Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, January 30, 1936, Image 8

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THIRTY If EARS AGO IN BALDWIN Nrwi CdM Frta The Fits <i TW Union-Recorder TW VmI •f jumarr If. 1»»« railroad wreck in South Georgia. co the Putnam county GA.. lAXCAtr St. list side last by the MilJHgrville and Scottsboro i as provided by the security deed day in February 1K8, u public read; an the South by the | hereinbefore mentioned. . legal hours of sale, the foil It u proposed to form a Stock lands of L & Halsey and a small i This January 8th, 1838. Ccmpt-.y in Killedfevuie, for the A meeting of the Baldwin Blues parcel of land released by the Ex- EXCHANGE BANK purpose of making buggies and other will be held next Thursday night at change Bank of Milledgeville to Mrs I of Milledgeville, Ga.. as grantee j a ted. lying and being in articles, which v-*th industrial and 7:15 o’clock at the Armcry. A full Daisy R. Smith by deed recorded in | with power of sale of Mrs. Daisy' District G. M„ jS Mid courty 521 scribed land, to-wit; '-'*“1*.’ That tract ct pane! of fi- attendance* c11 the members : mechanical care can be made Thiity Years Ago Tag tag estly requested, as business cf nancial success and to the benefit portar.ee is to be considered [ cf the stock holders, and the city cl Milledgeville. Cadet James L. Sibley. soe of Mr and Mn J L S.bley. happened Jubus A Home, L. C. Hall. R. L. to a painful accident last Saturday Wall. G T. Wiiden. W A Walker. ?;'.**TTvvn. He had been hunting with w G Hawkins. E E. BeiJ. Eramitt j. companies) on the east side of the L. Ba/nes. J K. Vinscn, M. F. Davis. Oconee river, ar.d had started on his Adolph Joseph. Miller S. Bell. R .-'•turn home. The gut; that he was \ Lamar. J B Sanford. E. J. Flem- CITATION camng u known as a pump gun. u4er, J L. Sibley. T. M. Hall. GEORGIA. Baldwin County and in crossing a log over a stream , Gecrge D Case. T. L. MeCcmb. E. To It May Corxem he attempted »o hand the weapon i J Willingham. D S. Sanford. H. D **«• Ava Hawkins Paschal. Cvt Tour Meal At M1LLEDGEV1LLF MILLING CO. WifM Si. Georgia Raikeart earn- office o. the Clerk of the Superior Russell Smith. Court of Baldwin County in Deed HINES AND CARPENTER, Book 14. page 208; and on the Wes*. Attomeyi for Exchange Bank. by the lands of Mrs. Willie Sykes ar.d the lands of the Ramsey Estatr SALE OF POWER The lands here described being the _____ f,'jr-.epL?c. of Mrs. D,isv R. Smith On Jan. 8. 1831 Charles B. Kemp west by Hershel Hardy. Th u taining on, acre, more or aU improvements being IsoundJzl follow,: Said lot •rent, e,.. b ., W *| ledferiUe aad Gordon hUhw.«!~l the South by laodi cf HenM p„?| north by Hershel Hardy: mm ^ ’I Th; 1 veyed to Mrs. Frank Malpass of hwneplace ctf C. B. Kemp. , Millcdgeville. Ga.. the hereinafter Said sale will be made to ra ■ above described indebtedness and described land to secure a not, pay- funds for th, payment of ,h, ,2*1 the co3t of this proceeding and sale. a p] e ( n *he order of said Mrs. Freni, described note, the interest u—_ I The amount due on said indebted- Malpass. dated Jan. 8. 1831. doe, at 8 per rent, taxes amouminjT I 8450.00 principal, and 84 90 jM1 8i i 932 for 8300.00 sinned by ,8100.00, and the cost of this , toi. the interest to the date of sale. said Charles B. Kemp. Said deed i reeding. One payment cf $24 20 | ~ ~ “* "• "• . . . _ S:nc * execution of the above being recorded in the office of the • been credited on interest ir the boy Who was with him In. Allen. C. L. Moore. R. W. Hatcher. 1 ^ rT '- entior * ed security deed Mrs. Daisy. Clerk of the Superior Court cf said I The undersigned will t/.me way it slipped through hii 1 “ A *— ~ ” **—■ eh*L h«v.r« Filorf h*r an- - • v ' ^ UJ hand ar.fi the trigger struck the log caunng the gun to discharge. The — ujv lead of No 8 shot struck James in W. H. Stembridge. J. C. Whitaker., abo ' c described of the said Mrs. j said note having been past — _ ... ,, , . u.«.»u4K8. iij orw mrs. uai.'y.uenc or me superior i.oun or saia i sue unaerstgnea will M. A. McCraw, Jon. Conn, H. Gocd- J* _*“*“■** h,vxn * ™*L hCT R - Smilh has the said above * County, in deed book 15. page 270. j deed to the purchaser at ;a.d sab* l nun. John J Wootten. Sr . O. F tor * *“ pp ° r V ®“? 01 described land will be sold for the Said Kemp has defaulted in the pay- This January J, l-c t J™ “'ll C „ E „^ r ° i " r J “J purpos *. pay ‘ rle ,h * indebtedness ment of the note above described. MBS FRANK R. MALPASS. —y. - y-- • i J unuiuro a. me saia Mrs. said note having been past duo the right arm between the shoulder L H Andrewts Ben Cause. S. Bar- P°' r *t« to set aside said year, sup- Daisy R. Smith, deceased, to said since Jan. 8. 1932. The said deed rnd the elbow, tearing away the rett, G. C. McKinley. J. E Kidd. • P 0 ^ having. *nade their return, , Exchange Bank. grants a power to said Mrs. Malpass j malpass. MUlrigcviUe. Ga. I COLDS aad FE?Et ile«rh and musrle to the br^ne. Mrs Warren Edwards. J. H. Lawrence. J. creditors and heirs of said deceased The proceeds ^ Mid Mle wlI1 ^ i to the hereinafter described R L. Holloway, near whose home B. O’Quinn. J. O. and I L. Barnes. are to sh°*A_ cause before appIied flrst to th<? payment of the!land upon default in the payment the accident occured. hastily tele- R T. Baisden. E S. Emis. B. T ® e « ” bn ^' Tcrrr - 1938 “ above described indebtedness and of said note. Under the Power con- urKoed for Mr Sibley and a physi- Fiethune. E E Bass. T. Treanor S {?*,J?** J* f h ** COSt of ^ P^eeding. and theltained in said security deed, the cian. Drs. Hall and Atkinson were B. Fowler. J H Fnnic. O. O Banks. ^ h ^ remainder, if any. to the person: en- said Mrs. Malpass will sell at pub- .'oor. at work to do what they o>uld A. Allen. W E. Spitzer. Geo. .J®* . .* ran , ^ ‘ titIed to lhe 5a/r -e. lie outcry, before the courthouse • TaUtu MAOi t.- alleviate the suffering of the H. Tunnell. J. S Stovall. Thomas F ^Judgment of the Court and or- Thp undersigned will cxec*jtc a i door in said county, to the highest ** ,ve * iu 38 ^ routh. and dress the wound. Later Cooke. A. F Opperman. Walter " . record. deed to the purchaser at said sale.* bidder for cash on the 'irst Tues- Dr#p> d-e afternoon he was to his Stembridge. R. C Roberson. A J. 6 :i?^ n&rr ^ g V~~' I .-.rent, bum. He bree HU ^JBJ. Fre,^ Os * * jJXZJZZZTZZZZZXZTX XXXXXXTTTTYYY {Ray. W. W. Moran. J. A. Calloway B. Moore. i fortitude The Men s Christian Union held large and enthusiastic meeting last S .r.day afternoon. A crowd present, and the hour was thorough* 1? enjoyed. Next Sunday afternoon an election tion a# officers' will be held, and every member is urged to be present. Mr. D. S. Sanford has declined to stand for re-election aa president, and it is more and likely that Mr. J. H. Ernis will be elected to succeed him. An entire new board of directors and secretary and treasurer will be el*ct- ed. This will be a most important meeting, and the public is cordially invited to attend At the request of President Rhyn- olds, Mr. J. W McMillan has sub mitted an estimate of the cost tn put another story on the armory building. M:. Henry Parker has his estimate ready on changing the heating system of the barrack* building. It was intended to go be fore the city council last Monda- night with a full statement cf th*> school's need of more room, but a* some of the counrilmen were out r| the city, the meeting was postponed for one week. Rev. I-a mar Simms preached and earnest and forceful sermon Sun day evening, in which he discussed Prohibition in this City and County. The sermon dosed with a strong appeal to young men to abstain from strong drink. The large congrega- lirn present listened attentively tc ^the discourse. The Council Chamber was th< scene of a meeting on Monday nigh that means much for the future of the Georgia Military College and loi the dtv of Milledgevillo. Not since the meeting back in 1879 that pledged an annual appro- ation of $2,000 for the city treasury to the support cf the M. G. M. 8c A. College about to be created by the state: not since the Council and citizens in joint meeting pledged SI0.008 to the proposed Georgia Normal and Industrial College, in 1890. has a meeting been held in the city hall which brought greater gord to the city. Mr. Adolph Joseph, who with Judge D. S. Sanford, is one of the original hoard, made an o’oqucnt and forceful plea for an appropriation by the city for more dormitory room. He referred in eloquent terms to the splendid ability of Mayor Julius A. Home in successfully conducting the financial a flairs of the college, and paid a fine tribute t- the Mayor's noble generosity in providing, at his own emcnsc. the new armory build ing. without which the institution could not possiblv accommodate the cadet* now crowding its halls. LAND SALE 1 ^ GEORGIA. Baldwin County ! ^ On the 23rd day of October. 1924. u if ™ Mrs. Daisy Russell Smith conveyed the hereinafter described land to ” Exchange Bank of Milledgeville. N n i ear Georgia, to secure a note of the [ M date for $500.00. due October; H 23rd 1925. signeo by the said grantor H Mcisrji. H. M. Hunt. John Over man. and Will Overman, and era! negroes, who reside in *' iithrm part of the coiftty Trilby, went rabbit hunting Wednesday. The high water of the __ Ocrewe river had driven the hare, j "‘ d “ sc-1 U * .*** * W * m P* *^l, the pBrtv curity deed is recorded in the office; " of the? Clerk of the Superior Court! 'j of said county in Deed Book 9. page ; H 454. | H A orrtiem of Lhe bridge ever Lit- *^ e sa ' d d **d grants a power to t ^< It River, lictween Baldwin and said bank lo “U the hereinafter de-' ^ ’■utnam counties, was washed away scribed land upon default in the * payment of said note, or any interest; ^ Ladj Took Cudui When Week, Nemo* 1 cant **y enough for Oardul If t talked all day," ntthtiiir**— wrttaa Mrs. L. H. Cald- WtU. ai Statesville, N. O. T have used Cartful at intervale for twenty-five years," aha adds. Ifi troubta tc tha wa» weakneaa and nar» vousneaa I read of Car tful In a newspaper and thereon, when due The said Mrs. 3 decided right then to try It It seemed before I bad taken half a bottle of Cartful X was stronger and was soon up and around.” Thooaaad* of woir.Fn t*»«fr Cmrtul bm*. Rwd th*m. If t: doM sot two*ni TOO, eo&ralt a phjiUrlia. Daisy Russell Smith has defaulted* ^ in the payment of said note and fails ■ M to pay the interest due thereon. Notice is hereby given that under the powers contained in said security deed the said Exchange Bank will sell, at public outcry, before lhe courthouse door in said county, to the highest bidder for cash, on the first Tueeday in February. 1936. within the legal hours of sale, the land hereinbefore lefened to and described as fellows: That tract or parcel of land situ ate, lying and being In the 321st Militia District of said State ar.d County, m Midway, containing sever and one-half (7 1-2) acres, more or less, bounded as follows: On the North by lands now or formerly the east d d d d d M d d d d M d d H H M heady for the HOLIDAY TRADE I M We have enlarged our store to tale care of the increased trade, y fc Come lo see us or Phone 83 and save money. Sifl FRESH MEATS AND POULTRY, CREAM, SWEET MILK BUTTER MILK AND BUTTER Montgomery* i Milk Depot and Meat Market | owned by A. Leonard: aAAA»iiI:iixmii mTr? f AW ASMSVfnimv AN OPPORTUNITY For Gorham Silverware Users Possibly you inherited your mother's silver and through the wcmi - y ° U " aVe * onge ^ 10 mi 'J (e your service complete NOW is your opportunity to match this silver, regardless of its age, without any die charge. Up to January 31st. we will take your order for the required silver to be delivered without die charge after April 1st. Bring m your old silverware patterns and let us match it for you. Williams & Ritchie JEWLERS MILLEDCEV1LLE, GEORGIA MILLEDGEVILLE. GEORGIA gjjOXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX CLEAN! WHEN WE WASH YOUR CAR—IT IS AU Cushions and Mats are Vaccum Cleaned, all windo»-s clean- cd on both sides—your car is left spic and span wh_n we’; with it! And it costs no more! i through Mrs. Fannie Oilm'-r*'. of Snnders- viUe. is the guest of Mrs. M. H Mrs. Harvev Sm«th. of Sanders- u viBe. and Mrs. J. C. F-ri«. of Ten- ' | nitto. are the guest of Mrs. H. Allen. The frir-nds of k»r TV.tdtev Mv A Real Grease Job We really LUBRICATE your car when you turn it over to We guarantee to take the squeaks cut of your springs shackles ZZ7ke°£n forandHelire^ur'S? 3 ”^ lubriC! “ ip ' 1 ' <* >«** TRY OUR SERVICE—YOU WILL COME BACK Golden Flash Gas QUAKER STATE AND CAN OF GOLD OILS feS 1 Co - Station, J. B. Malpass,Apt BeU’s Don't Forget to visit Our Beauty Shoppe on Second Floor. Our Operators are Real Artists and our shop strictly sanitary. FALL DRESSES Good Styles»Good Quality 43 Dresses Silks and Crepes Received in Deccnic-Sold at $9.95 and $6.75. Find Your W Take Your Choice Thw Week fof . $3*98 a About 32 Dresses - Silks-Crepes ( Of The Better Kind-Up to *19.00—All o„ Rack. Take Your Choice for $10.00 50 New Dresses Just Received For Spring -Solids and Prints. These Dresses are The Better Kind $1*.7S to $29.00 NEW COATS In Plains and Plaids—New Colorings $8.95 to $14.95 If you want the Best, Shop at E. E. Bell Co.