Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, January 23, 1936, Image 6

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t UNfON-lRCORMUt. MLUDGfVIUl, OA, JANUARY M, 1W CUT COUNCIL IN SESSION WEDNESDAY NIGHT Mirt far The Year Adopted and Beer Licence b Approved. Other Ilia i nn Traaaacted. •Die city council in special session Wednesday night approved the bud get for the coming year an-d adopt ed a new beer license. The beer license varies very lit tle from that in effect during 1935. The budget for the year was practi cally the same as last year also. Other minor business matters were iJso transacted by the council. COLUMBIA DEAN TO SPEAK AT COLLZGF. NEXT WEEK Dr. Wm. F. Russell, dean of the Teachers College. Columbia Univer sity. will visit G. S. C. W. January j _ .. . , „ . . . 2«h and address the student* at **“ ^ urCtl “ °' Hard '“'* chapel exercises on that day. Dr. t ”> ld » u ’"° n “ Cuy Wells has announc'd. ! Wednesday evenunjt January .9th at Dr Russell will be (he fuest ot |the Hpfdwid. Chrlstlm diarch. The the faculty at a luncheon at FUVEKAL SM VICES POE LEWIS CTWntlllMd HELD HEEE WEDNESDAY Funeral services for Mr. Lewis A. Stembridgc, who died at his home in Macun Tuesday, were held at Moore’s Chapel Wednesday after noon at 3 p. m. and interment was in the c.iy cemetery. Rev. W. C. Bud.; officiated. Mr. Stembridgc was 58 years of ( age and was well known her* where 1 he has a unde family connection. Mr. Stembridge is survived by two sisters. Mrs. F. R. Munson, tianford. Fla., Mrs. William Ellis. Macon, two brothers, James S. Stembridge. Waynesboro. Ga.. and Hanscll Stem- bridge. Los Angeles, Calif. MRS. LULA REDDICK COOK DIED AT HER HOME HERE Mrs. Lula Reddick Cook, widow of tlie late Mr. S. R. Cook, died at her home in the Northern part of the city Tuesday night after a long illness. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at two o'clock from the residence and interment will be at Mount Arrat Cemetery near Dennis station. 'PRESBYTERIAN MEN TO Mrs. Cook has ojicrated the store | GATHER JANUARY 3IST of her husband since his death about two years ago and was known as ai industrious woman. She lived quietly at her heme, but made manj friends ir. her business contacts. She is survived by two brother; . , r.,..r C ,. w. and J. M. Reddick or this j A ” ^Planned city. * »' TP COOPERVILLE SCHOOL NEWS Horn System Appeals te Pipit The system used in some of the grades ol keeping a weekly Hanoi RcU of all pupils doing A-grade work in all subjects is accomplish ing some very fine results. The Honor Roll of the Fourth Grade for this week follows: 1. Edward Allen. 2. Dayton Lance. 3. Carolyn Downs. 4. Robert Ivey. 5. Dorothy Martin. "BEFORE ROOSEVELT. BIG BUSINESS NOT ONLY BAN THE GOVERNMENT: IT WAS THE GOVERNMENT** (Editorial from The New York Daily News). In hii last down-with-Roosevelt speech. ex-R-esident Hcover snarl ed at "the starry-eyed who periodi cally discover that relief is need ad and that everything up to date is wrong. This is an echo of the old, familiar complaint that the New Deal contains some starry-eyed Higher Grade* Study Kipling i idealists who won’t know red ink Mainly in the high school but to from black. What was President some extent in ail of the upper Roosevelt’s idea in naming experts grades the life and works of Rud- on housing and social service and yard Kipling have been the subject to find work for those whom big in- of much study this week. .dustrles do not employ? The climax of this study will be ( ^ idea is that Roosevelt, reached when members of several ^ Busine8S ^ ^ „„ the Gov- of the higher grades present a P r °" but WAS the Government, gram on Kipling, under the direc tion at Miss Thelma Coleman, next J The Treasury was subject to or- Friday morning. January 24. in ders from Wall Street; the State De chapel. partment was dedicated to dollar The program is as follows: ; diplomacy; the J*esid«Ait hiirtself Song By the assembly. j was run by Big Business and wss Facts About the Life of Kipling— glad and proud of it. Eva Lee Martin. j The system was supposed to be The Works d! Kipling—Martha ^ host guarantee for prosperity. If Hodges. j these at the top were token care of If”—Rudyard Kipling —Carlton uy every possible means available Lingold. j to the Government the belief At a meeting of Circle No. 4 of th? Methodist church, held at the home «»f the chairman. Mrs. J. J. Jones on Monday afternoon, the members vo4cd to name the circle the Solly Allen Circle honoring Mrs. H. D. Allen, a prominent member of the church. A most delightful program was enjoyed after the business session of the circle and in the afternoon delicious refreshments were served by Mrs. Jones. The Royal Ambassadors of the Baptist church will meet Friday night at eight o’clock at the home _ of Mrs. H. S. Roberts in West End. j . >The Elephant's Child”, from Just | that prosperity would seep down w...j r_, ....« *.—** juries—Kipling — Steadman j^om them to the masses below. As n. much prosperity, that is. as the the Rhinoceros Got His J masses were entitled to. Skin”, from Just Sc Stories—Kip-j Thal philosophy of government ling—Nell Torrance. hi , a terrible snag in the road in William Lyon Phelps’ Character- . 32 9—so terrible that the machine ization of Kipinig—Dorothy Tor- ] was wr€C i te< j. prosperity stopped ranee. seeping down from the top; misery Humorous Incidents in the Life and fear soepcd up from the bottom, of Kipling Ruth West. J j^ r Roosevelt decided that a new "The Man Who Was". A Shortl hj j 0Rophy government (new at Story by Kipling—W. T. Weaver. lca#t t0 agc m the United The Death of Kipling. Jan. W. Sta u»). must be tried out. since the S36—Herbert Torrance. old one had failed so wretchedly. L’Envoi’ —Kipling—Alma Ivey. Accordingly he hired experts. Those “The Recessional”—Kipling—Zu- lene Farmer. The members of the Sons and Daughters oT the United States clubs about to begin a very interest ing and active project A full ac count of this will appear next week. Joe Mujdrow, charge of the program. All members urged to attend. The men of the Presbyterian j church will have their regular ! quarterly gathering on January 31st. I Maj. Sam Whatley, the president has announced. ih Col. Joe Jenkins os the chief speaker for the occasion. Officers will lie elected, an I other annual business transacted EMORY UNIVERSITY ALUMNI TO MEET The alumni of Rmory University in Baldwin and surrounding counties will gather here Saturday. January 22‘h In celebration of Charter Day. The dinner will be given at the home of Miss Hallie Smith on Co lumbia street. Miss Smith is presi dent of the Baldwin county society. After a short program the alumni will listen to an addrers from Presi dent Cox of Emory over the radio. Mrs. Francis Burke entertained bridge club and several additional friends Friday night at her home on Wilkinson street Mrs. George Fish- von prize for highest score and Mrs. Dorman Hardy received conso lation prize. hateful to Big Business be cause they have no personal axes to grind; they cannot be reached or controlled by Big Business. That is what hurts. The power to govern absolutely has slipped from Big Business into the hands of men who have spent their lives studying for the very jobs Mr. Roosevelt put them the Two Stores * Wayne and Hancock Streets WESSON OIL Pint Can 19C ROGERS QUALITY FDap, 5HDP5. Stokeley's PARTY PEAS No. 2 Can 21C MATCHES 3 Eoxes IOC Suley's STARCH 3 PYgv IOC CREAM OF WHEAT 14-oz Pkg. 14C BULK GRITS 5 pounds 13C HOT CUP coffee: Pound lie JELLO Assorted Flavors 3pkgs. 20C PET MILK 2 Tall Cans ISC POST BRAN FLAKES 2 for 2SC LIBBY'S ORANGE JUICE Can FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FRESH LETTUCE kad Sc FANCY CELERY, Si* l*c FRESH SPINACH 3 k 25c FRESH TOMATOES . . h. lie IRISH POYATOES S k 12c CABBAGE 3 Ib. 8c YELLOW ONIONS 3 Ik. 10c FRESH MEATY PRUNES 5c Ib. SALT, 3 Boxes 10c BULK PEANUT BUTTER 15c lb MACARONI OR SPAGHETTI, 3 pkf 25c ALERT DOG FOOD 4 cou 25c In Our Markets Fancy Select Norfolk Oysters 55c Fancy Standard Norfolk Oysters Quart 40c West Coast Mullet . 9c lb FANCY FISH STEAKS . 22c lb Cooked and Peeled Shrimn 42c lb Dressed Pan Trout .... . 17c lb. FAT BACK MEAT .... 12c Ib. Pork and Beef Sausage . 10c lb Pork Chops . 21c lb- STRING BEANS 4 Cans 25c Roosevelt is os courageous a Big Business men whose power he has (indeed as yet in slight de gree) shorn away and he is a bet ter practical politician than any body now* working to unseat him. And it is no wonder that Big Busi- i.css figures out high-sounding ex- s for what is only a very human hatred after all. SERVICES AT MONTPELIER SUNDAY Regular services will be held a*. Montpelier church in East Baldwin Sunday morning at 11:30 o’clock. Rev. W. C. Budd. the pastor will preach. Rev. Budd will conduct the j usual services at the Hardwick Methoc'ist church Sunday night. SUNSHINE TURNIP GREENS No. 2/ 2 lOc PINK SALMON Can IQc Miss Mary Cline was hostess this week to the Tuesday Night Bridge Club. Misses Betty Ferguson. Willie Boggus, Kate Thrash, Elizabeth and Martha Thomas. Mrs. E. A. Tigner, Mrs. Willie Stembridge, and Mrs. Drayton Thomas, were present. The hostess served delightful refresh ments during the evening. Miss Kate Thrash won high score and Miss Elizabeth Thomas, low. COLONIAL PEAS 2 Cans 25c LAND-O-LAKE CHEESE Pound 2Qc COLONIAL CORN 3 Cans 25c LARSEN’S VEG. OH Can 12k LUX FLAKES IV 9c LUX TOILET SOAP 3 Bars Hints for Motorists By C. R. Strouse T O make a tight-fitting job when renewing auto-hose connections, „et a length of hose in a size just a little too small to be forced over the nipples of the radiator tank and en gine block. To swell the ends of the hose sufficiently to enabie them to be slipped over the nipples, soak the ends in gasoline for about an hour. Slip ‘he ends into place. Adjust the clamps after the gasoline has evap orated, when it will be found that the hose has a tight grip on the nipples. Do not use hose having wire or unusuallj heavy fabric reinforce ments. Open seams in the casing are usually responsible when a muffler suddenly becomes noisy. The leaky seama can be distinguished by the soot-blackened appearance, and can easily be sealed with ordinary as bestos furnace cement. « SHORTENING JEWEL 8 Lb. Carton 99([ 4 Lb Ctn 51c. 1 Lb C COLD STREAM PINK SALMON 2 Tali Cans 19c ANN PACE KETCHUP 14 oz. Bottle 10c Grandmother’s Tea Rolls Doz 5c WISCONSIN AMERICAN CHEESE NEW YORK STATE CHEESE Lb 20c H>. 25t IONA DESSERT HALVES PEACHES 2 No. 2 1.2 Cano 25c IONA Pork and Beans 6 hit 25c PURE TALC0 SCRATCH LARD FEED 2 Carton 27C 25 Bag 57c 4 Carton 52c 50 K. $1.10 8 c.!L $1.02 100 £,$2.15 PALMOLIVE SOAP 3 Oka 13c I A*P UMA BEANS Ik. 2 Cm 15c R. S. P. CHERRIES — No. 2 Cu Ik D. M. FRESH PRIMS 2 No. 2*/ 2 Cus 25c MELLO WHEAT 14-o«. Pkg. k IONA COCOA 2 ft. Pk f I Sc N.B.C. LUSCIOUS CREAM ft. Ik EEC POM POMS _ S. Ik ROYAL GELATIN 2 Pk*x 1& A. P. FOORK 4 BEANS - 1 M. Cukl LIBBY’S ROAST BEEF No. 1 Cu 15c A. P. APPLE SAUCE 2 No. 2 Cu. 15c CAMP TOMATO JUKE - C No. 1 Cou 25c CORNED BEEF HASH 2 No. 1 Cu. Ik | Plain or Self-Rising FLOUR Iona Sunnyfield 6 ib. bag X5C IX Ib. bag 47C X4 Ib. bag 89C WELLBREAD 6 Ib. bag IX Ib. bag X4 Ib. bag 24 Lbs 25c STOKELTS Sauerkraut 4 No. 2 Cans 2 No. 2% Cou - 15c IONA String Beans 2 No. 2 Cans 13c ARGO BARTLETT PEARS 2 No. 2 Cans 25c IONA CARDEN PEAS STOKLEYS PARTY PEAS IONA CORN 3 No. 2 Com 25c No. 2 Cu 17* 2 No. 2 Com 15* ANN PACE COCOA 2 Com 15c LYE HOMINY 2 No. 2*4 Com 15c A4P MATCHES 3 Bum lk PRINCE ALBERT OR VELVET TOBACCO Can 10c WESSON OIL .. . Pints 19c SNOW DRIFT 6 lb. Pail 99c GRITS, Jim Dandy 5 lb. Bag 15c SALT MEAT, for Boiling .... lb. 12*4c NUCOA .. Pound 20c TOBACCO . ALL t5e PLUC . 2 Plugs 25c RICE, Fancy Blue Rose . . . . 5 lbs. 25c TOMATOES IONA 4 No. 2 Cans 25c No. 1 COBBLER POTATOES 5 lbs. IQc 112 Two Stores