Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, January 30, 1936, Image 6

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milWTBIB at JANUARY M. «M9 FARM AGENT COOK WRITE'. ON SOIL EROSION PROGRAM IN COUNTT Nm4 for Ml Coiwi vatton to Com- It I'rinl. Engineer Now Avail able to All Land Owners. The Grass Root, anti-new deal meeting in Macon Wednesday A committee composed of Carlisle Giles, Chairman, E. R. Hines, George Carpenter and C. B. McCullar and named by Judge Blanton Fortson drafted resolutions in open court January 22nd deploring the death "Wo have in our midst a master, A Mr Ebor Pearson, a baliff who criminal, a gtKam.c thief, a nigh-1 served the court for a number of waymon. I want you to act as a y ears - jury, listen to the evidence ond The resolution described Mr. Pear- render a righteous verdict upon the son as « man Rreatly loved by dtl- destructive depredations of this the 7ens an< * officers of the court. Mr. master criminal cf our age. and bv Person died as In- boarded a train your verdict find this criminal ™rcute to court last Wednesday, guilty. The name of this master resolution was made a part of wanted the Govei criminal is SOIL EROSION. } tl,e minutes of the court. President. Rev. Gerald Smith, dls- “If the priceless heritage trans- 1 nutted to us by our fore-fathers is SUNDAY WIU. BE GROUND HOG to be preserved unmanned and by! OAT ua transmitted to our children, we Legend has it that Sunday the must control our surface water and gound ^og will make his appear- NIW8 OF THE WEEK Governor O. K. Allen, of Louisi ana, elected last week to the United State Senate to succeed Senator Huey Long, died suddenly in his office Tuesday morning. AT THE CHUICHKS MJNDAT Attend the church of your choice next Sunday. Presbyterian Church Rev. R. W. Oakey. the pastor, will conduct the usual services at the Presbyterian church next Sunday. At the morning hour the pastor will have as his sermon subject, “Weeds -mwrvv our soil. The three most d „ idc whether winter valuable gifts of God to man are OVCT Soil, Sunshine and Rain. They con- j According to the ancient story the atitute the Earthly Trinity and are , itt]e anima , comes from his win- absolutely essential to man. If any homr „ nd i( hc sccs his shadow, one is destroyed then our riviliza- h< _ BOK . , Mck ((>r g morc weeks, but Uon and our people will perish on (hc other hand- it hc docsn :, he stays cut and winter is over. from the earth." Out of the hilLs and valleys of Baldwin the Oconee River has car- SEE> . AND HEARD THE PAST WEEK ried a fortune. This fortune is in the form cf millions of dollars worth of lop soil washed from Baldwin Solicitor Genera! Shop Baldwin county farms during past years. I wonl , rom Milledgeviile to his log SOIL EROSION is a serious problem. rabin , n Wilkinson eounty lost and especially in our immediate Thursd „ v afternoon when court ad- area. The damage amounts to mil- journcd . Mr Baldwin is a great lions of dollars every year and lrver , r thc cl ,t-dnors and has a careful surveys indicate that many' cabin ,, nd fish p<md Wilkinson farms have test ja irement^us cnunly amount of top sell in the last thirty A j ew yParc agn he interested ur forty years j himself in deer and raised a num- L«*i»tl that was productive for years brr cf doer that he later turned has rapidly deteriorated chiefly due loose in ^ Oconee river swamp, to erosion. When this land was first Buck deer In the herd was promoted to crop production the nnmed Dick Binion in honor of land was fertile and the .violas were Dr Richard Binion. A name plate high. The erosion centinued and the v raV cd with the cam was placed yields dropped, and in many cases on the . n ti e rs of the deer. the farmer.-; ceased to cultivate thej land and let it go to pasture with- J Judge .tlanton Fortson made quite out lime or fertilizer ar.d at times an impression with the people df this without seeding. Frequently rome coun ty with the manner in whh’ BALDWIN COTTON FOR 1935 IS 5.984 BALES A report issued by the Depart- ent of Commerce shows that in 1935 there were 5.084 bales of cot- ginned in Baldwin county. The report for the same period in 1034 showed that 4.819 bales were ginned. The increase amounted to 165 baler. native grass came in. but a thi and close grazing caused some soil to be washed away and the thinly scattered grasses gave way to broom sage, and the broom stge to poverty grass and the poverty grass to bare ground and gulley». Baldwin county is fortunate in having one of the many Soil Conser vation Camps and with the co-op eration of the farm ess in the camp area millions of dollars worth of soil may be saved. llinse who are not in the are; may have the free services of i Terracing Specialist simply by ap plying for the work at the office of the County Agent. Mr. Whitley, who has had a number of years ex perience in this type of work is available to those who wish to take advantage of this opportunity. W. Y. COOK. Agent he conducted Baldwin Superior Court last week. Judge Fortson kept the lawyers busy and much crimnal business was finished. Judge Fortson is an outstanding Georgian and is recognized as one of the states best qualified jurist. The freezing weather this week gave plumbers little rest from their work of the previous week of re pairing frozen pipes Dtoptte p cautions, many bursted pipes were in the city Tuesday. DICK IIEABN OPENS LUNCH STAND Mr. Dick Hearn, a native of this city who recently returned here to make his home, has purchased the lunch room on Wayne street In front of the Baptist church and had taken over the management this week. All kinds of sandwiches and cold drinks will be sold. Mr. Hearn said. The Swift cream station will also bo operated in the lunch room sour cream will be bought. DENTIST HERE TRY NEW PAINLESS METHOD Announcement came from New York last week that a Dentist had perfectc i a painless method in drill-1 . ing and treating teeth. Hc declared, HINES ENNIS ENLARGES he would give the formula to the] SERVICE STATION dental profession and refused large! Work was finished this week sums of money for his secret. The larging and remodeling the formula was published in the pap ers Monday. Fraley’s Pharmacy made up a pre scription of the new drug used and supplied all dentists in the city with the product It was tried and found moat satisfactory. Patients declared there was no pain whatever as the dentist drolled into the cavity. The new idea is expected to revo lutionize the method of dental work, and make the treatment of teeth absolutely painless, without the in jection of novocane. CARD OF THANKS Miss Betty Watkins and her par ents wish to express to their friends their sincere appreciation for the many kindnesses shown during the serious illness of Miss Watkins. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO MEET TUESDAY "Hie Board of County Commis sioners will hold their regular monthly meeting next Tuesday at their officers in the Court House, The commissioners arc expected to take final steps for the erection of the new jail. The principal busi ness is routine. BOARD OF EDUCATION TO MEET The Baldwin county Board of Education will hold their regular monthly meeting next Tuesday in the office of Supt. P. N. Bivins. The board expects to inaugurate plans to start work on the school building LOST OR STRAYED—Fox Terrier about six months old. White with brown ears and brown spot on faee. Answers to name of "Pink”. Call Phone 399. eulated in the selection of Gov. j in The Heart”. At the evening hour Eugene Talmadge as a candidate for j he will preach on, "Preparing President. The meeting was attend- Winter." ed by several citizens from Bald-! Baptist Church win county. Gov. Talmqdge was j Morning and evening services at chosen after Hugh Howell, chairman j the Baptist church will be at the of the Democratic Executive Com- j usual hour. Rev. James M. Teresi, mittee. asked the audience it they | the pastor, will preach at both ser vices and he has important messages for the people. Epfeeopul Church The usual first Sunday of the month service with a celebration of the Holy Communion following the sermon at St Stephens Episcopal church Rev. F. H. Harding, the Rec tor. will conduct the service. Ttoere will be no early morning service. Methsdht Church The Holy Communion will be cele brated at the morning service. Rev. Horace Smith, the pastor, will de liver a brief communion message. The usual evening services will be held and the pastor will preach. Catholic Church Father McNamara. Priest. Sunday. Feast of the Purification, i.rning services at the Catholic Church will be at 11:15 and will con sist of Mass. Sermon, and Benedic tion. the sermon on the subject. “The Divinity of Christ" Sunday School at 9:30. Mass throughout the eok at 7:30. ciple* of the late Huey Long, said that since no successor had been found acceptable to the l»ng fac tion. they would support the Geor gia Governor. A very small c owd only partially filling the Macon City Auditorium was present. Funeral services were held Tues day for King George V. and morc than two million subjects paid last tribute to their King. King Edward VIII will be coronated a year from today. FTRST ROBIN ARRIVES The first robin a." the year ar rived this week. It is a sure sign of spring, has always been the be lief. but not so this year, with the obin came the coldest weather of the year, but at that spring may not 3 far behind. And then too the robin may have been one of the family that spends the year round here at Dr. Hall’s bird sanctuary. BUSINESS CENSUS IS BEGUN W. F. Mosteller. acting under the direction of district headquarters ir Macon, has begun a census of busi- *ss in Milledgeville. The merchants and business houses of the city will be called for confidential information. 1 Mosteller will moke his calls rapidly as possible. Miss Martha Thomas was hostess ils week to the Tuesday Night Bridge Club. Miss Elizabeth Thomas, Katherine Scott, Betty Ferguson, Willie Boggus, Mrs. Dorman Hardy. Mrs. George Davis, Mrs. Leon Callaway and Mrs. Drayton Thomas 1 the players. Miss Scott won high prize and Miss ’Riomas low. MBS. LIZZIE YOUNGBLOOD PASSES AWAY Mrs. Lizzie Youngblood, widow of the lav.- C. A. Youngblood, died at the home of her son. Mr. Evans Youngblood last Thursday night af ter an illness of 10 weeks. Funeral services were held Sat urday at 2:30 from the’ Hopewell Methodist church. Rev. R. C. Shea, officiating. Mrs. Youngblood spent practical ly her entire life in Hardwick ond vicinity and had endeared herself to a wide circle of ■friends. She was a devout member of the Hopewell Methodist church. She is survived by the one s-*n, Mr. Evans Ym mg blood. Ennis Hudson-Terraplane Service Station. type automatic lift, new lubricating equipment and new gas pumps have been installed. The gas pumps are electrically operated and indicates the amount of gas going into the car and computes the cost i the gas is drawn. New Neon lights and signs have also been installed. The new equip- nt makes the station one of the ist attrartive in the ctiy. FOUR PEOPLE INJURED IN AUTO WRECK E. L. Hill, of Talberton, and Mr and Mrs. Feris Cato and another man of Atlanta, were injured Tues day night when their cars collided about six miles from Milledgeville cn the Eatonton highway. The injured were brought to local hospital and treated. All of them were dismissed after minor juries were dressed. Mrs. George Watson, of Green wood. S. C.. is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Vaughan. Miss Katherine Scott, who is study ing at Columbia University, arrived Sunday to spend about ten days in the city. The friends of Mrs. W. H. Jewell l egret to know that she is seriously ill at her home on Jefferson street. Mrs. Ida Maddox is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Solomon Griffin. Miss Margaret Yarbrough spent the week-end in Atlanta. The friends cf Mr. Arthur Skin ner are glad to know that he is at home again after a major operation and will return to his business next Miss Sarah Hitchcock, who teache* - in Jeffersonville, was at home for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Ed O'Conner, and daughter, of Savannah, spent the week-end with Misses Kate and Mary Cline. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Leonard, of LaGronge. have the sympathy of their friends here in the death of their baby. Miss O’Dell Moore and Mrs. Hutchins spent the past week-end in Atlanta. visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. Dorman Hardy will spend Saturday in Athens, on business. Mr. Grady Moore who has been living in Milledgeville for the past eighteen months, is now located in Atlanta, where h* is connected with the Chevrolet Motor Co. Miss Mattie Thomas visited the family of her brother, Mr. John Thomas, in Decatur, last Saturday and Sunday. BASKET BALL G. M. C. - - v« - — Gordon Military College Friday Night, Jan. 31 8:30 O’clock G. M. C. Gymnasium BUILDING HEATED Admission 25c LOW PRICES ON Plain and Self Rising Wellbread Iona Sunr.yiiflj 6 lbs - 39c 6lbs * 43c 6 lbs >47 12lbs - 73c 12 lbs 79c 12 lbs » 24lbs$1.43 24lbs$1.53 241bs $1" PURE LARD IN CARTONS * lbs 14 |bs 27c[52c SHGRTENINc] Jews IN CARTOfe ] 4 lbs I 8 L 51c 19S DIXIE CRYSTAL OR DOMINO Sugar 5 bag 26c - 10 WISCONSIN AMERICAN Cheese lb 19c. ^ BAcSlJ lb 25c IONA RED RIPE Tomatoes 4 No. 2 Cans 2£ COLD STREAM Pink Salmon Tal! Can 1< SUNNYFIELD Oats 2 20ozCtns 1! IONA DESSERT Peaches 2 No. 2 1-2 Cans 2£ ARGO Bartlett Pears 2 No. 2 Cans22 GRANDMOTHER'S SANDWICH Bread 24 Oz. Loaf PAN BREAD 16-oz Loaf 6c TEA ROLLS Bozen 5c 1( MELL-0 WHEAT 14-oz Box 9c; 2froz Bor I* N. B. C. RPR CRACKERS l -lb bo« a POST TOASTIES 2 Pltgs lx SALAD DRESSING Rajah Pto 1J{ SANDWICH SPREAD Rajah Pna 04 MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE lb 25c JELL-0 Assorted Flavors 2 pltgs it LOG CABIN SYRUP |2-oz car POST TOASTIES 3 pltgs. MINUTE TAPIOCA Pig. II BAKER'S COCOA 2 1-2 lb Cans 25 PICKLES Bread and Butter 15-oz jar ,11 CAMPBELL'S Tomato Juice 4 ctr RECIPE Marshmallows 1 lb bag 1! PHILLIP'S EARLY June* Peas 2 No. 2 Cans 1! SOAP OR POWDERS Octagon 5 Small Size 1( TOBACCO Prince Albert can 1( BUTTS OR FAT BACK Boiling Meat lb 12k TABLE SALT % bxs Sc WESSON OIL Pt 19c JIM DANDY GRITS 5-lb. Bag 15c PRODUCE EXTRA FANCY LETTUCE Head I FLORIDA CELERY Stalk i NEW RED POTATOES 3 lbs la SMALL WINESAP APPLES Doz lOi FANCY SQUASH OR BEANS lb. I* GREEN CABBAGE 2 lb?. WINTER SPINACH 2 lbs 1* FANCY QUALITY RICE 5 lbs. 23c PURITY OLEO Lb. 15c A&P TL® Buttet Lb. 3^