Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, March 05, 1936, Image 9

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The kMPIRE STORE ,. WE CLOTHE THE FAMILY” Men's s| e w r Oxfords or Spring White and Brown All While $1.98 to $5 Polo Shirts 49c and 98c New Spring SUITS 'lealed Back or Plam Back $14.95 All Wool I. (Red) Barron, former Georgia Tech foot ball star. Barron (kft) Is shown as the governor Inducted him Into office. The change came at another step in Talmadge’s ‘-dictatorship" which has given rive to talk of trying to Impeach him. (Associated Press Phe«ja) NOTED ART LECTURER AT C. S. C. W. NEXT WEEK Harry Slilwell Edwards will speak to the students of G. S. C. W., next Tuesday morning at chapel ex ercises. Mr. Edwards, noted author and speaker, comes here on a pro gram sponsored by the Georgia Cherokees. Ladies' New Spring OXFORDS jwn and White—AH Wlnte 1.98 - $2.95 Rev. Jesse Gilmore will preach at Harmony church in East Baldwin next Sunday at 11:30 A. M. and 8:00 o’clock P. M. The public is most ccrdlally invited to attend these ser- Ladiet’ Lrtwni SHOES All New Style* 1.98 to $3.95 METHODIST CIRCLE HONORS MRS. COOK. Circle No. 3 of the Methodist church adopted the name of the An- M. Cock Circle at a meeting last week. Mrs. Cook was an outstanding leader of the Methodist womens or ganizations and the circle adopted her name in honor of the memory of this devout Christian woman. New Shipment of Print DRESSES for Spring 98c Sizes 14 to 46 Curtain Material All Colors 10c a yd 10 Yards Best Sheeting $1.00 New Spring FELTS | WKilt , Blue and Yellow 98c LAND SALE GEORGIA. Baldwin County Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained in a deed to se- debt executed on December the 19th, 1930 by D. W. Mullinix to the undersigned, the Merchants & Farmers Bank of Milledgeville Geor gia, which deed is recorded in the office of the Clerk ctf the Superior Court of said county in Deed Book No. 15 page 254, the undersigned :ell at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, before the courthouse doer of said county, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in April. 1936, the following described property to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in the 321st District G. M. Baldwin County Georgia containing two (2) acres, more or less and bounded as follows: On the North by the lands of H. B. Roberts: On the East by the lands rf the Hollinshead Estate: On the South by the lands of Mrs. Estelle Willi* and on the West the highway leading from Milledgeville. Georgi i to Irwinton. Georgia and being the southern half cf a certain tract or parcel o' land conveyed to H. B. Roberts and Mrs. Estelle B. Willis as evidence \ by a certain warranty deed dated January 21st. 1929 and •cccrdcd in the Clerk’s Offii. of the George H. Opdyke to Be Heard by Art Clwiw and Public on Tues day Evening; Mr. George H. Opdyke, noted art lecturer maintained by the American Institute of Architects, will spend three days in Milledgeville next week on the campus of the Georgia State College for Women. During that time he will make three talks; one to the student body at the regu lar chapel exercises on Tuesday. March 12, one on the evening of March 12, and the other to the classes. His chapel talk will be on subject. The Esthetics of Diess which will also include remarks on metics. This will be at 10:30 in the Russell auditorium. His evening lec ture wil be on The Unity of the Arts and will also be held in the auditorium at eight-thirty. The pub lic is cord.ally invited to these two lectures. The Committee on Education of the American Institute of Archi tects through a fund established by one of their members, Mr. D. Everett Waid. plus a Carnegie Corporation grant -ponsor Mr. Opdyke’s lecture tours. His former tours in other sections have merited ruch praise that the committee arranged for a southern tour this year. Mr. Opdyke is one of the out standing laymen in the field of art. He has had no professional training in art but has amassed his infor mation by “picking it up" so to speak since his college days. He is the author of Art and Nature Ap preciation. COL. JENKINS TALKS TO AUXILIARY ON COMMUNITY SERVICE. Col. Joe Jenkins was the princi - pal speaker at the meeting cf the legion Auxiliary which was hold on Tuesday afternoon at the home ot Mrs. T. H. Rcr.tz. The hostesses be sides Mrs. Rcntz were Mrs. W. S. Jett. Mrs. J. F. Muldrow. Mrs. W. T. Garrard and Mrs. E. C. Humphries. The most important community service which the Legion and Auxi liary- is rendering is furnishing milk to the children at G. M. C. Col. j Jenkins spake of this and also sup- 1 posted other projects which would j be of service to the community. ] Among them were a playground and j IBaTdJn County^SiVporiw' coiTrt j eommun ^>' home. Three beautiful --iolin soles were played by Majo- Mrs. W. D. Hooper, of Athens, has II recently Lecome a member of the; II Robert E. Lee Chapter of the Daugh- j H ters of the Confederacy. Mrs. Hooper fi was formerly Miss Florence Herty | Q of this city, and is a sister of Dr. O Clias. H. Herty, the noted chemist, j [| Her father was the late Mr. B. R.||| Herty, a Confederate, who saw ser- j II in many batttles in the War Be- j H tween the States, and was : promin- o ent druggist in this city. After re- Q turning home from the war, he re- \ ® organized the Baldwin Blues, and captain of that company for several years. Mrs. Hooper has many friends among the members of the Robert E. Lee I Chapter, who are glad that she has become a mem ber of that organization. The removal of the trash from the business and residential streets of the city, means that the appearance of these streets are greatly improved. Memorial Day, April 26th, falls this year on Sunday, and probably the exercises will be held on Mon day following. The Robert E. Lee Chapter of the U. D. C.. will decide j O this question at their March meet- 1 fl ing, and commence plans for the ob servance of the day. The new home of Mrs. Margaret Napier is nearing completion. This will be one of the most attrac- i the city and will bo a splen did addition to this section of the city. The new home cf Mr. and Mrs. ,ynwood Smith is becoming more ttractive every day an 3 will also ►e a splendid addition to this sec- ion of the city. Millcdgeville’s gardens arc brilli- int with the new blossoms of spring. Almost over right the flowers have begun to bloom and evervfhere there is evidence that spun,* has come. Judge Jas. B. Park celebrated his 83rd birthday Friday, February 28th. He is Georgia's oldest jurist. His countless friends wish for him manv more vears of useful service. S. A. C. Fertilizers Royster Fertilizers Kanit, Arcadian Nitrate of Soda, Chilean Nitrate of Soda, Cotton Seed Meal We Guarantee Our Prices—A Fertilizer for Every Need C. E. Smith Gin & Feed Co. FARMERS WAREHOUSE LET US FIGURE WITH YOU BEFORE YOU BUY Deed Book No. 16 page 51; said land having such courses and distances as set out in said security deed, re corded in Deed Book 15. page 254. as aforesaid. The debt for which this security deed was given is in default and the renewal note, given November the 12th. 1934 and due thirty days after date thereof, is in default, the same being signed by the said D. W. Mullinix and payable to the un dersigned for $150.00. The said sale will be had and made for the purpose of paying said debt above described with interest thereon and the cost of this pro ceeding. A conveyance will be executed to the purchaser or purchasers by the undersigned as authorized by said deed. February 24th. 1036. MERCHANTS & FARMERS BANK OF MILLEDGEVILLE. GEORGIA. Grantee with powcv of sale of D. W. Mullinix. By L. C. HALL. Vice-President. SIBLEY & ALLEN, Att’ys. Godfrey Osterman. Mrs. France! Burke offered a resolution that the Auxiliary send a note of congratu lations to Mr. Frank Adams the 'first anniversary of the Cam- nus Theatre and appreciation for the splendid pictures that he has shown during the veer and that he continue tr have pictures suitable fer children en .Saturdays. Plans were made for a party to be given the members of the Morris- T.jttle Post. The party will be given the week rf March 16th. Those on the entertainment committee are Mrs. Richard B : nion. Mrs. D V Montgomery. Mrs. George Fisher Francis Burke. Mrs. George F.chols. The po c t contact committee is Mrs. J F. Muldrow. Mrs. W. S Jett, Mr®. Fdwin Allen and Mr* W. L. Gholson. Those on the deco ration committee are Mrs. Ram An derson. Mrs. Sam Dewitt and Mrs. Jim Smith, and on the program committee are Mrs. T. H. RenU. Mrs George Carpenter and Mrs. Jere Moore. Helps Prevent Many Colds Especially designed aid for nose and , upper throat, where I most colds start. Vicks Vatro mol CHRYSLER - PACKARD PLYMOUTH SALES AND SERVICE Phone 361-L W. E. Robinson, Jr. © YOU KNOW THE PRICE IS RIGHT- they’re FREEMANS • Freeman Shoes, like all nationally ad vertised products, are priced uniformly from coast to coast. You’re always sure of greater values, authentic styling and full satisfaction in Freeman Shoes. That’s why we recom mend them to you. John Holloway The Man’s Store