Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, January 23, 1936, Image 8

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THE IXION-UCOBMI. Mil I.PCimU, OA., JANUARY M. 19M Around and Around at the Roosevelt Ball i that grc.*.: shake the and tnckc slippers, ai •c-m- 1 “f men. and if they are a little are scarce, we will have seme of then, vou at the Roo^n \l ; wear double breasted coats so they | can dance with two girls at once, your lace 2nd lavender. And best noth balls fsom your bib dance polish your golden a mas don't forget your lip that CITATION bag. Remember this nay be your last chan cur be-: chance, and y o wait for the boys u Echetoh. Jurt think if y ran ask the m Leap Yes it as GEORGIA. Baldwin County To Whom It May Concern: Mrs. Ava Hawkins Paschal, the widow of Ambrose Hutchinson Pas chal. deceased, having filed her ap plication for year’s support out ot the estate of said Ambrose Hutchin son Paschal, and the appraisers ap- etner you pointed to set aside said year’s sup- ir not you arc contributing to port having made their return, all worthy cause. Did you know creditors and heirs of said deceased large part of the money do- are notified to show cause before ed from these balls car. *>*-’ made mp a t the February Term. 1936. of liable for any cases of infantile the Court of Ordinary of said "I pot TERRAPLANE first because I put Safely Hist a i don’t hr.v' munity say “may that develop in this • the nrth Car curtailed by report i b< ing prevalent. Just think what it is community, with r stitutienr.. rhculd it r a ticket even if County why the application should not. be- granted and the return made the judgment of the Court and or dered of record. This January C. 1936. BERTIE B. STEMBRIDGE, Ordinary. Baldwin Co. G;« fui nish the license or One dollar for Girls vill have plenty LAND SALE GF.ORGIA, Baldwin County On the 23rd day of October. 1924. Mrs. Daisy Russell Smith conveyed , the hereinafter described land to. Exchange Bank of Millcdgevillc, Georgia, to secure a note of thei same date for $500.00. due October ! 23rd 1925. signed by thr said grantor and payable to said bank. The se- | . curity deed is recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court 1 of said county in Deed Book 9. page! L. nation by automobile trucks. Local Comments!,£ c E. Caldwell of this city: R. C. Owen. . .... rf Baton ton, and H. H. Kerin, of Saturday night, Januaiy ,8 th. Ma crn. The Whitfield Grocer.- Co., will tow be remembered by many I hy , La „., n „ Chc< .,. c ,. j. u niu.de.-. people of tms srelion us it gave them L Smi , h and A | vin Tanner. ■many wakeful hours, filled with un- w T C cm So ns Co.. bv H nmer .... „ ,, easiness arel fear that their homos . - . The three thercon - ' vhon dU! T ’’ c said Mrs might l>o blown away and the? rom lcs nrc reprcscnted b y hust- ^mseives injured or killed. jnJ ^ „ h „ tavt ;; “ = | during the night ram fell m tor-. fhp c ^ nfi<lence a i anIe rente, the wind biew a gale ^ |bcr cf rust omcrs and aided in cstab- lightning flashed and the thund* lolled. In different sections of the m>util , ion , for honest city, roofs were blown off the house, „ dralinc Thu , „ wM , h , aid trees were blown down. In tho lha| thc 1hm . wholp , al( Rn .... . ertv' damaces ^but^no'^rne^'was^n" firma havf a larw parl ln * ha P 1 "-1 first Tuesday in February. 193B. live, The Oeonee 1 ’" d Hnan<:ial 11,e of the dt )'- i within the legal hours of rale, the rtver, FiX c^ek tod V" Union-Recorder wishes for |Uind hereinbefore referred to ami streams throughrut the county over flowed their hank and adjacent Ion The said deed grants a power to said bank to sell the hereinafter de- | scribed land upon default in the j 1 of said note, or any interest i when due. The said Mrs. | Daisy Russell Smith has defaulted in the payment o.* said note and fails to pay the interest due thereon. Notice is hereby given that under the! r | powers contained in said security I ^i lirhini! for the firm, for wdiom thev , dF ^ the OTld Bxdwnw Bank wiu 1 sell, at public outcry, before the courthouse door in said county, to grocery tho highest bidder for cash, on the them a most successful yea busi-[described as follows: j That tract or parcel of land situ- late, lyir-r and being in the ;<21st | Militia District of said State and | County, in Midway, containing seven The rural mall carriers .Tom the! DAUGHTERS AND SELF tor,'L'foilow^' Cm^the Milledseville pest office have found! . I North bv lands now or formerly it difficult lo make their rounds a Prominent loss noire Man of M.tWowned by A. Leonard; on the east by, the Millcdgeville and Scottsboro [public read; on the South by the number days within the past month on account of the unusual weather mditions that have prevailed. The I ALPSRT ADAMS MI.LS lVu Well Known Here. Go ahead, kids... that car’s got BRAKES!” N O one needs to be reminded that safe driving in winter,more than at any other season,calls for ecmrtbaiusaft. Then why not start this new year with the "safest car oo today's highways?** Terraplane—with more new and impor* tarn safety features than any ocher low priced automobile ever hadl BriaflafOtapltDiM For safer riding, safer itnring, refer aoppmg, Terraplane brings yon Radial Safely Control (petantappliedfor). Here is a revolutionary principle of boot axle end spring design which new owners from coast to coast ere hailing as the greatest safety fserare in many years. None bar the best brakes ere good 1936 improvements: Tru-Line Steering and tbe Rhythmic Ride. The worlcTl pm se/rty mgintmd ttnnh is now combined with America’s fira bodies nil of steel, sod seamless roof of solid steeL Them Is earn safety, too, in Terra- plane’s record-bnmiung performance, so take yoo out of traSc "tight spots." And in the Electric Hand, an optional catra, for eaalar gear shifting and aafer driving. Drirv safely in 1936—in a car that yon Anaartobesafe. Drivt a new Tsrrapiatw, bat Terraplane m Duo-Automatic Hydraulic Brakes (pet- net applied foe). Latest and bsmhydrao- lies with a ufnrmri safety braking *595 ssf^AfEiIattatAkfai MnA renditions that have prevailed. The I ..... . lands of T S u n i CBV and „ mini: larger prctmrtion of the roads [ “ k a °! d ' by iparcel of land released by the Ex- ,-rsrr s zrt r =f 1 asa; - - «- -— taken careful driving for them to ,v, ‘ his Iwo dai ters, Helen. 8. and Emma. 16. and himself at their home in Macon early Wednesday morning. Cause for the tragedy was as signed by Mr. Adams himself, who left five notes in one of which he said: “I committed suicide and keep their automobiles from skid ding and overturning. But with alt the bad weather, the roads and bridges are in the best condition in saw.- mss. ruuim- miLdim s\nams, na->- . „ . , ■ live Dawson, killed his two daueh- Bnld "'‘" Cou " ,y ln ;Book 14. page 208; and on the West by the lands of Mrs. Willie Sykes and the lands of the Ramsey Estate. The lands here described being the homeplace of Mrs. Daisy R. Smith. The said sale will be made to T. H. ENNIS Milledgeville, Ga. irajutan nag, vw anouhai! raise funds for the payment of the Tdat tract cr P arcel nf land siiu- “ above described indebtedness and 1 * 1 ^^' ^Infi and being in the .321st Mr. Gee. W. HolUnshcad has the dcr bccauso of financial worries andj thc cost „ f this proceedine and sale. Districl G - M - 31 said county, co tpulation of beintf one of Baldwin. h ™ lth ' Another paid in port: Thc omounl du0 on Mid tadebtcd . mining one acre, more or loss, wl reputation of being County’s best shots and that he " I VP b ™ n losinB my mind nnd rea -|ncss is $450.00 principal, and $4.9.1 seldom fails to bring down his 1,70 d ' Interest to the date of sale, gime. He finds especial pleasure in ^ r - Adams was a member of a Since the execution of the above going into the swamps hunting wild Macon family and for many j mentioned security deed Mrs. Daisy turkeys. It is said that he recently came upon a flock of .’orty or forty- five turkeys and killed one. a large gobbler, which he served at a din ner having as his guests a number rf the members of the Spring Lake The three wholesale grocery panies located in this citv are repre sented by traveling salsmcn who visit the retail stores throughput the surrounding territory for miles qrsund soliciting orders for groceries and other lines of goods carried in stock bv the wholesalers. All orders are filled at the wholesale stores in this city and delivered at their desti- had been prominent in busi ness. civic nnd social affairs. Next April he would have cele brated the twenty-fifth anniversarv of his conn'iiion with the Macon office of the Prcdential Life Insur ance Company. He served the com pany in various capacities, including that of co-mnnagcr with his father C. M. Adams, nnd when the latte r died five years ago lie was made cencrnl manager. Mr. Adams was well known in Millcdgeville nnd only a few days a«»o was a business visitor here. R. Smith has died and the said above described land will be sold for the purpose of paying the indebtedne; * above described oi! the said Mrs. with all improvements being bounded follows: Said lot 'rents cast by Mil- ledgeville and Gordon highways; on the South by lands cf Ilershcl Hardy north by Hershel Hardy; and on the west by Hershel Hardv. This is Ihe lu-ineplace of C. B. Kemp. Said sale will be made to raise Daisy R. Smith, deceased, to said funds for the payment of die abo"e Exchange Bank. j described note, the interest thereon The proceeds of said sale will be I at 8 per cent, taxes amounting to applied first to the payment of the] $100-00. and the cost of this pro- SURE If h'i buildiag construction of any kind, or repairs SEE W, 'THATS OUR BUSINESSS” McCASKILl CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Phone Z33-L. MiNedgevilie, Go. | KNOWING Those We Serve | and Their Naa ds When one cf our patrons speaks of getting good service frsm this bank, what docs he mean? He means ihat cur officers did not merelv give him perfunctory afention. They took the time and th? pains necessary to give him as nearly as passible the type cf banking co-operation his needs of the moment ailed for. That round.-- simple enough. It is simple. But cur best if we did not feel that we s really helpful sendee for those \\ net do perforn to this bank above described indebtedne: the cost of this proceeding, and the remainder, if any. to the persons en titled to the same. The undersigned will execute a deed to the purchaser at acid sale, as provided by the security deed hereinbefore mentioned. This January 8th, 1936. EXCHANGE BANK of Millcdgeville, Ga.. as grantee with power of sale of Mrs. Daisy Russel! Smith. HINES AND CARPENTER. Attorneys for Exchange Bank. Merchants & Farmers Bank SALE OF POWER On Jan. 8. 1931 Charles B. Kemp conveyed to Mrs. Frank Malpnss of Milledgeville. G.\. the hereinafter described land to secure a note pay able to the order of said Mrs. Frank Malpnss. dated Jan. 8. 1931, due Jan. 8. 1932 for $300.00 signed by said Charles B. Kemp. Said deed being recorded in the office of the Clerk rf the Superior Court of said County, in deed book 15. page Said Kemp has defaulted in the pay ment of the note above described. c aid note having been past due since Jan. 8. 1932. The said deed grants a power to said Mrs. Mai pas? to sell the hereinafter described land upon default in the payment of said note. Under the Power con tained in said security deed, the cceding. One payment cf $24.20 hes been credited on interest. The undersigned will execute a deed to the purchaser at said sale. This January 3, l'*6. MRS. FRANK R. MALPASS. Millcdgeville, Ga. Beware The Cough From a common cold That Hangs No mattar how many medicines you have tried for your cough, chest cold or bronchial Irritation, you can get re lief now with Crcomuulon Creomul- sion not only contains the soothing elements common to many remedies; such as, Syrup of White Pine Com pound with Tar, lluld extract of Licorice Root, fluid extract of Ipecac for Its powerful phlegm loosening reach the source of the trouble from the children with remarkable results. Thousands of doctors use Creomul- slon in their own families as well as in their practice knowing how Creo- tated tissues as the germ-laden phle^n Is loosened and expelled. Druggie* mulaion top for couchs because you . very seat of the trouble. Creomulsion is guaranteed satis factory ln tbo trc-Ui chest colds and bronchial irritations and especially those stubborn ones that start with a common cold and hani; on for dreadful days and nights thereof t x Even if other remedies have failed, your druggist is authorized to guaran tee Creomulsion and to refund every at of your money If you are not satUlea with results from the very first bottle. Don’t worry through another alee plea flight phone r " ‘ To Professional Men Special Professional Tax Now Due and Payable Upon each and every practitioner of law, medicine, osteopathy, chiropractic, chiropodist, dentistty, optometry, masseur, public accountant or etnbalmer, and upon every civil, mechanical, hydraulic or electrical engineer or architect charging for their services as such, the state law provides that there shall be levied and collected a special tax of $15.00, and the validity of license is made contingent upon the payment of same. This tax is now due and payable. Non payments in 90 days subject to a 10 percent penalty. Avoid penalty by paying