Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, December 12, 1935, Image 14

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THE IJMON-UCMMX, MILLEDGEVILLE. OA.. DECEMBU 1*. IMS Local Comments Judge B. C. Ward will pass the t!8th Anniversary of hi* birthday tc morrow. Friday. December 13th. Judge Ward is one cf the three sur viving members of the George Dole®. Camp cL* the United Confederate Veterans, and the only living Veto- has been declared and checks mailed the stockholders. Early in January the annual stockholders meeting will be held and officers for the new year elected The Christmas season is right here, as there remains only eleven more shopping days, and it can lx* expected that they will be busy ones as everybody will be busy until the A Happy New KITCHEN j ran. making his home in this city. He left a military academy, and joined the army, when a mere lad. last hour of the 24th. making prepa rations for the coming of old Santa Claus. was :n service, during the clcs- — | years of the War Between the j The freezing weather the early j •s. The years that he has passed | days of December came at a most been filled with activity, and I propitious time for the farmers. It still retains the vigor of youtu j gave them the opportunity to kill thetr hogs and save their meat, as a result large numbers of them will* enter the Christmas season with an; abundance of saitjage, backbone.) spareribs, etc. This means there will I ... _ wonderful degree for one of hi.s years. Since coming to Milledgeville to make his home he has fully estab lished himself in the confidence and esteem of cur people as he has made „ faithful and loyal citizen The] be feasts in their homes during the Union Recorder joins in expressing j holiday season. the heartiest congratulation®, and _ ... 1 wishes for him many more years | Mr. W. H. Ivey, one of Baldwin j filled with happiness, contentment j county’s leading dairymen, has rc ‘‘*“ j and useful service. ] ently put up more than a hundred I cans of beef, and placed it in the ^ Messrs. Geo. W. HoWnshcad. I- H. \ at his home. The beet in, Andrews. J. R. Smith. R. H. Wool- I bem S Prepared ten. Johnnie Overstreet, H. S. Wool- 1 thoroughly ten and Calder Finney of Haddock,|Quickly warmed and made ready, went down to Spring Lake Wedr.es- j ,ur the table ' dnv night of last week, and left the ..... , „ c ! club house for an possum hunt in One h “ w “> «® * '°" S “ a ' S the surround,ng woods. This hunt | «< And » congcmal and plea-j carried :hem through briars for canning is | cooked, and over barbed wire fences, and in spite of the obstacles they had to over come. and the freezing cold weather they enjoyed it. They were rewarded by catching a big. fat possum, which was penned up to be fattened for a tater and possum supper. They re turned home tired and sore, and they will never forget their experience. Mr. G. W. Johnson, agent of the express company, has made arrange ments to ha idle the large number of out-going a id incoming packages at that office, during the approaching Christmas season. Mr. I. M. Holton who has been connected with the office for more than seventeen yean: will ably assist him. Mrs. L. D. Smith. Baldwin countvs tax collector, will be kept busy from now until she closes her books the 21st. This is the last day taxes can be paid without additional cost. The banks located in this city are closing out a most successful year. The regular semi-annual dividend lan than Mr. Morgan Thom son. He has been a faithful and dili- j gent employee of the Milledgeville i Stale Hospital. He has a wide ac-j quaintance in the city and county. | and those who know him hold him' in the highest esteem and confidence. Lady’s Painful Troubia Helped By Caidui Why do so many women taka Car- dul for the relief of functional pains at monthly times? The answer la that they want results such as Mr*. Herbert W. Hunt, of Hallsvllle.Texas, describes. She writes: ‘ My health wasn’t good. I suffered from cramp ing. My pain would be so Intense It would nauseate me. I would Just drag around, so sluggish and "do- less.’ My mother deckled to gtva me Card ul. I began to mend. That tired, sluggish feeling was gone and the pains disappeared. Z cant prates Cardul too highly because I know It helped me."... If Cartful dose not help YOU, consult a phjrHdaa. NOTICE To City Tax Payers Fmil Dale for Payaeat of City Tana u Decanter 2M, 1935. For All Text, is Default After Tlat Dale, Fi. Fas. WS Be b- teed According la Law. PAY YOUR Cm TAXF r NOW—AVOID ADDITIONAL COSTS AND INTEREST To Those Paying on Contract All Installment* Now Dre Most Be Pftid or FI Fat. WE Be Issued on December 70th, 1935. If You With Your Contract Continued—See That All Installments Due nre Paid by De cember 20th, 1935. LAMAR HAM, ClerkTreasr. Our 1936 Calendars Have Arrived Call At the Plant for Yours Positively None Given To Children or Sent Out You Must Call If You Want One Milledgeville BOTTLING CO. en . . . why not give your best girl” thig moot welcome of all Christmas presents ... A Happy New Kitchen ! Finished in g*y. charming white enamel with red trim, this Sellers Ensemble blends beauty and convenience. Kitchen cabinet and utility closets have that popular, built-to-floor design. And... besides this handsome ensemble, as our Christmas treat, you receive Another perfect gift... 26-piece set of Rogers Silverware in a special tarnish-resisting chest ... a regular $1) value when sold separately. Yet you get it without extra cost. Sec this gift combination now! It’s Your answer to the question: “What shall I give Her for Christmas?” Liberal Trade-In Allowance! On Old Kitchen Pieces • SEE THIS SET NOWI SELLERS New Tempo KITCHEN and Breakfast Room ENSEMBLE * KITCHEN CABimer 2 UTILITY CLOKTS MKAKFAST SET (UwlM TaM, A 4 Chain) MOOOtHE BUFFET Included OF Ml EXTRA COSt/ 26-Pc. GENUINE ROGERS SILVER SET THE NEW AND BEAUTIFUL “ENCORE” PATTERN Mada and Guaranteed by Onalda Ltd. IN SPECIAL TARNISH-PROOF CHEST ... with Good Hemefceaplng Institute M of Apptwl 2 Great Gifts for One Price $1X4*40 Terms as low as $2.00 per week Purchase & Sale Company “Complete Home Outfitter!” The Central of Georgia Railway’s :..tcnnial is discused by H. D. Pol lard receiver of that railroad, in a statement published today. Mr. Pol lard says: On December 15, 1835, one hur drod years ago, the first rail was laid at Savannah Tor the Central of Georgia Railway. Throughout thr territory now served by the rn‘ road centennial celebrations to com memorate the event will be held. These celebrations are unique in that they were conceived and a: being carried out by the employ of the railway in cooperation \vi patrons and friends among the pub lic. The principal celebration naturally be at Savannah where the road had its actual beginning. Here the Employes Club of the railroad has arranged an ambitious program covering several days and including an historical pageant depicting the development of transportation from the early days." The pageant “Redskins to Rail roads" mentioned by Mr. Pollard will, it is understood, be more than a summary of railroad development, as it will show the development of transport in Georgia from the day; before the white men crime. It will consist of ten big episodes and use more than 750 men. women and children in its cast. Commenting on the unique nature of the celebrations of the Central’ Centennial. Mr. Pojla-d soys: "In iccent years there have been other railway centennials, each its hirtorical interest bpt the disting- ushing and significant characteristic of this one is that the people we scrv and the employes who serve ihose people are uniting to honor an institution that for a hundred years has been a part of their lives and the lives d.' their forbears. "In its relations with the public the Central cf Georgia has endnvored to render prompt, adequate and de pendable transportation, to build Lip and develop its territory and to be m a good citizen and a friendly neigh- ■ bor in each community it serves. TAX BOOKS CLOSE December 20 Tax Books for the county will close Dec. 20 taxes not paid by that date will be subject to interest and other penalties. Pay your taxes now and avoid this addi tional cost, which must be assessed and which we are forced by law to collect. It will be with regret that any penalties are imposed, but this is the only resort left where payment is not made by 20th. MRS. L. D. SMITH Tax Collector Baldwin County Our employes, cur patrons and our friends at this time of our hundredth anniversary havo made us know that our purpose are understood an- 1 , ippreciated.” *x>S "NOTHING BUT INSURANCE § Km 473 C. K. ANDREWS & SON J READY FOR THE HOLIDAY TRADE We have enlarged our store to take care of the increased trade. Come to see us or Phone 83 and save money. FRESH MEATS AND POULTRY, CREAM, SWEET MILK, BUTTER MILK AND BUTTER Montgomery*! Milk Depot and Meat Market Tfflf A( News C The' of 0 Dr. f tees of the suet ing D** follows: Dr. Ja n Thomas Richard Cha®. J- Thomas John T Henry Bninnc L. Cuh Mr. C have s Hon. M Dr F. Saturd has bt but th his ini At Knigh night, ing of suing 'hanc ley. * 1