Columbus sentinel and herald. (Columbus, Ga.) 183?-1841, January 04, 1838, Image 4

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‘ le ga l ft o t sale. WILL be *oul, in the town of Ureenvit.e, Men* wc her county, on the first 1 ucsday in MAA3H next, un lor an order of ihe Honorable the Inferior Court of M r,w ther <: mnty, when sitting for L tots of .and Nos. 275 and 276 and n. n >pili past rnmernf lot No. 273,inlhe fifty a-ret off hen >rch *ast corner of lot No 273, in me Sth distnc of originally Troup, now Meriwether county sold subject to wtdo ’a dower. Also nine ne groes to wk : Jim a man ; Jerry, a man ; Amos, a man ; Ceasar. a man ; B tty, a woman ; V mce, a w „_’ n an i her child, Vina; Laza. a girl, and M irk, a boy be on (in* to the estate of VVm. Tidwell, deceased. S >li for the benefit of the heirs ot said de ceased, Terms on the day. This 20 h Dec. ISJ7. 47ts I US r. Tr>- ’ AD.IIII*Ts.A-.s. fc r WILIj b j s > and a ;reea*J.e to an order ot (lie non >r ab e the Inf rior Court of conn y when sitting for orlinary purposes, before the Court Hotise doir in sat 1 c no y.on the first Tuesday in h KHiiU- Aft Y nt\ the followin'’ lo of lan 1, bein i lo* No. 1 lo in the 20 h disTi'.tof Harris corn y. Sold f*r the be nefit of the heirs of Barton Brown. Ive of said county deceased. D. 3. GIBSON, A Im'r Sept. 7,1837. 47t * ADUt.YIS Pttvroft’s SALE. WILL sold, on the first Tuesday in SEP TEM IER next, a the Cos irt House door in Ihe co m vof Vl irtwether wi hin the legal hours, 10. of land N>. 231 in h - I 3 h dis riot of, originally Troup, now M ri vether co m'y. Sold as the property of the estate of Po veil Ward, deceased, for the benefit of tin heirs. JOHN BUCE.Adm’r. June. 183d. 47 8 AD.IIIXSTUATOK’S SALE. ■wwr'LL fit soil for cadi, oi the fir.,t Tuesday i t f| FEBRUARY n-xt. at t ,e Court House in Ba ker o i iii y io of tau I N. 323 in the 31 dis rict of formerly Early, now Bik r corny, containing 250 acres, m >re or less belong! tg to the estate of William P. Her.ry deceased. Nov. 24 41 BEVERLY ALLEN, Adm'r. AtiHIMSTtIA I'OB S SALE. AQ'{ •’ JAdL,E toaoorlerof the H in arable the Infonor Cos trt of D j K T.b caun’y, sitting for or dmaty parpnos, will bes >!d bof >re the Court Houst and >or, in the co in!y in which the lanl lies, on the firs Tuesday in February n ;xt, within the usual hsurs ot ■ale, the following land to wi’ : Lot of linl N>. 117, in the 10 h district, of originally Masco zee it b *ing the prop “rty of Lewis Brantley,de ceased.’ 3 i f>r the ben -fit of the heirs of said de ■eaiod. Term rmi la known on the dav of sale. JAMES W. GIVENS, Adm’r. Nov. 17. 41 ■ AD KIWIS fit A VOll’H SAlid. WII.L bes lid at the Owart House in Greenville M ;ri vether coiintv. on the first Tuesday in FEBRUARY next, agreeable to an orler of the Ho norable the Inferior Court of M ;ri veth.-r cettn-v, while sitting for ordinary purposes, lot of land No. 3, in t tv Ist district of origina'ly Troup, no v Meriwether county, and the son h half of lot No. 258, in the o district of originally Troop, now Meriwether county. Also two n tgroes, Pe'er. am in and Phillis, a woman belonging to the csta'e of Winlock C. Pearson deceas ed. Ssid for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of eaid esta'e—'he land sold subject to the widow’s do ver. Terms ma le known on the dav of sale. Nov. 6. 44 JAMES P. HAY, Adm’r. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. WILL h * sll. on the first Tuesday in FEB RUARY next, before the Court House door of Talbot county, under the order of the Honorable the Inferior Court, when sitting as a Court of Ordinary within the legal hours of sale, the following lots of land viz : Nos. 131. 157, an! the south half of No. 156 in the 17th dist-ict off irmfrlv Muscogee, now Talbot county. JONATHAN GRAY, Adm’r. Nov. 16. 44 EXECUTRIX SALE. AGREEABLY to an order of me Honorable the Inferior Court of Hancock County, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold, at public outcry, to the highest and best bidder, on the first Tuesday in February next, a* the Court house door, in Lumpkin Stewart County between the legal hours of sale Lot o Land No. one hundred and thirty-edght. (No 138) in •he twenty-second (22 I) district, of formerly Lee. now Stewart countv, 3a;~lt being a part of the real estate of Edward B Brooking, deceased, and sold for Ihe benefit of the heirs and distributees of said deceased. Terras will bis ma ‘e knn v n on the dav of ale. REBECCA A BROOKING, Ex’x. Sparta Dec. 1 1837 F3UR M JN THS after da e applies i <• ant b._ male to the H m irab'e the Inferior C mrt of Meriwether enun'v, while siuing for ordinary purposes fr leave to sell lot of land No. 201. in the 10th distric of originally Troup now Meriwether enun'v. as the oroner'y of Powell Ward, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs. JOHN BUCK, Adm’r. Dec. 16, 1837. 46 4m^ F3UR m mths afer date application will be made to the Inferior Court of Stewart county, when ■ilting fir ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the real estate widow's dower excep’ed, of John Grimes, sen. late of said coun’v deceased. Nov. 16. 44 JOHN GRIMES, Jr. Adm’r. OUR MONTHS after date, Application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court, when aittine as a Court of Ordinary, for leave to sell the lands’ belongin'* to the esta'e of D. D. Snelgrove, de ceased. WILLIAM SNELGROVE, Adm’r. Oct. 26. 42 FJUR months after date application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Baker County, when si ting for ordinary purposes, to sell the land belonging tc the estate of John Musgrove late of said county, deceased. LARKIN C. MUSGROVE, Adm’r. Oct. 19,1817. 41 . FOUR MONTHS after date application will be made to the ho torable the Inferior Court of Meri wether county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Land and Negro property belonging to the estate of William Tidwell, late of Meriwether county, dec and. jqjjn J. TIDWELL, Adm’r. Sent.. 27. 39 F3UR MON THS after date application will be made *o the honorable the Inferior Court of Har ris county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a neoro belonging lo D. R. Halev. minor. 3 JOHN E. P. COWART,Guardian. Sept. 16. 38 4m FOUR MONTHS afer da'e application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Stewart coun'y. wh'*n sitting for Ordinary purposes. For leave *o sell the Real Esta'e belonging to Alb'*rt H. Shepherd, la'eof sai.l covnty, deceased, lor the benefit of the heirs of sat 1 Esta'e. JAMES M. SMYTHE Adm’r. ANNE E. SHEPHERD, Adm’x. Sept. 11. 37 FOUR MONTHS afer da'e application will be ma le to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Carroll c mntv, when sitting for Or linarv mirposes. for leave to sell Lot of Land No. 55 in the 29;h district of ongina ly Lee no v Marion countv, as the property of John Watkins, illegitimate and minor of Agness Bo haonan. her AGNESS ><< BOHANNAN, Guard, mark. Sept. sth, 1837. 37 FOUR MONTHS afterdate application will be ma le to the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Talbot countv. fur leave to sell Lots of Land Nos 131, 157 an ! die south half of Lot No. 156 in the 17th dis trict of formerly Muscogee. nowTalbo* county. Sold for the bni'fi’ of th • heirs and creditors of Allen Gray. I*’C of said county, dec*aed. JONATHAN GRAY, Adm’r. Sept. 7. 36 GEORGIA < !<>Vt ETA COUNT! . WIEREAS. James P. Pinson applies to me for letters of ad ninistration on the estate of Wil liam Tuck la‘e of -aid county deceased. These ae th -ref ire to rife an Ia hmnish all an-) sin jrular the kin ir e I an i crcdi ors of sai l and -cease I to be ani appear at mv ofrts, within the tim- prescribed bv law. to sho-v cause, if any they have, why saiJ letters j should not be gr n'e I. Given unlr mv nan! a* office, N iv. 7 1537. 41 $t D \Yfi> M JSSLEY.c. c. o. GEO'lGf A COWETA COUNTY. WH iREAS John Simms applies to me for le*- tersof V 1 nmistra'ion on the esta e of Abra- ham Croviey. la c of sai 1 count v, deceased. These are theres ire to rite an I admonish all an 1 sin gular the kin ire J an 1 credi or; of said deceased to be and appear at mv o site, within the tint t prescribed by law, to show cane, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. (* v.>n under my htn la* oTi*<> O'*. 27 1837. 44 .t DAVrr? MOSELEY, c. c. o. GEOR3TA CARROLL COUNTY. WHEREAS. Diniel M'Btrnett applies to me I fir letters of a Iminis'ra’ion on the estate ot Oen Hembree, la’e of said roun*v deceased. These are therefire to cite ail a1 n m'sh all and sin gular the kin Ire 1 an ! ere li o-s of sai 1 deceased, to be and appear at m / o H-e, within th time prescribed hv lav, to sho v cause, if any they have, why said letters j should not be granted. Given under my hand a’ offi'e Nov. 6 1337. 44 5t ‘ WILLIAM L PARR. Clerk. GEORGIA. RANDOLPH COUNTY. WHEREAS Milley Bdl and William Bell ap ply to me for let'ers of a bninistra'inn on the estate of Jeremiah Bell, late of said conntv, deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish ail and sin gu’ar the kindred and creators of said deceased, to be and appear at my odioe. within the time prescribed by law, to show- cause, if any they have, why said letters ehottld not be granted. Gi\eg under mv hatri at office, Dec. 10.1637. *i 4t JAM:’-’ BUCH ANAN, r. <■, o. GEORGIA, MERIWETHER COUNTY. ] NOVEMBER TERM, 1837. Inferior Court of Slid county met for ordinary votes agreeable to adj mmment, this 6th N'l.ember, 1537. Present James Render, Willis Jones, and Dmie’ Keith Justices. WHEREAS Thomas Pennington, Executor and Mary Pennington, Executux of the estate of William B. Pe inington deceased, hath represented that they have fully administered said estate, and ap ply for letters of dismission — These are therefore lo notify all persons in any man ner interested, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any there be, why the said letters of administration should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, Nov. 6. 1837. 44m6m LEVI M. ADAMS, c. c. o. GEORGIA, MERI WETHER COUNTY. WW7HEREAS John Tyus.administrator of the es- W v tate of Wilson Swinney.minor .ha h represented ‘o me that he has fully administered said estate, and applies for letters of dismission. These a e therefore to notify all persons, in any manner imerrested. to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law. to show cause, if any there be, why the said letters of dismission should not be granted. Given tinder my hand a’ office, Nov. 6 1537. 44 n6m LEVI M. A DAMS c. c. o. GEORGIA, TALBOT COUNTY, WHEREAS. Robert Snellings and Hamilton j Duke apply to me for letters of dismission : if the administration of the estate of William Snel- j ings. deceased— Those are therefore toefte and admonish all and sin g t'ar the kindred and creditors of sai 1 deceased, to be an! aooear a* my office, wi hin the tune prescribed bv law to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given tin for my hand at office, Nov. 4 1837. 44 mS n W. S. GOSS c. c. o. TeORGIA. MERIWETHER COUNTY. WHEREAS A. L. Grant, administrator of the Estate of Eliza J. Grant, deceased, applies for letters of dismission— These are therefore to notify all persons concerned, to make known thrir objection, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 4'h day of Sept. 1637. L. M. ADAMS, c. c. o. 37 rri6tn GEORGIA, MERIWETHER COUNTY'. SEPTEMBER TERM 1837. Inferior Court of said county, silting for Ordinary pur poses Present James Render, IViliis Jones , Wd liam D. Mnr'in and Willie li. Ector. Justices. WHEREAS Wiley B. Ector, Executor in right of wife of Wm. Grant, deceased, and Admin iuraiorof the Estate of Eleanor Ector, deceased, and dso Guardian of Eliza J. Grant,deceased, applies for letters of Dismission on the said named Estates. These are theiefore to notify all persons whatever, in any manner interested to show cause, in terms of the law, whv r aid letters of dismission should not be grant ed to said Wiley B agreeab'e to his application. Given under my hand at office, this 4'h day of Sept. 1837. L. M. ADAMS, c. c. o. 37 m6m GEORGIA STEWART COUNTY. WHEREAS Eliza Cody, administratrix on the estate of Winder H. Cody, laic of said coun ty, deceased, applies to me for letiers of dismission from ihe further administration of said estate— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin ular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by ‘aw. to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, July 3 1837. J. S. Y'ARBROUGH, c. c. o. 31 m6m GEORGIA. STEWART COUNTY WHEREAS William Cooper, administrator on the Esta'e of Henry Stringfcllow, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismis sion from the further administration of said esta'e— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office, within the lime prescribed by law. to show cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand at office. July 4, 1837. J. S. YARBROUGH, c. c. o. SI m6m GEORGIA, TALBOT COUNTY. WHEREAS, Zachariah B. Trice applies to me for letters of administration de bonis non on the estate of John Trice, lale of the county of Jones, de coa-ied. These are therefore toci'e and admonish all and sin- gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bl and appear at my office, within the lime prescribed b\ law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, 24th July, 1837. ‘WILLIAM S. GOSS, c. c, o. 30 mCm GEORGIA CARROLL COUNTY~ WHEREAS Zadok Bonnar and Thomas Bon nar, administrators of Smith Bonnar, deceas ed, apply to me for letters of dismission on the Estate of the said Smith Bonnar, dec’ll— These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my offioe, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said let ters should not be granted. Given under my hand at offica. Jtilv 3. 1837. WM. L. PARR, c. c.o. 28 mGm GEORGIA. COWETA COUNTY. SEPTEMBER TERM. 1837. Inferior Court of said county, sitting for Ordinary pur poses. THE petition of Turner Persons, Administrator on the Estate of Levi White, deceased, res pectfully sheweth that he has fully adminislertd said estate, and praying to be discharged from further lia bility as administrator as aforesaid, Ordered by the Court, that all persons concerned be, and they are hereby notified and required to be and appear person ally or by attorney, at the first term of this Court, af ter the expiration of six mxnths from this date, to wit: on the first Monday in May next, to show cause, if any they have, why letters of dismission should not be granted tho said Turner Persons, administrator as aforesaid. Witness the Honorable Samuel D. Echols, one of the Justices of said Court, this 4th day of Sept. 1837. DAVID MOSELEY, Clerk. 39 m6m GEORGIA.'COWETA COUNTY. SEPTEMBER ADJOURNED TERM, 1837, Inferior Court of said county sitting for Ordinary pur poses. THE petition of A B. Calhoun, Administrator of the Esta'e of William Scott, deceased, respect fully sheweth that he has fully administered said estate, and praying to be discharged from further liability, as administrator as afo r esaid. Ordered by the Court fha’ all persons concerned be, and they are hereby notified and required to lie and appear personally or by attorney at the first term of this Court, after the expiration ol six mon'hs from this date, to wit: On the first Mon day in Mav. 1838. to show cause if any they have whv letters of dismission should not be granted to the said A. B. Calhoun Administra'or as af -resaid. Wi ness the honorable Thomas Hughey, one of the Justices of said Court, this lltli day of Sept. 1837. DAVID MOSELEY, c. e. o. 39 m6m GEORGIA MERIWETHER COUNTY. JAMES F. JOHNSON of the 715th district, G. M., tolls b**fore me one sorrel MARE about ten years old, hip shot in the left hip and has a blemish in her right eye. end some, white on her right hind foot.— Anpraised bv Elijah Mitcham and Jordan Gant to he worth sixtv-five dollars. This 18th day of Dec., 1537. Isaac Barnes j r A true copy the Estray Book, this 18th day of Dec. 1837. [47 St] T. FORD, Clerk. HEARD SUPERIOR COURT, OCTOBER TERM, 1837. Elizabeth Gunn, 1 vs. > Libel for divorce. .Tames Gunn j IT appearing to ihe Court, from the return of the Sheriff, that the defendant in the above s'a*ed case is cot to be found in the county. It is therefore ordeied, that the defendant be,and appear at the next term of this Court, and answer said suit, and that pub lica'ion of this rule, in one of the public gazettes of this Sta’c, once a month for three months, be held sufficient service. A ‘rue extract from the minu'es of said Court. This 19 h Dec. 1837. BAILEY BLEDSOE, c. i. c. 1 47 ns:n RANDOLPH SUPERIOR COURT, August Adjourned Term. 1637. Amanda L. llhen, ) Libel for Divorce. vs. > In Randolph Superior Wit!i3tnson B. Rhen. ; Court, Oct. Term. 1537. IT appearing t the Court that the defendant resides out of the limits of this S is, on m ition of counsel ordered, that the defendant appear and an swer the complain” of the libe lant. on or bes ire the first I day of the next term of this Court, and that service of this rule be perfected by publication in the Columbus Senrinel. once a mon’h for three months. A true extract from the minutes of the Superior Court of Randolph county, October 12 1537. Nov. 1. 43 m3 o O. H. GRIFF! TH, Clerk. early superior court, August Adjourned Term, 1837. Amanda B. Sievens, ) vs. > Libel for Divorce. Henry AY. Stevens. ) IT appearing to the Court that the defendant resides without the limits ot” this State, it is on motion or dered, that the defendant appear and answer the libel lant on or before the first dav of the next term of this Court, and that service of this rule he perfected hv publication in the Columbus Sentinel once a monih for three months. , _ j A true extract from the minutes of said Court, this j 17th dav of October. 1837. JOEL W. PERRY, r s. r. Nor. 1. 43 Joshua H. Stanford, Robert C. C. Stanford, Mary H. Stanford, Court of Ordinary Tal- MarihaO. Stanford, hot county, Nov. Term, Bv their Guardians, >1837. Jeptha Stanford, ! Rule Nisi. vs. j Daniel Stanford. Guardian adlitim. J ... e.u IT appearing lo the court, upon the showing ol . the above named petitioners, that Daniel Stanford i was appointed Trustee of a lot of land, No 166. in the ; 16th district of originally Muscogee, now the county Talbot, for the use of the above named minors ; and ! that the said Daniel Stanford has removed out ol the limits of the State, and that he can no longer discharge the duties of his trust, in as full and ample a manner as was contemplated by the creation oi said trust. It is therefore, on motion, ordered, that service of this rule be perfected upon the said Daniel, by publication none oft the gaz ties of the State, requiring him to show cause, if anv he has, at ihe next term of this court, whv Ins said trust should no’ be revoked, and the deeds delivered up, to be dealt with as this court may direct, and abide such other order as may be had in this behaif. Nov. 24. 44 4t WM. S. GOSS, c, c.o. IN CAMPBELL SUPERIOR COURT, October ‘1 ekm, 1837. Anscll B. Vann, „ n >s ‘ i Hill for discovery, rc- M organ Ragen, (lief and injunction. William E. Ragen, and j j Wil iam E. Strong. J 5T appearing to the Court one of said defendants said Strong, has been served with a copy, that two J of the def. ndants. Morgan Ragen and William E. Ra i gen. reside without the jurisdictional limits ot the State of Georgia, it is ordered that said Morgan Ragen and William E. Ragen do appear and demur, plead or answer to said bill, at then xt term of this Court or that said bill be taken pro confesso as to them. And it is fur'he” ordered that a copy of this rule he published in one of the public gaze tea of this state once a month, for three months previous to the next term of this Court. A true extract from the minutes of this Court. Oct. 18'h, 1837. JOHN A. HOPKINS, Clerk. Nov. 1. 43 m3m Meredith Mercer, j n j> anf j o ipl, Superior m i c, t VS -u-. Court, returnable to Feb- I'-To'. ruary term 1838. A,ford G. Repetoe, Bill for discovery, rc- Tohn Sealy lief injunc’ion aud speci- JesseWendsor.atid si c performance. Philip Pittman. J 1 IT appearing to the Court, by the complainant’s bill of Complaint, th-'t the defendants. Tilman S. White, Alford G. Repetoe, John Sealy. and Jesse Wendsor. are not citizens of the said county of Ran dolph. It is therefore, on mo’ion. ordered that the service be perfected on the said Tilman S. White. Alford G. lleperloe John Sealy, and Jesse Wendsor, bv publication of this rule in some public gazette of this State once a month, for three m nfhs previous to the next term of this Court. The above is a true extract from the minutes, this October 13th, 1837. O. H. GRIFFITH, Clerk. Oc. 26 42 m3m IJV STEWART SUPERIOR COURT. John Upton, J p or discovery, relief. Siniunction and delivery up Blount Troutman, 0 f Title Deeds. Wallace H. Park. J IT appearing to the Court, from the return of the Sheriff, that Wallace H. Park, one of the defend ants in the above bill of complaint, resides without the limits of the said county of Stewart, and cannot be served by the Sheriff of said county. It is therfore. on mo'ion. ordered that service of said bill he. perfected on the said W llace H. Park by publication of this rule once a month, for three mon'hs before the next term of this Court, in some public gazette in this S'a'e. A true extract from the minutes of Stewart Superior Court, this 7th day of October, 1837. 40 M. GRESPIAM, Clerk. IN STEWART SUPERIOR COURT. William Fi zpatrick, vs. Cullen Harp, Bill for discovery, relief, Richard Foster, ft and injunclion. Randal Bennett, Mark M. Fleming. IT appearing to the Court,by the return of the Sheriff, that Richard Foster, one of the di fendants in the above bill of complaint, resides without the limits of the said conn y of Stewart, and cannot be served bv the Sheriff thereof. It is therefore, on motion, ordered that service of said bill of complaint be perfected on Ihe said Richard Foster by publication of his rule, once a month, for three mon'hs previous to the next, term of this Court, in some public gazette of this State. A true extract from Ihe minu'es of the Superior Court, this 7th day of October. 1637. 40 M. GRESHAM, Clerk. RULE NISI. MUSCOGEE SUPERIOR COURT, Novembek adjoukned Term. UPON the petition of Hervey Hall, stating that he is ihe legal assignee and holder of a certain deed of mortgage, made and executed by Nathan P. Wil ard, of the county of Muscogee, to Chancey Pomroy and George Montague, who were the co-partners un der the name and firm of Pomroy & Mon-ague, dated ■ he fourth day of August, eighteen hundred and thirty rive, and made the better to secure the true and full payn.a it of a certain promi>sory note, made by Ephraim Whcelock and said Nathan P. Willard, who were then co-partners under the name and firm of Wheelock & Willard : and which said note bears even date with said deed of mortgage, and is payable on or before the third day of July, eighteen hundred and hirtv-seven. lo the said Pomroy and Montague, for rtlieen hundred dollars,for value received, with interest from date ; by which said deed, the said Na'han P. Willard, mortgaged to the said Pomroy and Montague, their heirs and assigns, two half acre town lots, situate, lying and being in trie town of Columbus, known and distinguished in the plan of said town by numbers se venty-two and seventy-six, with all their tenements, members and appurtenances thereto or in any wise belonging, upon which said lots the tavern of the Co lumbus Hotel is now situated ; And that the said pro missory note and deed of mortgage is now- due, and the said sum of money therein specified, wholly unpaid, due and owing now to the said Hervey Hall, as indor see of said promissory note, and assignee of said deed of mortgage ; and praying a foreclosure o( said deed of mortgage in terms of the law. It is therefore ordered, by the Court, that the said Nathan P. Willard the mortgagee in said deed of mortgage meniioncd. do pay into the Clerk’s office of the Superior Court of Musco gee county, the full amount of the principal and inte rest due upon llic said promissory note and deed of mortgage, on or before the first day of the next term of said Superior Court, with all costs which may have accrued thereon ; or the equity of redemption of the said Nathan P. Willard, of, in and to the said mort gaged premises, will he fwrever barred and foreclosed, and the same sold according to law. And it is further ordered, that a copy of this rule be serve on the mort gager, three months before the next term of this Court, or published in one of the public gazettes for four months before the said next term of this Court. A true copy, taken from Ihe minutes of the Superior Court of Muscogee coun'v. December 12th 1837. 454 m GERARD BURCH. Ci’k. GEORGIA, CRAWFORD COUN'IY. fTT’JHIS Indenture, made this the first day of De- JL cember, in the year one thousand eight hundred an I thirty-four, between Thomas Jenkins, of the county of Talbot, of the one pari, and Seaborn B. Picket, of the same place, of the other part, witnesseth ; That tile said Thomas Jenkins for and in consideration of the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars to him in hand paid, at and before the sealing and delivering of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, halh bargained, sold, and conveyed aud by these pre sents doth bargain, sell, and convey unto the said Sea- born B Picket, his heirs and assigns, all thal half of lot oflanl, situa'e, lying and being in the 14 ii district of originally Muscogee, now county, known and distinguished in the plan of sai I district, by No. 46 it being the half of said lot of land, which lies north of the line run through said lot by Thomas T. Riley, on the 9;h day of December, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four, containing one hundred one and one fourth acres, m -re or less : To have and to hold the said half lot or parcel of land unto him the said Seaborn B. Picket, his heirs and assigns, together with all and singular th? rights, menibers. and appurtenances to the same belonging to nis and their proper use. benefit, and behoof, f irever, in fee simple : And the said Thomas j Jenkins for himself, his heirs, executors „nd admini - j trators, the said bargained premises, unto the said Sea- born B. Picket, his heirs and assigns, will warrant and forever defend the right and tide thereof against him self and against the claims of all persons whatsoever. In testimony whereof I l ave hereunto set my hand [a. s.] and seal, this the dav and year first above written. THOMAS JENKINS. Signed, sealed, and delivered in presence of JOHN WILLIAMS, TRYPHEMA HOWE. Talbot Superior Court, > September Term. 1837. ( It appearing to the Court, from the affidavit of Gard ner Ford, that he was la’ely in possession of a deed made by Thomas Jenkins, of which the foregoing is in substance a true copv : and that said deed is now last or midai 1 and out of his conTol. It is therefore or dered bv ‘he Court, that said Thomas Jenkins show cause if any he have, at the next term of this court why said copy should not he es'ablisheri in lieu of said ‘ost original, and that a copy ofthis rule be in ihe mean time served on said Thomas Jenkins personally, or bv pub'ica ion in terms of the law. A true extra"’ from the minu’es of Talbot Superior Court, this the 22 J dav of September 1837. 44 m6m F A. BAILEY, c. e. c. ~TAX COLLECTORS SALE. WILL be sold, at the Court House door in the town of Franklin. Heard county, on the first Tuesday in FEBRUARY next, the following pro- perty. viz : 160 acres of land, in Cherokee county, in the I3tb district and Sd section. No. 87 ; levied on as the pro nerty of John A. Porter, to satisfy his tax for the year 1836. Tax due. S2 68. | 202] acres of land in the 2d district of Campbell county. No. 2 ; levied on as the property of Elijah Hammonds, to satisfy iiis tax for the year 1836. Tax j due 9S cts. 40 acres of land in the 21st district and 3d section of j j Cherokee county. No. 1182; levied on as the property j jof Samuel C. Norris, to satisfy hi* tax for the year ‘ 1836. Tax due.. 1 71 ets. Dec. 7. 4;V.< VYM. M. GARNER, t. e. I GEORGIA, RANDOLPH COUNTY, SEPTEMBER TERM, 1837. Inferior Court of Randolph county , sitting for Ordina ry purposes. Present their Honors David Hoilman, Axiom Webb and Alexander Hendery. “■"7 PUN the petition of Dossey Ivey, humbly shewa eth, stating that William Oliver, deceased, made to your Petitioner, in his life-time, his certain Bond in writing, for titles to a certain tract of Land in the State of Alabama, of wl ich the following is a copy : [copy of the bond.] GEORGIA. RANDOLPH COUNTY'. . | KNOW all men by these presents, that I, illiam Oliver, am held and firmly hound in the penal sum of seventeen hundred dollars, un'o Dossey Ivey, of Bald win county,for the pnyment of which, well and truly to be made, f bind myself my heirs, executors, administra- tors and assigns, jointly and firmly by these presents. The condi ions of the above obligation is such, that the above bound William Oliver of Randolph county, ‘ has bargained and sold unto Dossey Ivey, of Baldwin j county, one half section of Land, containing three hundred and twenty acres, lying and in the Slate of Alabama, and county of Barbour, it being the west half of section 9, township 11 and range 29. Now it the said William Oliver makes or causes to be made good and lawful titles to the above described Land, after the payment is made by the said Ivey, of the sum of eight hundred and sis y dollars, then anil on that con- dition, the above bond to be null aud void, otherwise to j remain in full force and virtue in law, as though there was no condition to it. WILLIAM OLIVER, [seal.] Signed, sealed and delivered in presence cf Major Stanly. James McCrone. j. f. November 26, 1535. ! It anpearing Io the Court that the said Dossey Ivey | has fuiiy cotmlied, or is ready to comply to the terms | of the above bond. It is therefore Ordered .that James , Harri on administrator ot the h state of William O.i ver, deceased, make titles to said tract of Land, or ; shew cause why said titles should m t be made. ; I certify ihe above to he a true extract from the i Minutes of said Court. Given older my hand at office, this sth Sept. 1837. JAMES BUCK/ NAN, c. c. o. Sept. 14. 37 3m CAUTION. THE citizens of Henry county and vicini'y are hereby cautioned against purchasing Pil's for Biandreih’s Pills of Mr. Jo>iah Chambers whose store is si uated about nine mites above. MeDonough. As said Chambers is selling Pills under the name of Brandreth’s, which are gro. sand palpable count* rfei's. 1 hey were purchased of Messrs. Shotwell & Cos. Druggists of Macon, who, to cover their iniquity, a— sert"that they purchased them from Brandte h. Hut it is a well known fact that no Druggis’ can sell ihe genuine Brandreth’s Pills. Dr. Brandreth wih not sell diem o Druggists upon any terms and any person at all acquainted with the genuine Medicine, indeed, whether acquainted or not, would see at a glance that diey were base and unprincipled counterfeits. Drug gist mny, to be sure, get a few of the genuine ones, by j resorting to artifice and dec pti<n, lilt those that would | stoop su low will, and generally do. go far her and I make or purchase a mixture of trash that w ill cost them I I less; but should such men be countenanced? Judge ye. I I have some of the Pills in question, and have never seen ; a plainer counte feit. The boxes are not the same i size, the printing and type are different, and .he Pills . as unlike as possible,both in looks and smell. I regret to say that Mr. Chambers undoubtedly knew when he purchased them that they were not genuine, for he was at that time selling the genuine Pills from my Agency, which were withdrawn trom him as soon as he got the counterfoils. As Dr. Brandretli’s State Agent 1 am compelled to imice these inroads upon the popularity of the genuine Bi andreih’s Pills which happen within the limits of my Agency. Let them make as many Pills as they please, but call them after their own name, and if they can earn for themselves a reputation, or for their maker fame, he it so, their right is undoubted ; but keep off from Brandrelh’s skirts, mind that. The genuine Pills may be obtained in Columbus, at my store only, and of the following persons throughout the State, who are my Agents ; and from lime to lime, as o her agencies are established, ll.eir names will be published. J. & A. J. Ashmore. Lincolnton. Lincoln co. F.. M. Amos Knoxville, Crawford co. Til.otus Aridams, Crawfordville, Talliferro co. Barefuld & Buchanan Cutlibert, Randolph co. Erasmus Fell, Lumpkin, Stewart co. A. R. Bell & Cos. Thoma ton. Upson, co. Ilezekiah Brake, Powellon. Hancock < o. Bell, Ro binson & George, Clinton, Jones co. Join M.Cox, Lexington and Sandy Creik, Oglethor| e co. Cozart Burton & Cos. Washington, Wilkes co. Allen B. Chas tain Hawkinsville, Pulaski co. Calier 1 ettee & Cos. Drayton, Dooy co. John B. Oo'ernan & Cos. Pond Town, Sumpter co Darden & Bailey, Ta botton, Tal bot co Dun & Martin, Forsyth, Monree co Dun- comb & Ingram, Pertv, Houston co. Alexander J. Gordon, Hamilton, Harris co J. E. Groce, Grshen. Lincoln co. Griffin & purse, Macon, Bil b co. Arhur Ginn & Cos. Cullodens Monroe co. N. B. Hopper & Cos. Hoppers S ore. Oglethorpe co. Harpir & Clark, j Elberton, Elbert co. S. & M. J. Hally, Tazewell, Marion co. H. G. Johnson, Zebulon Pike co. John son & Hudspe'h. Malereisville, Wi.ket c > Johnson, Jones & Cos. McDonough, Henry eo. Joire St Pro'i n Georgetown, Randolph co S. S. Kendtiik, Bames viile, Pike co. Kelium & Maxey, Monlicr lit . Jasper co. | Thos. Leslie. Warm Springs. Meriwethei eo Lock- i hart, Threewits & Cha| man. Warrenton. W arrt n eo. J. Lumpkin Travellers Rest. Dooly ro. Freeman Mel,endon.Greenville Meriwe'ln r co. W. K. Mitch ell, Staniordville Jasper co. R. L. M’Kinney. M’Kir>- ney’s Store, V i kes co. Isaac McCrary. Airnrl. cus, Sumpter co. J. B. Nickelson, Grn nsborough, Green co. Pills & Finley, Newburn, Newt n .o. Richard Peather, Peadiers Store, Linco’t co. W. J. Rowaldson & Cos. Danville. Sumpter co. Thomas B. Stubbs. Milledgeville, Isaac Low Jackson Bu'ts co. Sanford & Lumsden, Eatonton. Putnam co. H. G. Slaughter. Hilsboro, Jasper ro. S'afiotd R Woodward, Florence Stewart co Smi h & Bassett. Bainbridge. Deea'urco. Jacob H. Smith, Fair Play, Morcan co, Samuel M. Thompson, Augusta. James Thomas, Sparta, Hancock co. A. F. Thompson & Cos. Indian Springs, Butts co. Usher & Anderson. Covington, Newton eo. Wootten & Cooper. Whi’esvil e, Harris co. and T. J. Warthen, Saundersviile, Washington co. The Agents in Florida. Brown & Wilson, Browns Ferry. W.N.L.& J.W. Russ Marianna. John Camp bell, Pensacola, and Marcus Tn mbul for St. Josephs. The Agents in Alabama are Cole-man & Hodges. Jef ferson, Chambers co. Smi'h & Livingston Irwinton. Wm. N. Stafford, Tuskegee. Macon eo. E. D. Led vard, Montgomery. JOHN B. PEABODY. General Agent, for Georgia, Alabama and Florida. Columbus, Nov. 23. 47 f JOHN JSASUOMBE. THIS CELEBRATED RACER will stand the ensuing season at the HAMPTON COURSE, near Augusta,Ga.,under the direction of F. W. Lacy, and be let to mares at sioo the season, with one dollar to the Groom—the season to commence Ihe Ist of Fe bruary and end the 15ih of July. It is requested thal persons sending mans will send a note for the season, and the Pedigree of the mare. The proprietors are well provided with Lots and Stables for mares that may be sent to remain with the horse, and will he fed and well attended to for fifty cents per daj—black servants sent with mares fed gratis. Every care and attention will be taken to guard against accidents and escapes, hut no liability will be incurred for either. Description. —John Buscombe is a light ekesnut, fine bone anu muscle, wi,h superior limbs and action, and lor sightliness and intelligence of countenance, sur passed by no horse on earth; in fact, take him upon! ihe whole, he is the horse of horses. He will be seven i years old the ensuing spring. The charge for keeping mares to be paid when taken away. Pedigree. —John Bascomhe was got by old Bertrand, out of Carey Goose, she by Pucolet and he by imported Citizen ; grand dam by imported Buzzard, great grand dam by Wade Hampton’s Paragon g. g. grand dam fiy imported Figure, g. g. g. grand dam the old Slatn mer kin marc by the celtbraTcd imported horse Wildair, out of the imported Cub mare. Wade Hampton’s Paragon was got by impor t'd Flimnap out of Camilla, and she by Burwfi.’s Traveller ; his grand dam by old Fearnought, g. grand dam Calista. imnorted by Col. Byrd. Burwell’s Traveller was go! by Morton’s’ Tra veller. out of Col. Bird’s Calista. Performances. —1834, Huntsville, Ala., Nov. 15. Mile heats, best three in five he tan t econd lo S ock holder, beating Rachel Johnson. Whalebone, and Samuel O’Rourke. Time, 2m 4s ; 2in 3s ;2mss ; 2m 5s ; 2m ss. 1535, Nov. 18, at Montgomery. Ala., three mile heats, he won the purse distancing Samuel O’Rourke, his only competitor, the first heat, in 6m 525. 1535 Nov. 24, at Mount Meigs, Ala., three mile hi ais, he ran second to Biil Austin, beating Daphne. Time. Cm ; Cm 3s. 1835. Dec. 10, at Columbus, Ga., three mile heats, lie beat Volney. by Industry. Time, first heat. 6m.— V'olney having broke down. 18J;i. Jan 13. ai Augusta. Ga.. three mile heats, he b<*at Chegtatee, Ormond Col. Townes’ Truffle colt, and dis’anced Paul Clifford in the first, and Vertum- nus in the second heat, in 5m 54s ; 5m 565. 1836, April 12 at Augusta. Ga., in a ma’ch of four mile heats, he distanced Cnl. Hampton’s Argyle the first heat in 7m 44;—track thir*y-three feet over a mile. This match was fir §32 000, SI” 000 on Argvle and 515.C00 on Col. Crowell's stanle, consis'ing of Bill Austin, Lady Nashville, John Bascombe. and Bolivia; Bascombe having been selected. 1836, May 31. at the Union Course, Long Island, n a ma'ch of four mile heals. $5 000 a side, after ‘ra velling nine hunrbed miles he beat the champion of the North. Post Boy. two strait heats, ‘our miles each, in |7m 41s ; and 7m 51]s. Track not in ihe best order, [ and the day windv. 1836 Dec. 9 at Augusta, Ga.. four mile heats, he’ beat the grey colt Kite and Lady Morgan, in two heats, j Time, 8m Is ; 8m Is. John Bascombe never lost a heat after getting into the hands of Col John Crowell, his present owner. F. W. LACY". Augusta. Ga. D-c. 14 1837. 46 3m TEX DOLLARS REWARD. “W” OST by the subscriber, some time ago. a sma'l ELJ sorrel horse MULE, about 12 years old roach- I ed mane, paces naturally, and his hair rubbed from the j I skin on his sides by the traces. No very particular 1 marks recollected. Whoever returns the above mule ! to me at Fort Gaines, or leaves him with S. J. Herron, Columbus, shall receive the above reward. R. H. WILLARD. Fort Gaines. July 5. 28 ts 1 ?A2.tfABX*B ALABAMA LANDS < FOR SALE. THE following described iots of Land will be sold at private sale, on application to the subscribers, !or to Win. B. Jones at lrwinlon, Alabama. Persons i wishing a good and permanent cotton Plantation would do well to examine them, as they are acknowledged to be the very best lands for cotton growing in the whole Creek purchase. E half N E qr 9 12 27 NVV quarter 10 12 27 W had'S Wqr 10 12 27 W haif NE qr 16 12 27 si W quarter 15 12 27 N W quarter 13 12 27 N haif 35 16 2b N half 19 12 29 vV half SW qr 12 12 26 E half 8 12 29 vV half 1112 2b N\V quarter 22 13 25 VV half SW qr 10 13 25 E haif 0 13 25 S E quarter 7 1127 VV half SW qr 8 1127 Section 11 11 27 i E half NE qr 26 1127 i N half 25 12 26 i N half & S Wqr 26 12 26 7VV half SE qr 26 12 26 i S J & E 5 N £ i 32 12 26 7 N\Vi NW i 32 12 26 7 SEi&E*SEi 31 12 26 7 E half S E qr SO 12 26 VV half SW qr 12 12 26 71 Section 11 12 26 7 (Section 20 12 26 Section 26 14 26 1 j Section 21 14 26 1 Section 28 14 2t j Section 34 14 26 ’ Section 10 14 2b : ! S half 22 14 2b . I N half and S E qr 15 14 2b SEJ&WJNE i 9 14 2b ! E half 2114 2b Section 19 14 2b i W half 85 12 2b i \V half 19 14 31. E half 85 14 2S | W half 8 14 27 N W quarter 31 13 27 ;S half 9 13 27 WJNEi&NWi 9 13 27 N W quarter 31 13 27 IN W quarter 13 12 27 S W quarter 36 13 27 E half SE quarter 4 12 27 S W i & E i SE i 3 12 27 E half N E qr 3 12 27 Section 2 12 27 N half 112 27 WhafSWqr&E halfSEqr 112 27 • S E quarter 8 12 27 1 J. R. JONES, E. CARY, THOS. HOXEY. Oct. 20. 55 ts VALUABLE LANDS FOR SALE. THE SUBSCRIBER wishing to j. remove off the road, to another plant a-; ■ a t;ssr tion which he has purchased, otlers JEroffinf Jlj.-PS for sale his valuable Pian a'ion and JgwjjgisP R i silicnre eleven miles west of Co lumbus, Ga., and immediately on the S age Road thence to Mon'gomery, Ala. The settlement contains between eight hundred and one ‘housand acres of ex cellent ‘and well watered and timbered ; two hundred of which are cleared and in successful cultivation being principally luw grounds or bottom land. The hui.dtngs are new, well nnisl ed and convenient, and well adap'.d to the accommodation of travellers. Persons wishing to combine the Farming with Mercan’ile business or Tavern Keeping, will do well to call and examine the premises. He has on the premises a large s'oek of every de scrip'ton, which ho would be willing to divide with the j purchaser. Also corn fodder, po'atoes &<\ &c. And to make a long story shor’ the premises offe-ed ! are those so well known as ELLIOTT’S STAND, in Russed county, Alabama. Three lines of Stages pass daily. The premises above can be had upon very accom modating terms and payments made easy, j Persons wishing to purchase the most healthy and i desirable situation in this country, would do well to I call immediate y and see George YV. Elliott, when they I can be suited without defalcation. 1 The titles shall be umxcep'ionab’e. GEO. W. ELLIOTT. j Russell county, Ala. Oct. 24, 1837. 42 CREEK LANDS i I THE subscriber offers for sale the following de scribed Lands, lying and being in the counties of Tallapoosa and Macon, ainongsi which are Prairie. River bottom and every o her variety of land embraced in this section of conn ry. This newly settled coir, ry is too well knov. nto need a general description. It is . situated between two navigable streams. from neither distant 50 miles ; it is a high.healthy country, abound ing wi h good wa'er, and well timbered, which for fer tility of soil cannot be surpassed. The Indians biing entirely removed lrom the country, those who aie de sirous of settling, need apprehend no f< ars on that ac- count. To particularise each piece or parcel, would be unnecessary, as anv person wishing to purchase and who could not be suited with such a bill of fare, must indeed be bard to please. Terms to suit purchasers. The subsetiber may at all times be found a this place repdv to show the Lands. GEO STONE. Tuskeegec Macon county. Ala., July. 1837. 16 f E 2 18 21 ) 64f N 5 14 24 > 640 VV 2 18 21 j acres E 32 15 24 facres in a body in a body, E ’l9 18 217 I2SC ‘ V 1 15 24 VV 19 18 21 I in is 12 15 24 N 30 18 21 f b >d‘ N 25 16 24 N 29 18 21 j wit! N 27 14 23 ) 610 i a mill seat, S 27 14 23 J acres j E 27 18 21 in a bodv, In 3 17 21 ) 64’ s 12 14 25 S 3 17 21 < acre N 11 16 23 lin a bodv. N 31 19 24 IS “25 19 21 N IS 17 24 ) 680 IS 14 17 22 S 18 17 24 V acres ! N 35 17 22 SE J'fSE ii in a S 81 17 23 7 17 ‘4 body N 06 It 23 and an ill seat three mi'e- VV 14 19 23 from Is place; undivided N 21 15 23 > 64’ half of E 20 15 23 ) acre N 16 17 24 ) 480 iin a body. SF, j 16 17 24 ) acres IN 9 13 24 with a mill seat IN 35 13 24 W 8 15 26 ) 600 IS 28 13 24 S 5 15 26 £ acres N 36 14 24 E!ofN Ej 7 15 28 VV 3 14 24 undi- E j ofS WJ 6 15 56 vided half 120 cleared, under good f n"p ALABAMA LANDS FOR SALE. S. T. K.| 8. T. R West half 24 16 29 S Wqr 21 15 25 BiS E i 15 16 29,E JSEqr 20 15 25 WjNWj 17 16 29 VV jNE qr 23 15 25 SEjN Wi 17 16 29; EJB Eqr 23 15 26 SEi 31 17 27 EjN Eqr 7 13 26 EiNWJ 30 17 27 NEqr 19 13 26 VV iS W i 19 17 27 VV \NW qr 17 13 25 NSS VV J 23 17 27|SEqr 17 13 25 E jSWJ 24 17 27;K J vF.qr 10 13 25 SW| 30 17 27 SVVqr N E 11 13 26 NjS E i 30 17 27 SE qr 30 14 26 F|NW| 23 17 27; WJS Wqr 2 14 26 VV jN E J 23 17 27l Section 26 15 25 VV 5S E i 3 18 29; Section 35 15 26 SWJ 24 r; 26 S haif 23 15 26 EiN W 1 24 17 26: E|S Eqr 22 15 26 WjS E J 24 17 26 E jNEqr 27 15 26 S E qr. 24 15 26(E|SEqr 27 15 26 N ha.f 25 15 26 NE qr 22 15 25 N VV qr 14 15 26|SWqr 23 15 25 F.jNEqr 14 15 26SWqr 14 15 25 WlNWqr 13 15 26 SVV qr 18 15 25 NW qr 23 15 26 W \ NEqr 9 15 25 EiS Eqr 8 15 26 VV |NE qr 10 15 25 WSS Wqr 9 15 26 N Wqr 2 14 25 W\NVV qr 9 15 26 N Wqr 21 15 25 N half S 14 14 26 NE qr 23 15 26 N half 32 15 27 Also, the subscriber offers for sale a valuable settle ment in Muscogee countv,Georgia, seven and a half miles from Columbus, on Rocky Creek, containing 90t. acres, with a good plantation and saw mill, on which hi now resides. HENRY MOFFETT. Sept. 7. 36 6m 100 MOStE TOWN LOTS lIM ROANOZIES POll SALE. WILL be sold to the histiest bidder on MON DAY the 16 h of JANUARY next, One Hundred more TOWN LOTS mine town of Roanoke Stewart county, (the town the Indians burned.) Said lots will be sold on accommodating terms. After the Indians left the Chatt dioochee a general search was made for a cite to build a town for the trade to centre below Columbus, but no spot can be found with the natural advantages tha’ old Roanoke has. A beautiful plain, equal to Columbus for one miie out from the river, then rising to high fine hills. In the town, are beautiful springs of water quite handy, sufficient to supply a large town. The boat landing at this place is said to be superior to any othei on the river near tha’ place. The roads arc good and firm leading to Roan oke. There is a ferry established hero. The main road will cross here leading from Milledgeville, Ga. to Montgomery. Alabama. Roanoke is about centra, between Columbus and Fort Gaines. The country on both sides the river for 40 o’ 60 miles back is fertile and well adapted to cotton ; and Roanoke will certain ly command the greater part of the trade. The com manding advantages of Roanoke has caused a large company of gentlemen to join to rebuild it again. Also to Kent about one hundred acres of Rever* Swomp Land for the ensuing year. The terms to be made known on the day of sale. WILLIAM COOPER, Nov. 16. 44 Agent for the Company. ~ LAND AND NEGROES FOR SALE. AjggA THE subscriheroffers for sale that val- Ajj&gSßfr liable tract of land in Harris county, for- TJSITPL merly Muscogee, lately a part of the set- ILiAIiUP’ of Gen. MeDougald. containing 202 j acres, more or less. It is situate eigh teen miles from Columbus, lias comfortable log houses and an excellent well of water with necessary outbuild ings. Sixty-five acres a’e cleared and under good fence. For further particulars apply toCoi.Wm. C. Gshorne or Dr. John W. Turner, in Hamilton, or to the subscriber at Columbus JAMES 11. IVERSON. Sept. 21. 38 ts ALABAMA LANDS FOR SALE. SOUTH half of Section 18. Township 14, and Range 28. and West half of Section 8. Township , 14. an! Range 27. both in Russell county, for sale on accommodating terms. Appiv to J. H. CAMPBELL, At the office of Campbell &l McDougald. Columbus, Ga. Sept. 28. 39 ts J DRS. HOLT AND PERSONS ARE uni'ed in the practice of Medicine Their Offices arc on Broad street, just below rhe Citv Hall, and on Randolph street, in the upper tenement : of Calhoun’s Granite Building. Besides the usual branches of the practice of Medi- ; cine, Drs. H. and P. tender their services as Surgeons of some experience in the higher operations—such as : operations for all diseases of the eyes, for Hernia, Li-! thotomy, Sic, March 23 12 >i XOEDXdAX. SCHOOL. OP P&ORA. Dli. THOMAS, grateful for the contidence and very liberal patronage hitherto extended to him, icspecifully begs leave to assure his irtends and the that he w ill devote his most assiduous at.eimon , lu the duties ot lii: protession, and wni attend to ah calls that lie in his power, within twenty miles cf Columbus. He may at all times be found, it not ne- cessarily absent, at bis office on Oglethorpe street DK. THOMAS has just received, and is nowopen- ; i„o, a large and full assoriment of simple and compound , Botanic Medicines. A part of which ate as follows: | SPICK, or ANTI DVSPEPTIC BITTERS. NO. 6 or HOT DROPS. AROMATIC BU TERS. STRENGTHENING SYRUP. S’l 1- MULATING LINEMENT. VEGETABLE BITTERS. COMPOSITION or DIAPHORET- IC powders, wine bitters, cough SYRUP. DYSENTERY CORDIAL. A iso a laree supply of ihe best MEDICINAL BARKS, ROOTS and HERBS, collected by the SHAKERS, and car. ftilty prepared and compound, and (according to the DURHAM or DUTCH and INDIAN systems) for the cure of all LINGERING and CHRONIC diseases. FLORA’S COMPOUND ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS, v nich are prepared so as to act upon the Stomach, Bowel* , Liver, Kidneys and Shin. ‘1 hey may be used as an Emetic or a Cathartic, or they may I be given so as to act as an Emetic, Cathartic, Sudori ; tic and Diuretic, and in a few hours the operation is j j over and the patient restored to health. 1 have rt i sieved many persons who were violently attacked with Bilious Fever with one dose ol these piills; they will remove the obstruciions from the Liver and Biliary Ducts, and carry off all the offensive Morbific Mutter. , They are decidedly the best cathar.ic medicine that 1 have ever used. They will be lound 1 will not say. a remedy for a.l diseases, but they will be found to allevia’e the roost inveterate, to cure the most doubtful and dan gerous, to injuie none. They tatty be safely used in all cases and under all circumstances, when an Emetic, Cathartic. Sudorific, or Diuretic becomes necessary. ■ Also, Flora’s Tonic Pills, which will be found an in fa.ltele rented.’ for Ague and Fever. FLORA’S REFUGE FOR SYPHILITICA. This Compound will be found to be a safe, speedy, and certain remedy for all sorts and stages of Syphilitic , or Venereal diseases. It will not fail in any case when ! directions are followed. All of the above medicines ! are neatly put up with labels, and all necessary direc ious for using them, and will be sold low by ihe whole sale or relaii. N. B. All persons afllic'ed with lingering or chronic diseases who desire ihelunefit to be derived from ihe best vegetable medicines, and cannot conve niently aeply in person, will please send the symptoms of their disease in writing by mail or otherwise, inclo sing £5 cu rent money, and ihey will receive by the same conveyance, in !o suit their case. • CT-’ All letters diree'ed to Dr. Thomas, must, to receive attention, be postpaid. May 18. 20 eowly IEXPOIiTANT INTFOnOTA'Z EttSM TO THOSE SUFFERING WITH Cholera Morbus, Diarrhoea , Sumn, - Complaint, Co lics. Cramps and Spasms. THE utility of R. S. BERNARD’S Remedy for Cholera has ceased to be a problem. Experi- j cnee, the only sure foundation of Medicinal as ■ f all other kinds of knowledge, has effectually established what the judicious composition of the Remedy, its admirable adaptation to tiie various indications which occta in the course of those diseases of the stomach, liver and bowels, usually designated as Cholera Com plaints, led the pioprietor to anticipate from the lust. Os all experience, how ever, that of men competent todis crimina v accurately and to decide justly upon the effects of a medicine, mi s’ he the best; and with such in its favor, even the most fastidious in these matters must lay aside their prejudices. | T!ie indications of cure are—to tranquilize the sto mach and bowels; to relieve the excessive puking and purging; to allay the increased irritability of the intes tines, giving rise, to increased peri-tabic motion; to relieve that rheumatic state of the bowels which is of ten the a'tendanl of chronic cases, sometimes accom- panied with inflammatii n and ulceration; to overcom ; ihe spasms equalize the circula'ion. and rest ore warmth to the surface; remove congestion of die internal or gans, and to relieve the morbid irritability of the brain and nervous system;—all of which has been eff eted by the use of Bernard’s Remedy for Cholera certificates of which have been given at various times, of its effi cacy- in oases widely different in their origin and pro gress from each o'licr. trijP Look to the certificates; they are the Lest evidence that can he given. The comtn"nda'ions which several liberal and intel ligent Physicians have bestowed upon the Remedy, have a'rcadv been published: and the subscriber has now the gratification of adding the following from a most respectable pratising physician of Sotnet ton Ya. ’ R.S. BERNARD. Somerton, May 14, 1837. Mr. R. S. Bfrnarb : Dear Kir—This is lo inform you I have tested the efficacy of your Remedy for Cholera in several ins’an ces that have latelv come under my care, and that i’s effects evince it to b- a judicious preparation—one emi nently serviceable 1 will say altogether competent to cure the diseases for which uis recommended. I feci no hesi'a'ion therefore, in dee’aring that for the treat ment of such disorders. I shall rcgitla lv dispense your Remedy from mv office, and woo’d recommend it to be kept in all families liable to these dangerous attacks. You mav use this certificate as you will. Your’s, very respect fully, “VV. L. PARIIAM. j This certificate was given to my agent, E. P. Nash. ; of Petersburg, and for its importance notice Air. Nash’s remarks : ‘‘ As agent for Bernard’s Cholera and Diarrhoea Me dicine I ca 1 the attention of the public to the certificate below from one of the most respectable gentlemen in the Sta e; and I particularly call their attention to the one given by a gentleman in this tow n— and if it w ere necessary, I could produce a half dozen others from Petersburg, who have tried the medicine within two weeks past. EDW. P. NASH. ■ Mr. Eduard P. Nash, Agent for Bernard’s Cholera Medicine. Dear Sir: I feel it a duty I owe to the proprietor of the above medicine, as well as the public generally, to inform you that the bottle of Cholera mix'ure which I bought at your store a few evenings since, has entire ly cured me of a severe Diarrhoea. The cure was effected in taking only two doses; and as I had trb-d many o'lier remedies without the least effect, I am fully of the opinion that the medicine here alluded to is eve y thing that it is said to be. to * ‘ v • JAS. S. WALLACE, Petersburg, Va. Who will neglect to supply themselves with Ber nard’s Remedy for Cholera when it is so fully proven To be efficacious in all the diseases for which it is re commended? In no rase has it failed to cure the most obstinate attacks of summer complaint made upon chi’- dren. In one instance a permanent cure was effected upon a child in this |>)act after the summer complaint had nut it (as thought by the doctors) beyond the pow er of medicine to relieve. It was such an aggravated case that the child had. in the course of one day arid night sixty-three evaeua ions from the bowels. Yet i one bottle proved a sovereign remedy. Extract from one of my agents— Petersburg , June 4,1836. Mr. R. S. Bernard—Dear Sir: 6 our Cholera Me dicine is highly thought of in Petersburg aid adjacent counties; I have never sold a bottle out ol the whole that I have sold which has not. so far as I could ascer tain, proved effectual in ruling: I have never had a i complain’—but many commendations of its good ef fects have been given me. You may. as far as my judgment and the good sense of the many t*i whom I have sold it goes, recommend it highly to any and all who may wish sue!) medicine. J shall soon be in want of more. Respectfully, E. P. NASH, Agent for Petersburg, Va. From my Agent, Mr John Hare, of Memphis, Tcnn., formerly ot Murfrevsboro’. N. C. Memphis July 7, 1836. Mr. R. S. Bernard—Dear Sir: After selling agood leal of your medicine for Cholera, wi h entire satisfac tion, I called on a few of our most respectable ri'izi n® to get. if possible, some evidence of the efficacy of said medicine and I am clad to enclose you some certif- j cates, which I am confident will add much to the proof j already obtained. Having used your medicine in my j own family, for some most violent attacks of Cholera I and Diarrhsen. 1 take pleasure in adding my certificate I inasmuch as I consider it the most valuable preparation ‘ .... .... . ou.-moi ii inc uioM vaiuanie preparation | ever made. If my name is of any service yon may use it in any way you think best, and I shall at all times feel proud to think that I have been called on to testify to the minv cures performed by your medicine. I cm daily distributing it over ‘hi®’ district, and have sent some to Arkansas, where it has been triid with com plete success. Your friend, J. HARE. To prevent imposnon a sac simi e of my name will be attached to each bottle. J For sale bv John E. Bacon & Cos. A. Pond & Cos. and E. S. Norton, Columbus, Ga. July 27. so THE PUBLIC BLESSING which is now universally admitted to exisit in PE I ERS’ Y LGE TABLE PILLS. is every day demonstrated by their astonishing efficacy in all the cases which they are announced to cure. This is no deceptive or mer- cenary boast, hut a fact undeniably proved he numeror ? certificates gratuitously and volun'arily offered to the proprietor, who. being a regular Physician, and havirie practiced his profession for manv years in differen climates, is enabled to offer to the aflhcted invalid a ! medicine, on the effects of which he is willing to ri-k ! his reputa'ion. He does not pretend that they are a positive cure. |° r even beneficial in every complaint; but he most ! positively believes that in every disease where a cathar- I *ic or an ape-tent medicine is needed, thev will be Count 1 ■ superior to any of tho®e drastic purgative medicines | which are so much miffed in the public prints as purt | tiers of the blood. When taken according to the direr. \ lions accompanving them, tbev are 1-ighly beneficial in I the preven’inn and cure of Billions Fever. Fever and j Agti". Dyspepsia Liver Complaints Sick Headache, ; Jaundice. Asthma Dropsy. Rhenmnism. En'arg. ment ; °f ‘he Spleen. P'les. Colic. Female Obstruction® | Heartburn. Nausea. Furred Tongue ri®tension of j ‘he Stomach and Bowels. Incipient Diarrhoea Flatu ; lence. Habitual Cns'iveness, Loss of Appetite B’ofch ed or Sa’low Complexion, and in all cases of Tornor of the Bowels where a cathartic or anerient is needed. They are exceedingly mild in their operation, producing 1 neither nausea, griping nor debility Wherever these Pills have been once introduced into a family, they become a standing remedy , and sre called for again and again, which is sufficient proof ot ,h peSs q no al arucle of the kind has ever been offeree, to the public supporteu by testimonials ol a character so S decisive, f,on, sources as respectable, or that lias given more universal satisfaction. _ - i ‘1 hey have the testimony of the whole medical pro -1 fesston in their favor, while not a single case ol il con j sequences or inefficiency cun be alledged against them. Hundreds and thousands bh ss the nay they became I acquainted wiih Peters’ Vegetable Bills, which, W Consequence of their exiraouimaty goodness, have at tained a popularity unprecedented in the history ol niedicine. The very circumstance alone that I hysicians, ta every part of the Union, (but more especially in the Sou hern States, where they have long been in use,) are making ft ee use of tlnm in their practice, speaks 1 volumes in their praise. Add to this fact, that all who ! llsc invariably recommend them to tbeir friends, and the testimony in theii favor is almost irresistible. As an An’i-bi.icus remedy, and to prevent Costiveness, they have no rival. Cue fifty cent box will establish ilieir chaiacter, and prove that there is truth even man advertisement. _ _ _ . . Prepared ly Joseph Priestly Peicrs, M. D. at La Institution for the cur. of obstinate diseases by means of Vegetable remedies. No. 129, Liberty street, New | Yoik. “ Each box contains 40 pills. Price £0 cents. Clarksville. Mecklenburg cc. Ya Feb. 7, 1837. Dear Sir—l embrace the opportunity of expressing ! to you mv gratification at the success which hasatteni | ed the administration of your valuable Pills in this 1 section cf ccnr.uv. It is “a fault with these who compound and vend patent m< dickies to say too much in iiit-ir favor, but fi< m wl at I Lave seen of the | effect of your pills I do not think they have, as yet, received unmeritea praise. ~ix months ago they w ere 1 almost tninety unknown in litis part of Y iiginia; ‘ley ■ are now ihe most popular pills we have. In dyspepsia, and sick headache, derangi memos the biliary orgrns, and obstinate constipation <ff tltc bowels, I know of nc aperient more prompt and efficacious. Their mildness and certainty of action render them a sa'e and efficient purgative for weakly individuals,-’ ! and tnav be givi n at all times without try of these j injurious consequences that ficqucntly result from the’ j long continued use of calomel'.or blue pills. On the whole, 1 consider duni a vu.i al h discovery. Yerv respectfully. ’ S. II.'HARRIS.M. D. Dr. Joseph P. Peters. CiiiEun r, N. C. Jrn. Ist, 1857. Dear Sir—l have made frequ< nt use of your Pills in the incipient stare of Biiiot s F ever end obstinate Cou s'tpatH nos the Bowel;; also in iFcEnlargi mer.t of tha Splein Chienic distates iftheLivir. SiekLfadachc, General Debifity. and many other diseases, and in all cases have found them to give relief. J. D. I3OYD, M. D. Dr. J. P. Peters. Mf.cki rsBl’RC (7*. Va. Feb. 7tli, 1657. Having used Dr. Peters’ Bills in my practice for the Inst twelve months. 1 take pleastue in giving my tfsti mony of their good i fleets in cases of 1 dyspepsia, Sick Headache Bijous Fevers, and other diseases produced by inac ivity of the liver. ‘They are a safe and mild aperient, being the host article of the kind I have ever used. GEO. C. SCOTT, M. D. The above valuable Bids are for sale by Johk E. Bacon & Cos. and E. S. Noiiton, Columbus, Ga. July 27. 30 CALLIGHAN’S VEGETABLE FEVER AND AGUE PILLS, AT NOI.ION's AUt'll N AND PIJ.L STORE. l'or genuine, rail us a bote. Tn tbe composition of nearly all the patent , and per haps popular, meoieints now in use for 1- EVER and AuLn., thcr is n asou to believe that, m combinati .n with several ineri simples, fa me one poweiful article is employed, to which their efficacy is solely indebted. i Such, for instance, are arsenic., antimony amt mercury , in ther variety of forint —aniens wen known to be deadly poisons and which no person in his sober senses would venture to make use of. unless prvsciibid by a .>k it fill phy.-iciun. The public aie assured, however, that tins is not the case with Gadiyban’s Pills, On the contrary, the proprietors solm.nly (dodge tin in— selves thai they do not contain a j article t l these or o.htr miueiais m any shape or fin in lut are tempi sed ic y of simple vegetable substances, which, ei separately or combined and without icgtrd tosixor age, arc perfectly harmless in their tfilets upon the hu an sys.em. Gal lgliari’s Pills, though useful for all diseases which originate in a superabundant collection i flute in the stomach, are more paniculuriy intended for Fever and Ague. In the first pace they cleanse, strength en. and give tone to the stomach and bow ms, and cre ate anew and healthy action throughiui the system. They produce a natural and permanent appetito.— They defend the system against new or subsequent attacks of the disea-e. They remove all obstructions of die liver and other organs. They assi-t the various operations of na urc, by cleansing the system of all vi tiaed. corrupt and acrid humors, and thus invigorate and reanimate the whole frame. Possessing a purga tive quality, they cannot remain >n the bowi is to pro duce such o her diseases as follow the injudicious irmoiiitni of Fever and Ague. ‘J hey arc composed eu’iiely of vegetable mater, and may be taken by per -ons of both sexes and ol ail ages, without the h ast danger of unpleasant consequences. In fine, the pub i lie are assured that Galligban’s Bills possess those in estimable virtues which arc requisite not only to ar | rest, but to eradicate and destroy, the last seeds of this most distressing n ; lady if the hunaii family. The Fever and Ague assumes a variety of foims ; but as the most of them are generally well kr..-wn, it is deemed unnecessary here to describe thrm. There is one, however, deserving es notice, which prevails t •~ome extint in low, marshy countries, and which in some respects, bears a striking resemblance to Dys pepsia. Under this form, it is often the case that per sons labor for weeks, months, and even years, without knowing precisely what ails them, and who, if told their disi asc was Fever and Ague, would conceive they had been imposed upon. It is to such that these pills aio rt comnu tided, and to assist ll em in acquirii g a correct knowledge of tlieir complaint—which H.ould always be done before seeking a rcmc-dv —the follow ing are presented as some of the symptoms which in variably attuid this firm of the disease :—inwatd fi vers, unaccornn panic and by thills; cold, and night sweats; irregular appetite"; thirst; low spirits ; ccn fttsion of the mind ; languor ; cold hands and feet ; ir regutaiity of the bow els ; | re: sure on the stomach and abdomen after eating; chances in Ihe color of the urine ; drowsiness ; disagreeable taste ; headache ■ dizziness ; enlargement of the spleen ; costiveness ; nausea ; flatulency and debility. Practitioners ot physic, planters, traders, overseers of plantations, seamen, and families, residing in or visit, inglow countries or warm climates, ought constancy to be supplied with ’htse invaluable Pills. DIRECTIONS.—To derive the greatest possible benefit from these Pills, it is necessary that the direr. | -ions should be carefully followed. Commmce while I the f'\er is ofi wi h lasing three pills, and afterwards r< peat every two hot rs with one pill, until a decided ; etiect has been produced upon the bowels, which will generally take place after six have been taken, some persons requiring more arid some less ; afterwards con tinue taking the pills, one at a dose, three times a dav half an hour before meals. * ’ In some casts three pills a day may be too manv and in others not a sufficient number to keep the bow els moderately loose. It is important to keep this object eonstantlyin view. The person taking them, th.Vr fore, must exercise his judgment and deviate from the above directions accordingly. Children 8 years old must commence by taking one piil and repeating with hat a pul according to the directions given for adults. To children under this age the dose must be propor tionable Fmaller. ‘ ’ In ail obstinate ea®cs, or causes cf long standing it is necessary, to effect a per cot cure of the disea’- that more than one box of the pills should ho taken ’ N. B —B.- particular to keep the box coYered after using the pills. Dec. 21.46tf LOOK AT ‘1111)6! KAN AWAY from tny house, in Georgia Heard • county, on the )3"h October, RICHARD I BECK and my wife, LUCINDA LUMPKIN. They went off together. Said Beck is about twenty- J three years old. five feet eight or nine inches high, with , black beard and hair, dark colored eyes, with a lanrn j rnole on the left side of his nose. Airs. Lumpkin is about thirty-one years cfage. but would pass for much younger wi h persons not acquainted with her. She it about five feet four or five inches high, dark hair, full, forelu ad. yellowish eyes, tolerably fleshy, and in the family way. She look her youngest child a boy about seven ren months old, and named George. Marion. Said Beck road a Roan Horse about ten or twelve years old, with a ball face and black spot on his rump, wi h white belly and eyes. Airs. Lumpkin rode a largo chesnnf-sorrel mare, with a star in her forehead, with some saddle spots on her hack. I will give a reward of FIFTY DOLLARS to any person who will apprehend the said Richard Beck and Lucinda Lumpkin, and deliver them to me in Heard county, or put them in any safe jail, so that I can put the law in full force against them. GEORGE LUMPKIN. November 4 1837. 44m3m NEW MILLIN'A R Y AND FANCY STORE. MRS. GOODW IN would respectfully inform the citizens of Columbus and vicinity, that she has opened a Store of the above description, on the west -ide of Broad street, between Randolph and St. Clair S reets, w here she would he happy to receive the calls of'hose who are in w nt of goods in that line. Amongst her assortment may be found a choice selection of Si ks for Dresses Chinch and Silk Shawls, fancy Handkerchiefs and Scarfs silk Hosiery and Gloves, Fri nch Capes and Collars English Thread Laces ana Edgings Black Lace Viils and Capes, Blond Lace Veils a splendid article. Artificial Flowers, Ring lets. Puffs and every variety of Artificial Hair ; Cor se*® and numerous article® usually found in similar es. ‘ab'ishments. Superfine LEGHORN and STRAW HATS. Fancy Dress Hats and Caps of every vari ety on hand or made to order at the shortest notice, and in the best and most fashionable manner. N. B —DRESSES cut and made to order in the ‘atest style. Nov. 16. 44tf RAY MOND & ALLISON, wholesale Grocers and commission Aterchsnts. Apalachicola. Flo* ’ Aug. 11. l.f