Newspaper Page Text
c B Hutchison spent Tues-
, Atlant? ^ #
Ed Downs, of Ath-
spcnt 5"
uy Cline and Mis. E. A.
, Monday in Macon.
Cox spent Sunday with
\ Washington county.
Mrs. C. W. Dos'e
_ Kent, car Jewell, is Uie City Hospital
* Scott Hospital for an opera- treatment.
Mr. Floyd Sei mour, of Athens,
. McAfee, rf Macon, is Ga.. is a surgical patient at the City
Mrs. J. T. Ungold has returned to
Callaway and Mrs. her home at Stevens Pottery, Ga.
spent Tuesday in after surgical treatment at the City
I Mrs. H. E Tanner spent last
week in Athens visiting her daugh
• * •
Mrs. Marion Allen spent the week-
tal " j end in Washington. D. C., where she
attended the marriage of a cousin.
Mr. Neal Peavy, of Macon, Ga., is
Mrs. W. D. Morrison is spending
several days with Mr. Morrison, who
is ill at John Hopkins Hospital in
Mr. and Mrs. Mack Session re
ceived an announcement this week
of the marriage of their son, Mr.
Fred Thomas Sessions to Miss Rena
Wiggs. of Washirgton, D. C. The
marriage was sclcmnized at the
home of the bride■‘■ parents in Char
lotte, N. C.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Torrance
the parents of a girl bom Nov. 18.
She has been named Betty Jane.
< Boyer has retumei to
, Linton from the Scott
Sarah Mitchell, of Lavonia.
, Sv-ott Hospital for surgical
yr joc Longino. of Atlanta, spent
t veek-end with Dr. and Mrs. L.
p Lonpino.
: W. T. Garrard has shown im-
jnont during the week at the
Scot* Hospital.
Mr. John Sibley and children, of
spent Sunday with rela-
Miss Elizabeth Stevens, of Macon.
Ga.. is at the City Hospital for
Mr. Myron A\erback. of Sharon.
i., was admitted to the City Hos
pital on Saturday for treatment.
Mrs. H. S. Smith and daughter
have returned from Decatur where
they visited friends several days.
Messrs. Richard Smith. Joe An
drews. Carl Massey and Wilson Ma-
spent the week-end in Tampa.
, the guests of Mr. Carl Bying-
Of cordial interest to their many
fi lends is the announcement of the
marriage of Miss Lucille Tucker to
j Mr. George Kemr. which was solem
nized last week at the home of the
bride’s mother, Mrs. G. A. Tucker
Miss Tucker war a nurse of the
State Hospital for a number of years
in Calhoun Falls. S. C.
and was popular with a wide circle
of friends. Mr. Kemp is the son of
Mrs. A. S. Kemp and has a number
cf friends throughout the county.
He is an employee at the State Hos
Of interest and surprise to their
many friends Throughout Middle
Georgia was the announcement of
the marriage of Miss Alice Freeman
of Eatonton, to Mr. Louis Andrews,
.vhich was solemnized on May
26th, 1935, in Anderson. S. C.
Mrs. Andrew* is the daughter of
Mr. and Mr*. A. D. Freeman and
member of cm of Ribiam
county's most pmtnhwnt families.
After graduation fnm Eatonton
High School aha attended OfiCW,
and is now teaching fat the Putnam
county school system in which posi
tion she will continue.
Mr. Andrew* is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. L. H. Andrew*, of this city, and
e of Milledgeville’s outstanding
young business men. He is associat
ed with his brother, Mr. Joe T. An
drews, in the Insurance business.
The Union Recorder joins the
many friends of this popular young
couple in wishing them happincs-
and success.
Of cordial intrust to their many
friends throughout the state is the
uncement of the marriage of
Miss Rcsolyn Frances Twillcy.
of Jewel. Ga., to Mr. Robert Hall
Kelly of Warrent.m. Ga.
The ccromony was solmnizcd Sat
urday. November 16th, by the Rev.
Dykes in his pannr.agc at Devereux.
The ccj-mony was a private one
Miss Mildrrd G. Cox of Sandersville
stood with the bride.
After the ceremony the young
couple left for a short wedding trip
to Macon.
They will establish their home In
Wairenton at the residence of Mr.
Mrs. Kelly har made her home in
MQledgeville for the past few years.
She is a registered nurse and for
the last four years has been on the
staff of Allen's Invalid Home. Her
ability in her profession and her
charming manner has made her
very popular in this city.
Mr. Robert Kelley is well known
as one of Warren county’s outstand
ing lumber-men. farmer, and busi
ness executive.
The girls of the Home Manage
ment house of the Georgia Stale
College for Wcmen. entertained Sat
urday afternoon, November the
23rd, with an anniversary tea, cele
brating the fourth anniversary if the
The house was tastefully decorated
with various kinds of fall leaves and
Miss Clara Morris presided at the
tea table, and Misses Vera Thur
mond and Claudie Little, vice-presi
dent and secretary of the Home
Economics club, assisted in serving.
Among the guests who came, were
girls who had lived in the house,
the Home Economics faculty, the
house mothers, and the dietitians.
Mrs. H. A. Boyer has returned to
her home in Linton after treatment
at thf Scott Hospital.
SV. .T LaCerte. of Newark.
X L is visiting her parents, Mr.
ir.d Mrs. H. W. Little.
Mb. X. P. Walker, Misses Mary
ard Katie Cline and Mrs. Richard
BirJon spent Monday in Macon.
Mrs. J. F. Lingc has returned
from Spartanburg. S. C.. where she
spent the week-
companied by Mrs. Lovick Lingo, of | ECHOLS.
• • •
The friends of Mr. J. P. Hum
phries regret to know of his illness.
He is a patient at the City Hospital.
Mr. Humphries is one of the coun
ts oldest active citizens.
Mr. and Mrs. James Sibley and
daughter, of Miami, Fla., are spend-
Jte Marvin Williams and Mrs. In* the Thanksgiving holidays with
Mcllnufilad. of Atlanta, visit- Col. ErwinSibl^ Mrs. Martha S,b-
i Mr.'. Pritchard on last Friday.
The friends of Mr. T. Treanor are
» know that be 1* gradually
J improving at the Scott Hospital.
W. B. McKinnon and Ed
attended the Georgia-Au-
nc in Columbus Saturday.
E. Elliotte and Mrs. C. L.
Cev 'port last Sunday with Mr.
r,d Mr'. .1. M Brantley in Harrison.
nd Mrs. L. R. Langley and
children spent the past week-end in
tea, Tenn.. and Fayettville.
Louise Cox attended the
Georgia-Auburn game in Columbus
Saturday and was the guest of Mrs.
James Craig, Jr.
• • •
Mrs. B. R. Hughes, of Nashville,
spending the Thanksgiving
holidays with her mother, Mrs. W.
H. Stombridge and family.
Jessie Alien, Lyndel Nel-
Ciaire Green and Dot Smith,
who teach in Atlanta, arc at home
the Thanksgiving holidays.
I ley and Mrs. H. B. Jennings.
I Mrs. Will Barron and Will Bar
ron. Jr., of Washington, D. C. p are
spending this week in the city visit
ing Mrs. Barron’s mother. Mrs. W.
H. Stembridge and family.
Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas. Mrs.
John Stone and little son. Johnnie.
Mfcs Luicle Thomas fend Jack
Thomas. of Decatur, spent Sunday
in Milledgcville with relatives.
Messrs. Pierce Walker, Curtis Veal.
Winburn Rogers. Buck Hall. Mack
Tucker. Guy Smith and Harry
Jennings, students at the University
of Georgia, are spending the Thanks
giving holidays at home.
The friends of Mrs. Marion Don-
nely regret to k iow that she is
seriously ill at the Scott Hospital
following an operation on Friday.
Mrs. Donnely’s condition was re
ported some better Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Miller S. Bell re
turned Monday from Atlanta, where
they spent several days of ihe, pa..
week attending the session of the
North Georgia Conference of which
Mr. Bell is a leading lay member.
The December meeting of the
American Legion Auxiliary will b
held on Tuesday afternoon at 3:30
at the home of Mrs. George Echols
with Misses Bertie and Agnes Stem-
bridge. Miss Clara Morris, Mrs.
Morris joint hostesses. The sub
ject of the meeting is Rehabilitation
and Miss Bertie Stembridge. chair-
1, has planned a most interesting
program. Special music has been
planned fer the program and all
members are urged to be present.
Mrs. Geo. Roach and j
V tlrwn from Oxford- , s spondinc
ttvnd the funeral and ' and js wor ',
I Mr. J. C. Grant. Co m
Elizabeth Ash:un
called home on ace
ous illness of her
Smith and Mrs. H-
rf Montgomery, Ala.. nnH
. E. Bein of Macon, were
of Mrs. Jack Edwards last
W. Bivins. Thomas
Janie Frances Bivins are spend-
the Thanksgiving holidays with
and Mrs. Whitworth in Logans-
. Edwin Andrews. Myrick
Wynn and Paul Harmon, students at
Presbyterian college. Clinton, S. C.,
are at home for the Thanksgiving
t. Kelly. Russell
Crumbley. Bruce Robinson. Jock
Faisdcn and Charley Gibson attend
ed the Georgia-Auburn football
game in Columbus Saturday.
The friends rf Mr. and Mrs. Julius
Holt, of Rome, are interested in
the announcement that they are the
narents of a son. bom on Monday
1 November 25th. Mrs. Holt was form
erly Miss Lucy Harding and Rev. F.
H. Harding is the proud grandfather
Mrs. J. B. Holt, is the baby’s grand
Miss Marx- Cl . 4 _ ..
week to the Tuciday N«ht Bnd e
Club. Mrs. Coon Calloway. Mrs. Wil
lie Stembrideo. Misses Bettv Fereu-
son, Bessie and M.-itflc Thomas, and
Miss Willie Boscus were members
present. Miss Marearet Sutton, Mrs.
Will Hines. Mrs. Ansel Cook Mrs
Miller R. Bell. Mrs. Marion Allen
and Mrs. Drayton Thomas, were
euests. Mrs. Will Hines
score. Mrs. Wild ’
and Mrs. Boll w
WANTED—Five and «■* b»M
rent money—flnt
ml. Write X nre thb office.
Milledgeville, Ga.
Thuriday, N#t. 28th
Carole Lombard, Fred Me Murry
with Ralph Bellamy
A Vina Delmar gay romance of a
hard-boiled couple who tried to
walk out on love.
Also March of Time News Reel
Regular Admission Open 1 r. M.
Friday, Nov. 28th
Kay Francis in
The story nobody knows about
the stage star everyone knows.
It's Kay's Most Exciting Role
Added Attraction
It shows the historical and other
interesting spots of our great state.
The* members of the Echetah
Country Club celebrated the fifth
anniversary of the organization of
the club on Wednesday evening with
gala party.
The members assembled in the
early evening and dancing was en
joyed with a nationally famous or
chestra furnishing the music. The
club was beautifully decorated for
the occasion and the party was one
of the most delightful ever held in
the club since it was organized.
Mr. Arch McKinley, founder of
the club, was the recipient of con
gratulations of the club members.
The Union-Recorder extends best
wishes for a haopy birthday to the
following, who this week celebrate
their birthdays: Mrs. M. H. Bland,
Mrs. Alvin Tanner. Mr. Arthur, Fat,
Smith. Mrs. Lou Wheeler Smith,
Jeane Bell. Col. Marion Allen.
Charles Fulghum Jr., Jane Villyard,
Beth Bass. Ann Wells. Roy Hendrick
son and Miss Rosie Wade.
A Frozen Radiator is Costly
Let us Put in Now
$2.76 GrIm
$1.10 Gallon
Buck- Pontiac Dealer
The circles of the Womens Auxili
ary of the Presbyterian church wilt
meet Monday afternoon at 3:30 a
the following homes:
Circle 1 with Mrs. Willie Lee Har
rison: Circle 2 with Mrs. R. H. Me-
Comb: Circle 3 with Mrs. Mamie
Pitts; Circle 4 with Mrs. R. T. Bai
den; Circle 5 will be announced
later. The Business Women’s Circle
will meet Monday night at 7:45 In
the Mansion Annex with Mrs. Bates
and Mrs. Beeman as joint hostess,
Mrs. E. B. Keel was hostess to a
number of her friends on Ibctday
afternoon at bridge. Beautiful
chrysanthemums were used in at
tractive arrangements throughout
the house. Late in the afternoon n
delicious salad course followed by
sweet course was served.
The guest list included Mrs.
George Fisher. Mrs. Nat Knight, Mrs.
Grady Keel, Mrs. M. K. Groover,
Mrs. Jack Edwards. Mrs. J. H. Ekinis.
Mrs. W. C. Humphreys. Mrs. M. M.
Crcoms. Mrs. DeWltt Whatley, Mrs
Walter Brown. Mrs. Louis Andrews,
Mrs. H. S. Roberts. High score prize
won by Mm. Grady Keel and
to high bv Mrs. Nat Knight.
Mrs. 'George Davis was bottom to
the member* of her bridge dub on
Wednesday afternoon at Imt homa
on Jefferson street M flo
were used in the living room a
the members played. At the con
clusion of the games, a delicious
salad course was served. High score
prize was won by Mrs. Otis Woods
and next high by Mrs. J. T. King.
Workmen are now busy extending
the water mains along Wall street.
Another fire plug will be placed on
the corner of Wall and Columbia
streets. This work is being done by
the city water department and is not
The home of Mr. and Mrs. George
Hoff in east Baldwin was completely
destroyed by fire Sunday night
The blaze had gained such head
way that it was impissible to save
any of the contents of the home.
Our Christmas Gifts Are
On Display
We have a Nice Assortment
For Ladies and Gentlemen
We Specialize in Prescriptions