Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, March 26, 1936, Image 1
First Section - Sixteen Pages pbttwojjsani*; OF PEOPtE > p™^' ■£?*: ffijje Hniott'Keciyrbwr A BALDWIN COUNTY ‘ WMk Owm Om HJUME CVI. l ies^ t * bU “s 4 to B8 Milledlerii*, Ga., I 21, IMC cmmmim h ins NUMBER 31 fiion Recorder Cooking School Campus Theatre April I, 2 and 3 Campus ...Dsv School ud FeoJ Skew jfill be of Outit«B<li»I to Houiewirf*. Union-Recordert Tenth an- e" ric Cooking School »“« . !h,;, *111 open at ten-thirty d Wednesday morning at the U* Theatre and contlnnes -mil;; Fridi} • ... K a ^ school this year <*»** ,'%££* Ifcll "v.Suon h0 to are aS a Sa ‘ rl ° r t> ”om“ d lro“ h °hc y West- U ^Electric and Manulac- ol the home service depart- £ ol the Georgia Power Ccc he demonstrations and lec- ' x given on the stage ol and will begin n-thirty. The school my attractive sou- .ttendance prizes be given each day. The ia- ire invited to come early and th? 'ood displays to be made the Mezzanine floor of the us Theatre. The school is y Millcdgeville’s popular re :o afford every lady in the .. „nd iurroundingTtoWns a com- lable seat and to give Miss ay full advantage of the big ne for her demonstrations, liis Gray has arranged most ■esting lectures and will not give many new recipes »nd , in the economical prepaca,- of food, but will also demon- e many old recipes, he schools have grown In im- year and the school year will be the largest and Interesting ever staged. New books vdth hundreds of new ,pes will al.o be given away. The hous-wives are permitted to •mg their cooks this year. If they The Negro balcony will be lien to the cooks. Union-Recorder cordially ites every lady in Milledgeville surrounding cities to attend school. The seating capacity be ample and the lectures and onst rations most beneficial interesting. The morning s will probably be more con- 'nt and will not interfere church services or club and 1 meetings. The clashes will begin each .irning at ten-thirty and the la- ?s are uoked to be on time, member the dates April 1, 2 and Wednesday. Thursday and Pri- IEUICAL AUXILIARY TO CELEBRATE DOCTORS DAY NEXT MONDAY Monday. March 30th. will •b-ated as Doctor's Day J * ‘he state and members Countv Medical ’ A U place flowers on the : li doctors burled in the aut . i n tribrte to the '■ c-ie men who devoted Ve> ’ 'his noble profession am-. • ;u e a mar fc er w m be fitting services to f Dr Crawford W. ; -n t physician to use - : anesthesia. Other tri- e Paid the doctors of ov 5 he auxiliaries of the •' Georgia's most famous 1 - buried in Milledgeville memorial service on next be most impressive, u. ary will also place flow- •-* graves of doctors buried emeteries hi the countv. G. S. C. GETS NEW BUILDING GRANT C iintmliM if Nnr Dmibij •t Vau'tCAti. G. S. C. W. was included in the new building program for Georgia colleges which was apporved by the federal government and sent to the board of regents Tuesday. In the building offers of the fed eral government the local woman’s college will get a new dormitory for 100 students. The college has also asked for a new health and educa tion building, new music and class room building and other improve ments. The entire building program has been made possible by a federal grant to the regents and all plans and bids must receive the govern ment approvals. A gyant for the buildings was made after a confer ence by Marion Smith and Maj. Clark Howell, members of the reg ents. with the federal officials at the request of Georgia aRocsevelt leadears. " n hooper to be memorial day speaker D Hooper, of the the University of Geor- '; 1 .' :tcrf, Pted an invitation ••' Robert E Lee Chapter deliver the oration or day which will be ob- •: ••• 27th. Monday, in- • ' •■ accustomed dav. Sun- leth. : er married Miss Flor- ■■ native nr this city ■ r of Dr Chas. Harty 7 ‘--l itr.own here. plans for the memor- ration e will be an- A CAPPELIA CHOIR TO GIVE RECITAL FOR RELIEF FUND Procram Thursday Evening at G. S. C. W. Auditorium WUI Aid Red Cross Drive. Thursday evening at 8:30 at the G. S. C. W. auditorium a thorough ly enjoyable evening awaits those of us who attend,on the concert to be given then. by Mfcledgeville’s A Capella Choir under the auspices of the local Bed Cross Chapter for the benefit of the flood victims. This concert offers us of Mllledce- vllle a twofold opportunity. It of fers us first the opportunity to ful fill an evident Christian duty, namely, to rise to the needs of our many brothers and sisters who find themselves in distress through no cause of their own. a distress which we too could suffer for we have no more assurance than they had that the ravages of floods and other dlstructive forces will con tinue to pass us by. But ours will iot be a selfish motive in rising to *hc needs of those who have c uf- 'ereri from the devastating flood- waters. We are o Christian people and whether or not there Is a threat to our well-being we will respond to our brothers and sis ters in need because in responding that we are responding to the needs of Our Saviour. Jesus Christ, to their need we are convinced We will go to the auditorium this ening in great numbers to at- *est our fidelity to Christ who suf fers In the person of the needy of the flooded areas of our country. In going we will avail ourselves of other opportunity this concert affords and that is to manifest our appreciation to Max Noah and to he members of the A Capella Choir. We. the whole community of Milledgeville. is indebted to Mr. Noah and the splendid organiza tion he lias perfected under the name. Milledgevilles A Capella Choir. In his tour of the state he impressed on the communities which his choir went that the name. Milledgeville. stands for cul ture and real a u vancement. Local ly he has made possible a fuller understandaing of the best there is in the department of music in which his choir excels. A iov and a pleasure awaits us in the rendi tion of the various numbers r: the choir’s program and as we listen there will be the consciousness that we are fulfilling an evident Christian duty towards the suffer ing and the needy in the distress ed areas of our common country Let us set aside all other things and turn out en masse this BAPTIST WUI GATHER HERE ftefiul Coifcmce on Evuiplim •ad Stewardship to Be Here April 3rd. Baptist pastors, association^ officers and other leaders will as semble here on Friday, April 3rd, for a one day conference on Evan gelism and Stewardship. Rex. James If. T*resl, the host pastor, has announced. The conferences will begin at 10:30 A. If. and 2 P. M. The morn ing conference which will end at I P. M.. will be devoted to Evan gelism and the afternoon confer ence will be on Stewardship and related subjects. The programs are to include definite plans for promotion of the varolus phases of the work throughout the asso ciation as well as the churches. The conference Is expected to as semble more than a hundred vis itors. Included in the list of leaders in Georgia and Southern Baptist affairs who will appear on daily programs are Dr. Ellis Fuller, president of the Home Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention and pastor of the First Baptist church, Atlanta: Dr. W. H. Knight, pastor of the Eaptlst Tabernacle. Atlanta: Dr. Roland Q. Leavell. Pastor of the First Baptist church of Gaines ville; Dr. F. S. Porter, pastor the First Baptist church of Col umbus; Dr. James W. Merritt. Executive Secretary-Treasurer the Georgia Baptist convention. Rev. Teresl said the conference was one of a series being held throughout the state in central points. Every member of the Bat) tist denomination Is invited to at- lend the conference here on next week. WESLEYAN ALUMNAE WILL CELEBRATE “ALL WESLEYAN DAY” Plans for Centennial Celebration Will Be Made at Meetinc March 28th. “All-Wesley an Day", which be observed by the alumnae of Wes leyan College everywhere March 28. will be celebrated here I gathering of former Wesleyanites at the home of Mrs. Samuel J. Whatley local alumnae president. The purpose of the meetings wit be tc hear and outline plans for the centennial celebration v. will take place at the college May 29—June 1 during commem«ment. A historic pageant will be one of the cclonful events planned. The founding of the college in 1836 followed a debate in the stab* legislature at Milledgeville. Decem ber 23. 18*56. Alexander Stephen-^ made the speech which fumed the tide in favor of the establishment of an institution cf higher learning for women. On this date was signed the charter of the first woman’s col lege »n the world authorized “to grant degrees to women.” The group here will have added historic inter est because of these facts. Alumnae gatherings will listen in Saturday on a special radio program to be broadcast by WSB at 5:45 E. S. T. Dr Dice R. Anderson, presi dent of the instiution, will speak, and Director Joseph Maerz of the Conservatory will play. Among those expected to attend the meeting here are: Mrs. Louis Hall. Mrs. J. E. Kidd. Mrs. L. J. Rozar. Mrs. J. I. Garrard. Mrs. Wil liam Fraley. Mrs. Erwin Owen. Mrs. M. M. Parks. Mrs. Harris Halt Mrs. William Mcrrison. Mrs. Edgar Long. Miss Maggie Jenkins. Mrs. C. E. Gicen. Miss Callie Cook. Mrs. Kizer. Mrs. Christian, Mrs. Ethel Booman. Mr*. Kev. Mrs. Samuel Whatley, and Mrs. T. H. Rentz. .All others interest- Red Cross Chairman Makes Appeal for Flood Relief Funds With a quota of $500 set as Baldwin county’s part m the na tion wide appeal for funds to aid In the Red Cross relief to flood suffers In the east and middle west, Mr. Otto M. Conn, chairman of the local Red Cross, issued an appeal to citizens to contribute to this fund. Many contributions have already been made, but the goal has not yet been reached. Prof. Max Noah will present the A caDoella choir In a benefit recital Thursday eve ning to aid in raising this money. The appeal of Mr. Conn is as follows: The President of the United States, the greatest humanitarian to ever occupy this exhaulted of fice. and the American Red Cross are sending appeals throughout the country asking for aid to the distressed people in the stricken areas In the north and east. Since the World War there have been six major catastrophies. five of which have been in the south In each instance the American Red Cross has rendered invaluable service in relieving the distressed and suffering. Within the past ten years 85 per cent of the money ex pended by the Red Cross has been spent in the south and southwest. Now that a disaster has overtaken our neighbors of the north and east, It is our duty to come to their relief. The quota placed upon the Mil- 1 edge rille chapter of the American Red Cross Is only $500. and as chairman of the local organiza tion, I am making this appeal tc our people In the belief that they will assist in this noble undertak ing. Prof. Max Noah has kindly con sented to give a musical at the auditcrlum of the Georgia State College for Women on Thursday evening, at 8:30 o'clock. Let me urge upon our people to attend this concert and at this time assist the Red Cross In their great work by making a free will offering. Let it not be said that the people of Milledgeville are lacking in their humane understanding and sym pathetic relief for those in dis tress. If unable to attend this musical, leave your contribution either at the office of the Georgia Power Company, or at either of the four banks of Milledgeville. these Insti tutions will be glad to receive this money and turn it in to the proper channels. Respectfully, OTTO M. CONN. Chair. Milledgeville Chapter. American Red Cross. REV. H.S. SMITH FARM AGENT GETS PLANS REVIVAL COHONPROGRAM Pre-Enter Service! to Be Held »t Methodist Church Week of April 5th to 12th. Rev. Horace S Smith, pastor ol the Methodist church has an nounced a series of Pre-Easter services to be Tv !d at the church the week of April to the 12th. The evangelistic services will begin on Sunday morning April trict, will preach the first ser- 5th and Rev. Henry Jones, Pre.i- ding Elder, of the Augusta Dis trict. will preach the first sermon. Rev. Smith will preach at the other services to be held twice daily at 10:15 in the morning and 8 o’clock In the evening for the the remainder of the week. Mrs. Edgar Long, organist of the church, will have charge ol the music and Is making plans tc to have a large choir for song ser vices befort each meeting. The services which are held Holy Week, have become a custom of the church for the past several years. The public Is invited to attend each service. Mrs. Alex Mitchell of Columbus, is visiting her daughter. Mrs. Frank Mansfield. VAR VETERAN PASSES AWAY iC. i (I Vctenat HwpiUl ■ At- Judge James B. Park will come to Milledgeville April 13th and hear a number of demurrers and appeals that can be disposed of without a jury. The special couit will help clear the congested civil calendar at the regular term. Afent Cook ■ Atkeui For Confereace on New Africa!-! toral Profru). Farm Agent W. Y. Cook was in Athens Wednesday attending a con-1 ferwxce of farm leaders of the stats j to receive instructions on the new i agricultural program that is to be | inaugurated by the Department of j Agriculture under Secretary Wal- j lace. Agent Cook expects to return to j Milledgeville with full instruction: ! and will hold group meetings of I land owners and farmers at an earl/ date to go into the complete pro gram and to get the new plan in operation as early as possible. Mr. Cook said before leaving that he did not know how the program would be operated, but that he ex pected to receive complete details with instructions to go ahead in this county. Farmers of the county are waiting with interest and indications arc that cooperation will be practi cally universal. The congress approved the new program placing Secretary Wallace in complete charge about ten day c ago. Mr. Cully Cobb will be nead of the division in which Georgia is lo cated. Announcements of meetings and other details will be med-* later. Funeral services were held Mon day afternoon from the First Bnp- tist church for Albert G. Martin, world war veteran, who died on Saturday, March 21st in a veterans hospital in Atlanta. Mr. Martin was stricken about ten days ago and his illness be came critical only a few days be fore his death. Members of his family were summoned to Atlan ta Friday and death came late on Saturday night A veteran of the 82nd division the American Expeditionary For ces, Mr. Martin suffered wounds received in France and had not enjoyed normal health since the war. spending a great deal of his time in the hospitals. Rev. James M. Teresi paid tribute to his valor and patriotism at the funeral ser vices on Monday when a large ga thering of friends assembled in a last tribute. Interment was in the city cemetery with the following acting as pall bearers: Messrs: John Holloway. J. F. Bell, Jr., Stewart Wootten. J. F. Muldrow, Dr. Richard Binion, Dr. Edwin Al len. Members of the Morris-Little Post America Legion and the young men’s Bible class of the Baptist church, taught by Mr. Joe Moore, served as an honorary escort. Mr. Martin is survived by his wife, who was Miss Eula Mae Ses sions, one son, A. G. Martin. Jr., his parents, Mr. aifi Mrs. J. R. Martin of this city, brothers, W. J. J. B. and Leon Martin of Mil ledge- Vllle; O. R. Martin of Charlotte, N. C., G. B. Martin of Macon, J. D. Martin of Devereaux, sister^ Mrs. Ruffus Reid, of Milledgeville. Mrs. WUI Brantley of Devereaux. Mr. Martin was bom in Mil- IelgevUle May 7, 1896. He spent his life here except for the time he served in the army of the United States during the world war. He enlisted soon after the war start ed and went over seas with the 82nd division and took part in many of the major engagements of the war He was severely wounded and returned home an Invalid. He was a member of the Legion, the Baptist church and took an active part in both the or ganization and the church. He had a wide circle of friends through out the city and county. The Rev. W. C. Budd has an nounced that there will be both morning and evening services at the Hardwick Methodist church at th* regular hours. Dr. Kelly Donates Collection To History Museum GSCW Lsked to get in touch v nlng in the name of humanity and I ^5. Whatley immediately. out of a sense of gratitude. JAMES McMANAR.-,. BIRTHDAY GREETINGS mr. McKinley continues TO IMPROVE The many friends of Mr. Guv C. McKinley are happy to know that The Union-Recorder extends best wishes for a happy birthday to the following who this week celebrate their birthdays: Mrs. L. P. Longi his condition continues to improve j Mary Ann Bosti-k. Mrs. John Ril< and that he is convalescing from a serious illness of several w-eks. Mr. McKinley Is gradually re gaining his strength and it is thought that he wUl be well enough to sit-up this week. George Ritchie. Mrs. M. M. Parks. Betty Jeane Groover. Miss Dona Smith. Floyd Jackson. Mrs. W. R Braxley and Mr. Torn Fraley. A valuable exhibit of flint Arti facts and Pottery from the site of old Oconee Town obtained as a re sult of archt'ological reconnaissance during October. 1935, by a field party under the direction of Dr. A. R. Kelly. Archeologist in charge of the exploitations at Ocmulgee Na tional Monument Maccn. Georgia, have been donated to the Georgia History Museum at G. S. C. W. Dr. Kelly states that “the Oconee Tribe is probably derived from the Hitchite Indians, later amalgamated with the historic Creeks Some of these people still preserved ther tribal identity in historic time:, whereas their ancestors probably oc cupied the same relative areas on the Oconee and Ocmulgee Rivers in Pre-DeSoto times. No historic or European trade objects have keen found on the site ol old Oconee TTie decorative scheme on the pottery exhibit is interesting and instructive. Dr. Kelly describes it as being: the Incised, Cord wrapped Paddle. tamped checker. Incised Punctate, and Paddle marked. The trenching of Oconee Town ' was sponsored by the John Milledge ville chapter of the S. A. R. and the j Nancy Hart chapter of the D. A. R. the object being to discover whether ' the Indian civilization here was in ! anyway related to that found at t Ocmulgee National Monument Park J in Macon. Mrs. J. L. Bcescn. past state historian of the D. A. R. help ed secure for the Museum the ex- ! hibit. The History Club which be gan the Georgia History Museum about ieven years ago treasure high ly this new additio nto the Georgiana already assembled. WORK IS STARTED ON NEW SINCLAIR STATION ON THE HILL New Structure WUI Be Spsafsk Style and Oue ol Moot AKrmeUvo In City. Work uis started this week on the new Sinclair service station on •<rner of Montgomery and Columbia streets. The site of the station was rec ently purchased by Mr. Leonard Fowler. The new sttflon is being built to specifications of the Sin clair Refining Co., and will be Spanish in style and one of the most attractive in the city. The new station wiil b? com pleted within a few weeks and will be under the management of Mr. L. A. Fowler, local Sinclair dealer. SHERIFF IIAYN1E OUT AGAIN The friends of Sheriff W. J. Hay- nie are glad to see him out again after an illness of several weeks. WITH or* ADVERTISERS This is a rather full order this week, but sixteen pages arc crowded with messages of im portance to you. Read every ad vertisement. Easter is just around the cor ner. and ycu will find the ads a guide to better values. There are many new food values presented each week too. Read the grocery ads and come to the Cooking School next week. You can serve more appetizing wishes and save on your food bill by reading the grocery ads each ♦eek in The Union-Recorder. The ads in this paper are your guide to more convenient, and economical shopping.