Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, December 19, 1935, Image 8

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f THE I MON-RFCOEDEK. MUIMKVIUI. G*.. Mr* and Mrs. G. C. McKinley Celebrates Golden Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Guy C. McKinley f scions cf observed their golden wedding an-, oldest and most pi niversary Tuesday. December 17th., and Mr. McKinle They kept an open house during grew to manhood ** the day, and at the home, which was iie carried hi* brut beautifully decorated in the colors and they have sir r«f the Christmas season, numbers; home there c/ friends of this highly esteemed Mr. McKinle;. ha and greatly beloved couple called ro w j n county faithful express their congratulations ar.J ji C servant, and the best wishes. ref pi ct him. as a The years they have lived togeth-, who ha s spent m rc er have beer, well and wisely spent g and tpn amo as they have been filled with use- • ‘ ‘ _ ful service in the religious, social sterling charac er , and civic life of the community. ■ has met the duties Both Mr. and Mrs. McKinley are ties cf citizenship Baldwin county’s rominent families y was born and ' the house where .* rcndered Bald- people honor and * than three score mg them. With and manhood he and responsibili- that have come OFFICERS ELECTED BY HAROWlCi: WOODMEN LAST THURSDAY Thi Hardwick Camp of the Wnod- mcn c.* the World held their annual meeting on last Thursday night lor the election of officers and at the same time had an initiation cere- An oyster supper was served be fore the ceremonies took place. Offic- 1 ers elected were T. H. Simpson. Counsel Commander; Leo Combes. Advisory Lieutenant: J. M. King. Canker: M. L. Thompson. Financial 1 Secretary: Roland Dickerson. Escort:, Alton Switzer, Sentry: J. C. John-, son Past Counsel Commander. CHAPTER TO MKT TONIGHT Temple Chapter, No. 8. R. A. M. will hold the annual meeting to night for the election of officers. All members arc urged to he pres ent. Sidney L. Stombridge is the present presiding officer of the CCC Camp to Be Continued in Baldwin County, Congressman Vinson States Orders came through last week I Pottery- instructing officials at the CCC camp j The camp has been of great benr at Stevens Pottery to make plan- fit here and a program has been map- CAMPUS THEATRE Sunday, December U ■fell/MAO WITH PAGAN PLEASURE.. WHEN THE MOUNTAIN OELCHED ITS FLAME I^ The eruption of Vesuvius is one of the most dramatic, one of the » - most astounding, scenes ever k^C^produced! .-lend®*'- 'Tfdt**' 0 , „»*« re *.A«a«>* Travel' 000 ce°; * hour Jot PRESTON POSTER ALAN KALE CASiL r,MMR0Nk JOHN VOSI LOUIS CALHEON DAVID HOLT . . D0H0THY WILSON IRIS WYRLEY BIRCH Dltt'ItJkt Em.,I B. Sduvdtuk Also Selected Short Subjects—2:00 - 4:00 and 8:45 Auspices American Legion Auxiliary Mott-.-Tues., Dec. 23-24 L er knew Don was a murderer I He said he loved roc, and I thought I loved him. Can't you see I couldn't love a murderer!" Adolph Zutcr pr«Mnts S¥W1& SIDNEY FUOITIVE* A Paramount Picture with MELVYN DOUGLAS ALAN BAXTER Port Keiton • Wallace Tord i Directed by 7/iUiaa K. Howard ; A Walter Monger Production J Also Laurel Hardy Comedy The Community Chest and Red | Cross membership drive which open- led in November has fallen short of the goal of $2,500 which was the* I amounted estimated suf.'icient to take ■care of Baldwin charity this year. Col. Joe Jenkins, director of the drive, said the subscriptions and pledges exceeded one thousand dol lars. It may be necessary to reopen the campaign in order that all needs cf chairty be met. to him. During the half century past Mrs McKinley has been a sympathetic and loving helpmeet both in hours of adversity und success, making a devoted wife and mother. The Union—Recorder joins in ex tending the heartiest felicitations and wishes for them many more years together, which will be filled with happiness, contentment and blessings of a kind and loving providence. A special Christmas program will be given at the Methodist Sunday School on next Sunday morning. “White Gifts for the King” will be the title of the program. A short pageant will be given under the di rection of Mrs. Horace Sm'th and each class will bring gifts for the CHRISTMA” PAGEANT AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH On Thursday December 26th a pageant will be presented at the Hardwick Christian church at 7:30 o. m. in celebration of the Christmas season. The public is cordially invited. to evacuate on Januaiy 15. a decis ion having been made to abandon the camp. Congressman Vinson was imme diately called and through his in- terracing machine and already fluence it is possible to keep the farms have been re-terraced. ped out that will mean conservation and rebuilding of thousands of acres of lands in this county. The county comimissicners have purchased r. FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT I wisli to announce my candidacy fer re-nomination to the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of Bald win County. Georgia, subject to the rules and regulations prescribed by the Democratic Executive Commit tee governing the primary for county officers to be held on Wed nesday. February 19th. 1936. I am most graceful for the confidence placed in me. and trust my past ser vices will warrant your continued support. Courteously yours. Joseph Cleveland Cooper camp in this county. The letter from Congressman Vinson is as follows: Washington. D. C.. December 13. 1935 Mr. Jere N. Moore Milledgevllle. Georgia Dear Jcrc: I am in receipt of your telegram of even date, ar.d in reply I desire to say that I am calling to see the President today in regard to the re tention of the Soil Conservation Service camps. He issued orders that camps be discontinued on account of the transfer of funds from that set up to the PWA. Mr. Fechner and every one ii charge would like to sec the camps retained. As a matter <£ fact, wo would like t o sec them expanded, but the policy is entirely in the hands of the President. I don’t know whether I will b? able to get anywhere or not, but I am going to do my bei.}. Of course. I am very much interested in seeing that the camp be retained. With best wishes. I am. Your friend, CARL VINSON P. S. Since writing the above, it is a pleasure to advise you that 1 have won the fight and the camp will not be abolished at Stevens Th» work is of great importance an<i probably the most effective and con structive ever conducted here. CARS COLLIDED ON 8ANDER8V1LLE ROAD Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Vickers, of Gainesville, were slightly injured Wednesday morning when their cai collided with a car, driven by a ne gro Tom Trawick, at the top of Med- lin hill on the Sandersville road. Trawick was driving a Buick with ether Negroes as passengers and started around a wagon at the top of the hill and met the car of Mr. Vick ers head-on. Both cars were badlv damaged. Mr. and Mrs. Vickers were brought to Scott Hospital and their cuts and bruises were treated. Trawick was placed in jail charged with wreckless driving. FOR CORONER I wish to announce my candidacy for re-election as Coroner of Bald win county subject to the Demo cratic Primary of February 19th. I will appreciate your vote and assure you of my continued care ful service to the county in perform ing the duties of this office. C. I. NEWTON Phone 58 Quality Service Store We Deliver The Finest in Foods The Best in Service The Utmost in Economy Santa Claus is Coming! When you see our selections and the cheap Prices we have,you’ll think we are Santa Claus! CHASE a SANBORN DATED Coffee lb - 25c ROYAL DESERT Gelatine 3 for 18c I pkg. Ckacalate Pnddiaf for 1c Apple Sauce 10c R0SEDALE CRUSHED Pineapple N 2 °' 15c NO. 1 CRUSHED Pineapple 3 eans 25c R0SEDALE SLICED Pineapple Can 19c OCEAN SPRAY CRANBERRY Sauce lb can 15c Holiday Needs “Nigger Toes” 2 poak 35e English W a butts 19c lb Mixed Nats 19c l». Soft Shell PeciRs 19c lb Soft Shelled Almonds 25c lb. Gum Drops 12 l /ic lb. Radio Mi r .ed Candy 19c lb. Chocolate Drops — - I2V2* lb Mixed Crystal Cats — 15c lb. Coeoannt Bor Boas ISc lb 2 lb. Box Stick Candy 23c Large Stick Candy 10c each Dates, pkg. — 15c Raisins, Cluster - 10c lb. Swoet, initiy, Large Florida Oranges Dn~s 17c Apples, doz. 10c, 15c, 19c, 25c, 35c Large Cocoannts Each 5c Golden Ripe Bananas — lb 6c Fresh Cranberries 12-oz 20c And many other items that we are not able to put in onr add. Come in an! see them. P. S. Don’t fail to see onr Lettuce and Celery. Ginger Mix Pk gl5c SWEET MIXED Pickle Large Jar 17c MACARONI AND Spaghetti Pkg 5c NORWOOD Coffee LbJar25c Dark Brown, Light Brown Sugar 3 pkgs 25c SODA Crackers Lb Box 10c Mince Meat. L b 23c :xxxxxxxxxx IN OUR MARKET A Real CHRISTMAS Sale i> bow in Propwt at on Stare. And we are Still tryiaf le nee yoa money sa ever, Ren that we n On Stack it complete. On ddirer, it Sadden and on fall force it action te tore jroa. Make yen neat, nore enjoyable bjr BUYING HERE Turkeys lb 23c 8 la 10 poaadt Hens lb 19c 3 to 4 poaadt, yoanf and fat Fryers lb 25c All Suet Oysters Qt 43c From Chetepeake Bay CURED Hams lb 29c Larpc Ones, l / 2 or Whole FRESH MG Hams ib 22 l-2c S In 10 paaadt COUNTRY Sausage lb 28c Genuine all Pork PORK Roast lb 19c Lean and Tender LAMB Roast lb 15c Extra Special ROUND Steak lb 12 l-2c Satnday Only GROUND Beef lb 10c Fn Loaf SAUSAGE Meat lb 10c A real bay WHITE SALT Meat lb 16 l-2c For BoiBaf We ne Withing yon Ereryaae a Vary MERRY CHRISTMAS