,. v tor 1932 amounting to $23.77 prire
Street, and running back an equal Pa) and interest thereon from De
width for a distance of 135 feet and j comber 29th 1932 and the cost of
bound as follows: On the South by levy and sale. I also hold in
lands of Hugh T. Cline, on the West hand tax fi.fas. for the year 1933 and
by lands of Arn ! c L. Montgomery, (1934.
on the North by lands of John
Said deed being recorded in
the office of the Clerk of the Su
perior Court of said County, in
Deed Book 18, page 2.
Said Bateman has defaulted in
the payment a.’ the note above de
scribed, said note having been past
due since October 1, 1933.
The said deed grants a power to
said Exchange Bank to sell the
hereinafter described land upon de- said sale will be
fault in the payment of said note.
Under the powers contained in saiJ
security deedi, the said Exchange
Bank will sell at public outcry, be
fore the courthouse door in said
County, to the highest bidder for
cash, on the First Tuesday in De
cember, 1935, within the legal hours
of sale, thc following described land,
That tract or pnrcel of land situ
ate. lying and being in the 322nd
District G. M.. of said County,
laining one hundred ceres, moi
less, and bounded on the north by
lands formerly In the procession of
L. M. Hall, on the east by the land*
of Joe Youngblood, on the south
and west by lands formerly belong
ing to D. B. Hill.
Said sale will be made to
funds for the payment of the above
described note. ;re interest thereon,
and the cost cf this proceeding.
There is now clue on said note
$466.52 and interest thereon at 8
per cent per annum from October 1.
The undersigned will execute a
deed to the purchaser at said sale.
This November 5, 1935.
As Grantee with Power of Sale of
D. J. Bateman.
GEORGIA, Baldwin County
By virtue of -in order granted by
the Ordinary of said County, on
4th day of November, 1935. the
dersigned will sell, before the court
house door of said County, at public
outer)*, to thc highest bidder for
cash within the legal hours of sale,
on thc First Tuesday in December.
1935. the following described inter
ests in the parcels of land herein
after described:
First: A one-third undivided inter
est in that tract or parcel of land,
situate, lying and being, in the vil
lage of Midway, in said State and
County, containing approximately
throe and one-fiffh acres, bounded
ns follows: On the north by Tnlm-
ndge Avenue ann by the lands of
Sarah and James Fountain: on tht
east by thc lands of Sarah ant
James Fountain and the lands of
Mrs. E. F. Blodoworth; on the sou*!'
by lands of O. M. Ennis, formerl.
kn« wn as thc Ramsey Place; and on
the west by a road separating thc
lands described from lands formerly
owned by W. T. Bloodworth.
Second: A one-half undivided
interest in that tract or parcel of
!?nd, lying in the village rf
v uy. in said State and County,
*: in : ng two-fifths of an acre.
less, bounded ns follows: o
north by Taltnadec Avenue. .
times calk'd College Avenue; o
east bv the land; of Mr. L. ..
Blordworth; on the south and west
by lands belonging jointly to Jnnwy
T. Fountain. Sarah Fountain and H
B. Bloodworth. Said land fronts
eighty-four and one-half feet on
Talmadge Avenue and runs back-
south of the same width 218 feet.
The said sale will be made to
funds to support and main-
$550.71, with interest thereon from
October b, 1935, at 8 per cent per
Since the above described deed
was made W. A. Austin has died and
the above described land will be
sold for the purpose of paying the
debts of the said Austin, who
now deceased, u: said Exchange
Bank and the funds arising from
on xne worth by lands of John SIXTH TRACT That tract or p;
Pritchard, and on the East by Bound-1 ccl of land in thr, 115th District
ary Street. 1 - - —
»f ih
c . , , , , aid County, bounded as folloi
Said sale is made under the levy: the North by lands formally
'! “ ™ ,h " “«> day | by L. N. Calloway and (
of April. 1.933 for taxes due said Adams; on thc cart bv land of
C nT **1 j year 1930, Said pr °perty j Grover Adams and Sta’te Highway
will be row as the property of Lula No. 22 from Mill,dgevil!e to Sparta;
i on South bv State Highway No
Srcorro -ntACT That tract cf 22 and 24 from Millodccville to
land belonging to Shed Wright, aim- Sparta: and on tn. Wet by lani"
ate and ly,„g the City of Mil- of Mm. Cleo Collina and R. N Ash-
ledgcvilte. State and County afore- ] field. Th. land contain. 158 a^t
Sarah Fountain.
ip undersigned.
This November 5. 1935.
. formerly Mrs.
J. M. Fountain
Sarah Fountain
The undersigned will execute
deed to the purchaser at said sale.
This November 5. 1935.
As Grantee with Power of Sale
of W. A. Austin.
Attorneys for Exchange Bank.
GEORGIA. Baldwin County
On April 10. 1923. W. D. McMillan
conveyed to Exchange Bank of Mil-
ledgeville, Georgia, the hereinafter
described land to secure a note pay
able to the order otf said Bank, dated
April 10, 1933. and due September
15. 1933. for $1709.00, signed by W.
D. McMillan. Said note being Note
No. 1249 and said deed was further
given tc secure all renewals of said
note and to secure all other indebt
edness that the sa ! d McMillan might
thereafter incur with said Exchange
Bank. Said deed is recorded in the
office of the Clerk of the Superior
Court of said County, in Deed Book
18. page 5.
On January 17. 1934, the said Mc
Millan renewed the said note of
$1700.00. which renewal note became
March 14. 1934; and on Sep
tember 10, 1934. the said McMillan
borrowed of said Bank the sum of
$2124.76. and on ihe same date exe
cuted his note to said Bank for said
sum. which note was payable in
thirty days after its date; and on
April 20. 1935. the said McMillan
borrowed of said Bank the sum of
$600.00. giving his note dated thc
same date to sn J d Bank for said sum.
which note became due September
15, 1935. all of the above described
indebtednesess were secured by thc
deed hereinbefore described.
The said securit* deed provides
that if the raid McMillan falls to
pay any part of said indebtednesses,
or the interest theron. that the said
Bank migh* sell a*, public outcrv, be
fore the courthouse door in* said
County, to the highest bidder for
cash thc hereinafter described land.
The^ said McMillan has failed to
pay the said indebtednesses, and
under the flowers of sale contained
in -aid security deed, the said Ex
change Bank will sell at public out
cry. before the courthouse door in
said County, to the highest bidder
for cash, within the legal hours of
sale, cn the First Tuesday in De
cember. 1935, the following described
land, to-wit:
That *ract or parcel of land situate
lying and being in said state and
county, containing one hundred
twenty-five acres, more or less, bc-
Northern part of Land Lot
No -48 in the Fifth Land District
and the I7!41i. District of
erly owned by Mrs. F. C. Furman;! Each of the above described* lots
on the ''nst by the Milledgevillc-1 will be sold under a separate offer,
jrwinton Road. »nown as the Rivei (and will be sold subject to the taxes
Ronri which separates said land from • due thereon and subject to the as-
tne lands formerly belonging to D I sessments made by tne Mayor and
B. Aanfcrd; on 'I t* south by lands Aldermen of the City of Milledge-
formcrly owned by W. J. Brooks,' villc for improving and paving the
“ nd ‘' n M ,h /' west by the lands of. portions of Montgomery Street and
the Milledgeyille State Hospital, j Columbia Street upon which the
Said land being thc land conveyed parcels of land abut,
to W. D McMillan by M. A. Me- The amount due on the $3500.09
Craw and Samuel Evans, Executors ■ note above described is $3174.88
. ns Sr> j principal, and $415.04 interest to the
The following . mounts of princi-.'diy of sale, and the amount due on
ar n e „ now due , on said notes:[the $1000.00 note above described is
dat0d Januar Y 17. $304.76 principal, and $5.48 inter-
1934; $2124 76 on note dated Sep-' est to the day of sale,
tember 10. 1934; and $326.69 on note I Said sale will be made to raise
dated April 20, 1<>35. Interest is due money to pay the above rescribed
Hints at 8 per cent indebtedness and the cost of sale.
The undersigned will execute
1 Cot inly, bounded as fcl-1 residence lot of J. H. Ennis,
north by lands form-1 West 155 feet to the starting point.
T ihari- e. a . *««» KIX1 \ ' SUIU /VUJim.
(rnnf . „ ubenr Street, more or less and is the homeplacc 1 P e “ d conveyance is recorded in
fronting 180 lent on North LOttfr erf Mr,. (H. G) LUU. <*fj£r of thc Clerk or thc Su-
’ pertor Chur* ol laid County, In Deed
GEORGIA. Baldwin Countv | on snid
On March 7. 1928. W. A. Austin ’P cr annum f rom September 15, 1935. *. 1W . UI1UH01SUCU
-nveyed to Exchange Bank of Mil-! , S *, ncc the nl ? ove described security deeds to the purchasers at said sale,
ledgeville Georgia, the hereinafter| d c™ was made, the said W. D. Me- This November 5. 1935.
described land to recure a note, pay- Millan has died and the above land j. R. STANLEY,
MI bn ld , purpose o, poy _ K , ibiccutor a! the Laat Will and
Ing the incjebtednesMs above de- Testament of Mrs. M. E. Bloodworth
scribed of the said W. D. McMillan, the Grantee with Power o< Sale ot
who is now deceased, to the laid Ex- J H Ennis
chanse Bank.and the fund, arising HINES 5 CARPENTER,
from said ante will ba twed to pay Attorneys tor the ttsaouW.
able lo the ordei of said Bonk for
$550.71. dated March 7, 1928, due
June 5, 1928, signed by said Austin.
which deed is recorded in the office
D e tj Cerk °' " !e Superior Couit
of Baldwin County, in Deed Bool:
15, page 23. The raid deed was giver
°„„2 cc “ re a nMc dated August 28'
1929, due twelve months after it,
date, for $3500.00 payable to the
order of Mrs. M. E. Bloodworth, anti
Signed by J. H . Ennis, and also to
° f said not, and
all indebtednesses or obligation that
the said J. H. Er.nis shoold make or
incur with said Mrs. M. E. Blood-
SSJ*£ ,h * ■”««*
moUiesaidJ. H . Ennis trarowed
a. the said Mrs. M. E. Bloodworth
the sum of $1000.00. and on the same
rtate executed to her order his note
for said amount due October 15
1930; said note thereby became se
cured by said security deed. Both of
the above described notes bear inter
est at the rate ol 8 per cent per
annum from their dates.
nie said deed fronted to said Mrs.
Bloodworth, her legal representa
tives, and assigns, the power »o sell
the hereinafter rit-scribed parcels or
land at public outcry, before the
courthouse door in Baldwin County
Georgia, to the highest bidder for
cash, should the taid J. H. Ennis fai*
to pay said indebtednesses or any
part thereof, or ony interest there
on when due.
The said J. H. Ennis has failed to
pay the said indebtednesses and th*
same is now past due, and has fail
ed to pay the taxes due upon the
parcels of land hereinafter describ
After the making oC the security
deed hereinbefore described, MYs.
RL E. Bloodworth died testate. Her
Will, in which the undersigned was
nominated Executor, was proven in
common form in the Court of Ordi
nary of Bibb County, Georgia, and
the undersigned was appointed by
said Court as thc Executor of said
Will, and letters testamentary issued
to him on January 18. 1933.
The undersigned, J. R. Stanley,
acting as the Executor of thc Last
Will and Testament of Mrs. M. E
Bloodworth, and in conformity with
the powers of sa!e contained in thc
security deed herein above mention
ed, will sell at public outcry, before
the courthouse door in Baldwin
County, Georgia, to the highest bid
der for cash, within the legal hour-;
of sale, on the First Tuesday in De
cember. 1935. thc following described
parcels of land, to-wit:
All that tract or parcel of land
situate, lying and being in the citv
of Millodgeville. Ga., being a part
cC Lot No. Four in Square Sixty-
eight, according to the plan of said
city; bounded on the South by Mont
gomery Street; on the North by lot
of T. Hines Ennis* on the West by
the residence lot of J. H. Ennis; anc*
on the East by *he residence lot of
Carl Vinson: rain lot beginning at
the corner of the residence lot of J.
H. Ennis, above described, on Mont
gomery street, running East along
Montgomery street fifty feet, thence
North to T. Hines Ennis’ lot 295
feet, thence West fifty feet, thence
South 295 feet, to the point of be
Also: All that tract or parcel of
land situate, lying and being in the
320th District G. M. Baldwin Coun
ty. Georgia, and known and distin
guished in the plan r? the city o!
Milledgevillc as part of Lot No. 4 in
Square Sixty-eight. Said let fronts
South cn West Montgomery street
75 feet, and runs back North 210
feet, forming a perfect parallelo
gram, with thc North and South
lines 75 feet, and East and WMf
lines 210 feet. Said lot is thc re»
dencc lot of J. H. Ennis.
Also: All thal tract or parcel of
l.and situate. Ivin.: and being in the
City of Milledgevillc, known and
distinguished in the plan of said
city as a part of Lot No. 3 in Square
Sixty-eight. Said Tot fronts on Co
lumbia street ten feet and runs back
155 ft. Said lot begins at a point 210
feet North c*.’ thc comer of Colum
bia and Montgomery streets, and
is along Columbia street ten feet
the Speer lot. thence East 155
feet thence South ten feet to the