Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, March 26, 1936, Image 4

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; ; Itoum-Smirtrr rardvr Estafc 1019 Federal Union W»l»- !•** IBB UNION-IBCOBNL Mil IJtDCEVUU, GA-, NA1CH *i 1*5® v «, v /ii ry rriTM tq SdG ■ TAUIADGE FINANCIAL « 01 ™ ««« o™^ c™.** lonsotne when he takes that waut. COMlMPT T^DAY as it begins to look as if all the _ . _ D-~o«s who have -eer. epposiiK The Emory University Glee Club.; ,. p . Daxa rr ™ tbnsevett known as -The South’/ Sweetest j Atlanta, Ga.. March 25. (API— U* the fold ! Sixers" will give a proeram on Tn-! Three of Governor Talmadge’s ft- t^™™* dav „. e! , in ^ 27th in the audi-1 nandal officials were cited for con- The Miiledgeville K.wanis Club uwium of G. S. C. W I «”P* « court late today after R E. can do no greater work than to in- The club has just concluded its. Matheecn was removed to give tht f^L the Ives in projects that 19th annual tour and will bring a | eseoubve fuU control of the State Will aid the boys and girls of our ; most eniertaining program to Mil- j Revenue Commission. Judge Claude community. Farm Agent Cook told, ledgeville this year. oi the 4-H club work that has been started in this county at a meeting of the club last week. For a boy h have a "big buddie" to be soUcitiaau when things go wrong and applaud when accomplishments cctne, is about the beet incentive a boy can have to work hard. Many a boy has started off a failure and ended the same wav because of a leek of in spiration. ITi ere are many boys in thin community that will be saved from ruin if an interest is tMcen in them. "The history ♦roubled years that followed the war show how swiftly and surely the greed of in high places led America to the brink of desstructK.n." declared Governor Geo. H. Earle, of Penn- i sylvania. "There was a feverish period boom’ but the cold statistics show the working n Porter at Rome issued the citations The program will begin at 8:30! against Defacto Treasurer J. B. and Emory University alumnae are j Daniel. Drfacto Comptroller General especially invited. The club is pro-’ G. B. Carreker and Raul H. Doyal claimed as the best the college has j of the Revenue Commission. The had in many years. Rome Judge said he had information that Can-eker and Do>al had with- MASONIC ORGANIZATIONS TO j drawn 5833,279 in gasoline revenue HOLD JOINT MEETING j from Atlanta banks and turned mon- A joint meeting of Benevolent: ey over to Daniel after he had en- Lodge No. 3 F. A A. M. and the joined them frem such action. Order of the Eastern Star will be held on Monday evening March 30 at 8 o’clock. An interesting program has been arranged with several prominent speakers are scheduled to address the gathering. All members and friends of the two organizations are invited to be present PRESBYTERIAN YOUNG PEOPLE TO ATTEND RALLY LN AUGUSTA. Thirty members of the Young Peo ple's League of the Presbyterian Mr. H. C. Etheridge, father Mrs. Grady Villyard, suffered pain- f*l injuries Monday afternoon whan he fell from his wagon. Mr. Etheridge, who is 70 years of a ft?, was brought to the City Hos pital and his injuries treated. The mule became frightened and turned the wagon over near Mr. Villyards home, throwing Mr. Etheridge out. His condition is improved but he sufferes severe pain from his in juries. in that false prosperity. His dollar church will go to Augusta Sunday bought less; his purchasing power afternoon to take part in a roily of diminished and the process of bleed- young people in the Augusta Candidates for State offices are uig the American people continued s - u ^" > ' andidac* unchecked for years. The Harding | R<v R w Oakey. pastor of the Sim nothing, promise nothing administration smiled tolerantly on church, will accompany the party U1 you have seen the new 1936 Big Business; tha Cool.dge adminis- “nd 5 Pfak on the program. Mrs. J. Westing bouse Refrigerator — Ease tratior. likewise permitted Big Busi- ° Sallee, leader of the league will; terms—CELFTON ADAMS ELEC* .perate the American gov- j aIs0 make the trip. A bus has been TRIC CO. And the Hoover adminis- I chartered and the young people will 1 leave after evening. The Miiledgeville church has active league and they will have important part on the program. ilized t depression known 1 "Then, in a moment, the mad Every day saddness comes to race of America toward rum was homes all over the country because checked. It was checked because autoists go wrecklessly rru America revolted and elected a man of the people, Franklin D. Roose- and return Sunday | FOR SALE—Hu tines Prolific Corn. i one year from Hasting's. Selected I corn 51.00 bn., average corn 75c. Also strawberry jlanU 59c per bun- ! dred, S3 a thousand. See J. L. Sib- Radio to bra tested FREE—bi me them In—CLIFTON ADAMS ELEC- j TRIC CO. LAST CONFEDERATE VETERAN OF HANCOCK COUNTY WES Mr. Seaborn B. Hutchings, the last of Hancock County's Confed erate Veterans, died at his home near Bevereaux, Monday afternoon, aT- i week’s illness. Mr. Hutchings 84 years of age and enlisted in the War Between the States in his early teens. Mr. Hutchings was for a long number of years a frequent visitor to Miiledgeville. and had a large number of friends and acquaintances here among our merchants and citi-, recognized as an hon est and reliable man. He has a num ber of relatives in Baldwin county. were baying a new Refrige rator today k would certainly be j Westingheuse". Ask any Westing* house owner. See new models— CLIFTON ADAMS EIZTTRIC CO. and made j “Wisdom, Justice a mockery and a I Chronicle. Give FLOWERS. No lift coaU be More welcome or appruprute. AH af Spring's fuses! blooms are here now. PLACE ORDERS NOW DELIVERY ANYWHERE THE BOUQUET PHONE 290 Wavne St. Neat to Rose 5 & 10 2XIE LEARN HOW TO COOK At the Cooking School AND THEN COME ACROSS TO Chandler’ And see how you c m save on all your household needs. Keep your Kitchen Modem with the right boiler*, pans, etc. SPECIAL THIS WEEK Enameled Sauce Pans 3 quart sue 15c IONA RED RIPE Tomatoes ALA. GIRL DILL Pickles 4 No. 2 Cana 2 25 og lars i§c 25c PINK SALMON Tall can WISCONSIN Cheese 19c lb N. Y. STATE Ps, 25c PURITY Oleo 15c lb WESSON Oil 20c pt JEWEL OIL Pt. 17c SILVERBROOK Butter 36c lb WALDORF Tissue 6 rolls 25c PRODUCE GREEN TOP CARROTS Bunch s. BEETS OR TURNIPS .... j_i Bunch & LARGE FIRM LETTUCE ... ■ • Head 7r JUMBO FLA. CELERY .... ••• Stalk* RUTABAGAS OR CABBAGE ... lb.& YELLOW ONIONS ... 2 lbs., FANCY WINTER ■ SPINACH lbs GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS lb 6 FANCY CAL. LEMONS .... ... Doz IS SMALL WINESAP APPLES ... Doz 10 * -e 2S CALUMET Baking Powder .... 1-lb can 21 POST TOASTIES 2 pk*.< I5e CHOCOLATE Baber's Premium 1-2 lb Bar 17c COCOANUT Baker's Moist 4oz can 10c W*APES 2 k 2k RrTZ CRACKERS T-lb bor 22c SHREDDED WHEAT 2 pkgs 2k PINEAPPLE Argo Sliced No. 1 1-4 can 10c SUNSWEET PRUNES Mb carton 18c FLOUR Sunnyfieli Wellbread £ 39c f b 4 . 73c S, $143 JIM DANDY Grits 5 Ba S 15C OCT. POWDERS OR Soap 4 I,™ 11 9c CLEANS WEEP Brooms 25c ea JOHNSON'S Wax Pas tr or Liquid 59c I PEAMT Butter SWIFT'S Jewel 4 lbs 48c 8 lbs 95c S. $1.53 12 lbs 24 lbs $1. Heim. Raked Beans... Heinz Baked Beans ... Heinz Boston Beans .. Heinz Boston Beans ... . 2 12-oz. Cans! .. . 18-oz. Can 11 3 11-oz. Cans 21 2 18-oz. Cans 25 8-oz. Cotton Mops ... Each 23 AAP Ammonia Quart I Mistio Pot Cleaners 2 for t Sunbrile Cleanser 3 for I Sultana Polish .. .. .. Bottle 1 Silver Cream .. .... 8-oz. Jar 1 ■ Drano .. Clorox .. Bon Ami Windex . Can I . Bottle j 2 Cakes 1 BottleJ Talco FE 25 lbs. 57e Egg Mash Scratch ED ■M ID- SX.J5 25 lbs- 88