Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, December 19, 1935, Image 15

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LOS e, re al y. n ire the ^IQX-HEt ORDER. MILLEDGEVIIXE. OA.. DECEMBER 19. 1935 QUALITY food SHOPS. SHOP AT ROGERS THIS CHRISTMAS TWO STORES WAYNE & HANCOCK STS BLUE ROSE RICE S H» 23c JELLO All Flavors 3 pkfi. 17c STOKELEY-S PARTY PEAS No. 2 Can 17 l-2c PHILLIP’S EARLY JUNE PEAS 3 Cam 25c STANDARD TOMATOES 4 Cam 25c SO. MANOR ASPARAGUS No.zcan 25c ARGO PEAS No zcan 2 FOR 25c Dromedary Cranberry aSAUCE 14 l-2c DATES Pitted or Plain 2 for 25c OLD SOUTH FRUIT CAKE 2 lb.. 65c SNOWDRIFT 6 lb. Pail 99c NUTREAT MARGARINE Pound 14 l-2c CHOCOLATE OR GUM DROPS 10c lb MIXED CANDY . . 10c lb BIG RED STI^K CANDY Each 10c CHOCOLATE COVERED CHERRIES 25c lb MARCELLE ASSORTED CHOCOLATES 2V4 lb 69c JELLY BEANS OR ORANGE SLICES 10c lb MIXED BRAZIL NUTS Pound 15c ENGLISH WALNUTS or PECANS lb. 19c FRESH COCOANUTS 2 for 15c Chocolate Covered Fancy Winesap Winesap Delicious BRAZIL NUTS or ALMONDS lb. ORANGES APPLES APPLES APPLES Doz. Doz. Doz. Doz. 24c 20c 10c 20c 35c Clutcr Cluster Ciolden Ripe Bulk Sun Maid RAISINS RAISINS BANANAS MINCE MEAT RAISINS 3 Ibi. 1 lb. Carton Doz. lb. Pk*. 25c 10c each 19c 15c 10c FLOUR SALE IN OUR MARKETS WHITE LILY ROGERS BEST Country Mixed Country 12 lb 53c BACK BONE SAUSAGE SPARE RIBS 121b. Bag 65c 24 lb. Bag $1.25 24 lb. Bag . 99c 48 lb. Bag $1.95 15c lb 10c lb 17c lb Circus 12 lbs 49c 24 lbs 89c 48 lbs 31.85 SUGAR it: 25 lbs. $1.36 Loin Steak, Western Per lb 30c Loin Steak, Native Per lb 17'/2C Leg-O-Lamb Per lb. 23c Fresh Fish and Shrimp Pot Roast Per lb. 12‘Ac Pork Roast Shoulder Per lb. 18c Small Pig Hams lb. 23c Rolled Roast .. lb. 17c / 4 =s4iis i\ FLOWERS On Christmas Morning You can make Christmas a brighter occasion for someone by giving Cut Flowers or Pot Plants from Lawrence's. Surprise your Date with one of our reasonable Corsages. Lawrence’s Flower Shop Phone 30-L Wc Deliver Christmas Morning. 3QPOI IOE3Q1 SEE US FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS TURKEY AND CH ICKENS- -FRESH DRESSED—LOWEST PRICES Best American CRISCO Select Fat Back Rindless Breakfast CHEESE 3 lb. Can OYSTERS MEAT BACON Zte lb 59© 45b Qt 14c lb 33c lb Pi ABODY HIGH TO HAVE PAGEANT FRIDAY MORNING "•tory of Christmas to Be Told in Beautiful Pageant at Collece Audi torium at Noon. TUe Peabody Christmas Pageant '■•ill bo given this Friday, the 20th <»f IWembcr, at a quarter to twelve o clock in the College Auditorium, are invited to attend. In the cast are Betty Allen, Mary •Jewel Nixon, and Julia Scott as r ‘ , Men; Martha Carpenter. Mae Katherine Proctor, Martha umas - and Geraldine May as shep herds; Ann Pennington as the Ar changel; Margaret Ennis as Mary; ind Mary Bradford as Joseph. The chorus of angels is composed of more ‘han fifty children from the fourth. f *fth. sixth, and seventh grades. The story will be told in panto mime to the singing of Christmas •arois and the music cf the organ. I Mrs R. E. Long will play and will >ng “O Holy Night”. The costumes and the three eath- dral windows which form the set- ng were designed and painted by •idents in the sixth and seventh ' r ^des. The nine by tipelve foot I /^dle window shows thi i TlL c Men, and the -.round Mary. Joseph, and the Holy Child. The side window* tell the story of the Wise Men and the shepherds. Miss Maggie Jenkins directed the singing and Miss Barbara Stanton directed the play and the designing and making of the scenery and cos tumes. TOSCHA SEIDEL SECOND ARTIST OF CONCERT SERIES A broad-shouldered, compact fig- M -e, with an arresting personality- snapping blue eyes and curling hair when Toscha Seidel steps on the concert platform he is not only the cynosure of all eyes, but he creates and maintains interest from the time he takes his position until he leaves the stage. There is a boyish ness about this artist which is in di rect opposition to the maturity of his art. a maturity which he always seems to have possessed from the time as a mere stripling he made his American debut. His present tour is inspiring great interest and his appearance here on January 14. as the second number of the Coopera tive Concert series, will be one of the high lights of the present musi cal season. Toscha Seidel’s concert is one that lovers of the violin MRS. \V. T. WEAVER PASSES AWAY AFTER SHORT ILLNESS The news of the death tf Mrs. Frances McCullough Weaver, wife of Mr. W. T. Weaver of the South- part of the county, brought sor- to a great number of friends and relatives in this county. Mrs. Weaver was stricken last •eek and death came Tuesday. Fun eral services were held Wednesday morning at the family residence and interment was in the Camp Creek cemetery. Rev. J. L. Pittman and Elder Green officiated at the fun eral services. Mrs. Weaver was born in Wilkin son county and was 65 year* of age. She spent the greater part of her life in South Baldwin where she established herself in the esteem cf her neighbors and friends. She was the mother of six sons and five daughters and was an inspiration to them. She is survived by her husband. W. T. Weaver; 6 sons. M. W.. W. L.. J. E., T. B., M. S and H. K. Weaver, all of this county; 5 daughters, Mrs. R. M. Furchee Coopers; Mrs. J. C. Combes, Cordcn; Mrs. C. I Martin, Macon; Mrs. A. L. Strickland, and Mrs. J. A. Glenn, of this county; 5 brothers, Jessie McCullough, of this county; J. W. and H. C. McCullough, PEABODY P. T. A. HAS MEETING. The Peabody Parent-Teacher As sociation met on Tuesday afternoon at the school auditorium. Mrs. George Echols, dietician, was the guest speaker on the program. Mrs. George Carpenter, president, presided. A tea was served at the conclusion of the program with Mrs. Lynwood Smith in charge. Take this Tip from Santa l Dr. Euli Belle Bolton entertained at a diner on Tuesday evening in honor of Prof. Meritt Pound, guest speaker at the A. A. U. W. Members of the G. S. C. W. facul ty were among the party at the din ner at the Baldwin Hotel honoring Prof. Pound. A CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincerest thanks to the good people who have given us assistance and aid in an hour of need, which came to us when our home was destroyed by fire. Their kindness will always be re- membeerd. MR. AND MRS. G. W. HUFF 1 Macon and one i • .and learn what real luxury means! For you want the finest when you dine out on Christmas . . .in quality and service . . .and we’re pre pared to give it to you! Order table d’hote from 35c up. and remember you may choose from several different dishes. Special Christmas Turkey Dinner 60C REX CAFE and Ice Cream Parlor Be dure Your Clothes Are Ready for Holiday Parties Phone 559 Your Clothes are called Sor and returned the same day Odorless Cleaners Make your selections now and avoid the rush which cones at the last minute. Our stocks arc conpkte —we wiU take pltuare m ifcowaf yoo Ike rifkt lift at Ike rifkt price. Williams & Ritchie Jewelers Milledgeville, Ga.