Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, November 28, 1935, Image 5

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THt - ™10»-ltC0IDi* MILLEDGEVnXE. GA.. NOVEMBER 28. ltlS SEEN AND HEARD the past week eI er of The Union-Recorder. x Jargc a ,,wd of out of town peo- p tXjHVted to be in the cit» . ,r giving Day). A MBPS AGE I ROM NATION A1 B- T. A. PRESIDENT Hie parent-tea chjer association should create public opinion for: Homes where a child may feel free: where he is well fed: where he has room for his own belongings; where he can study in quiet: where the hours of home activities regular and unhurried and from which he goes every day wit sense of loving care and of adven ture. Schools where his personal right, e observed: wnne he is treated a i individual; where education i unified and net a collection of alie< subjects; where; teachers are fre from the anxiety of unpaid bills and from political interference; where : parent-teacher association strives to oring understands of the home and the school into the consciousness of j every member: where he lea-n lers of Baldwin county along with the tools of learning. : few of their hogs and much about life itself as he d«u n ccld storage. about subject matter; where he. go: to his home with satisfaction ov carters of the Union- !|,is e ‘ ,y ' s ' vork K ’ d ' ,lHBart “ tld - requested to coil at P ation ot ,hc n<,! " day ' s session ' cl pay their subscrip-1 A community where he is protect- Jed from attack—Ihrcugh his senses. _______ | through preventable disease, through avoidable accidents, through grading influences; where beauty surounds him; where people that he meets are law-abiding and kindl> and where decent community ideals THERE ARE NO SAFER RRAKES MADE than the Super-Safety Brakes of the 1936 Ford V-8 ther the latter part ; a stimlant to trade. , large crowd : 5 the season when the po lice men should be unusually alert irglaries and thefts. nts recognize the value n-Recorder as an adver- .im. and are using its infon • the public of th< •• they are offering. i:ter should remember no right to hunt on without permission • election will be held ncxl y. There are only a fev. as a smell number regist- number of our citizens i cf the city Friday, No li, as they will be in At- ■c ar.d hear President pcacan crop in Baldwin out to be larger than was ex- iveral months ago. the passing of Thanksgiving ! eyes will be turned towards ning of Christmas. i Christmas buying from lledgeville Merchants. They fine and complete line of goods from which to make ’ v brought the first weather. The tempera freezing and there was hog The X-Ray to the Rescue MRS. B. F. LANGWORTHY FO«0 MRMANCMf WHIUAil Radius rods [I] brace the front axle like a pair of giant arms. Radius rods and Torque-tube fa] give triple bracing to the rear axle. This means that the front and rear axles of a Ford car are al ways held equl-dlstant—in perfect alignment. On this permanent wheelbase any braking system now in common use could be used. Only with this Ford-type wheelbase, can mechanical, Super-Safety brake* be used to the fullest advantage. c IKPEPIKOihr IfiAKI-SCSS Four brake-rods [3] of strong, tempered steel link the pressure of your foot ou the pedal with the four big brake-drums on the wheels. They do this positively, surely, under all road conditions. Note especially that no one Ford brake has to depend on the other three. Failure of one—practically impos sible—would still leave you three perfectly-operating brakes. Tear out this chart and check it with the car you are driving now. A. CLEARS DEPT. CHAPEL SEATS ON THE AIR - Ford Symphony OrcHeetrn, Sunday Eveolinn - Fred V N O other car in America has the sama basic design astheFord V-8. Became of this design, the Ford could use any type of braking system now in common use. (iDiagram at left shout why.) With the whole field to choose from, Ford stands by mechanically-operated Super-Safety brakes as safest, surest, and most positive for the Ford V-8. This is the type braking system used on many of America’s costliest cars and most racing cars. Because of unique chassis design. Ford can use it to better effect than any other car built today. All in all, no safer brtkes are made than you get with the 1936 Ford V-8.- Drive it today—and see for yourself. AUTHORIZBD FORD DIAIIRS /vri936 *510 AND VP. P. a & DETKOrr. SumtUrdacttmn rW imlwd mg tmmQtri gmJiQart tin mw. The G. Association mot in the Grammar School auditcrium Thursday. Nov. 21st. An interesting play was pre- Parcnt-Teachers' f SERVICE EXAMINATIONS cutting in lithographic reproduction work required. The United States Civil Service All States except South Dakota. Commission has announced open sented by the children in observance of “Book Week”. Mrs. Hendrickson, the president, reported $52.00 was made by the P. T. A. at the Countv Fair and S82.00 made at the Hallo ween Carnival, making it possible to clear the debt for the scats rec ently placed in the auditorium. A -Book Shower” for the benefit of the Grammar School Library, will be held at the next meeting of the P. T. A. ■ompetitivc cxaminati'-i fob Nebraska. Iowa. Utah. Vermont, Virginia, Maryland, and the District of Columbia have reroived less than Many a Friend Recommend, BLACK-DRAUGHT People who have taken Black-Draught naturally are enthusiastic about It because of the refreshing relief it has brought them. No wonder they urge others to try It! ... Mrs. Joe G. Roberts, of Portersville, Ala., writes: "A friend recommended Elack-Draught to me a long time ego, and it has proved Its worth to me. Black-Dr .ught Is good for constipation. I find that taking Black-Draught prevents the bilious headaches which I used to have." ... A purely vegetable medicine for the relief of CONSTIPATION. BILIOUSNESS Junior medical officer (interne), i their quota of appiintments $2,000 a year, junior medical office-! ;, PPortioned departmental sei (psychiatric resident). $2,000 a year. 1 St. Elizabeths Hospital. Washington D. C. For junior medical officer (in terne) applicants must be senior students in a grade A medical school; for junior medical officer (psychia tric resident) they must have been graduated from a grade A medical school with a degree of M. D.. not prior to January 1. 1924, and must have completed an accredited in- temoship cf at least 1 year. Negative cutter. $1,800 a year. Hydrographic Of'ire. Navy Depart ment. Four years’ experience of a certain specified k’nd in negativ? Washirfiton. D. C. Junior medical officer positions ar» not affected by Uic Stale apporticuin-nt law. Full information nay be obtained frem W. B. Wood, Acting Secretary cf the t’. S. Civil Si:vice Board jf Examiners at the post office in this city. Guaranteed Radio Service T. A. ASHF1ELD R. C. A. Tubes Genuine Replacement Parts Dr. Robert L. Biggs VETERINARIAN Can bs Contacted Through L. R. Langley, County Agent Residence Phone 450-J DAKIFN HOTEL Can this baby, Uny, appealing aud helpless, know thu throat of "the Foe of Youth?” Alas, yes. Neither ago nor vosilion are a protection against tuberculosis. It is tho greatest cause or death between the ages of 15 nml 45; and it takes fifty per cent more girls than toys between tho age, of 15 aud 25. Tho appalling part is that tho pcrBens who die aro hu man sacrifices, because the disease is both preventable and curable. Two ihousnnd affiliated tuberculosis associations throughout the United States conduct an all-year-round campaign to acquaint every one with life saving facts about tho disease, to discover canes In ilia early stages whilo they are still curable, and to ac-curo treatment for them. Their ef forts are financed by the sale of Christmas Seals. The X-ray, which Is being used to photograph the baby’s lungs above, is one of tho most Im portant diagnostic instruments. It tells whether the lungs have been In fected v 1th tho tubercle bacillus and to what extent. If active tuberculosis Is rovealed tho baby will be sent to a sanatorium for treatment and the family will be advised to submit to a thorough physical examination to discover whether the baby was In fected by t»e of them who has the disease aud U not aware cf It. COUNTRY HOMES We are in a position to take care of any surburban or country building needs. Phone or see us about your building or repair needs. McCaskili Construction Co. PH0NF. 233-L MILLEDGEVILLE, GA. ——MBBBM IBPi TBr-wa—m I MiffKBi SURE If it’s building construction of any kind, or repairs, SEE us, “TilATS OUR BUSINESSS” McCASKILL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Phone 233-L. Milledgeville, Ga. Two Great Problems of Life Life insurance, if maintained at full value, will help to solve the two great financial problems of life: Dying too soon! Living too long! C. H. ANDREWS & SON "NOTHING BUT INSURANCE" 9 We arc Prepared to Take Care of Your Dairy Products X \ Cream. Sweet Milk. Butter Milk and Butter Also Your Fresh Meats v PHONE 83 AND SAVE MONEY Montgomery*! Milk Depot a»d Meat Market COMPARE THE EMPIRF STORE prices with others and you will see that our prices are lower- We offer vou only high quality merchandise at bargain prices Specials Friday-Saturday Only Play Cloth YD 12\c Just Received One Lot Ladies’ Dresses - Special - $1.00 Ladies Shoes, special $1.98 Ladies’ Dress Shoes, lies, pumps and oxfords $1.98 Other Ladies’ Dress Shoes in ties, pumps viut oxfords $2.95, $3.95 10c, 19c, 25c Regular 51.49 beautifully colored Bed Spread ..98c 1 table Double Cotton Blankets, Special $1.49 1 'able Children’s Shoes 89c Men's Dress Oxfords $1.98. $2.95, $3.95, $4.95. Bovs’ Dress Sheet $1.98, $2.95 Men’s Dress Shirts 79c 95c Men’s Dress Socks I Oc, 15c up to 50c Men's Sweaters 98c up to $3.95 Men’s Work Shirts 49c, 79e Men’s Overalls 220 Weight $1.25 Boys’ Overalls 79c, 89c, 98c Men’s Hats 98c, $1.95, $2.15 Boys' W«rk Slati Special Me 1 table Double Part Wool Blankets, Sper*»l - — $2.50 1 table Outing 10c yd. Other good Outing _ 15c yd. 1 table Ladies’ Cotton Hose, Special — 10c and 15c Ladies’ Hats 95c, $1.95 Ladies’ Dresses $1.95 to $9.95 Large Assortment of 46-inch Oil Cloth Per yd — 25c Regular 25c Qnality Cotton Suitting Per yd 15c Ladies’ Sued* Jackets. Assorted Color $1.25