Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, January 23, 1936, Image 12

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r . oa, janvaby u. im REV. TERES B HEARD M MERCER TALE HULK SALES BEGIN AS FARMERS PLAN PLAHIIMC season in county HCMI^irtlii Oh ml Lmrtmml Mai MaataM la The State LaU Yu ul New Yaar SUrta BaMM. TONIGHT People cf Milledgeville are in vited to the G. S. C. W. auditorium to hear Min Ruth Tabor give ad- j menistratton and talk an Home MIDDLE GA. GOLF LEAGUEPLANNEDr MMf'rifc. NUca, >kfa, Car- u, n:L„ Taataa m Cea- ' Thl ‘ mo * impcrtant hu'Jtutlon Me aad Olker lataw ■ Wo-, to w dvllilstlon u ^ church ol ler of State to Make Leajno. the Lord Christ." Rev. James M edi'n MIUcdKviUe and' dreadT u I nomic5 Miss Clam >"*1 ' hC B * p,Ul 'large number of mules have Hassleck director. The rocplo of the Milk-dgeville will be a member .fj church of Millcdgeville. declared to handled on ^ loca j market. , Clly are es P ec,alI - v lnviled a strong Middle Georgia amateur. students and faculty of Mercer uni-j Milldgeville has become the mule ___ ^ .^ToIL.cr „ self league this summer if plans ad- versity in a chapel address yester- buyi „ e center for several eounUes, ™ E DOES L *”^“* MAGE AI vonced by the links fraternity ma -, day morning. :. an d , s af onc me McKINNONS terialize. Weekly matchca would be| "™ glory of the church is noted ] argKlt muU . markets in the state, played alternately at home and because cf a glorious experience the Latt vrar w . venil hundred mules abr -d by each team. *^-»> wpvricnce of n.}*, hllndlw | throueh the ma rkc t Other towns involved In the pro- 1 *' * ' pused lc=p arc Milledgeville, Dub lin, Fort Valley. Reynolds. Hawkins- ville, Cerdrlc. Americua. Montezuma and pcsrubly Albany. Applications tram ether tewns for membership “When Jesus came into the have been invited. he breught with him an adequate twlc , ^ ^ ^, lppFd hm f(nlr 1 he league would be composed ol message." he continued. "We have 1okU mul „ oircady th is season, eight loams, each city playing a six- Ihc deepest conviction in our own ™,, mhcc dealers have also rtoeiv- man team and two alternates, souls that this Savior is an adequate , d a nur nber of mules fnr the Iccal Matches would be played on Thurs- Savicr ard that his message was an market. days or Sundays, heme and visiting adequate one for any world or any j Farmers are beginning to make teams to decide the issue. , social order. , oians for the planting season and A schedule, similar to that in ««’• Mr. Tercsi added that the indicatlons to one of the big- bascfcall leagues, would begin the gl-ry of the church Is further evi- RPSt n]et o( mules in ^ ycars opening week in May and extend dcnccd bv its place in relating the' through September. This would give. message of Christ. tach chib 10 or 11 matches at homei “Let us be convinced in rpite of MRS. ED ATHON AWARDED and the ramc number on ether j antagonistic forces that the Christ. VERDICT IX DAMAGE SWT courses. we preach is an adequate Savior' ■■ Last year there was some effort) with a message for the world. He' Mrs. Ed Athon was awarded $17.- n'ade to launch a loop, but it did j has promised us a glorious victory,”, 500 by a Baldwin county jury last WORK REGINS ON WATER MAIN EXTENSIONS Work was started last Thursday by the city to extend the water mains into the northern scctiri of the city and provide water and fire church had—an experience of demption,” Rev. Mr. Teresi said. “It here. “ n °< an «*P<mience of philosophy j simmtrson <i Robinson. W. expononco of r creed. or an ox- Da*, A CO i ^ Will Kinney pnence of . system c! thought. It , he mute daatenl ..perrim* in M ll- was the experience of a person. ,ledgevlUe this year. Mr. Simmerson ■orld ha. visited the Tenneessee markets Lighting. The program will lake 1 protection. to five blocks of residen- [ plate at 8 o’clock and is given un- tial property. 1 der the auspices of the Home Eco- ^ work u , h< . ^ rf , he PWA projects planned by the city. The remodeling work on the interior of the city hall Is nearing completion. The entire interior has been paint ed. a private office for the mayor has been build, new quarters for the water department have been pro vided. the quarters of the firemen have been improved and a new jail has been constructed. The job will require about six weeks to complete and is under the direction of J. D. Teague, Jr., dty engineer. Fire hydrants will be placed on each block and the water lines will be extended into the sec tion north of the old power plant beyond the Georgia railroad. r.ot click and finally collapsed. Plam .’or the league in 1936 would avoid any chance of mid-season difficul ties by requiring each team to post a forfeit fee. Tommy Sullivan. Roy Alfcrd, Jr., Pop Reynolds and Arch McKinley have professed an interest in the organization and will attend the or ganization meeting when it is Mid. Local golfers are enthusiastic over tlte plan. Ctoe-dav tournaments proved quite the rage last summer and drew big delegations of visitors. The prosper ed league would boost the number of such tourneys and contribute to their attract!' Though there is plenty c£ time to iron out details for the formation of the league, advocates of the Idea expect to start work immediately to line up memberships. A presi dent will be elected and a board of director'* set up. Each dub will have onc director. M. H. Bland Parses Away Monday he said in conclusion. [Thursday afternoon in her suit for Dr. Y. H. Yarborough of the damages arainst the A. & N. Rail- Georgin state sanitarium. Milledge- rrad. Atlantic Coast Line and Geor- ville, will speak before the Alembic . Railroads and the Atlantic Ice dub. science group, in the Roberts * Cool C°- chapel tonight at 7:30 o'clock.— Althought the ice and coal com- Tuesdays Macon Telegraph. I>ony were co-defendants in the [suit the verdict was against the NEGRO FARMERS CONFERENCE ( railroad companies, and the rail- The Annual Negro Fanners Con- read will be required to pay. ference will be held in the Court! Mrs. Athon has been in a local House on Tuesday. January 28. at,hospital since she was injured last 10:00 A. M. All farmers are urged,March when the car in which she to be present. There will be a group wgs riding collided with an ice truck of able men. and women to give. on Wayne street. A train was on the some very timely and helpful inf or- siding when the accident occurred. mation. Mr. Cook the county agent ■ - will discuss the outlook for 1838. «i WIDOWS OF VETERANS well as answer some o fthe questions j ME SHOW FREE relating to the farm program for the j Widow3 of Confederate veterans county. Mr. Willingham will give In w|M ^ admitted to the Campus free detail the posibUlties and the help f Thursday and Friday to see “So Red farm refutation oAVrs to a cer- ^ j^ .. Frank D. Adams has Ucn group of farmers. ! announced. Westbrocks cetton J The picture is a story of the old specialist wiU discuss the advantages! during the wax- between the of the one variety community and stateB will answer questions as to the • rieties in the state that are giving 1 satisfactory results. Mrs. Mayme r _ Wesley will discuss the family diet ^ PllOIlG A fire about three-thirty Sunday morning did little damage to the Me- Kinncn Motor Co. The fire was caused from a trans former that controlled a neon sign in the front of the building and came during the heighth of the teriffic rain and wind storm that was rx ging. The storm probably caused the wires to cross and produce the fire The damage was confined to the sign in the show windows of the building. « Dr. Guy Wells will lead a group of faculty members of G. S. C. W. tc Valdosta Saturday where a con ference will be held on various problems of the colleges in the university system. Those going from the college are - Dr. Wells. Dean Hoy Taylor. Dean Ethel Adams. Dr. Wilbur Scott Dr. E. H. Scott. Dr. W. T. Wynn. Dr. Harry Little. Dr. L. C. Lindsley. Miss Clara M. Nixon, Prof. W. C. Chi pel and L S. Fowler. How Cardm Helps Women To Build Up Card til stimulates the appetite and Improves digestion, helping women to get more strength from the food they cat. As nourishment is Im proved, strength Is built up, certain functional pains go away and wom en praise Cardui for helping them back to good health. .. . Mrs. C E. Ratliff, of Hinton. W. Vn„ writes: “After the birth of my last baby, X did not aeem to get my strength bock. I took Cardui again and was soon sound and wdL I have given It to my daughters and recommend It to other ladles. “ . . . Thousands of women testify Cardui benefited them. If It does not benefit YOU, consult a phyRolaa. Rev. Horace Smith, pastor u MiUedgeviUe Methodist church l Rev. R. C. Shea, poator of the a^E win circuit i in Atlanta, where they are ; a series of lecturee at Emory \ versity. The ministers will return to t city Friday ior services on Sun*,! Miss Frances Connell, of Griffi^l was instantly killed Saturday nips I in an auto accident near Augiuta. Miss Connell was a student at G.I S. C. W. until Christmas and w* I teaching in the Stapleton Hip I School. She waa popular with the | students of the college. CAMPUS TO HAVE Pit A premier showing of the pictun | “Magnificent Obsession" will given at the Campus Theatre Sat-1 urday night at 10:30, manager Frank | Adams has announced. LOOK TOUR BEST AT THE PRESIDENTS BIRTHDAY PARTY NEXT THURSDAY JAN. M1H U ■ dm jmm Tax*** or E*MBf Cm Tka m wil j hanr I u iftlw mi porftd PHMK 32 PM QUICK PICK-UP fcw ■ At tau to (a jht CM* Rady Protective oCeJtA tysO- rto 4 h<. ' <firndwii (Rinthdru/ (Pantdjf and home sanitation. Hurse wil! discuss the advantages)^ the 4-H Club is offering the rural ) ^ boys and girls. The agent is urging ^ all farmers to attend this meeting. 1 Club boys and girls are expected to attend. The meeting will epened promptly 10:00 A. M. AT THE CHURCHES SUNDAY -voiTGTA BELLE TURNIP GREENS.. 10c GEORGIA BELLE PEACHES No 2 1 /*.. 10c Hessie Bland, of this dty and Mrs. R. H. Roddcnberry, of Montgomery. Ala., a son. M. H. Bland. Jr., of At lanta, an aunt, Mrs. S. M. Gilmore, of this city and two uncles, L. N. Jordan and E. W. Jordan. Marshall Hall Bland was born in Washington county October 11. 1862. he came to Milledgevillc when a young man and quickly made friend®. He became agent for the New York Life Insurance Co., and won a wide reputation as a business man in this field. He won many lienors from the company for hi« efficient work and was a member o' the hundred thousand club, an oi gnnization in the company com- pofed of the leading salesmen who had sold one hundred thousand drt- Presbyterian Charch lair Insurance in a year. He also Rev. R. W. Oakey. the pastor, will J •mined membership in the two hun-. conduct the usual morning and; — dred thousand club on several oc-[evening services and preach at both | M SHURFINE GELATINE 5c pkg. Rev. Horace Smith, pastor, will i M have as his sermon subject next| M ARMOUR’S PEANUT BUTTER 1 lb jar 15c and thej ^ ; STRIKALITF MATCHES 3 for 9c Sunday morning, “Christ Closed Doors.” At the morning ser- Rev. Smith will announce the winning paper and honorable men tion papers on the scripture contest. All children are urged to bo pres- The usual evening service will be held with the pastor preach- SODA CRACKERS 1 lb. box 10c N s'i SALT 3 5c boxes 9c B ANGLO CORNED BEEF 18c CHILI CON CARNE Can 10c $ LIGHT HOUSE CLEANSER 3 for 10c K EGGS, Shipped 29c doz. rasions during his connection with hours, the cninoanv. ! Baptist Charch Mr. Bland was held in the confi- j Rev. James M. Terrsi will preach deuce and esteem of h!s friends. He:at the morning and evening services mad** many of them bv his genial, cf the church. , •iost and his company was desired by j The celebration of the Holy Com- jij VERMONT MAID SYRUP 21c those who associated with him. He munion will be at 8 o’clock and thej N §TOKELEY*S CUT BEETS No 2 CAIl 10C was active in the business, social morning prayer wtih sermon at 11' M and club life of the community for o’clock. Rev. F. H. Harding, the' M many years and took an active part Rector, will conduct both services. I u in many fraternities. Catholic Church 1 ^ Mr. Bland held strong convcitions, Father T. J. McNamara was ab- and often Interested himself in sent from the city and made no an- politics and government, although nouncement as to services. He will I H lie never sought public office. He return to conduct the usual service j H sized the candidates and issues on Sunday. • H ouickly and once he declared him- ' ^ self he was staunch and steadfast AUTO ACCIDENT SATURDAY ^ in his belief. BREAKS ROSE WINDOW He was a member of St. Stephens The big plateglass window of the Fpi'copal church and a member of Rose 5c and 10c store was broken ^ ♦he Board a.' Vestrymen of the Saturday afternoon when the nuto- church. mobile of Mr. Roy Haves overran While Mr. Bland retired from ac- the curbing and crashed into the H Only H Lean Pork Roast - - — - ~ M Pork Chops Lean-Tender 23c lb in- hts foot slipoed and hit the excele- P® * idual character in the social and rator causing the car to lunge for- H life of MiUedgeviUe. ward into the glass window. A dis- M •ive work a number of years ago. he plate gla T'.ovrr lost interest in current events Mr. Hayes had his little daughter, md enjoyed friendlv arguments on Bottv. in the car with him. He said i rues with his friends. The death that when he applied the breaks, rf Mr. Bland takes from life play cf gla was demolished. TTie accident caused j the window GIRL SCOUTS TO MEET Junior Girl Scouts will meet Fri- Tbe accident caused a tremendous day afternoon at 4 o’clock in room 8 crash and attracted a large crowd. *'f Chapel Hall. Mrs. C B. Me- Mr. Haves and his little daughter Cullar. director, has announced. All escaped injury and the car was embers are urged to be present to damaged. The window was a com- blan for a hike. p i e tc wreck. 58 Quality Service Store We Deliver The Finest in Foods -:- The Best in Service The Utmost in Economy M Clover Nook CATSUP 14-oz bottle 10c M BULK GRITS 5 lbs. 15c % WESSON OIL Pint 18c FLOUR SALE 24 lbs. MISS DIXIE 89e 12 lbs. MISS DIXIE 55t 24 lbs. SOFT SNAP 85c 12 lbs. SOFT SNAP 49c 24 lbs. HOME MAID 79c 12 lbs. HOME MAID 42c PRODUCE YELLOW SQUASH 2 lbs. 25c GREEN CABBAGE lb. 4c WHITE CABBAGE 2 lbs. 5c FRESH SPINACH 7c lb CRANBERRIES 15c JK LARGE FLORIDA ORANGES ..'.. 15c doz. IN OUR MARKET Ik Luc k Luf, Sue uknil AW Fit, TWifh Fickle, Oftca Gtrn Tkl Nmr Tn Apk Aartkr Ckue* to Ha. Fork Prices Have Turned At Last J Country Back Bone only 15c lb 19c lb Country Sausage pork e 29c lb Mixed Sausage Meat 10c lb Beef Roast Extra Good 10c lb Hens 19c lb. Fryers 25c lb Oysters Fresh Norfork 43c Qt jj| Siiced Cured Ham only 27c lb Rib Stew Meat w S, lt 5c. ib Tender Beef Steak 121c lb jj White Meat For Boiling 12^c Ib tt &XXXXXXXXXllXXXXXXTXXXXXXXXXXXXXTTZXXZXXXXXTTmXXXg