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***(," PEOPLE ;
. PMrtri«Jve Baldwin •
10 [^Surround tag *
2% Union-Eerortier
i Over One IlnirBi *
Southern Recorder
MilWgtTilt, Cl., DcceaWr 12, 1935
CaanUiiM la int
Visit of Famed Mm of Christmas
SUM Firings Happiaess to
ChiluVeo. Busioess Improvia*.
Sor.ta Claus came to Milledgeville
I j/yula? and Tuesday afternoons and
thrills to the hearts
All County Officer* Will Seek Re-
election in Primary Called for
Febnury 19th.
While only six candidates have
formally made their announcements
by publication, all the present
and old alike on Ws pa-|ty officers will seek re-election hi
x.- . ^ Democratic primary which has
been set for February 19th, by the
executive committee of the county.
Mr. G. C. McKinley has announced
as a candidate for re-election
member of the county commission
ers of Baldwin county. Mr. McKin
ley will be renominated’ for a term
of six years. No other candidates
have announced.
Miss Bertie B. Stembndge has an
nounced for re-election os Ordinary
of the county. She has served the
county for the past eight years and
will be nominated for a term of four
years. She will make the race un
Mr. Otto Conn has announced as a
candidate for treasurer of the coun
ty; Mrs. L. D. Smith for tax col
lector and Mr. Briscoe Wall for tax
radc threugh the business section of
I the city
The visit nf Santa Ctaus was
.ponsored by The Union-Recorder
I jr.d the Campus Theatre. His ap-
[ cearancc was a bit different from the
ial appearance of Santa Claus In
r that he cair.o riding an elephant
Bond Bros. Circus, who are winter-
jnj here, granted the use of Nemo,
one of the world's largest elephants,
!:r Santa Claus to ride into Mllledge-
Ltd by the G. M. C. band under
the direction of Maj. Godfrey Oster-
nan. the parade passed through the
busiress section of the city, stopping
in front of the Campus Theatre for a
jhert time each afternoon for all the
I Ladies to see Old Santa and make
I known their wishes for Christmar.
The streets were lined with people.
I the children greatly predominating
I long befere parade time and with tin
‘ Santa, the kiddies gav>
receiver. These officers have served
for a long period of years and there
is no indicaticn of opposition.
Mr. William L. Harrison has an
nounced as a candidate for Sheriff
Primary to Nominate AD Conoly
Officer* Called at Meeting Last
Saturday at Court Hoase.
The Baldwin County Democratic'
Executive Committee held a meet
ing at the court hous. last Satur
day and named February 19th, as
the date for the county wide primary'
to nominate county officers.
Dr. Richard Binion, chairman of
the committee, presided. Members
present were: Grover C. May. R.
H. Lawrence. R. G. Hootcn. W. S.
Wood. C. B. Ivey. J. W. Hubbard.
M. A. Gladdin. M. E. Webb and J,
C. Ingram, secretary.
Saturday January 11th. at noon
as the .’inal date for candidates
to qualify agreed on by the com
mittee. All candidates must pay their
entrance fees to the secretary’ by
this date and time. Mr. Ingram will
be here on January 11th. In his ab-
f, Mrs. C. E. Smith, secretary to
Dr. Binion, will receive the candi
dates qualifying fees.
The committee set February 7th,
at 6 p. m. as the final date for vot-
qualify to participate ii
primary. All registered voters whr
have paid their poll tax through
1934 are qualified voters. All trans-
I fers from other counties must also
| be placed on the registration list by
ppcsing Sheriff. Haynie, who wiH i above date. No transfers will be
offer for re-clection although he har accepted at the polls. In other words
TREE FOR POOR Muktb to Bo EtUbbheo by PWA
Tbroofb College of Agriculture
c»m»iu m Important Posts.
Tree Will be Given at
Theatre on Christmas
for Children on Charity
their thills and screamed 1 no t made his published announce
The Kiwanis Club will play Santa
Claus to a large number of chil
dren in Milledgeville on Christmas-
The club will have a Christmas
tree cn the Campus stage and pres
ent gifts to the poor children of the
community. Santa Claus will be on
hand to hand out the gifts and af
terwards a picture will be shown fo:
the children.
Jere N. Moore. Frank D. Adams.
Fred Starr and Father McNamara
are the committee in charge. The
list of children will be furnished l.y
Miss Emmy Riley, head of the Red
Cross community chest work in the
At the meeting Thursday Col. Er
win Sibley stated that the request
made by the Kiwanis for a paved
side walk along the road leading
from Milledgeville to Hardwick had
been received by Chairman Wilburn
of the highway department and that
it was probable this work would be
Jere Mocre was named secretary
of the club to succeed Mr. Sibley,
who resigned.
Baldwin county may be the loca
tion of one of the farm markets to
be established by the college o*
agriculture under the direction of the
PWA it was announced this week.
Farm Agent L. R. Langley is inter
ested in locating yie of the markets
hek-e and the possibilities are very
strong that the market will be estab
lished in this county.
The plan to establish the farm
markets over Georgia is being work
ed out under a new program recent
ly launched and if successful the pro
gram will be carried out through
out the nation. The markets will be
set up to crdcrly market the pro
ducts of the farm.
The program is expected to be ;•
great aid to agriculture by provid- \
ing ready markets for all types o*
Farm Agent Langley said if the
market is established here, being lo
cated in this county. This will afford
another outlet for products of the
farm in this section
The program to establish the farm
markets is being worked out ns
rapidly as possible and definite an
nouncements ore expected within the
next few weeks.
with delight. The occasion
I first of its kind ever held in Mil-
kdgevillo and proved most populai
I The L’nion-Recorder advertised the
throughout the territory and
were here from all surround-
ointies for the occasion.
Milledgeville stores are pack-
h Christmas merchandise and
buying tcck on new life with the ar
rival of Santa Claus. The people of
Baldwin county and surrounding
invited to make 1WU
^ledjcville their shopping center.
' gift need can be satisfied at
reasonable and attractive pieces.
The visit of Santa Claus will he
made an annual event and it is the
plan of this paper to make the
casicn next year one cf the out
standing events that has ever been
held here.
Only II . shopping days remain and
ihe stores, with extra sales clerks.
*ro ready to take care of shoppers.
Pwtal authorities urge people to
mail their packages early and avoid
the last minute rush.
ment, but will do so In the nexi
t-f the paper. Much interest
center in this race.
Mr. J.. C. Cooper, Clerk cf Su
perior Court. Mr. P. N. Bivins, sup
erintendent of education, and Mr.
C. I. Newton, coroner, will be candi
dates for re-election.
The county political scene will nn
doubt get epen after Christmas and
be unusually quiet with the great
majority of the present officers ask
ing re-election without oppo^tkm.
Schedule to Be Played After Chriat-
n»xs Holidays. Prospects Leek
Uasketball practice has started at
0 M. C*. v.'ith a large squad of candi
dates for the 1936 five, working out
»ach afternoon under the direction
tfjtfaj. George Florence.
* cadet squad has a number of
sing stars and Coach Florence
i that will be a credit
: school,
regular schedule of game;
be played after the Christmas
lidays. Coach Florence will have
wplete charge of the team.
Mr. Mtx Noah WiD Direct Pro
gram in Which aH Charches
WiH Take Part Celebrating.
All churches of the city will unite
in the presentation of a program in
celebration cf the Feast of tne
Nativity on Sunday December 22nd,
it was announced this week.
The program will be given at the
G. S. C. W. auditorium under the
direction of Mr. and Mrs. Max Noah.
A large choir representing all the
churches cf the city, will sing the
Christmas carols and songs of the
Nativity season. A pageant will
also be presented. The program ir.
expected to be the most colorful and
interesting ever given at Christmas
The committee in charge is plan-1 villc.
ning to make this the occasion for a j Maj- Batchelor
great community gathering. Hereto- at G. M. C. and Georgia. c
fore the churches have each had n I hero last spring as coach at • •
schedule is being worked out j •celebration, and this program will I and Georgia. He came lore as
in no way a substitute or interfere spring as Coach at G. M.
with the church services in celebra
tion of the day. but will be
munity program.
all voters must be on the list ar
qualified by Feb. 7th, the committi
has ruled.
The committee also ruled that the
county precincts be closed at three
o'clock and that the votes be count
ed behind closed doers and nc
ncuncement be given as to the re
sult In the various county precincts
until after six o’clock.
The following fees were adopted
and each candidate must'pay, th
fee specified to be a qualified candi
date. Clerk Superior Cow.-t -Sheriff.
Superintendent of Education, (U.OD:
Ordinary and Tax Collector. tjSM:
County Treasurer, $50.00; Tax Re
ceiver, $35.00; County Commissioner,
$25.00; Coroner and County Siirvey-
•, $10.00.
The committee adjourned to meet
the day after the election.
Of interest in this city is the i
nouncement of the engagement
Eloisc Odom, of Ashburn to
Maj. Graham Batchelor, Coach at
Miia Odom and Maj. Batchelor
ill be married on December 22nd
l the First Methodist church in
Ashburn. They will be at home to
their friends ir. Milledgeville after
January 1st.
Miss Odom is the daughter of Mrs
. W. Odom, and is a charming and
attractive ycung lady. She is a
graduate of the University of Georgia
and has many friends in Milledge-
i star athlete
At a meeting of the Baldwin
county Medical Society held
| Tuesday evening, Dr. Sam Anderson
■as elected president for the com-
in 4 year.
Ur. Anderson succeeds Dr. Otis
| Woods as the head of the medical
organization. Other officers named
were Dr. Lucius Bailey, vice-presi-
Ment and Dr. Charles B. Fulghum,
I l *'P»f tary arui treasurer.
I . T "° Baldwin county society is one
I ' the largest and most active in the
On Thursday evening the mem
bers of the Philathae Bible Class of
I the Baptist church will entertain at
in oyster supper in honor of the
oung men’s class taught by Mr. Joe
The block of Washington street j Moore,
leading into Government park west
cf Clark street is being cleared of
trees and brushes and will be grad
ed and made accessable to traffic
This will make a most attractive
street and will lead directly into the
east entrance of the park c-wned by
G. S. C. W. This work has been con
templated for several months and L«
in progrress.
MAYOR and NEW COUNCIL TO) Mr. T. E. Owen has purchased the
take OATH MONDAY j Dutch Cleaners from Mr. C. F.
: Stone and has taken over the man-
•fudgp George Carpenter will take agement and operation,
| be oath of office as Mayor of Mil-
'■dgeville for the next two years
1 a special meeting of the council
ext Monday night. Messrs. T. H.
f 'lark, T. B. Dumas and J. C. Bas-
ton wiU be sworn in as aldermen
for four year terms.
The Mayor and council will not
fficially take charge until the first
f|f the new year.
Mr. Owen and family are making
their home at the Darien Hotel. Mr.
Owen has changed the name cf the
cleaning plant to the Protective
Cleaners. The plant will be under
the personal management of Mr.
Owen and the highest type work will
be done. He comes here highly
recommended and will operate a
first class business.
The Philathea Class is taught by
Mrs. C. B McCullar and has a large
membership of young ladies.
Work will be started within the
next few weeks on the construction
of the central heating and power
plant at the Milledgeville State Hos
The project will cost more than a
half million dollars and will Rive
employment to a larfe number nf
Dr. A. B. Chaplin, Osteopath of
Macon, has made arrangements to
have an office at the Mayfair Hotel
every Tuesday and Friday from 2 to
6 p. m.
Dr. Chaplin has been practicing
Macon for a number of years and
is well known throughout Middle
Methodist Church
On next Sunday morning Bible
Sunday will be observed
mcraing service of the church. This
service will celebrate the 400th
niversary of the translation of the
Bible into English by Coverdalc. AU
members of the church are asked to
bring old and interesting Bibles to be
placed cm the chancel during the
vice, for inspection afterwards. The
pastor. Rev. Horace Smith, will
have, as his sermon subject.
Lost Bible.’’ At the evening service
Rev. Smith will preach on "A New
Presbyterian Church
Rev. R. W. Oakey will conduct
both the morning and evening ser
vice of the church. The morning scr-
subject will be "The Hand or
Our Shoulder." At the evening hour
the pastor will preach on "Not Yours
But You.”
Baptist Church
Rev. James M. Teresi will preach
at the morning and evening service.-,
of the church. The pastor has special
sermons at both services.
Episcopal Church
Rev. F. H. Harding will celebrate
the Holy Communion at eight o’clock.
The morning prayer service with
sermon will be at 11:30 and Rev.
Mr. Harding, tl|e Rector, will preach.
Catholic Church
Father McNamara, lA-iest.
Sunday, Laetare Sunday, morning
services at the Catholic Church will
be at 11:15 and will- consist of Mass.
Benediction, and Sermon, the ser
mon on the subject, "Peace, which
Surpasses all Understanding." Sun
day School at 9:30; no evening ser
Mass throughout the week at 7:30.
Workmen are busy laying out
golf course in Government Park for
the use of the students of G. S. C.
W. The course will lay in the south
east comer and will be most attrac
tive when completed.
The five year old son of Mr. and
Mrs. F. I. Farmer died Monday
night from an attack of diptheria.
Funeral services w-cre held Tuesday
with Rev. Teresi officiating. The
family have the sympathy of our
Benevolent Lodge No. 3 F. & A
M. will meet next Tuesday for thr
final meeting of the year. New offic
ers will be elected and the final re
ports of the year will be made.
Sfuiib Dancer Prevent* First Re
cital of Series Sponsrred Iif
Concert Association.
Carola Goya, Spanish Dancer, to
1 whom- the Com-ajplty concert Mem
bers are Indebted for ;ln evening of
lire pleasure, was received by the
art lovers of Milledgeville with
round after round of applause, on
Monday evening at the G. S. C. V.
Her dances are of extraordinary
color, beauty, and rhythm, and her
interpretations from the Spanish
gypsy to the tango are true in every
detail, frem her facial expressions
her clapping heels. To see Goyn
to gain a keener appreciation of
Spanish music and dancing.
Her costumes are most elaborate.
They were designed by Hortens**
d’Arhlay. The fabrics for costume.-
for "Sevilla" and “El Anoi Bryos-
•e" were hand painted by Holley.
The lightest and most facinatin?
dance she saved fer her final en
core. That was a Portugese fisher
girl. In this dance heels gave way
to the castonetts of her other
dances. The regal art of castonetts
is realized while Goya dances.
Her accompayments were played
by Norman Iscon, whose musical
genius was evident and highly
predated by the audience. His piano
solos during the interludes were real
Boatria Burford, one of the out
standing harp virtuoso of the day,
gave a splendid performance which
added grace and beauty of another
type to the program.
This was the first of the series of
arusts recitals recently made possi
ble by the Milledgeville Coopera
tive Concert Association. ’Hie next
presentation will be in January.
The performance was given
Monday evening at the Auditorium
of G. S. C. W. Following the pro
gram Senorita Goya was given
ception by the French and Spanish
Clubs cf G. S. C. W.
Sacred Oratorio, “Tbe Ifmiih”
WiH Be Song by MiledgeriHe
Choral Society.
The Messiah, famous sacred ora
torio composed by George Frederick
Handel, will be given by the Mil
ledgeville Community Choral so
ciety in the auditorium of the Geor
gia State College for Women on Sun
day, at 4:30 p. m.
The soloists ror the occasion in
clude Mrs. Helen Granade Long,
Soprano: Mrs. Max Noah, contralto;
Mr. Vaughan Ozmer. tenor; and Mr.
Walter Herbert baritone. Accom
panists will be Mrs. Wiles Homer
Allen, piano, and Miss Maggie Jen
kins. organ. Mr. Max Noah, head of
G. S. C. W. music department will
act as conductor.
The chorus, which is composed of
the students of the Georgia State
College for Women, the Georgia
Military College, and men and wo
men of Milledgeville and surround
ing communities includes 200 voices.
TTie public is cordially invited to
"The Messiah" is familiar to Mil
led geviQe audiences having hern
sung for the past fourteen years by
the Glee Clubs of G. S. C. W. under
the direction of Miss Alice Lenore
Tucker. The oratorio was the fav
orite at the late Dr. M. M. Parks
and for many years it was sung dur
ing the Christmas season by the col
lege students. Often the chorous had
more than five hundred voices and
many outstanding soloists were
brought here for the occasion.
Of cordial interest to the local Ma
sonic lodge, was the address given
last Thursday night. December 5th.
by the He*. Afcit Nix, the*Graad
Master Of the Grand Lodge of
Georgia F. and A. M.
Mr. Nix is weP known in this
community, where he visits eftea
in the social and civic life of the
Before Mr. Nix gave his
on “What Masonry *. •« o» to
Me" an open meeting, a special
closed meeting was held in the lodge
hall to bid him welcome.
After the speech, a dinner was
given in Mr. Nix’s honor by Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Moore.
The entire program was a delight
ful affair and all those who attend
ed were greatly pleased.
Mrs. Nix and Mr. and Mrs. Bolir -
Du Bose, at Athens, accompanied L
Nix on his visit to Milledgeville.
The Methodist Missionary Society
held the annual meeting on
Monday and named officers for the
new conference year.
Mrs. Chas. L. Moore was re
elected president of the society.
Other officers named were Mrs. M
Bell, vice-president; Mrs. J. W.
Overstreet, recording secretary; Mrs.
L. J. Rozar, corresponding secretary:
Mrs. W. H. Araall, treasurer; Mrs.
>. Smith, Supt. Social Service;
Mrs. D. T. Turner, Supt. Mission
Study; Mrs. D. F. Montgomery, Supt.
Supplies; Lucy Brown. Supt. Publici
ty; Mrs. Arch McKinley, Supt. Chil-.
drens division; Mrs. O. O. Banks,
Supt. World Outlook.
Mr. W. S. Cox, game protector of
the Department of Game and Fish
in charge of Baldwin and Wilkin
son counties, destroyed one of the
largest fish traps ever found in this
section on last Saturday.
The trap had a capacity of a ton
of fish and was located in the Oconee
river at the mouth of Ringo Lake
about ten miles above Balls Ferry.
The trap was known as an ever-
wdy dead trap.
Mr. Cox has been very active in
the past ten days and has done much
effective work in the protection of
the wild life of this section. He ap
preciates the cooperation of the peo
ple in this section. He is fearlessly
enforcing the game and fish laws
of the state.
Mr. J. B. Meadows was with Mr.
Cox at the time the trap was de
Eleven Shopping days.
That means rush and hurry for
many people. Take the Union-
Recorder now, make up your
shopping list from the merchants
where ads are in this edition.
Make these ads your guide to
more economical buying. Day in
and out you profit by reading ads
in this paper, but especially at
this Christmas buying season, you
will find it to your advantage to
read every ad. There is a message
for you.
<Ke Citj» - -X