Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, February 27, 1936, Image 7

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TOE UNION-RECORDER, MILUCDGEVILJUE, GA., RB11JABT 17, MSI PLANTAGENET COMANDERY HAS QUAKu SEASON CLOSES fflSOCIAL HIGHLIGHTS® _J of Or. George Echdl know the‘ h* teUI- roc Mends icgret ♦**‘-Willie Boggus spent the put wish relattvee at Oxford. eresi has reoov- an illness of a few days. R f v. James f! *d from Tho friends of Mrs. J. B Stiles to tow “he «*“>”«* a. . e e r V. Jordan, Jr., spent the VK *.end in Clayton with Mr. Jor- a B. Cook is confined to ms suffering from a sr ere at- tack of fl u - 0 0 0 Mi. e Margaret YaiOrough epeat <" wi,h her parents. * 0 9 Mr Buddy Dostcr. of Rome, spent th " week-end with his mother and in this city. panied by friends. Mr J L- Sibley has been or HC k list the last feu- days, but is much improved today. Mr William M. Miller will return to the city Sunday after spending several weeks i'i Florida. Mrs. H. S. Smith is spending era! days in McDonough with her mother." Mrs. H. B. Neal. Miss Katherine Moore who was patient at the City Hospital for week, has returned home. jjev. a. G. Harris, of Macon, wa the guest of Mr. Ben Eberhart a Tuesday for a fishing trip. Miss Hazel Smith, is spending sev eral week? at Montrose, Ga.. with Mr. anti Mrs. L C. English. Rev F H. Harding is out again after an illness for two weeks, his friends are delighted to know. Cap:, ar.d Mrs. McKenner. Fort Benning. spent the week-end with May and Mrs. Frank Mans field. Messrs Winbura Rogers and Pierce Walker, students at the University of Georgia, spent the week-end at home. Mr. DeWitt Rogers spent the week-end in Columbus where he visited his brother. Mr. Melville Mrs. G. A. Cohen and son FarrelJ j MISS CORMANNI HOSTESS, spent the week-end in Atlanta with relatives. Mrs. W. B. Harrison is convalesc ing at the Scott Hospital following a major operation. • • • The friends of Mrs. Anna Miller are glad to know her condition is greatly improved. Miss Marian Talmadgc, of Athens, was the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jere Moore. “imes MM.mrnx 1 Bmljm ^ coffl win. of Greensboro, are the guests' d( Maj. and Mrs. Ben Bryan. j On last Wednesday afternoon Miss Mamie Cormanni entertained the Missionery Circle of Mt. Pleasant Baptist church at their regular monthly meeting. Alter devotional we had some interesting discussions and then our hostess presented a shirt, also some material for patches and ask us to sew a patch and to in clude our contribution under the patch. It was loads of fun to find the value of the shirt in. the guessing contest that followed. At the social hour we were served delicious salad Mr. ar.d Mrs. J. W. Amoss and children, of Fairbum, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Eberhart pent the week-end with Mr. and •lr«. Fred Josey and little daughter s Barbara Chandler and Ruth lead, who are cadet teach- Atianta. were at home for v man Moran, of Atlanta, week-end with his father Dr O F. Moran and Mrs. • r ar.d Mrs. C. C. Gore and lit- d Mr. Odell Gore e: ,r > C’ ^.ent the week-end :,i M- rd Mrs. J. I. Gore. Sr. Oliver Daggy of Hamilton. ,ri °- : - r -d Mi? Walter Crumbley. of •» [ >kf , rr.a. Indiana, were the week- ,r '<i (um, ,.r Miss Billie Eberhart. “'I* Crumbley and little :er Peggy arrived Saturday •'< Cleans. La., to visit •d Mrs c. G. Crumbley for 'tr.a Mr?.. Joe Moore visited Fnday of last week, and t Mr? IX.rden, the mother • •Wire, with them for a visit “ ,lt5 Mrs - J T. Grare. Mrs. 7 rr,nt an <7 little daughter' “ Grace ille. Fla., spent the ‘ i with their parents. Mr. G Crumbley. ' aJ rink Atkinson and Mirs <«rnes have returned to For- ■' r ;,fter spending sev- r er' due to a suspension ' '^ cause of the severe Those presen twere: Mrs. Pauline Lee. Mrs. Prissilla Hodges. Mrs. C. ' __ „ V j R - Torrance. Mrs. Lige Allen, Mrs. Mrs. Y. H. Yarbrough was cancel [ n ... d Etheridge and Miss due to the death of her mother. Mrs. Majnje Cormanni May. * I The oouple were enroute to their) BEECE-ALFRIEND home from Florida and Mrs. Tur- i ^ ind Mrs wlniam Rcw ner will have to remain here about j of Southport. North Carolina, an- a week. inounce the engagement of their sis- * ’ *.* ,ter. Esther Griffith, .o Kyle Terry Mrs. J. H. Creig. Jr., of Co- Alfriend, Junior, of Macon. Georgia. lumbus, Georgia was the guest of her, marr j a g e w ill take place in the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Bivins oar ] y spring. for a week. News of this betrothal will be greeted with cordial interest in both The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Pur- jjorth Carolina and Georgia. The man Stanley, of Hardwick, will be •bride-elect's parents, the late Miles sorry to learn of the illness of their an d Georgia Griffith Reece, were little daughter. Deen. prominently associated with the * * * , educational work in North Carolina Dr. Y. H. Yarbrough, has been f or many years. Miss Reece is a confined to the hospital for the past ( graduate cf Guilford College where several days. His friends will be s h e is well remembered as a leader glad to learn that his condition is j n student activities. She better. Miss Ruby Davis, who has been connected with the X-Ray Depart ment of toe State Hospital, has ac cepted a position with the Alto State Hospital. Mrs. C. P. Crawford and Mrs. J. O. Sallee were called to Macon Wednesday to attend funeral vices for Dr. Chas Hinton, a relative. former member of the school facul ty of Greensboro. At present Miss Reece is connected with the Jeffer son Standard Life Insurance Co. Mr. Alfriend is the elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Terry Alfriend of Macon, Georgia. His mother was. before her marriage. Miss Katie CLUB Mr. and Mrs. Furman Bell, entertained the members of their bridge club on Tuesday evening at their home on the Hill. Mrs. William Fraley and Mr. W. S. Jett were awarded high prizes. At the conclusion of the games delicious refreshments PEABODY SENIORS SELECT WHO’S WHO! The Seniors of Peabody held their annual Who’s Who contest Wednes day, February 28th in the Home Room Period. The results were as follows: Most Beautiful—Emily Shealy. Cutest—Male McColIough. Most Inteligent—Olivia Lawrence. Nteatest—lAvada Almand} Most Athletic—Rebekah Smith. Best Dressed—Henrietta Tennille. Best Personality—Agnes Gibson. Sweetest Disposition —Margaret Little. Best Figure—Marion Hutchings. Wittiest—Estelle Knowles. Most Attractive—Olive Martin. Most Original—Dorothy Taylor. Most Attractive Smile — Maude Overman. Most Talented—Agnes Gibson. Most Sophisticated—Sara Bessie Wilson. Best All Round—Tera Brown. Most Dignified -Martha Chi tty. Most Popular—Eugenia Shy. INSPECTION TUESDAY NIGHT Plantagenet Commandery, No. 12, Knight Templars, held their regu lar annual inspection on Tuesday evening, with Sir Knight C. J. New ton. of Jackson, Grand Captain General of the Grand Commandery as the inspecting officer. A dinner was served for the mer he-s of the commandery in honor of the inspector before the inspection was held. Following the inspection talks were made by Past Grand Commander H. S. Jones, Mr. Newton, the inspector: Past Com mander C. J. Penn, of Macon and John W. Riley, Recorder of the local commandery. Mr. W. L. Ritchie is commander of Plantagenet Com- mandry. SATURDAY FEBRUARY 29TH Th» quail season comes to a close Saturday, February 29th. Hunters are busy taking advantage of the last weeks hunting. . The season closes until next November. Quail have been plentiful this year and hunters have enjoyed a fine season. They say that coveys have not been so destroyed that birds will not be plentiful again next year. FAMOUS emeus CLOWN WILL GIVE SHOW AT CAMPUS Bumpscy” Anthony, famous cir- i clown recently of Sells-Floto Shows, will give a special act on the stage o*.' the Campus Saturday af ternoon at three-thirty- “Bumpsey” comes here with quite a reputation for a clever bycicle act and other clowning features Will give only the one performance at the theatre. FOR SALE Het water laak. wftl *«•*■* heater complete ml a har- gala. Call at the. aftlee. PEOPLE'S HDW CO. FI FOR EVERY OCCASION Jonquils, Ruts. Tulips, Carna tions, Snap Dragons, GWtoli— PHONE YOUR ORDER LAWRENCE'S FLOWER SHOP PHONE 30-L with ingredients of Vicks VopoRvb Vicks Cough Drop BISHOP OF SAVANNAH VISITS father is Executive Secretary of the Georgia Education Association, and close j formerly held some of the | portant positions in the colleges and * * * * | public schools of the state. He has Mrs. D. F. Montgomery and sons. ’ been a member of the General As- Messrs. John and Ford Montgomery'. ^ sembly and has always taken an ac- spent Tuesday and Wednesday in , tive interest in the public affairs of Atlanta with Mr. and Mrs. John Georgia. Moore and family. j Mr. Alfriend, Junior is a graduate • • • | of the Georgia Military College and The many friends of Mr. C. G. j Mercer University, and is a member Crumbley and daughter. Mrs. Her- . of the Kappa Alpha fraternity. He bert Rainwater are glad to know j now associated with the firm of the:.' are slowly improving after j Brown and Groover of Macon, deal- eeks of illness. |?rs in investment securities. The Right Reverend Jerald O'Hara, Bishop of the Catholic church in Georgia, of Savannah, spent Monday and Tuesday in the city. He was the guest of Father Mc Namara while here and met a fe« Cone cf Milledgeville, Georgia. His people in the church. He said a Mass at the church Tuesday mons ing. This is the first visit of the new Bishop to Milledgeville ind those who met him were greatly impressed. His visit was to get-ac quainted with Father McNamara and not an official visit to the church. Mrs. C. E. Turner, of Stubenville, j GEORGE WASHINGTON PARTY Ohio, was brought to the Scott Hos- ... _ pital Tuesday night suffering from f Mr and Mrs - CharIes Fcwler broken arm and minor injuries re- a Broup of lri ' nd! ‘ °" ceivcd when the car driven by her Saturday evening from 8:00 to 11:00 husband side swiped a truck. Mr. ] J; M - at the,r home Turner was not injured. HAPPY BIRTHDAY i Elbert street. The reception rooms were illumined With gorgeous spring flowers. ! Various games and cards were en joyed during the evening. At the ■ j tables delightful refreshments carry- Tfce Union-Recorder extends best j ing out the "Geo. Washington idea” wishes for a happy birthday to the Were served, each guest receiving as folcwing who this week celebrate a favor a miniture hatchet. their birthdays: Mr. Adrian Home. £aple#rJi—BMkn, Miss Eugenia Golden Dent Corn direct from Shy and Roy Alford. III. I growers in Rich Creek. Va. PEO PLE'S HARDWARE CO. TUESDAY NIGHT CLUB ——— MEETS. Mrs. Drayton Thomas entertained the Tuesday Nignt Bridge Club thi.-: eek. Those playing were Mesdamc Willie Stembridge. Leon Callaway, Godfrey Osterman. and E. A. Tig- Misses Willie Boggus. Ida Pound. Betty Ferguson and Martha Thomas. Mrs. Callaway won top and Miss Boggus low. Next Saturday is February 29th. the extra in 1936. Every four years the calendar provides an extra day and this year H. B. EBERHART ACCEPTS JOB WITH WINDER NEWS H. B. Eberhart son of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Eberhart has accepted a position as advertising manager with the Winder News and left here Tuesday to take over his new duties. Mr. Eberhart has had wide news paper expe.-ience. FOR RENT—3 or 4 room apartment fresklr done over, two bed rooms furafcbed if desired. Phone 188-J. 382 Jackson St. FARMERS ENTERTAINED AT DINNER THURSDAY EVENING. More than forty farmers weir entertained Thursday evening at the Echctah Country Club at a dinner given by the Barrett Company dis tributers of Arcadian and American Nitrate of Soda. Mr. C. E. Smith and Mr. J. A. Home local agents, assisted in entertaining. With Mr. Davies were Mr. Gor in Sinsmons and Mr. J. H. Pres?- Icy, of the Atlanta office of the com pany. Short talks were made at the conclusion of the dinner. MRS. J. T. KING HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB. Mrs. J. T. King entertained the members of her bridge club on Wednesday afternoon. Early spring flowers were artistically arranged in the living room where the guests played bridge until late in the af ternoon when delicious refresh ments were served. Prizes went tc Mrs. Walter Brown for high score and to Mrs. Jon Hutchinson for next to high. CAMPUS THEATRE Thursday-Friday, Feb. 27-28 WILL S«twfcy, Feb. 29 Richard Cortez, Mary Astor "MURDER OF DR. HARR1G0N" Victor Joiy, Evelyn Venable “STREAM LINE EXPRESS” as you like him best IN OLD KENTOCKY DOROTHY WILSON RUSSELL HARDIE CHARLES SELLON LOUISE HENRY ALAN DINEHART BILL ROBINSON SwUy. »«k 1 Herbert Marshall, Jean Ar thur, in "IF SHE COULD ONLY COOK" Meeds 2-3 Myma Loy, Spencer Tracy. “WHIPSAW" Use Fresh Fruit Juice To icombat Flu and kinched ailments. Our fruit comes direct from growers on Meritt's Island the heart of Indan River District. ORANGES Thin skir and full of juice PECK 50c DOZ 20c, 25c, 30c. 40c * GRAPEFRUIT Extra Fancy U. S. No. I 3 for - 25c Large Fancy U. S. No. I 4 for — 25c [large U. S. No. I Each 5c l Medium U. S. No 1 6 for 25c LENTEN SPECIALS Del Monte Puget Sound Sockeye Salmon I K> net can 33c Davis Mackerel Fillets. Heat and eat, 4 to can, per can. .. 20c Gorton's “Simply-fry” Codfish Cakes 10c Gorton's Flaked Fish lOfc Gorton's Fish Roe Large can 20c McMenanuns Herring Roe, large can 20c, Yl lb can 10c Sunbeam Shad Roe per can 60c Portuguese Sardines in pure Olive Oil 15c PRODUCE No. 1 .New Potatoes 4 lb 25c Squash Yellow Crook lb. 15c Lima Beans 2 lbs 25c String Beans lb. 10c Eggplant lb 10c Celery Hearts .... bunch 10c Beets bunch 10c Carrots 2 bunches 15c SEED POTATOES RED BUSS Peck 45c COBBLERS Peck 43c Turnip Seed lb. 30c Rape Seed Ib 25c Dessert Combination, I pkg. Knox Gelatine, 1 pkg. NBC Nabiscoes 17c Dromedary Cake Mixture. Packed in tin you bake it in Pkg 21c Butter Cookies 1 Ib pkg 15c Vanilla Wafets 1 lb pkg 22c Soda Crackers 1 R> pkg 10c Klips, a small Rhz pkg. 5c Kel'gs Com Flakes 2 pkg 15c Ripple Wheat pkg !0c Hershey Cocoa, small size 3 for IDc Mavis Choc Syrup, small 5c Cream Cheese lb 25c EGGS Baldwin Co. doz 30c BACON Armour’s Fixed Flavor I> 40c Buckwheat Flour — 3 lbs. 25c Strained Honey Pints 25c Pancake Syrup - qts. 37c Grape Jam 12 oz jar 10r. Apple Butter qts. 21c MEAT Fat Back —- lb. 12»/ 2 <* FLOUR White selfrising Guranteed Good 48 K>s $1.67 STRAWBERRIES Friday and Saturday at MARKET PRICES Telephone your order, every item receives careful attention. Free, prompt delivery anywhere in Milledgeville or Hardwick. BELL GROCERY CO. THE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORE OF QUAUTT, SERVICE, PRICE 2C3—PHONES—49S Smart Women Prefer BABB’S BEAUTY SHOPPE FACIALS AND PERMANENTS Every sanitary precaution is taken, the equipment is new and modem, all operators are experts and prices are very reasonable. Get our Prices Before you get your Permanent